SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Sick Day ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
Sick Day
By: May-VeggieGirl1

Omg this fic is 24 pages long. x__x and I wrote it in three days.
Done for fun because this is the first time in a while I've been sick, I've been in a little jam with THB... and Charon is still questing friendship fics as far as I know. ^o^

Friendship friendship friendship. Of course you can interpret it however you want, but made for friendship. D:
It was any old morning in Neotopia. The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing, the train cars were rolling, and the people were off busy with their daily routine in a cheerful glamour thanks to ease of mind from danger and mercy of weather.
But not everyone was off on their way.

"Ahhh, why can't Master Bell Wood understand how vital it is to get the device up and running again?!"

"Maybe because he figures you'll just end up damaging it again."
Baku turned his head up to glare at Zero floating by in accusation as Entengo trotted along.

"That was an ACCIDENT!"

"Accident or no, it is what it is," Zero tucked his hands behind his head and smiled to himself at how quickly that shut up Baku. He heard an irritated noise from behind him and snapped his fingers, knowing fully it was only going to direct Baku's miffed feelings towards himself again. "It would do you well to learn some patience from this."

"ZERO," Baku screeched as a dozen Princess Roses appeared on top of his head and quickly leapt off of Entengo, lunging at the winged knight. Zero only continued to smile playfully as he twirled to the side, watching Baku miss his assault completely and fall to the ground, landing on his feet.

"You're so predictable."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Baku furiously yanked the roses off of his head and threw them aside carelessly, successfully wiping the glee from Zero's eyes. Captain, stepping off of the patio, rounded the corner and spotted them approaching Shute's house. He moved to greet them before Baku's temper tantrum ended up in another clash of steel as he was sure it would lead to.

"I thought I heard you two." Zero looked up at their friend and nodded, averting his mind from Baku's merciless attack on his precious roses.

"Ah, Captain! Greetings! It is a lovely day, no?"

"It'd be better if you didn't have to go off and ruin every moment of it," Baku added sourly as Entengo moved up to him to be stroked on the nose.

"So where is Shute?"

"He's sick," Captain said with a frown and, surprisingly, managed to put on his sad eyes expression the first try. Baku and Zero blinked in surprise at the news.


"The poor lad. What ails him so?"

"It's a mild case of influenza."

"Influenza," Baku repeated awkwardly and tilted his head a little to the side.

"Ah, the flu. Enemy to all," Zero shook his head quietly. Keiko opened the door and stepped out, equipped in her traditional outfit with purse this time.

"Captain-" She turned around and paused, obviously not expecting to see three gundams there. "Oh! Hello Zero, Bakunetsumaru."

"Good day, Lady Keiko," Zero gestured politely. "How is Shute doing?"

"He's been better," She sighed softly but looked up with a twinkle in her eye. "I had to stay home today to take care of him, so I haven't had the chance to go out. Could I ask of you two a favor?"

"Of course, mi'lady," Zero smiled and landed on his feet, Baku behind him nodding.

"Anything for Shute." Keiko fished around in her purse and pulled out a little notepad, scribbling something down with a pen and tearing it off, offering it to Zero.

"He used up the last of the cold and flu syrup. Could you pick up more of the medicine at the pharmacy? It's down in the city, you can't miss the building." Zero took the piece of paper and studied it carefully, producing a Princess Rose for her.

"You can trust me, mi'lady. I shall make haste." As he promised, he quickly took up into the air and flew off. Baku watched him go as she walked up to him, also handing him a small piece of paper.

"Please go to Shute's school and give this to his teacher. It'll excuse him for missing school today. Oh, and be sure to pick up any homework or class work he needs to make up." He took it and looked up in confusion.

"I thought you were his teacher..." Keiko giggled a little and waved her hand.

"Oh no, I teach one grade above Shute. I'll be his teacher next year." Baku looked back down at the paper, reading the name "Mrs. Granel" and nodded once, holding up a fist.

"Alright then! I'll get Shute's homework from this Mrs. Granel, no sweat!" He took off running in the same direction as Zero had, Entengo watching him go before moving over to nibble on some grass. Captain turned to Keiko.

"Do you need me to run an errand?"

"No, that's all," She said, smiling and opening the front door again. "But I'm sure Shute would appreciate your company." Captain nodded and followed her inside the house.


Zero made it to bustling downtown Neotopia in no time at all. He floated over the heads of people, some looking up in shock and murmuring to each other, some completely clueless to his presence. He scanned over all of the buildings before resting upon the pharmacy. Zero smiled and darted over to it.

"Well, this has been an easy quest." He landed gently and strolled inside, instantly bombarded with color and shapes and sizes of such various items he couldn't help but stop and stare at the intensity of it all. Lipstick, hair dye, cosmetics, toys, batteries, photos, a cooler of drinks, miscellaneous junk, candy, and then rows and rows of aisles were there on display and he had only taken one step inside the building. Nearby, the cashier finished up a transaction with a customer, turning to him with a stare.

"Can I help you," She droned, not really with intent to help the floored gundam but to get him out of the way of incoming and outgoing customers. He turned to her and smiled politely, taken aback by the piercing in her nose along with everything else.

"Uh, hello mi'lady. I was sent here to pick up some medicine-"

"The pharmacy counter is all the way in the back," She interrupted and turned back to ring up the next customer in line, no longer paying mind to him. Flustered, he nodded.

"Thank you." His words fell on deaf ears and, realizing that, he decided to get through as quickly as possible. He flew down the aisle, being careful not to fly too high and hit signs and not too low to sideswipe customers with carts. Finally he came upon a wall, lined with more various things compacted together and glanced around, spotting the word 'pharmacy'. It was a tiny waiting area with a simple counter where a line of seventeen or so people waited impatiently, not willing to use any of the provided seats. Zero held his breath and landed on his feet at the end of the line, doing his best to keep his composure as everyone in the line made irritating movements such as drumming their fingers or rustling through their bag.

"Just a little wait and I'll have Shute's medicine in no time," He said quietly to himself. "No time at all."


Baku didn't start off nearly as well as Zero had. He had taken off in such a rush, he was already into the city by the time he realized something crucial he forgot to ask Keiko.
Where was Shute's school?
He ended up wandering around and looking up and down the complicated streets and suburbs, growing increasingly anxious. Zero might have already finished getting the medicine and if he went back to inquire exactly where the school was, he knew the taunting would follow to his grave. Baku looked at the paper with a frown, trying to see if there was any hint to where the building was when a man noticed the distressed gundam and peered over his shoulder.

