Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Whirlwind of Fate ❯ Whirlwind of Fate ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Whirlwind of fate
By: Silver sun
Genre: Alternate Reality
Rate: PG
Disclaimer: Would you believe me if I told you that I own Sailor Moon? No,
you would NOT, exactly my point, so get OVER YOURSELF, and stop making me
writing this stupid Disclaimers. *sniff sniff* It makes me realize the AWFUL
^^;; that wasn't directed to you dear readers!
A.N: After so many years of my life, I had realized that I DO NOT HAVE A
LIFE! (^^;;) This is why this chapter is delivered to you 2 weeks ahead of
schedule!! Credits, Thanks, hugs, Chocolate and roses to all of you who had
reviewed my fic, who had e-mailed me, the poor desperate author, and whoever
out there who'd read it...
I really need to shorten my A.N so I'll get straight to the point: EMAIL ME,
^^;; enough from me, now sit back and enjoy chapter 5!

In Chapter 4.....
He had something planned out that night, alright, a romantic candlelight
dinner for two at the Starlight Suite. Then a walk in the park.
"Serena, we'd known each other for what? 2 years?"
"Well, more or less, yes."
He licked his lips nervously. "Well, in those times, you've made me feel like
the luckiest man on Earth, you were not only my girlfriend, but my best
friend, I love you more than anything in the world.."
"What are you saying Seiya?"
"Marry me and make me the happiest man alive" He kneeled down on one knee,
and extended a beautifulvelvet box with a beautiful diamond ring. I stood
there and stared at it blankly.
I was shocked, beyond shocked. This was the day that I'd dreamt about for
years since the day I met Seiya. It was a perfect night, it was a perfect
ring, it was a perfect proposal, and Seiya was perfect. Say Yes, Damn it, my
mind screamed at me, this was what you'd always wanted, he'll make you happy,
your dream will come true. You'll have a loving husband, with a cosy house,
he'd come home every night, he'd love your cooking, and you'd have
The perfect Faerie Tale, the beautiful unreal picture.....
The beautiful smell of the card tickled my nostrils. The wind childishly played with my hair.
Then I knew exactly what I had to say.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
I felt relaxed and free. Standing at the balcony, I slowly sipped my
champagne. I didn't feel right celebrating this, but happy, and content I
was. It was as if like nothing else mattered anymore, just me, and the wind,
and the moonlight, looking down at the busy street. Men moved in and out of
buildings, women putting on their big thick jackets and walked hurriedly
across the streets.
Did they know what I just did?
Could they possibly know how free and happy I was?
Bad I did feel, but regret and doubts I did not. At that moment, I knew that
I'd done the right thing. Seiya, he could be happy or upset about my
decision, but I did the right thing, he deserved a good wife, who'd love him
the way he loved me. Yes, we would have been happy together, but passionate,
love? No, the perfect Faerie Tale wasn't what I wanted, or what Seiya wanted
either. Sooner or later, he'd realized what I did was for the best.
I was lost in my thoughts, until' I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was funny,
how I always new it was him before I even looked.
"Hello Darien"
"Meat Balls Head" He said, still the smooth and familiar voice. So very
ignorant but so friendly and warm.
Still looking down at the mesmerizing lights of the street, I asked him.
"Didn't you have a business to take care of?"
"Well, I did, but I figured that I wouldn't miss anything in the world for my
favorite Meat Ball Head's birthday" He said teasingly.
I laughed. Noone could ever make me laugh the way he did. So carefree...
"A rose for you, my princess" He bowed and produced a rose from his tux's
The rose smelled sweet, and charming, I was lost in its scent, dreaming of a
faraway land, with roses everywhere.
"Why thank you, My Prince! It's lovely!" I curtsied, and for the first time,
I felt like a true princess. I looked directly at him, and like always I saw
what I'd always been looking for. Protection.
He looked into my eyes, reaching out for my soul, sincerely and honestly, he
softly asked me.
"Care to dance, my lady?"
Lost in his eyes, I said yes.
He took me into his arms, ever so softly, like the first time we kissed. I
leaned my head on his chest, feeling protected and cared. I felt rich, and
selfish, like I've had everything in this world, but not wanting to share it
with anyone else. I breathed in his brilliant cologne, and like the first
time, I felt shy, and foolish like a little high school girl. His hands were
warm, like hot tears on a winter night, touching my soul and my heart.
There was no music, but everything was perfect. This was the perfection that I wanted, this was what I longed for so long, this was what made me feel whole and complete.
He rocked me back and forth softly, and he hummed a familiar tune.

They say eyes are the doors,
Straight to one's heart
But the question will be
How long will it last.

Your eyes, what do I see in them
The ocean or the sky?
Or do I see?
Your eyes reflect mine?

I see my world in your eyes
All surrounded by clouds
And standing in the centre
Is you on star ground

Don't question me
Question my eyes
For they speak the truth from my heart
And then you'd know and remember
Your eyes...

(A.N: this poem is copy righted to me, so please ask for permission to use it
elsewhere. It was originally written fro a friend...but sadly..we are no
longer friends....)

I felt tears brimming at the back of my eyes, tears of joys and contentness.
Isn't this Déjà vu? Hadn't I heard this song from somewhere? Then I remember,
Christmas nights, warm and toasty fire. We would sit there for hours,
giggling and talking. Everything became so simple and clear.
My mother's voice echoed in my ears.

"Mama, did you love daddy?"
"Reeny, I loved him, and I probably will always, he was someone that my heart
aches for always, it belongs to that person. Daddy didn't share my feelings,
and he couldn't read my heart, but he made my heart go light, and my heart
belongs to him now. He'd taken it away."
"But then, why did you love daddy?"
"Reeny, Love is a very selfish thing, it doesn't allow you to choose who to
love, you'll just love. You'll fall hopelessly in love, and then just to
realise that you shouldn't have"

And then I knew. I realised. That though how much, my heart was trying to
deny it, those feelings, they just kept coming back, and repeated over and
over and over again. Everything that I'd taught myself to believe in,
everything that I made myself to believe, my world, the walls that I'd built
around myself, everything came shattering down into pieces.

Then I realised the one simple fact.
I was still in love with the blasted man.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Emails!! Otherwise, there will be no chapter 6!!!!
More mails people!!
I'm craving for them!