Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Heaven above Heaven above Heaven ❯ Bonus chapter 1 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Saiyuki belongs to Minekura-sama. That's it.
Warning: Don't mind if language is odd.
Bonus chapter 1: What they don't say out loud.
Hakkai: Peaceful days
Sometimes, not too often but every once in a blue moon, the roads are well maintained and pothole free so Hakuryuu is still fresh after the day. The sun is merely a pleasant heat on our backs, not those thick and draining rays of desert sunshine. And sometimes, even casual youkais doesn't bother us and we doesn't crash into a sidetrack psychopath lusting for our blood and even Goku and Gojyo are too lazy to pick a fight in a jeep. Sometimes the town we arrive is full of happy, mundane people who live happy lives with mundane worries out in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing we should either take care of or feel guilty for not taking care of. Sometimes the nights are peaceful with card games and rice wine and Mei will giggle even at the most stupid joke Gojyo can tell because she can't hold her liquor at all. The odd thing is she never gets a hangover. Those nights it doesn't bother me at all that I can't get drunk because I don't need alcohol to stop thinking how I bathed my hands in red.
Goku will of course order everything on the menu and make Mei eat some of his share and Sanzo will of course crack him over the head with the fan for talking with his mouth full or crack Gojyo for some random waitress-related perverseness. It will end with shooting and people will stare and I have to apologise for the turmoil. Sometimes I have a chance to cook and Gojyo wanders into the kitchen unannounced afterwards and contrary to his opinion of manual labour helps me to do chores. And if Kougaiji attacks us the following day even Sanzo tolerates Lirin and they make faces that are too amusing not to laugh at. There will still be those rainy nights neither I nor Sanzo can sleep and long dreadful battles next morning and days so stressful even Goku is about to snap but we can take it. Because, obviously, someone up there thinks that we deserve a break sometimes.
Nataku and Qi: Comatose minds
At times I can sense the ghost of a hand upon my head. A caress lifting little weight from my shoulders and heart. It's a touch of Mercy reaching all the way into depths of my mind. Se at least cares enough to notice I am not dead yet. Still I can't force myself to response hir. That's because of my sin. I decided not to do anything but no one have the right to take the easy way out and let people suffer for it. Maybe I am taking the easy way out now and maybe I'm a hypocrite. It's so hard to think like I am. I can see him and hear him but I can not touch him or speak to him. That's what dreams are like. One can not control them. Images and memories flow freely like water around me but that water is not wet, it's unstable and avoids me. One of my memories is special. I can see my heretic friend but my words are kept elsewhere and somebody told me: "It wasn't your fault".
I'm neither living nor dead; I exist in the state of coma locked inside my own mind. I am sealed away and my body is nothing but a piece of stone surrounded by charms. My personal limbo is full of the ghosts of the living--shades of past, present and something that's probably future drifting around me. Mostly I choose to dream of my beloved and my friend. How I was able to reborn without dying first is a mystery to me. I could almost believe it was divine mercy if I didn't know they couldn't tell what the word means without dictionary. And gods see us as impure. We kill all right but they are hypocrites. I can see my dear ones in my mind but we can't talk. Not any more. Still I can wait. There is no such thing as eternity. Some day my soul shall be free again and I'll look for my lover and fried. And if someone tries to take what is mine another time there will be hell to pay.
Homura: It burns
Rinrei was so perfect, the only person who ever treated me, the heretic, as an equal. Well, maybe there were other people who would have but they didn't have to give what I craved for. Rinrei had but we knew we could never be together in peace. We knew that time flies too fast, and life doesn't go the way you want it to if you are impure. Fear and hate was so strong but that still didn't stop us from trying. What they knew their whispers echoing in the night, mocking us when our love was so beautiful?
I have never regretted it even for a moment. Without my memories of her there would be nothing of me left. I'd have lived my whole life through without any warmth or precious memories. Is it really that bad to have golden eyes and unconventional powers? If only gods knew the passion we felt. But they didn't. They exiled her and tore us apart forever and what is life without meaning? I had to avenge us. And so, there would be new world without injustice or hypocrite gods. But all this wouldn't bring Rinrei back. Then she was given back to me now by different name but same appearance. She has changed. She is perfect no more but she still understands what others can not. The one thing she doesn't understand is what I do and what for. I believe that Konzen once said: “Life sucks and then you die.” Bit vulgar way to put it but absolutely correct. And still I can't help but feel a tinge of happiness. Maybe I am losing my sanity.
Kanzeon Bosatsu: My point of view
I would make a great criminal mastermind. Good thing I'm one of the good guys, right?