"Do you need help?" Baku jumped a little in surprise but smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head upon seeing the man.

"Yeah, that would be great! Do you know where the school is?" The man nodded and pointed down a street.

"It's at the end of this road, on the left." Baku thanked him with a bow and hurried off, dodging people.

"Neotopia really is a great place. Humans are so thoughtful," He mulled to himself as he approached the great, old building made of brick. He studied in awe at how antique it was when a sudden loud brang sound from a bell snapped him out of his gaze. Not realizing where it came from, he shrugged and walked up the three steps to the door, only to have it thrown open in his face and slam him up against a wall as hundreds, no, a thousand!, students rushed through to the outside world. Baku watched like a deer caught in headlights as the stream of bustling chattering people finally made it through the entrance as they took to the streets through bus or car or foot. Slowly, he slid to the ground and sat there all too stunned for a moment to gather his bearings. "What... just... happened?"

"Are you alright sir?" He blinked and looked up to a lady obviously past her days of prime as gray strands littered her faded black hair. She frowned in concern, deepening the wrinkles, and closed the door.

"I think so," He admitted before forcing himself back onto his feet. "What was that about?"

"The students are quite... eager to leave school," She said carefully with a chuckle to hide her disappointment in their behavior. Baku nodded dumbly and looked down at his piece of paper.

"I'm looking for a teacher named Mrs. Granel..."

"Mrs. Granel," The lady's frown deepened as she thought it over. "There is no Mrs. Granel here at Neo High."

"Neo High," Baku repeated, equally confused. She pointed to the great sign that read Neo High School- home of excellence. He stared at it for a long time before realizing that the students that had flocked past him all looked way too old to be in Shute's grade. He smacked his head plate and grumbled swears in Japanese. "I've got the wrong school!" The lady touched her lips, thinking it over before motioning him inside.

"I can find out which school Mrs. Granel teaches at if you want." Disappointed he had wasted so much time already, he sagged his shoulders and followed behind her.

"That would be most appreciated."

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x

Zero's nerves bent. Bent like limp celery. They bent most definitely in ways they shouldn't and weren't designed to bend in. His left eye twitched ever so slightly as his eyes darted over to a yawning lady off to the side. This pharmacy had to be the most nerve-wreaking room he had ever encountered in his life, he insisted to himself. The clock ticked loudly. A person coughed every three or so minutes. Babies from the other side of the store would wail and scream out of control until soothed- sometimes involving more screaming by the mother or father. A man in a business suit continually cleared his throat and tapped his foot. A child kept playing with the blood pressure machine, making it inflate and deflate. Even the section of the store was beginning to get to him- the facade appearance of cleanliness a contrasting illusion as the sick and elderly created an atmosphere of decay. Zero took another deep breath and clutched his fist tight, crumbling the paper unintentionally at the same time.
He was certain now that soon his will was going to bend with his nerves and he'll end up flying away, far away, into the woods to keep himself hidden in some hallowed tree like a hermit until he eventually recovered and slowly attempted to re-integrate himself with society again.

Or he could just scream instead.
But by grace of luck, it was finally his turn and his will dug into him again as he leaned on the counter, forcing on a slow, eerie smile.

"Hello, my dear, how are you today?" The women over the counter smiled back wearily, obviously taxed from the unfeeling business and the people who had no regard for her.

"I'm doing alright, thank you. How can I help you today?" Zero unwound a little, seeing how she looked to feel the same as himself and found pity for her.

"I'm here to pick up some medicine for my ill friend."

"What's his name?"



"Shute, spelled like laundry shute." He stood up straight and spelled it aloud. "S-h-u-t-e."

"One moment please." She stepped back to the lines of rows and columns of boxes with papers and letters stuffed in them. He watched her and her colleagues work interested, mostly in attempt to avoid his surroundings. The women finally came back with a frown.

"I'm sorry sir, we don't seem to have any records of Shute ordering any medicine recently."

"But," Zero protested, not believing what he was hearing. "I was told to pick up some medicine! Cold and Flu syrup!" He opened up the crinkled paper and looked it over as the women smiled.

"Oh! That's an over-the-counter drug." He slowly looked up at her, baffled.

"...This... is a counter, is it not? Can I... pick up the drug over this counter here?" She sweatdropped and smiled awkwardly, pondering how she was going to explain this.

"Sir, over-the-counter means the counter up front where you purchase everything else. It's something you can pick up off of the shelf-this is a pharmacy where the drugs need to be prepared as a doctor has prescribed." Zero stared at her with large, confused eyes as she fidgeted.

"I can't get it here?"

"You can get it in Aisle 13, sir," she said and pointed to the right down by the aisles. "Um.... have a nice day?"

"Alright, thanks," He said quietly and began to float off towards his new destination, frustrated at how much time and precious sanity he wasted over nothing.

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x< br>

Baku arrived at Shute's school, tired and feeling stupid for not bringing Entengo. It was all the way on the other side of Neotopia and he had passed it twice while trying to make heads or tails of the little map Neo High School's principle had drawn for him. He grasped the handle of the door when the all-too-familiar brang sound caused him to flinch. Baku paused for a moment to think of where he heard that before realizing it was the school's bell for dismissal. Instantly, he threw himself up against the wall as, sure enough, the flocking students rushed out of the doors in large droves. After the stampeding subsided, Baku sighed and went inside, looking around for someone who could help him.

His search brought up the curiosity of one of the few remaining students in the building. The blonde hair, blue-eyed child with freckles stared at him, clutching his backpack and sitting in the chair by the outside of the front office. He showed a toothy grin when Baku looked his way and hopped onto his feet.

"Whacha' need, Mister Robot?" Baku smiled at him and showed him the note.

"I'm looking for a teacher named Mrs. Granel. Do you know where she is?"

"Mrs. Granel, eh," He smirked and handed the paper back to Baku, fishing through his backpack for a keychain. "I'll show ya the way!" He grabbed Baku's hand and led him along quickly down one of the hallways, hurrying around the bend.

"Ah, thank you- um..."


"Yes, thank you Stephen." Baku smiled and followed behind with ease. He led him down past other classroom doors until he came upon a metal closed elevator door with three buttons on it and a keyhole. Stephen began to flip through the keys as Baku watched, intrigued.

"What are you doing?"

"Openin' the door," he said while licking his lips. "She has one of the classrooms in the basement where the ol' science wing was...Until that fire a year ago," He voice trailed off a little.

