Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Jin's First Love ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: This is my very first Slam Dunk fic. One of my many plot bunnies gave me this idea, so it's kinda of an experimental fic. I'm very new to this section, so any OOC-ness is regretted. A flashback and `what-if' fic. Constructive criticisms welcome. I'm not used to writing yaoi, so please bear with me. Slight angst in this chapter. Just in time for St Valentines' Day too!
Main pairing: Jin/OC
Other pairings: Rukawa/Hanamichi, Miyagi/Ayako, Mitsui/Kogure Implied pairings: Fujima/Hanagata, Sendoh/Koshino
Words in italics refer to thoughts and flashbacks.
Summary: What if Sakuragi Hanamichi had an adopted sister who was the same age as he is? What if this sister had an illness ever since she was born? What if her illness which had been under control, had suddenly erupted? What if this sister was an excellent basketball player? What if it was her illness that forced her out of the basketball court? And how in the world did Jin know her?
Disclaimer: SD isn't mine.
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A solidarity grown-up male strolled into the cemetery, a bouquet of white lilies in his hand.
Stopping in front of a headstone, 25-year- old Soichiro Jin smiled sadly, before placing the bouquet on the grave.
The headstone read:
In dearest memory of Soichiro Sakuragi Anne
Born 15th April 1980
Died 28th February 2002 (A/N: Yeah, I killed my OC off.)
“I'm back, Anne.” Jin whispered, tears threatening to flow down.
A hand was placed in the grieved Jin and the former 3-pointer turned around.
Behind him stood a solemn Sakuragi Hanamichi, his hand linked with Rukawa Kaede.
“It's almost three years, Jin.” Hanamichi said.
Beside him, Rukawa nodded silently.
Jin nodded and stood up, “I know, demo, I can't forget her.”
Rukawa, who had been silent the whole time, added, “It isn't easy for anyone to forget your first love.”
At that, Hanamichi flared up, “Nande? Are you referring to me, baka kitsune?”
Rukawa remained unfazed.
“Do' aho.” He muttered.
Jin sniggered, after all this time, these two still remained the same.
An angry Hanamichi turned to his brother-in-law, “What are you laughing at?” he demanded.
Jin blinked and put his hands up in mock surrender.
Rukawa sighed.
“Jin-san, I think you'd better go. I'll try to calm him down.” He finally said.
Jin nodded in appreciation.
“Wish you luck.” He whispered to Rukawa, and headed off. When Jin passed him, Rukawa passed an envelope to him.
Almost two hours later, Jin had arrived back home. It was an apartment which he had bought jointly with Anne a couple of months before their wedding.
Slumping on the edge of the bed, Jin pulled out the envelope Rukawa had passed to him.
In it was a letter, obviously from the maternal section of the hospital.
Half an hour later, Jin's eyes widened at the revelation the letter gave him.
Apparently, Anne had known that she would not live long for her to have children, so she made the decision to deposit some of her ova in the hospital.
Sighing, Jin flopped on the bed, the letter still clutched in his hand.
Ever since Anne had passed away, his parents had been trying to matchmake him with other girls, in hopes that he would remarry. They said that they wanted grandchildren.
But, Jin knew otherwise. His parents had been against the entire relationship the whole time.
Anne had Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, which was not hereditary. However, his parents wanted someone who was `healthy' as a daughter-in-law.
Just then, the phone rang. Pushing himself up, Jin went out to answer the telephone.
“Moshi, moshi.” He began.
“Son.” Came a deep masculine voice. Jin immediately knew who it was.
“Otou-san.” Jin greeted his father tiredly.
“You've been pushing every single date your mother and I have planned for you. What
exactly do you want?” Jin's father demanded.
“Otou-san, I love Anne too much to just forget her like that.” Jin tried to explain.
The elder Soichiro pulled the receiver away from his ear and looked at it as if it had offended him. Then, without thinking, he slammed the receiver down.
Jin blinked when the line went dead.
Typical reaction. He thought.
Back to the problem at hand, Jin re-read the letter. Then, he frowned.
Typical of Anne to think ahead, but do I really want to do this? He thought.
Yup, a very tough decision for our former Kainan player.
Half an hour later, Jin tucked the letter aside, intending to figure it out on a much later date.
His arm brushed past something and a photo album fell to the floor with a `trump'.
How in the world did it get here? Jin wondered, picking up the fallen book.
Flipping open the first page, Jin let out a smile when he saw the very first photo.
Jin and Anne were sitting comfortably on a bench one Saturday afternoon.
That time Jin was in his final year in high school, and Anne was a sophomore in Shohoku High.
It was just one week after IH and the couple were enjoying a well-deserved break.
They were millimeters from a kiss, when a `snap' and a flash caught their attention.
Turning back to the tree behind them, the pair saw Kiyota standing behind the tree, banishing a camera, grinning like an idiot.
Blinking for a second, Anne blushed a deep red at being caught.
Jin, however, did something quite out-of-character for him. The senior had glared at his junior for interrupting.
Catching the team captain's glare, Kiyota epped and took off.
Gotta agree with onii-chan for once. He is a wild monkey.” Anne muttered.
Jin hid an amused snigger at her proclamation.
Then, he turned serious. Nobody, save for a few, knew about their relationship. And with
the picture Kiyota just took, their relationship could very well be blown open to the entire world.
Anne, is this alright with you?” he asked, concern written on his face.
Anne gave him a wry smile, “What are the odds of everyone else accepting us, when your
parents haven't accepted me?” she finally asked.
Jin nodded, “Point taken.”
Kiyota is so dead on Monday.” Jin promised, with a hiss.
Anne cracked a smile, “Just don't kill him too early. Onii-chan will be missing a competitor.”
Jin raised an eyebrow, “Isn't Rukawa enough for him?”
Anne winkled her nose, “Nah, the both had grown much closer this year.”
Jin then had this cute `huh?' expression.
Anne had to sniffle a giggle, “You haven't noticed?”
Our poor 3-pointer shook his head.
Anne sighed in resignation.
Onii-chan and Rukawa are more… how do I put this…synchronized during their game
plays.” Anne explained.
Jin thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.
During their last game with Shohoku, Sakuragi's coordination with Rukawa was so flawless that Aida Hikoichi had teemed them as the `golden duo'.
Then, what Anne implied hit him.
You don't mean…” he stuttered.
His answer was a nod from the girl herself.
Oh. God.” Jin gasped.
While he was still in his `shocked' mode, Anne had stunned him by pressing her lips against his, reigniting what they had intended to do minutes earlier.
End of flashback
Jin's smile went up a notch at that fond memory. His Anne-koi just had this knack of surprising people.
Looking down at the two wedding rings he had on his finger, Jin let out a small smile as he took a trip down memory lane; on how he met his beloved Anne-koi.
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SailorStar9: (blushes) Yup, and so this is the prologue for my very first Slum Dunk fic. Read and review.