SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Fabula of Meus Vita ❯ The Problem with Dead Batteries ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

OMG…. Stupid website refused to upload my latest chapter completely so I'm forced to start over. Oh well here we go again. sorry this update took so long, anywhooo, I also rearranged the chapters so if it looks different, it probably is.
Ok this has been bouncing around in my head for so long I had to get it out on paper. This first chapter is just to introduce my oc and get this wagon rolling.
If yall don't like the story let me know I'll make it better or if it's too bad I'll delete it altogether and start over.
NOT SELF INSERT i promise!!
OC Character
Victoria Lyn
Age: 20
Height: 5'4''
Hair: long, dirty-blonde, usually worn in a braid
Eyes: left-red, right-brown (keep reading, there's a good reason for this)
Can usually be seen wearing shirt that says “Warning: Do Not Approach From Behind” written on the back
Occupation: Electronics tech and weapons development and repair at SDG
Both of her parents died when she was young. Her father died before she was born and her mother died when she was only six years old due to cancer. Vikki was practically raised in the hallways of the SDG Base by her uncle Kao Lyn. She also grew up thinking that Captain was her brother, and to this day still calls him “bubba” every now and then. But most who meet her and don't know her well chalk it up to her southern accent. (which is heavier that GunBike.)
GB: HEY!! You callin' me fat?!
Me: Nope just ridiculously heavy. Now stop interrupting
When Sazabi invaded the city, Vikki was unlucky enough to get bitten by the “skeeters from hell” as she called them, and even more unlucky to have her statue fall over. How ever it didn't crumble to bits because she had curled into a ball when they swarmed her and minimized any potential damage. But she didn't escape unscathed. Her stony form fractured all over the left side, and when she was reverted back to normal the damage was so severe that she lost her left arm, leg and eye. The left side of the torso was also badly damaged and when surgeons couldn't fix it, her uncle set for to solve it himself using his vast knowledge of mechs and cybernetic theories.
Needless to say, it worked but there was one detail that he just could work out. The cybernetic systems put a strain on her already taxed heart. Once she got the hang of her new appendages, she had to limit all physical activity to a minimum and keep a level head (because we all know you blood pressure goes through the roof when you get steamed).
She was highly upset over this, since she used to spar with some of the mechs. Mostly the GunDivers and Guneagle, but never Captain. Her martial arts wasn't that good. She studied Kuk Sool Won, a style of martial art that relied heavily on joint locks pressure points and using your opponents own momentum against them. Yes she was a sad little puppy for a while.
The one thing keeping her out of depression was her best friend, Guneagle. She first met him when she was about 15 and was 16 when he saw his first real fight in the field of battle. But she didn't see him as a brother as she did Captain. So how did she see him? Well, ever had a new student come to your high school and you were secretly crushing on each other but didn't know it yet yourselves? Yep that was those two in a nutshell.
But what about the GunDivers? Vikki only got along with some of the GunDivers, namely #1, 5, 6, and 7. Some of Bellwood tools had more personality than #2 or 3, and #4 was a drama queen and royal pain when not in the field.
Where was the weapon specialist now? Vikki was in her lab, bent over her work table. On it was a beam rifle or at least what used to be a beam rifle. Scattered about were several chips capacitors, diodes transistors and such, all smaller than your pinkie fingernail. In her hands were the red and black testing leads from a multimeter.
Me: For those of you not fluent in electronic speak a multi meter is basically a voltmeter then read more than just volts, Okay? Okay.
Her current test subject was a rather large green circuit board with about 3 or 4 dozen of the components mentioned earlier. Moving the test leads from one piece to another, Vikki glanced back and forth between the meter and the board, looking for a non-functioning piece of hardware. At the moment the meter was reading ohms, and about halfway through the circuit board, she got a reading of 0 ohms.
“Aha! Gotcha, ya defective lil' buzzard.”