"Oh," Baku nodded, pretending to understand. It sounded reasonable enough to him, even though he personally would not want to stay around in an basement that apparently was caught in a fire once. "It's locked though?"

"All the students have keys," He grinned again and held up the silver grey key, putting it into the hole and giving it a twist. "Just a little error that is still being fixed. It locks itself every few minutes."

"Well that's silly," Baku shrugged and followed him into the elevator, bracing himself uncomfortably as it began to slowly descend to the basement. He gripped the railing and stared up at the slowly flickering light, his unease building until he finally made a little whine. "They need to repair this whole elevator."

"Yessir," Stephen looked up as the light clicked on with a chiming ding sound, the sliding doors opening to the dark basement. Baku peered into the black abyss curiously, eyes looking around slowly. He could make out shapes of boxes and bookcases but nothing much more without a light.

"Are you sure this is it?"

"Yeah! Come on," Stephen grinned again and ran off, not waiting for Baku. He gasped as Stephen's form disappeared from sight quickly, hurrying after him.

"W-Wait! Stephen!" Baku shivered as he realized just how dark it was, narrowly scooting around a box spewed over on the ground. The only light, flickering from the elevator, dissipated as the doors came to a close, leaving Baku alone in the dark. He gasped at the sound of it shutting and twirled around this way and that, looking to find anything frantically. "Hello?? HELLO??" Baku backed up against the door, chuckling nervously while sweating. "Th-There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just dark, that's all. Stephen's still here and so is Mrs. Granel, right? Hahaha. Nothing to be afraid of."


Zero flew by all of the aisles, eyes fixed to the signs dropped down in the middle of them all until he came upon the number 13. No one was there, which he didn't know if he should have been thankful or upset about. The shelves were stacked and compacted together in multitudes as he landed and decided he might as well start somewhere. He picked up the first item on the end and looked at it closely. It was a box, quite flimsy and small that had pictures of bandages on it. Zero compared the name of it with what Keiko had wrote down and determined with certainty that this box was not what he was looking for. He set the box back and picked up the next package.

Needless to say, by the time he had moved a single pace down the aisle, he was fed-up with checking every individual package. Zero set down one last tube of hemorrhoid cream and turned to go seek help from another employee when, suddenly, a pitch, shrill cry caused him to stop in his tracks. He knew that sound from anywhere!
"A maiden is in trouble!" He clutched his fists and took off into the air, tracking which direction it had come from. "There will be no lady who suffers from evil's hand while I am near," He growled to himself while looking around for the said lady. "Shute will have to wait just a bit longer for that medicine!"

"Ah!" Zero spun around and dived down over the last aisle on the end, halting in air a few feet above the ground, eyes on a group of three women crowded around a glass table.

"There! Are you-"

"And it's on sale too! Oh how perfect, how exquisite!" The young women with white blonde hair, and the high pitched voice, clasped her hands together, hearts in her eyes.

"The Vive Et Duo is one of our most popular brands," The women with dark red hair over the counter said with a coy smile, leaning forward holding a vial. The other, bulkier blonde next to her twirled the sample card in her hand. Zero floated there most awkward and stared at the three overly excited women. Obviously the cry was one of ecstasy, misplaced perhaps, and surely not of terror. He sighed and hung his head, feeling a bit dumb. Valiant knights are not needed here in Neotopia.

"Can I help you?" He brought his eyes to them again as they watched him float in awe. Zero rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I thought you all were in trouble and... well... no, it's nothing." The bright-eyed blonde snatched the vial away from the red haired women, holding it up to Zero while jumping around, hyped up.

"Try this perfume!" Zero stared at the vial and began to back away nervously, sweating. It was true, he enjoyed delicate fragrances but not particularly on him, much less with the power and pungency perfume had. Besides, Baku's ridicule was enough offhand about being dainty and feminine- actually smelling like one and Zero knew the taunting would follow him to his grave.

"N-No... thank you though, ladies!"

"But you'll love it," The women edged forward, standing on her tiptoes while extending the bottle to him. He gently pushed it away, still flying backwards.

"I can't, I appreciate your offer though, really-" While backing away, his cape caught on the back corner of her chair, pulling down and snapping his head back into the shelving of the aisle. He rightened himself and rubbed the spot on his head tenderly, watching their strangely horrified faces.

"Nnh," Zero glanced back over his shoulder, looking for what he hit and went cold at the sight of shelves, with tightly compacted beauty care products, rocking backwards with the entire column holding it. Acting quickly on instinct, he zoomed over the top of it, to the side coming down, holding up his hands. "Oh mana!" The magic crested shield appeared and clashed up against the cascade of objects. The people in the next aisle watched amazed as Zero, with a careful heave, returned the shelf upright in place. But a single smash ruined his momentary victory as he felt the sudden cold wet sensation run down his face and neck. A vial of pink at the top had tipped over and smashed on his head below, drenching him in the powerful aroma of...
Sweet Strawberry.

And while he furiously tried to dry himself of the smell with his cape, he spotted an ominous short man stomp over to him which such a dangerous air about him, Zero knew he could have only been one person.
The manager.

It was that moment Zero realized it was not his day.


"I'mnotafraid, I'mnotafraid, I'mnotafraid," Baku chanted rhythmically under his breath while biting his knuckle. He shuffled forward. Hesitated. He shuffled forward again then quickly made a nervous scuttle back. The repetition was the reason he was still absolutely nowhere in the darkness. Who knew what kinds of atrocities were committed here in the old science wing? Mutations, dissections? Did people die in that fire? Baku's stomach flipped at the mere thought.
Realizing he was giving into the fear, he shook his head furiously and though about Zero's mocking smile, which was enough to get his blood boiling. "I'm. NOT. afraid!"

"Liar!" He squeaked and fell over on his rump, looking around frantically. The boom of an echoing voice chuckled at his state of terror and Baku could've sworn he saw something move there in the dark.

"Wh-Who's there? Where is Mrs. Granel? Where is Stephen?"

"They're mine!" The echoed voice reeled with maniacal laughter as Baku trembled, clenching his fists.

"You fiend! Unhand them!"

"SILENCE, fool!" He flinched but stood on his feet again, trying to calm his screaming nerves.

"Show yourself, coward!" With a bang, several lights from random directions came on, spotlights as they focused solely on certain objects. A tray of cutting knives and other metal dangerous instruments. Beakers and test tubes of strangely colored liquids. And a book, opened to a specific page... of a human skeleton with humans off to the side of the picture, screaming. At the top of the page read in big black letters, "DEATH".
The echoing laughter started up again and Baku, realizing he was beginning to feel faint from his pounding gunsoul, clutched his swords.

