Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me, and the Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Genre: Yaoi

chapter: 3/?

Disclaimers: Did you know that fish breathes underwater through its gills?

Archive: Ask me if you wanna put this up your page

Warnings: Always use paper bags instead of plastic bags

AN: This is the continuation... read the previous parts so ya won't get confused.

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"Itai!" Hanamichi grunted, rubbing his sore temple. "What did you do that for? You should be grateful to be in the presence of the tensai himself."


"You're late," Ayako retorted, waving her paper fan. She glanced at her clock and shook her head slowly. Akagi, Mitsui and Ryota were already present at her new apartment for furniture moving. "Very late..."

"Gomen, Aya-chan," Kogure said apologetically.

"Nah, it's okay Kogure-kun," Ayako moving aside and gesturing for the two to come inside.

"Nani?" Hanamichi asked incredulously, "How come Megane-kun didn't get some whacking from your fan?"



"No, the fridge goes there, not the tables..."


"Ooops! Sorry bout that!"


"Itai! I said lift the damned stupid couch, not drag it!"


"My toe! My damned precious toe!"

"Gori! What did ya do that for?!?"

"Baka! Are you planning to place the T.V. in the kitchen?"

"Shut up, Ryocchin,"

"Oh gods..."

Ayako just shook her head as she surveyed the apartment. Maybe asking them for help wasn't such a good idea...


"Wow," the blue-eyed boy lightened up as he saw the confectioneries in front of him. "Can I have some?" he asked his redheaded friend. Chocolates...

"Sure!" Hanamichi answered as he unwrapped a bar and gave it to him. The blue-eyed boy then proceeded to take experimental bites on the sweet. "I'm glad Daddy brought these stuff. Jelly tastes really icky!" He unwrapped another bar of chocolate for himself and took a large bite. "Thmdis tsmdtes gfods!"



"I said, this tastes good!" he smiled, showing his chocolate-stained teeth. He then took another bite, smudging his face messily. This is WHOLE lot better than the icky jelly.

Hanamichi looked at the blue-eyed boy and saw him giggling softly. "What?" He asked, puzzled, while munching his chocolate.

"Your face," the blue-eyed boy responded in between giggles, "looks very...umh chocolatey."

"Really?" Hanamichi said, darting his tongue out and licking his lips slowly. Then without warning, the blue-eyed boy brought a finger to his face and flicked the smudged area.

"Hmm…" Bringing his finger to his mouth to taste the chocolate. "Hey, that really tastes good!" He beamed in amusement. He brought the finger back to Hanamichi's cheek again.

"Wait!" Hanamichi squirmed, giggling a bit. "That tickles!" The blue-eyed boy ignored the plea and tickled the redhead some more, eliciting more stifled high-pitched laughter.

Out of desperation to stop the tickling, Hanamichi threw himself on the blue-eyed boy and brought a finger to his sides. He nuzzled his smeared cheek on the blue-eyed boy's as he tickled him mercilessly. Soon, laughter filled the air as two kids wrestled to tickle one another crazy.


"Hey Aya-chan, you painted this?" Kogure asked, pointing at a portrait hanging on the den. The portrait was that of two kids lying on their backs while looking at the pleasant blue sky. Small grasses surrounded the place and several butterflies can be seen hovering over flowery bushes. On the backdrop stood a huge willow tree, its branches drooping low and giving shade for the two. The combination of oils is commendable; it even accentuated the amber glow cast by the sun.

"It's my aunt's," Ayako muttered thoughtfully, grabbing a knife and slicing the cardboard boxes open "She said it reminds her of the two kids she cared for back at Kanagawa Hospital."

"Kanagawa Hospital?" Ryota piped in, going near the portrait for a better look.

"Yes, she's a nurse back then."

"You know, these two look kinda familiar,"



"Thanks for the help you guys!" Ayako shouted from the doorway, watching as everyone left her apartment. A quick glance at the skies told her that it wouldn't be long for a huge rainfall. Needless to say, her predictions were accurate enough...

"K'so!" Hanamichi cursed, as the he was drenched like a drowned rat from head to toe. His muscles were all sore and he's in a desperate need of a warm shower to soothe them. Deciding that since he's already all-wet, walking his way home is the only option. Lightning flashed followed by a rumble, making him jump.



"Waahh!" Hanamichi screamed, cowering from the thundering sound outside. He brought the covers up and curled himself in a bundle, cringing in fear. 'Wait'...he thought. 'Big boys shouldn't be afraid of lightning'... he should be brave and stop acting like a baby...

Outside, rain pounded furiously, covering windows in intricate patterns. Lightning suddenly pierced the skies followed by the deep rumbling of thunder.


"Waahh!" whimpered the redhead under the sheets. He really hated thunderstorms, they make him scared stiff.

He suddenly felt a presence beside him and before he could look up, he was enveloped by small arms in a comforting gesture. Small palms gently stroked his cheeks, trying to wipe away his tears. Hanamichi snuggled closer to the offered warmth, feeling much better.

"You okay now?" The blue-eyed boy asked him, the orbs shining brightly as lightning flashed again. It was obvious that he also felt scared, but was trying his damned best not to show it.

Hanamichi lifted his teary gaze and nodded softly, feeling his eyelids become heavier by the minute. Soon, the blue-eyed boy followed suit and the two fell in the clutches of slumber.


"Damn," Hanamichi cursed for the umpteenth time as a car splashed muddy water all over him. He looked at his clothes and cringed at the blotches of mud covering his shirt down to his pants. He concluded that this wasn't just his day. Someone definitely jinxed him...

He was so deep into his thoughts that he stood still when headlights focused on him. The redhead looked, transfixed, even as the car swerved and headed on his direction with dangerous speed.

AN: okay, that's the 3rd part. I sincerely hope that the fic didn't get too boring cause I enjoyed it somehow