Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction ❯ Trifecta. ❯ Into the Spring. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Document Opened: 07/23/2007, 03:45am.
Authors Note:
For the Solitaire3 community over at LiveJournal.
Claim: Son Goku.

Theme/Prompt: 1. Season's beginning.

Warning for possible out of character-ness.
Disclaimer: Kazuya Minekura owns Saiyuki. Not I said the writer.;p.
Extra Note: Chibi-Goku. After Sanzo freed him.

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Winter could be a scary time, everything would become silent and there was nothing to be seen. It was those times that he would feel most alone.
That's why he liked it when the signs of Spring started to show, The white snow would melt at the warmth of the sun and the life would return.

The newly arrived Spring was still a little cool but nice. He was careful to make sure no one was looking and he snuck over to the Merciful Goddesses peach tree.

And now he liked the season even more since he could see it up close. He walked away happy, eating on a peach he had gotten.

Authors Note:
A couple of parts might be a little off, but I'm happy with how it came out.:).
Later! 07/23/2007, 04:04am.