Silent Mobius Fan Fiction ❯ Red Destiny - Book 0: Tokyo ❯ Vision ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Silent Mobius: Red Destiny

Book 0: Tokyo

Chapter 0: Vision

Authors: OSTOCOM


Rating: PG

Disclaimer: See Author's Notes, Book 0


Darkness covered the world. Yuki whimpered as she looked around, unable to see anything other than the all-encompassing blackness. Stumbling, she managed to catch her balance against a wall.

Keeping one arm against the wall and one out in front of her, she started to walk. Turning the corner, Yuki blinked against a sudden illumination. A red moon shone in the sky, lighting a figure in the distance. Yuki rushed forward.

Katsumi was lying on the ground, still as death. A red rose, the most perfect bloom Yuki had ever seen, was thrust into Katsumi's heart; a bit of blood crusting around the stem where it had entered her. "Katsumi-san?"

The sorceress did not answer. "Katsumi!" Yuki cried, kneeling by her friend. She felt for a pulse, but in her heart she knew it was too late. "Katsumi," she sobbed.

She looked into the still face of her friend. Suddenly, Katsumi's eyes snapped opened. She smiled.

Yuki screamed and jumped back as reality shifted. She now found herself in the middle of a desert, and sand was all she could see. The wind whipped around her as she looked at the barren landscape with frightened eyes. "Katsumi-san?"

From her left, she caught sight of a cloaked figure walking. "Hello?" Yuki called out hesitantly. "Is anyone there?"

The figure turned to her and Yuki gazed into the darkest eyes she had ever seen. The wind continued to howl and the robes of the woman began to swirl around her as she lifted herself toward the sky, hovering above the sand, her hands spread as though in prayer.

Yuki was mesmerized and she took a step forward, only to find herself free-falling.

With a sharp cry she hit the ground, rolling to absorb some of the impact. "Ouch," she muttered as she rubbed her leg. Then she looked up, suddenly awestruck at her surroundings. Rolling green hills and stone walls, the ocean in the distance, and she could smell the salt on the chilling wind.

An older man was standing next to her, and though it was daylight, his face was hidden in shadow. "Do you know where you are?" he asked.

Yuki shook her head.

"Do you know *who* you are?"

Before she could answer she was swept away again, this time to a craggy cliff overlooking a beautiful tropical beach. Children were playing in the sand, laughing and running. From behind her she heard a soft voice. "All is lost," a man said. "Time and the infinite tomorrows must be sacrificed." He seemed sad, and Yuki wanted to comfort him even though, like the last man, she couldn't seem to make out any of his features.

Suddenly however, he seemed to shift and the darkness clung to him even tighter. Yuki pulled back as she felt the malice dripping off of him. "All is lost," he repeated. "Time *must* be sacrificed. The path is clear and those who stand in its way merely victims of their own foolishness." His voice was full of scorn.

Yuki backed away from the figure slowly. Suddenly she felt her foot slip and with a start she realized that she had unknowingly backed up to the cliff's edge. She started to fall...

And abruptly found herself in the middle of an office. The entire room was painted almost glaringly white and the floors were polished marble. She saw someone sitting at the lone desk in the middle of the room. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," the woman said. "The is neither as black nor as white as we would wish to see it. Shades of gray permeate, infusing ambiguity."

The door opened and Yuki turned to find herself atop what seemed to be a huge plateau, the red earth around her gleaming in the light of a setting sun. A man stood with his back to her, and like all the others she had encountered on her journey, she could not see him clearly. "The time is nearing," he said in a deep, grave voice. "All will be lost and the Earth will weep for her children. Does hope remain?"

Yuki wanted to shout that she still had hope, and that she and her teammates would protect the Earth. But she found herself unable to speak as the scene receded from her.

She felt herself flying, careening through the air as though a giant hand had snatched her and was dragging her backwards. Light and sound rushed past her in a cacophony of sensation.


Yuki gasped and sat straight up in the bed. Sweat dripped down her neck and disappeared under her nightshirt. The silence of the dark room enveloped her, even as her heart hammered an erratic beat. She sat still a few moments, attempting to breathe through the panic brought on by the vision.