She dropped the meter leads and grabbed a pair of tweezers to yank out the tiny offending transistor and replace it with a working one. After that, she put the gun back together with a practiced skill that would make Captain jealous. When she finished that, she got up and grabbed a com-link and pressed a few buttons. She tried again when she didn't get a response, and then set the device back on the table.
“Damn dead battery. Now ah hafta track Captain down so he can test this thing.”
With that she headed for the door. When she walked out she was literally run into by GunDivers #5 and 6 and Guneagle, the resident pranksters.
“Watch it!”
“Look out!”
Anyone watching would've seen a pile of tangled gundams with a human hand or foot sticking out here and there. One passing SDG staff whipped out a camera and took a picture before beating a hasty retreat, determined to live long enough to put the photo on the SDG's “goofing @ work” website. Fortunately for him (or her) the three mechs and human had other things on their minds. Like untangling themselves for example.
Which they did and once they were all back on their feet #5 and #6 took off again with a quick “Hi Vik! Bye Vik” before they disappeared. But when GunEagle tried to run for it, she grabbed a hold of his wing with her mecha arm.
“Woah there, what er yall runnin from, a nuclear explosion?
GunEagle stopped struggling in her iron grip and turned around.
“Oh it's you! *phew*”
“Oh it's me? What didja think ah was the boogie man? Or maybe Snaggletooth?” She grinned at the mention of the latter.
“HEY! That cat of yours is EVIL! And no, I thought you were GunBike for a sec.” his eyes started shifting back and forth and he looked like he was ready to bolt at the slightest trigger.
“Aww, lil' Snaggs ain't evil, she jes doesn't like you.” She let go of his wing and poke him in the chest. “An why are you runnin' from GunBike anyway?
He stopped shifting around and leaned in closer grinning mischievously. “Two words: Pink Paint.”
She gaped at him for a second, then started giggling madly.
“Pink paint? Pink paint?!! Oh for th' love of all things holy Bird-man, he's gonna murder you 3!”
Suddenly, off in the distance, they both heard a revving engine. And GunEagle started to take off again. Remembering why she started out in the first place, she grabbed a hold of his wing again before he could get away.
“Wait a sec! D'y know where I can find Captain?
“Uhh… I think I saw him heading for the chief's office.” Another rev, this time just around the corner. “*gulp* Gottagobye!”
This time he did get away, and no sooner did GunEagle turn the corner, did GunBike come roaring around the opposite one. Pink paint really did say it all. His front end was completed covered in a lovely shade a bright Day-Glo pink and splatter was all over the rest of him.
“Not. A. WORD.”
“I-I wasn't -gonna say nuthin!” Vikki was struggling to contain herself, but contain she did.
GunBike glared in her general direction and simply asked “WHERE??!!” Okay, so it was more of an order than a question. As she lost her fight with the giggles, she simply pointed in the direction the culprit left in.
He grumbled a “thank you” and tore off. Normally, she wouldn't have ratted out her best friend, but she owed him for the time he took all her socks ( and bras and underwear) and stuck them in the freezer. The whole base had dubbed him the ultimate panty thief after that incident and the name stuck for a month.
She got over her giggle fit and turned in the direction that GunBike had come from, and made her way to Chief Haro's office.
Unseen by both mech and human, the same SDG staff member from before crept out of his (or her) hiding spot, now with two photos to put on the web.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Winding through the halls of SDG, Vikki made her way towards the chief's office. She was tempted to stop by the med bay and pester her uncle, but decided against it figuring he would have his hands full once GunBike got his hands… or tires… on the other three. Oh well, their fault. She would visit them later. Vikki poked her head through the door in any way
“Hiya Uncle!” Kao Lyn flipped around with his signature acrobatics. Though now an old man, he still had the moves of his twenties. Which was 30 years ago. He did a backflip upon seeing his niece.
“Hello Victoria! How are you?” Kao Lyn was one of the few people who didn't use her nickname.
“Ah'm fine Uncle. But someone won't be in a bit. “ He looked at her quizzically and she smiled back at him. “Some one repainted GunBike. Pink.”