"I'm... not... afraid..." He began again, edging away from the book. "I'm... not... afraid... Shute is depending on me..." He closed his eyes tight and drew his swords and inch from their sheaths, the click sound comforting to him. "I'm... not afraid!"

"Yes you are!" A skeleton hand laid on Baku's shoulder from behind and he took no hesitation, letting out a war cry and slashing away.


"I saw what happened," The manager, actually smaller in height than Zero, with awfully bushy eyebrows and a protruding vein in his forehead, sneered at him. Zero stood at full attention, as Gunbike had unwillingly trained into him, posture tight and ready to be verbally abused.

"Sir, I'm sorry, sir."

"'Sorry' doesn't put that $120 bottle back in our inventory," He snapped back, flecking Zero with spit. Zero mentally winced but couldn't contain his retort.

"That's pricey for something that smells so bad..."

"It smells bad because it's on you!" The manager stood as high as he could, chest puffed out and eye level coming just short of Zero's. The gundam closed his eyes and tried to imagine being in the resurrected Lacroa with his beautiful, kind princess all the while answering calmly.

"Sir yes sir."

"So if I were you, robot, I'd get out your check book and get writing."

"I don't have any money."

"WHAT?" Zero opened his eyes.

"I don't have any money."

"Then what are you doing in a store for?" The manager squinted at him, obviously untrusting. "Coming here with plans to steal, eh?"

"No, I-"

"What's your manufacturer number, robot?"

"My what? I don't have that, I'm not from Neotopia."

"Well you're not leaving this store- or my sight!- until you've paid up!" Zero sighed and held his head, fighting off the headache. Obviously this guy wasn't going to let up and it was an aggravation Zero wasn't willing to deal with.

"Please, sir, I can't pay you back-"

"Oh sure you can, robot." The manager rubbed his hands together, grinning. "In labor." Zero scoffed but it didn't deter him. "Have any skills there, robot, before I decide to stick you with loading crates of inventory?"

"Magic," Zero replied uninterested, looking over his wrinkled cape with a frown. The manager rolled his eyes.

"Alright then, Houdini, pull a rabbit from a hat for me." Zero glared at him, offended.

"Excuse you, I said magic- not cheap tricks!" He snapped his fingers and a dozen Princess Roses appeared on top of the man's head. The manager stared at them, flabbergasted as Zero crossed his arms, upset at being compared to those poser magicians.

"R...Roses! Blue roses, out of thin air!"

"Princess Roses," Zero pointed out. An evil gleam came to his eye as he took the flowers carefully into his hands.

"Yes, yes, that's perfect. You can pay me back with these roses! I'll make a bundle- and more!- with such an exotic flower!" Just when Zero thought the slime-for-man couldn't possible be any more insulting, he proposed something so profane even Baku wouldn't dare touch the subject with a ten-foot pole. Zero gasped, completely floored.

"Blasphemy," He cried. "You cretin, you! You dare ask me to SELL my most noble and priceless Princess Roses that Mana has graced me with?! For your rotten currency!" Zero narrowed his eyes and turned his head into the air. "You sicken me, sir!"

"Either that or I call the police and haul you off to jail," the manager growled in warning. A lump formed in Zero's throat. Jail? He, a noble Lacroan knight and member of the Gundam Force, responsible for the revival of Lacroa, in jail? Sure, Chief Haro probably could get him out of the jam, but it was still such a horrible taint to carry with him for the rest of his life! Zero, the strawberry-reeking criminal of Neotopia who broke an expensive vial of perfume upon his own head like a fool and refused to pay his dues! What a grim, grim title! Could he possibly bear such a thing?

The manager's smile was wide like any snake would be and he dragged along the dazed, morally weakened gundam. "We'll set up a special stand in the front of the building."

"Oh mana! Forgive me," Zero wept.


Baku was P.O.'ed. Capital P to the capital O, Pissed Off. Apparently, there was no ghost or apparition or even a classroom down in the basement, which never burned down. It wasn't even the old science wing, just a cluttered place for the real science wing to leave their things scattered about in a hazardous way.

So who was behind the scare? Who else but Stephen. Baku found the equally terrified boy once he had slashed straight through the bones and he was more than willing to confess his sins now that he was staring up at katana aimed for his head.

Baku gnawed away at himself and thanked his stars of destiny, because if Stephen hadn't made the ear-piercing shriek, the samurai very likely would’ve cut through him as well. And what samurai cut through defenseless children and dare said they fought for the innocent and dare held their head high with pride? Baku sighed wearily, still a bit shaken up while glancing at the boy distastefully. Stephen sucked on his lip nervously and kicked his legs in the air, hands tucked under his seat.

"I'm terribly sorry for my son's behavior," The dark skinned principle in a suit sighed and shook his head slowly, walking past the two.

"He's your son," Baku murmured the question sourly.

"Yes, my adopted son. He stole my keys to the elevator again. Stephen has always been a troublemaker... haven't you," The principle walked by again and pulled on the child's ear as he grimaced.

"Yeah yeah, quit it!" Stephen swatted his father away. Baku watched him and smiled quietly, standing up and looming over Stephen, who yelped a little.

"Well, it's not easy to be adopted. I forgive you, Stephen," He said and rubbed Stephen on the head who looked up, curiously.

"As long as you don't bring those swords near me, Scardy-Cat!" He laughed as Baku twitched, a vein appearing on his head.

"Now now, Stephen, I'm sure the echoing megaphone would scare anyone," The principle laughed nervously, ushering the musha with rekindled anger away from his son. "Now you said you were looking for a teacher here?"

"Yes," Baku growled, still keeping his eye on the kid. "Mrs. Granel."

"She just clocked out now," He said with a frown, motioning him to the parking lot. "But she may still be in the parking lot getting to her car! Hurry up and catch her!"

"Ah!" Baku waved back while taking off. "Thank you!" He zipped out the door, hurrying down the steps and running into the middle of the parking lot, looking around. "Mrs. Granel?" A blue car drove past him and he saw a women in the driver's seat. Baku gasped and took after it, waving. "Mrs. Granel! Mrs. Granel, wait!"

And as he watched the car drive off, even as he ran after it, Baku realized it was not his day.