Finally, her heart slowed and her breathing returned to normal. Yuki wished she could simply go back to sleep and ignore the feelings now churning within her, but she knew that would be impossible. Fumbling with the dampened sheets now twisted about her legs, she reached for the phone.

"Rally Cheyenne."

"Chief, I just had a vision. Something big is coming."

"I know. I felt it as well."

"What should we do?"

"The only thing we can do. Be ready for whatever comes."

"What about...?"

"Katsumi. Yes. We need her back."

"But will she...?"

"She must," Rally said firmly. "Goodnight, Yuki."

Yuki slowly placed the phone back on its receiver. She took another breath and stared into the dark. The final image of her dream played out before her like a never-ending memory.

//The world was spinning out of control. And everywhere, everywhere the six-pointed star.//


Next Episode Preview:

Katsumi Liqueur: "Four years have passed since my last battle with Ganossa. I've left AMP behind me and started a new life. But the peace can't last. Soon, I'll have to make a choice, a choice which will set in motion the wheel of fate. Will Mobius begin again?"

Episode 1: Realizations




We just didn't want to put this first and have it get in the way of reading what you actually *wanted* to be reading. Don't worry; we'll keep it (relatively) short.

The Important Stuff First:


Our inspiration for this fic came from a very simple (or so we thought) idea. What if there were other groups like AMP in other cities around the world? If the Lucifer Hawk are a world-wide problem, wouldn't it make sense that other major cities would have people to answer the threat of Nemesis? We started creating characters, and suddenly our "simple" idea EXPLODED.


This is an otherworlds fic; it is based almost strictly off the anime TV series. We may incorporate elements and/or personalities and backgrounds from the manga if we see fit, but for the most part it's from the anime. In particular, the names and situations are based off the Japanese version of the anime with English subtitles. *Stomps on the evil English dub* No offense.

One major difference from the manga: in our fic, Katsumi has a *son* not a daughter.

(and yes, to all you nay-sayers: Katsumi *is* pregnant at the end of the anime. The Japanese version makes this fairly clear)


Oh, and no, I *don't* have multiple personalities, this *is* actually a "we" speaking. OSTOCOM is comprised of six active members and a few honorary ones. If we told you our real names we'd have to kill you, so just look at our author bios on the site. All six of us worked on this fanfic, with each of us being assigned chapters, characters, and the like. Of course, we often shared chapter assignments and helped each other out, so it wasn't exactly fair for us to claim authorship on particular chapters…hence the name OSTOCOM for everything.


This is a WIP fanfic, which means it's obviously not *finished* yet. We will be updating this fanfic once a week, so hopefully you won't have to worry about going whole months without an update…we know that's one of the evil things about WIPs, and we're going to avoid that as much as possible. Book 1 at least is complete, so that'll all come out on schedule.


Because we update once a week, our weekly installments are *not really that long*. So just treat us like your favorite TV tune in once a week, and then you get to wait deliciously for what happens next.

Except without all the messy taping or waiting for reruns if you happen to miss an episode. ;)


And now, the moment you've all been waiting for….the disclaimer:

Silent Mobius does not belong to any of us. The idea, the story and the AMP characters all belong to Kia Asamiya, who of course would be sextuple-tackle-glomped if he ever happened to grace us with his presence. And if we ever *do* find him…yeah. The results may be somewhat messy. ;)

*However*…as you may have already guessed, a large part of the cast is our own original characters. And those characters do belong to us. If you want to use them anywhere else (and that would thrill us to no end…) then please ask us first. If this story is to be archived anywhere else, please also ask us first and attach our name and website along for the ride.


Speaking of our website…go check it out! It is still under construction, but at least there. You'll find all the latest chapter updates, pictures of the characters, and other fun and exciting stuff. The address for the site is:

Also, since some of the pics and characters have spoilers, we're refraining from posting our extensive character bios until those characters are introduced…you can just look at the pictures and *wonder* what's going to happen, so ha.

If you want to email us feedback, please do so! The link's in our profile.

One last quick note…just so you know, the next chapter is told in first-person, whereas the rest of the fic is pretty much in third-person narrative. Just didn't want to throw anyone off.

Errr…guess that's it for now. Chapter 1 comes up next week…enjoy the ride!

- Your friendly neighborhood OSTOCOM