Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Little Moments ❯ The Last Time ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author; Ipperne
wordcount; 506
Pairing; Kyo/Akira
Disclaimer; I do not own Samurai Deeper Kyo or any of the characters, no money is beeing made uot of this, it's for entertainment only and no harm intended.. It all belongs to Akimine Kamijyo, I'm just playing while wishing that I was that good.
The Last Time
So many hours. So many days. So many months. Akria always stopped for a minute when the thought of all the painful months, no years, that had gone by.
So many years without Kyo. After being a part of Akira's life for so long, he just -dissapeared. For four long years, Akira was by himself.
Then, one day, Akira ran into a girl in a small town that he was passing through. Running into girls on the street was not really something, but this girl was special. She invited him to her room.
Him - a stranger, a blind man, an armed man. Akira followed her, and there in her room Kyo showed up. After four long years, Akira had finally found Kyo.
But Kyo wasn't Kyo anymore.
He was only Kyo's soul, trapped in another man's body.
A man called Mibu Kyoshiro. A man who was said to have defeated Demon Eyes Kyo.
Akira was dissapointed. He needed to fight the real Kyo!
This was how his new journey began. A new journey, with the single purpose of retrieving Kyo's body and unite body and soul.
But every journey has to end eventually, and Kyo dissapeared once more.
It came as a chok for everyone. Kyo yelled at them all, ordering his servants to run for their lives, while he himself stayed in the collapsing tower.
Akira broke down. He didn't believe for one second that Kyo was actually dead, but he was gone. Once more Kyo was not to be found anywhere in the reality Akira called his life.
But this time, he was not alone. Tokito was with him. But he would never admit that he actually cared about her. He would alwas tell everyone that all he ever cared about was to grow stronger, to be ready to meet Kyo when he returned. And Kyo would return. Akira knew, and that was why he was standing here now: in a small clearing in a forrest, waiting.
But he would not be waiting for very long. No, Akira could sense Kyo's presence nearby.
Akira turned around, swords drawn. The bloodlust was right behind him now, and he smirked at it.
”Kyo” he whispered and got a small laugh in return, before the sound of steel against steel rang through the forrest.
Akira blocked Kyo's first attack, and turned to get close to the demon. His swords ready to meet soft flesh when something very unexpected happened. Kyo stopped both of Akira's blades with his own before he quickly flung his left arm around Akira's waist, and pulled him to his chest. Akira's swords fell to the ground as Kyo crushed his lips down upon those of his shocked ex-student.
When Kyo broke the kiss, all Akira could do was to whisper his name.
”You've grown, kid” Kyo said matter of factly and Akira could feel the red eyes burning throug his skin and piercing his very soul, and he found that he never had felt more happy than right here at this moment.