He face-palmed, then flipped over and empty exam table, landing in front of her. “And I suppose you had nothing to do with it?”
“Nope, not this time.” She threw her hands up in surrender and backed towards the door. Kao Lyn gave and exasperated sigh and flipped back over the table.
“Seeya Uncle Lyn!”
A few minutes later she arrived at her destination, and cursed the size of the base. She saw Julie and waved hello. “Hey Julie, they ain't talkin' bout nothing really important are they?”
“Hey Vikki. Important? Yes. Urgent? No? What do you need?”
“Nothin' real important, jes need to steal Captain for a sec.”
She laughed at Vikki's southern drawl. “Hehe. Well go on in, I'm sure the chief won't mind.”
“Thanks.” She walked back over to the Chief's office, and knocked on the door. It whooshed open and she walked in.
“Hey Chief, Captain. Sorry d'I interrupts something?”
“ Hello Vikki.”
“Hello Victoria. No you didn't interrupt. As a matter of act maybe you can help us.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “Really? With what?” He `brother' stepped up.
“We are planning a reunion of the Gundam Force. It's been about 2 years since the Dark Axis fell and about 4 years since Sazabi's attack on Neotopia. The Chief figures its time for one.”
“A party, eh?” She broke into a wide grin. Somebody always made a fool of themselves at SDG parties. “Jes keep the knight and samurai away from each other, and nothin' will get destroyed. So when is it?”
“ It will be a couple of weeks from now.” Chief Haro dropped the papers he was holding on the desk. “So what is it you need?”
Vikki walked over and leaned her arm on Captain's shoulder. “Actually Chief, Ah'm just here t' steal Captian from ya. Hope ya don't mind.”
The Chief shook his head and chuckled. “No I don't mind at all. As a matter of fact, I believe we're through here.”
“Thanks Chief.” She turned to the only mech in he room.” Cap, ah got your rifle fixed. Blasted thing had a blown transistor. It was shortin' out the laser mechanism and the battery. That's why it couldn't hold a charge an' kept getting' hot and dyin' on ya.”
He glanced over at Vikki, surprised. “Really? If that was the case, then I'm surprised it didn't explode.”
“No kiddin'. Ah just need you to come down to the lab and give it a test run.”
“ Ah, I'm sorry Vikki. I promised Shute I'd meet him after school. His mother needs some help cleaning out their storage shed.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I volunteered the last time I visited them.”
She laughed at the gundam and locked her hands behind her head. “He he he, that's ok. We can get it in the mornin'. T' Tell ya the truth, I'm ready to get home and relax.”
“… And tame that wild feline.” The mecha displayed his `mishevious' expression and moved well out the cyborgs reach.
She swung at him any way, swatting only air. “Will yall fellas lay m'cat!” Vikki said in mock anger. “She jes doesn't like guys is all. Human or gundam?” She gave him a false glare. And Captain just shook his head. Vikki laughed at him, then started toward the Gunperry dock, having already locked up her lab when set left. Vikki waved her goodbye as she left
Meanwhile somewhere… dark
“Ow! Watch it, that was my eye!”
“Well, *ow* get your wing outta my spine!”
“And get yo-- SHHH! He's coming!”
The former Dark Axis trio was hard pressed to ignore the shuffling coming from their broom closet.
“… the hell was that?”
“Dahh… Closet h-haunt-ted!”
The biggest of the three, Dom, was cowering behind Zapper and Gouf. The latter of the two grabbed his broom and used the wooden handle to hit the `OPEN' button on the door's keypad. When he did, the three mechs inside tumbled out.
One of the GunDivers turned to his brother with an “I told you it wasn't him.”
“No but that is! RUN!” Guneagle grabbed the other two and took off down the hallway.
Quickly followed by a still pink GunBike.
And then they were alone.
“And I repeat…..the hell was that?” Zapper stared down the hallway.
“Dah…Pink!! Ahahahaha!”
“Shut up Dom”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`< /div>