Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Client ~Their Promise~ ... the continuation... ❯ Sweet Client ~Their Promise~ …the continuation… PART II ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sweet Client ~Their Promise~ …the continuation… PART II
Note: Better read the prequel first before reading this story... or if you really want to read this first, then read. But don't tell me that I didn't warn you! Now, moving on... We last left the scene where Kanzeon and Jiroushin were talking (or rather arguing) about what to do if Meiho's father really wanted to let Kenren and Meiho end up together. Will the Goddess of Mercy fulfill her wish to one of her followers? And I repeat, the character here (Meiho, which by the way means "honor" or "glory"; why I mentioned this, you have to read first...) is not my OC, she's really a character from one of the filler episodes of Gensomaden Saiyuki ep. 14, entitled, "Sweet Client ~Their Promise~", only, I made her grew up here. On with the story!!
Down on Shangri-la...
"Kenren! Let's go! I want to show this to you before you go back to Tenkai!" Meiho yelled at Kenren who was currently running far behind her. "YOU"RE SO SLOW!" Meiho yelled once again. Kenren caught up with her and muttered something under his breath, but Meiho didn't heard what the redhead said.
After some more running, the two are already out of breath and they stopped at the end of the hill where they were supposed to have their lunch. They laid on the cool grass which eventually also cooled their bodies down.
Kenren just laid there, with his gloved hand reached up to the sky. Meiho just stared at him and then said, "You miss your friends there?" He only replied with a smile. "I'm sure they missed you too," Meiho said. Kenren just closed his eyes and felt the wind on his shoulders, and he recalls the times when he was still here in earth, then on Tenkai...
Things really do change... but not all of them...
When he opened his eyes, he saw Meiho staring right on top of his face. She looks so innocent... which reminds me of Goku, in fact. I don't want to ruin this innocence of hers. I must control myself.
"Hey, why are you on top of my face?" Kenren asked. "Because you looked so calm and cool at the same time, that's why," Meiho replied with a huge grin on her face. "Heh, silly little girl," Kenren smirked. Meiho just blushed. Why am I feeling his way? Did he just compliment me?
"The stars... so softly painted on the sky... it's as if their watching us... Nee, Kenren, do you believe that the stars watch us?" Meiho suddenly asked. "The stars watch us, huh? No way! The stars are just there when we need a wish or two. The ones who truly watch us are the Goddess of Mercy and her underling, Jiroushin. She serves as the Fates, he serves as the conscience of the Fates," Kenren explained to her. Meiho only nodded at his explanation and looked back up on the sky.
Meanwhile, in Tenkai, a certain goddess only smiles at what the haughty general just said to the mortal. Heh, I might just grant his wish after all.
Suddenly, shining down upon Kenren and Meiho was a beautiful being clad in a silk dress with the shadow of a phoenix, Kanzeon Bosatsu smiled upon them.
"Kenren Taisho of the Western Heaven Army, I hereby state that you, and your mortal partner, Meiho, will be bounded by undying love. Let the gods and goddesses guide you to a new beginning. Meiho, since you devoted your self to the only man whom you loved for so long, and has appeared himself in your life after a decade, I therefore alter you, from mortal, to the goddess of honor and glory."
And with that, Kanzeon spread her arms, and Meiho was bathed in light. Kenren's scarlet eyes could not believe what he was seeing: seeing his innocent, perky little fairy transform into a blossoming goddess right before his eyes.
Clad with a long veil of silk, and an emerald on her forehead, her long brown hair flows freely as she changed into a beautiful creature.
Beautiful... extremely beautiful... just like no other women or goddesses I've ever seen...
After a much blinding change, Kenren puts down his hand to see a much gorgeous, more innocent looking Meiho standing right in front of him.
"" was all Meiho could say after she turned around and tried to look at herself slowly. "Gorgeous... the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen..." Kenren has his eyes wide as she comes near him, and embracing him fondly. Kenren sighed a sigh of relief, knowing that the kami, especially Kanzeon, agreed to their seem-to-be "forbidden love."
With this, the two turned to see Kanzeon smiling at them warmly. Then appeared Jiroushin, with a handkerchief and his eyes crying with delight. The general just laugh at his actions, then his companions appear... First off was his best friend, who came down from Tenkai to smile genuinely at him and with a greeting of "Congratulations" from him. The next were the master and pet, Konzen and Goku. Konzen still holds one of the papers he stamps with his left hand, and the other hand right over Goku's shoulders. He only looked at the general with only a hint of smile on his lips. Goku smiled his innocent, happy smile and with his shining yellow eyes, they seem to be as if saying "I told you she'll be your girlfriend one day" kind of look. Lastly, the Dragon King of the Western Sea Army arrived. Gojun, with his red eyes, seem to smile at least for his subordinate for once.
Kenren smiled at them broadly, with his haughty attitude seem to flow out of him due to his now new goddess. Meiho just cried in return, "Kanzeon Bosatsu-sama, thank you... thank you... I'll promise I'll do my duty to serve all that are higher than me, in return of your unmeasured kindness." Meiho bowed as she said the words that just came out of her mouth with new awe and inspiration.
"No need to say thank you. You shouldn't thank me, that is. You should thank your parents for this. They're the ones who wished for them to have their daughter to be forever with Kenren. I only granted their wish because you deserve it," Kanzeon explained.
"At least she did something good and merciful for the first time since she existed," Konzen mumbled. "What did you say, my nephew?" Kanzeon asked mockingly, trying to control herself from punching her blonde nephew to the ground. Konzen just grunted as a reply. The rest just laughed at the now bickering aunt and nephew before them.
While the funny scene continues, Meiho sneaked away from them and went to her parents' home. There she found them sleeping peacefully beneath the moonlight, smiling as if they're having their most precious dreams. She didn't even had the heart to wake them up. Instead, she wrote a note about how thankful and grateful she is to have such loving and caring parents to look after her. She couldn't wish for anything else.
The next morning when Meiho's parents woke up, they found the note she had written just for them. After reading, her mother just cried of tears of joy, while her father held the now crumpled paper in his bosom and looked up in the sky. May you be in good hands, my child.
Meanwhile, in Tenkai, a goddess with an emerald on her forehead looked down on earth, and showered lush vegetation to all of Shangri-la. The place with the most delicious fruits and vegetables of course, is from her home, which now she constantly watches over them.
"I'm home now... Thank you for everything, mom and dad."
And with this, she and her rougish general went back to their home in heaven.