"Princess Roses," Zero droned as the crowd coming out of the parking lot drew around his stand, ogling over the one on display. "Imported straight from the romantic land of Lacroa- the Princess Rose, one like you see here, is only for five dollars. Limited supply, limited time offer, get one now for you love..." Zero's dead eyes looked up at the offers and, with a sigh, made me roses appear, handing them off and taking the bills in return. The group moved inside the store leaving the depressed knight alone again, clutching the twenty dollars in his hands. "Oh foul, dirty stain, will you not leave these hands? Is there no other way around such sin?" He locked the money away in the metal case, slouching in his seat to look up at the beautiful clear sky. "Even the weather mocks me..." With another angsty sigh, Zero closed his eyes and prayed for mercy.

Baku plowed through the sidewalks after learning the hard way that chasing a single car down a street was much more dangerous. His feet and legs were on fire as they pounded the ground, not literally in either sense, but he refused to give up the heated chase, eyes only fixed on Mrs. Granel's car. He dodged babies in strollers, tromped through wet cement, leapt over elderly folk, stumbled over ally cats, ran through do-not-cross signals, and, miraculously enough, managed to not hit a building or hurt a single person yet. But Baku didn't want to bet on how long his luck would last him.

Mrs. Granel, after making every green light from school -what a day!- finally pulled into the shopping center downtown, parking right in front of the pharmacy. She stepped out on her high heels, adjusting her dress and slipping on her purse, locked the car and calmly made her way to the front door where she paused at the slouched over robot at the stand. She frowned and opened her mouth to address him, but was beaten to it despite Zero never opening his eyes.
"Princess Roses, ma'm. One for five dollars." Mrs. Granel smiled gently, sniffling the one on display.

"Oh it's so beautiful... it'll look lovely in the classroom! Yes, I would like one please." Zero forced himself upright and snapped his fingers, one appearing in hand.

"That'll be five dollars." She handed him the bill and took the flower, admiring it some before walking into the store.

As if on cue, and like a bull, Baku ran through the parking lot and skid to a halt by her car, the last of the dried cement on his heels crumbling off. He swiveled his head looking for her, out of breath.
"W-Where... did she... go? ...This is... her car..." Zero snapped out of his apathetic trance, staring at his newly arrived comrade in horror and disbelief.

"It gets WORSE?!" Baku turned to Zero, equally surprised.

"Zero?" He slumped down in his seat again as Baku stepped tenderly over to him.

"Hi," Zero said lamely. Baku read the sign, Princess Roses for sale, but didn't question it. He didn't know if he could accept the idea of Zero selling away his 'precious' roses so he thusly decided that he'd rather stay in his ignorant bliss than be forced to accept whatever the reasoning was.

"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be getting Shute's medicine? Stop sitting here and goofing off!"

"I'm working on it," Zero snapped back. "And what, pray tell, do you think you're doing, running around like a wild beast? You're going to hurt someone innocent like that!" Baku winced and bit his tongue, Zero had no idea how right he was.

"I'm trying to catch Shute's teacher!" Zero's face went deadpan.

"You say that as if she were some breed of leprechaun..."

"She was-" Baku paused and gave Zero a weird, but curious, look, slowly asking, "Why do you smell like strawberry?" Zero bolted upright in his seat, his face red and yelling back defensively.

"WhyisyourheadsobigShutupBakunetsumaru!" He continued to stare at the knight and blinked, figuring he didn't really want to know about this either... not that he would be able to get the story out of Zero.

"Right... well I've got to get going. Did you see a women leave this car?" Baku pointed at the blue car he was chasing down. Zero shrugged, knowing well enough his eyes were closed. But what did it matter anyway, it was Baku's problem.

"Maybe? She went inside." He jabbed a thumb at the door and Baku immediately dodged inside, waving back.

"Thanks!" Zero watched him leave and leaned back in his chair, sitting there peacefully for a few minutes staring at the sky. Finally, he quietly said aloud to himself, "Maybe I shouldn't have lied to him." He shrugged the guilt off again indifferently and opened the box to stare at the money, plotting how he could get himself out of the morally conflicting situation.

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- x

Baku was amazed. Simply, completely, amazed. He had never seen so many people at once! People coming around corners with carts, people standing around suspiciously in a row behind one with a beeping device, people digging around in displays, people everywhere! So many fleshy humans, Baku was certain he had stumbled upon the Atlantis of these mystifying beings!
In all of his amazement, he had completely overlooked the dire situation he was in. But it hit him and his eyes went wide.

One of these humans was Mrs. Granel. And Baku was so focused on not loosing her car earlier, he had paid no attention to the person behind the wheel.
Basically, Baku didn't know Mrs. Granel from Jenny, Paula, or Joe.

So he decided to do what he normally would do in any such situation like this. He panicked.

"AHH! Mrs. Granel? Mrs. Granel! Where are you?" He ran up to the cashier, currently checking a man's items, and slammed his hands on the counter. "Are you Mrs. Granel?" The black-haired cashier with a nose piercing glared at Baku with such demonic hatred even Sazabi would have uttered a whimper. But Baku never had been one for picking up signals, especially while he was in the process of panicking. "Well?"

"No," she said icily and pointed to her name badge. Baku paid no mind to it, believing her answer and scurrying to the nearest lady he could find.

"Are you Mrs. Granel?"


"Are you Mrs. Granel?"


"Are you Mrs. Granel?"

"I'm a GUY!" Baku paused to stare at the feminine man with long, green hair before rushing off to the next women. He was going to find this teacher if it meant he had to ask every person in this factory of people!


"...$115 ...$120!" The manager flipped through the stack in glee, tucking it safely in an envelope and sealing it shut. "Well, you're free to go now, Mister Robot. It's been a pleasure."

"Hardly," Zero replied bitterly and began to fly off when he felt another tug on his cape. He turned back to the manager who rubbed his fingers together.

"And, if you so happen to decide to go into the business..."

"I hope a Baggu Baggu bites you where the sun doesn't shine," Zero hissed in return. "And I don't even wish that upon my worst enemies!" He paused and grumbled, "sometimes" under his breath before flying off down the aisles. He had wasted so much time, he couldn't afford to dilly-dally anymore! Zero came upon Aisle 13 again and remembered clearly why he had allowed himself to be so easily distracted from his quest.
He still had no clue where the elixir was amongst the hundreds of remedies lining the shelves.
Zero sighed and hung his head. He just couldn't get anything simple done today without hassle, could he?

"Oh, hello again. Why are you always so down, Mr. Robot?" He looked up at the women with brown hair who he had sold a rose to earlier, as it was neatly poking out of her purse, unknowing that she was actually Mrs. Granel.

"Ah, well I appreciate the sentiment, ma'm... I was sent to fetch some medicine for my friend who is ill at home but a lot happened and... I can't find it here now that I am so close..."

