SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Dimensional Guardians ❯ Should I have stayed inside? ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was another uber-hot day in Tennessee, and Emma, a 13-year-old girl, was for some reason outside.

'Whatever told me to come out here was crazy.'

She should've been inside, chatting with friends on the internet, playing on her DSi, watching SDGF episodes, but something deep down had told her to go outside.

She began to walk to the backfields of her street, but stopped once she reached where one of her neighbor's fences stopped.

'Why did this backfield get bought by that new church?'

She stared longingly at the tree that sat on the property, remembering a time before when some neighbors had but a swing on there, and the times she would come and swing on it.

Emma looked around.

It looked like nobody was here...

She dashed to the tree.

'I could get in trouble for this, buuuuut whatever!'

When she reached the tree, she laid a hand on the trunk, wishing that the tree was in her frontyard, when some crazy weird thing happened.

She felt strange, her head became light, her eyes heavy, her body limp, she began to feel sleepy, and for a brief moment, thought she tasted apples. She felt her skin and body begin to shift and move, as if it was changing.

Then she fainted.