"What is it?"

"Cold and Flu syrup," Zero muttered miserably and took out the paper again. She smiled and walked over to a section of the shelves, picking off a small box. "Like this?" Zero took the box quickly and compared it to the note, looking up hopefully.

"Is there one for children...?" Mrs. Granel nodded and handed him the new box that he accepted most gratefully. "Thank you so much, mi'lady! Your kindness is a beacon of light in my darkness!" He snapped his fingers and there appeared another Princess Rose, extended to her.

"Oh, for free? Thank you!" She looked it over, placing it carefully with the other. "You're most talented to have such beauty at your fingertips."

"I thank you most sincerely, mi'lady. And I do not wish to be rude, but I must make haste!" Zero bowed in courtesy to her and took off into the air, zipping around the corners to the exit with the box of medicine tight in his hands. "At last! I'm done!"


When Baku told himself he would ask every person in the store, he didn't really MEAN he'd ask every person in the store. But that's what he discovered he was stuck doing as he went through every person, receiving strange looks and sneers from people.

"Are you Mrs. Granel?"

"You asked me that already," One women said irritated and stomped off. He groaned and hung his head, slowly dragging himself onward to another part of the store. He past a little stand with a man with a mustache holding up a tiny paper cup.

"Free samples!"

"Thanks," Baku said begrudgingly as he picked up one of the drink bottles from the stand, continuing to drag himself off. The man came around the side of it, waving at him.

"Hey! Sir, that's not free!" His shoulders twitched as he slowly turned around, eyes glaring red.


"Sir, that's not free- the sample is-" The man was cut short as the bottle that Baku had taken whizzed straight by his face with dangerous force and speed, slamming up against a wall yards away and surprisingly not exploding everywhere. He continued to stuttered and trembled while looking down at the livid musha gundam, holding up his hands. "T-Th-That's fine! You can have it," the man whimpered. "Just don't hurt me!"

"You said it was free," Baku shouted, stamping his foot and drawing the attention from everyone nearby and not just those who were in the line of fire. "But now you say it's NOT?"

"Not the drink, the cup-" The man flinched cowardly as Baku boomed over him.

"So it's NOT free! Why would you LIE to me!"

"S-Sir..." Baku clutched the sides of his throbbing head, his weariness and anger and shame of nearly hurting innocent people overwhelming him.

"I don't UNDERSTAND you HUMANS," He cried out and ran off down the hall, darting around a corner until he came upon an aisle clear of people to fall off of his aching feet. Baku sat there alone on the ground, rubbing his eyes with his palms. People point him to the wrong school, people slam him into a wall in an attempt to trample him, people dragged him down in a basement with only the intention to scare him, people nearly hit him with cars and lie to his face! And he was putting himself through all of this FOR another person?! Alright, so maybe he was naive, but he was just so frustrated and confused! How was he expected to trust people if they were doing things like this to him!
"I want to go home," he whined and felt homesickness wash over the other emotions on his boards, eyes tearing up. At least there was no humans in Ark to bother him!

"Oh my, what is with you robots today? What's wrong there?" Baku sniffed and looked up at a women with brown hair and sad eyes, unknowing that she was Mrs. Granel.

"Humans! They're lying and mean and... and..." Baku trailed off, looking away and realizing he was talking to a human. Mrs. Granel smiled with pity though.

"Oh, well that can be true sometimes, unfortunately. But Neotopia is a good place and we're all not like that- you surely must know someone who isn't mean and lying." Baku looked up at her and nodded slowly, knowing Shute had never, and would never, do such things.

"Yeah..." He sighed and curled his knees to his chest. "But I'm still stuck."

"On what?" He glanced up at her again and decided he would continue his quest.

"Are you Mrs. Granel?" She blinked in surprise, holding her purse in her hands.

"Why, yes I am. Do you need something?" Baku flinched in surprise and stared at her critically, not expecting that answer.

"Really? You're not lying? You're not some twin sister just saying that to annoy me?" She laughed lightly at the accusation, shaking her head.

"Why would I do that now?"

"To spite me," He grumbled but quickly got to his feet, digging around for the paper. "So you're Shute's teacher then?"

"Oh, yes! He wasn't in school today," She said quietly and Baku's eyes brightened, handing her the paper.

"That's supposed to be his note for missing school. He's sick."

"Oh I see then, that explains why Keiko wasn't in as well! Thank you then."

"Um, not to bother you anymore," Baku mumbled, feeling silly for talking bad about humans and accusing her of lying. "But does he have any school work or homework I should take back to him?"

"Why yes, but it's in my car." She blinked in surprise as he visibly sagged. "No need to get upset now! I'm almost done with my shopping, I'll get it out and you'll be off in no time."

"Really now?" He grinned as she nodded. "Thank you so much!"


"What do you MEAN I need to pay for it," Zero glared at the manager who had reared his ugly head on the way to freedom and stopped him just short of it. "Didn't I just give you over a hundred!"

"That was to pay me back for the broken merchandise," He smirked, stroking back his oily hair as the two security ogres, as Zero would like to think of such humans with hunched over brawly arms and the expressions of twits, stood by his sides. "You still have to pay for that merchandise in your hand."

"But," Zero began to whine and was cut off, picked up with a large grasp of his cape and flung over towards the check out line by one of the ogres.

"We have no tolerance to thieves," The manager pronounced heroically as Zero seethed, nearly damaging the box in his hands.

"The only thief around here is YOU," He spat in return before looking at the line before him, and the cashier on the end, nervously. How was he going to get past that freakish girl with the nose piercing? She did not seem the type to be charmed or bribed. She probably wouldn't even accept the exchange with a Princess Rose, not that he was willing to go back to that rotten routine...
And a run for the door wasn't exactly going to work. The manager had his hawk eyes on him and was waiting eagerly there until Zero had to the face the music. Zero glared, knowing the man knew he was at a dead end and that he needed the manager's help. Well, Zero swore to himself, the slime wasn't going to get him as his slave again! He'd openly take whatever the wrestling ogres would give before that- and maybe even give the ogres a little tussle himself because, after all, this Lacroan knight was NOT going to walk away after getting this far!
"You want a fight, I'll give you a fight," Zero gritted his teeth and strutted forward a pace as one more person left the line with their things. "You prick."


It was true, Baku was impatient. It was his blood, he insisted, because musha gundams aren't known for their ability to sit around and wait anyway. But he wasn't rude, as much as Zero would often say he was, he certainly didn't mean to be rude. So despite his antsy anxiety to get going, he swallowed it and tried to bide his time, humming a cheerful note as Mrs. Granel compared the expiration dates of all of the milk jugs.

"This looks good," She said to herself mostly but Baku chirped a reply.

"Yep." He looked around idlely and happened to spot the same man with a mustache who had advertised the drink to be free, frowning. The look didn't go unnoticed either, the man slowly sunk behind the stand, peering back at him.

"I think I've got everything," Mrs. Granel turned to Baku with a smile as he looked up suddenly.

"Oh! Good!" He scurried off behind her as she walked back up to the front of the store to a line of three or so people, Zero sulking on the end. Mrs. Granel got behind him and waved a little to him, Baku poking around her. "Hey Zero." Zero blinked out of his current brooding to look back at them, his mood lightening a little.

"It seems we meet again, mi'lady. Hello Bakunetsumaru." She blinked and looked at them both curiously.

"Now, call me crazy, but... you two know each other? Is that medicine, by any chance, for Shute as well?" Zero looked down at the box meekly and nodded.

"Yes, it is in fact."

"Now if that isn't coincidence!"

"I thought it was just annoying," Baku mumbled and shrugged.

"You and I both," Zero grumbled in reply, glancing over his shoulder at the line. He was next once the child in front of him was rung up, and she had little to buy. "Well, it was nice meeting you again, mi'lady, but do excuse me." He turned back as the little girl's things were bagged, the cashier looking up dreadfully at Zero.

"...Next." Zero stepped up the plate, setting it down gently, which she slid across the scanner carelessly, as he leaned over the counter in an attempt to be sly.

"Hello there, ma'm, how are you today?" The cashier pressed a button and turned back to him, placing a hand on her hip with attitude.

"That'll be $3.47." He frowned and let out a breath, looking up at the ceiling, biding his time more to her aggravation.

"It really is lovely outside today," Zero sidestepped her in return. Her eyes furrowed, setting the bagged medicine on the counter.


"Most beautiful." He laughed lightly. "But of course, it seems like that everyday here, now doesn't it? What a place, what a place is Neotopia!"

"Sir, could you pay now," She hissed between her teeth as Zero continued to completely ignore her bubbling anger and looked off at the ceiling as if it weren't there.

He had somewhat forgotten that Baku was not a patient person and flinched as he heard his friend growl, nudging him roughly from behind. "Stop wasting our time, Strawberry! Some of us want to get back to our lives!" Zero pivoted on his heel, turning to Baku with a glare that connected with the other's and sparked a crackle of dangerous energy between the two gundams. Mrs. Granel looked back and forth of them, mystified of how they could be so disgruntle to each other as the cashier smirked, knowing Zero couldn’t keep to his play daydreaming anymore.

"VERY well," He hissed back at Baku before turning to the cashier to continue glowering. "It's true! I have not a cent! Not a Neotopian dime to my name! Poorer than the dirt itself! But when it's raining fire in the sky of doomsday from evil invaders I hope you all cower in the corner and cry into your dirty money! CRY into it," He bellowed at her smug face and Baku gave Zero a concerned look. Zero yelling was somewhat rare, and especially insinuating he wasn't going to defend Neotopia because they were treating him wrong- or whatever the reason he was yelling for.

"Zero," He said seriously but was ignored as Zero swiped the bag with the medicine off of the counter and stormed off, finding the two ogre security guards blockading the door.

"Where do you think you're going," The manager sneered from behind the two as Zero kept flying through them.

"I am leaving with Shute's medicine," He announced, the door and outside in sight, but was short lived as one of the guards came down on him, quite literally, pinning him to the floor with his body. Zero squirmed under the man, keeping the medicine outstretched to safety, but was overcome with a sense of loss. His flame of rebellion died quickly to reason and gave up resisting the great weight on top of him as the ogre wrapped his large arms around him into a headlock. Baku, still confused, growled, not willing to stand by and watch his friend be attacked, and lunged at the one on top of Zero, sidestepping the ogre who grabbed for him.

“Get off of him!” Zero looked up in surprise as Baku pried the arms off easily, picking up the security guard ogre with both hands to throw him at the other guard.

“Baku,” Zero sat up and yelled at him. “Don’t!” The samurai blinked and looked down at his friend, pausing.

“But, they’re-!” His pause was too long for the ogre gathered his bearing quickly and grunted, smashing his heel against the backside of Baku’s head while his guard was down. The impact and gravity slammed him into the ground face-first next to the knight and he sat up and shook his head. He was just lucky human’s didn’t hit hard. Zero grimaced at Baku and glanced back a the open doorway just as the ogres skid in front of it, blocking it again.

“You can’t win,” The manager cackled. Mrs. Granel watched in terror and timidly backed away from the violent clash.

“Stop it,” She begged but the ogres continued to move in again on them. Baku braced himself, glancing at Zero with a growl.


“I know,” He said quietly, eyes heavy with regret. “But we can’t fight them, Bakunetsumaru. I was stupid to think I could.”


“No. There are some authorities you can’t challenge in the name of justice and this is one of them. We would only be proving our own recklessness by continuing this.” Silence came over the store for once as the onlookers tried to secretly watch the spectacle without becoming involved. The two ogres loomed over them and grabbed both of Zero’s arms, pulling him back roughly.

“So you forfeit,” The manager grinned maliciously, crackling his knuckles and strolling over to the gundams. Baku jumped to his feet, gruff with anger.

“You even think about hurting him over such little money and I’ll-!”

“Stop it, stop it, this is senseless!” Mrs. Granel feverishly dug around in her purse, obviously upset. “You’re so low you’re willing to go this far over someone who is stealing children’s medicine! You’re so horrible you can’t even overlook the money for the sake of a sick boy?!”

“We have no tolerance to thieves or anyone who breaks the law,” The manager growled in return but she snapped her angry, fiery eyes up at him.

“And I have no tolerance for violence,” She retorted sharply, pulling out a five dollar bill from her wallet and laying it on the counter. “I’ll pay for the medicine if $4 is such a troublesome thing to swallow!”

“BÉBut,” Zero looked up at her his eyes shimmering and gunsoul touched. “Lady Granel!”

“It’s fine,” She smiled at him as the cashier rang it up, handing over the change. “Shute is a good boy and should be treated well. Besides, just think of it as payment for the second rose you gave me.” Zero looked down and clung to the bag still, on the verge of tears.

“But my gratitudeÉ can’t be bought thoughÉ “ The cashier shrugged and continued to ring up Mrs. Granel, who was next in line, as if nothing had happened. Baku blinked, still confused as to what was going on, and glared at the manager and his goons clinging to Zero.

“Back off!” The manager moved his hand out to the side, cueing the ogre security guards to drop Zero, which they did ungracefully as he fell flat on his back, and followed after. Reluctantly, the short man retreated to the back of the store again, accepting this loss bitterly. He grinned watching them leave and grabbed Zero’s arm more gently than them, helping him up.

“Stop it,” Zero grumbled stubbornly and whined. “I don’t need your help! You’re the one who took a hit!” Baku smirked.

“Sure, but I thought you might have been easily bruised, Strawberry.” Zero tore away from Baku, his face seething red as the musha laughed.

“You call me Strawberry again and there will be bruising!”

“You two are alright, yes?” Mrs. Granel put her wallet away, looking at them in concern. Zero dusted himself off and took her hand, kneeling.

“Yes, thanks to you.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” She sighed and smiled at him gently, reaching to grab her bag when it was snatched away. They looked up in surprise at Baku standing there, holding it. He looked at their questioning stares and shifted uncomfortably.

“What? I’m carrying her groceries!” Zero feinted a gasp, standing up again and leading her to the door.

“What? Bakunetsumaru? Acting like a real gentlemen out of will and without instruction? Quickly, mi’lady, we must flee! The sky is falling!” She giggled while following him, Baku pouting.

“Ha ha ha,” Baku said sarcastically, following behind with the bag. “You sure think you’re funny.” Mrs. Granel lead them out to her blue car and dug through her briefcase for Shute’s class work as Baku put her bag in the back.

“You two sure are strange friends! How do you know Shute anyway?” The two gundams glanced at each other.

“That’sÉ a long story in itself,” Zero looked up and sweatdropped then realized the sky looked darker. “Ah! Look at the time, we need to go!”

“Right,” Baku nodded, Shute’s papers safe in hand. “Thanks a lot, Mrs. Granel!” Baku waved and headed off, running on foot.

“Goodby–oh,” She paused, seeing Zero was offering two more Princess Roses. “Oh dear-!”

“Lady Granel, in all honesty, I cannot bear to sell my roses. They are too dear to me for money, and so everyone that was exchanged for money was given a little jinx if you will.” She blinked and looked down at the two in her purse. “At midnight, they will disappear and be replaced with the money that was exchanged for them- all except these two which I want you to have.” She smiled and nodded, taking the two in hand.

“Thank you. Give Shute my sympathies!”

“I will, mi’lady!” He bowed and took off into the air, waving and taking off after Baku. “Farewell!”

“Goodbye!” She waved in return until they were no longer in sight looking back down at the roses quietly. “I wish I had asked for their namesÉ Oh well, I’m sure I can find out from Shute later.”

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x -x-x

Zero sighed restlessly as he laid in bed and stared at the dark abyss ceiling. As with any of the rooms like this in the SDG base, there were no windows, only a light off in the distance that was for emergency- it couldn’t turn off. But it still bothered him as he tossed in the bed, curling under the covers and staring at the sleeping musha in the bed parallel to him. Baku lay sprawled out -how typical- snoring quietly with dribble running down his chin. Zero grimaced watching him and forced his eyes shut. He needed to get some sleep. His circuits and joints were certainly tired and aching, but he couldn’t resist the urge to go off and look at the beautiful day and tend to the wild flowers out by the forest.

“Are youÉ Mrs. GranelÉ,” Baku mumbled in his sleep, moving his foot a little. Zero sighed, focusing on not opening his eyes.

“Be quiet, Bakunetsumaru.” Baku smiled in his sleep, actually drifting in between consciousness and heard what Zero said, stretching a little.

“HehÉÉÉÉStrawberry&Eacut e;”

“I said be quiet, Bakunetsumaru,” Zero growled now, grabbing the nearest extra pillow he had and throwing it over at the other bed, hitting Baku. Baku only continued to smile and hug the pillow, rolling over on his stomach with his face turned to the side. A few minutes passed of silence and Zero finally opened his eyes, letting out an over-dramatic sigh but winced at the pain in his chest from inhaling too deeply. He held himself sorely and groaned in complete frustration.

“Why.” He hissed angrily when he heard a loud clack in the distance, turning his head to the side and propping himself up a little. The door, blended into the wall as the SDG had so carefully designed it, moved forward and then slid open like a van door as a cheerful human head poked in with a smile.

“Hey Zero, Bakunetsumaru! How are you feeling?” As Shute moved the rest of his body inside the room, Captain maneuvered in with a disapproving tone.

“Shute, they’re probably still asleepÉ”

“That would require some luck,” Zero droned at his friends as they came over, Kao Lyn sneaking in and doing cart wheels shortly behind.

“Someone’s edgy,” Shute observed and smiled, even though it was more true than humorous.

“I’m tired and hot and can’t sleep, what do you expect?” Kao Lyn bounced over, doing a flip and landing in the space between Baku and Zero’s bed.

“Hoo Hoo Haaahhh! How do you feel, whoo!”

“I just said how I feel,” Zero croaked, agitated and tried to clear his dry, failing voice to no avail. “My throat hurts.”

“You should keep hydrated, heehee!” Kao Lyn flung a bottle of water at Zero who narrowly caught and fumbled it a bit. He laid back in bed fully and held the cool bottle against the side of his face, shivering from its touch.

“But it hurts to swallowÉ” Shute scratched the back of his head, feeling guilty.

“I’m really, really sorryÉ I just don’t get how you two ended up with my flu, of all people! You were hardly around me!”

“Flu,” Baku murmured, picking up bits of the conversation in his hazy state. Kao Lyn looked him over as Captain gave a little shrug.

“Well, Zero and Bakunetsumaru are both from different lands and probably have completely different immunities. Just coming in contact with it at all was probably enough for the common human flu to get them.” Shute blinked and rubbed the back of his head. That seemed to make sense.

“Oh, by the way, Zero, Mrs. Granel says she hopes you two feel better.” Zero groaned and rolled over onto his side, burying himself under the blanket and sniffling.

“Thanks a lot, Shute.” Shute sweatdropped and whined.

“I said I was sorry!”

“It’s alright, it’s alright,” Zero muffled under the blanket, closing his eyes again. “It’s just hasn’t been our day.” He mumbled tiredly, “hasn’t been for a while.”

It was any old morning in Neotopia.

Please review and tell me what you think? ^^ Please? I did my best for being sick myself, hahaha...