Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Gypsy Moon ❯ Chapter 3: Fairy Ring ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3: Fairy Ring

An old man was working in a long field. He had a long white beard and small beady brown eyes. The old man was hunched over, and a dirty off white cloak covered his entire body. He was muddy and sick from working in the heavy fog and could begin to feel himself weez from exhaustion.

He slowly stumbled up and grabbed the handles of his wheelbarrow, getting ready to push. He began to walk forward until he heard something off in the distance. The sound of horse hooves beating against the hard, dry ground.

The old man slowly turned his head to see what was coming, one tall black horse, and one equally tall palomino. A few small words came out from the old man. "My, oh my. What have we coming here?" His body turned so he could face the horses as they galloped over and stopped next to him.

A red haired girl, who looked like a sorceress, and a well built blond man, with a welcoming smile, sat on top of the black horse. A mysterious looking man who wore beige clothing, had a mask up that covered his face. Behind him a dark haired girl with deep blue eyes held onto his waist right behind him. They sat on top of the elegant palomino. The horses moved around a bit, to find a better position on the ground.

"Hey! Stand still!" The red haired girl pulled back on the reigns of her steed and made him stop.

The old man looked up to the red haired girl, as she seemed to be the leader. Even as he spoke, his words seemed to have old age to them. "Can I help you, young lady?" The old man didn't dare take a step closer to the travelers. He feared that the unsteady black steed would knock him over.

"Of course you can!" The red haired girl dismounted the black horse and pushed her cape back. The old man's eyes widened as the bold sorceress took immediate steps closer to him. Lina looked down and shot a direct look at the old man. "My name is Lina! And these here are my friends. We have been traveling for about a week, and we want to make sure we're going the right way, so you think you could help us here?"

The old man clasped his hands together as if he were to beg, but instead he drew a few steps closer to Lina. "I do know my way around here," he went on. "And if you have a map-"

"Sure do!" Gourry held up the old, rolled up map.

"Oh, wonderful...." The old man took small quick steps over to the swordsman who sat on top of the horse.

Meanwhile, Amelia began to feel the cold wind blow by through the field. "L- sama, it's freezing!" The princess quickly wrapped her cape around her body and leaned against Zelgadiss' back shivering.

Zelgadiss had to also admit it was turning cold. He looked up to the sky. It wasn't a clear blue anymore; instead the clouds covered most of it up and painted it shades of gray. "I'm sure we will stop soon. It looks like it may rain." Amelia nodded against the shamanists back, rubbing a slight bit of warmth into her face.

Lina peered over the old man, who was staring at the map with full concentration. Lina tapped her foot and waited for a few moments. She felt the wind begin to pick up a little more and bring a howl along with it. "So, do you think you can help us?" Lina could feel herself getting impatient.

The man nodded his head. "I think that is possible." He turned the map a few different, not moving his hands from where they originally held it. "I have never seen this place before." He ran one long, bony index finger over the city marked 'CYMBALIEN'.

Lina waved the man's finger off from the spot on the map. "That's not important, we need to get here!" Lina pointed to a forest on the map that was right in front of Cymbalien.

"Forest of Spirits?" The old man drew his face in a little closer. Slowly he made his shaking hands roll the map back up slowly, as his jacket flapped in the wind. "Why do you want to get there?" He had not brought his eyes up to meet Lina's yet.

"Oh ho, it's, uh, business!" Lina could feel herself get a small jolt of in stomach. "Business, business, strictly business!" She quickly took the map back from the old man. "So, can to you tell us how to get there or not?"

"Lina-san, calm down." Amelia spoke over the howling wind.

The old man looked up to the sky. The clouds had begun to move around and the shades of gray in covering the sky had turned darker. Zelgadiss had pulled his hood down further and hung is head to keep the wind form hitting his face. The old man didn't move his gaze form the sky. "Ahh, quite a storm to coming."

Lina could feel her mind snap. Was he just taunting her? "And we want to try to avoid it! Can you please tell us how to get to this forest?"

The man looked back to Lina and lifted up one skinny arm pointing down the field. "Keep going." His words shook in the wind.

Lina pushed her bangs out of her face, but the wind had got stronger and kept pushing her hair in her eyes. "What?" She faced the old man. "I can't hear you! Speak louder!"

The old man motioned for her to come closer to him. He spoke in her ear. "Keep going. Down that field. You will run into the forest." Lina drew her head back up. The old man shook his head. "Of course, I have no idea why you young people would want to go there."

Lina smiled and began to turn from the old man. "Thanks for your help." She moved her eyes around for the black horse. He was nowhere. Lina ran over to the other horse and nudged Amelia. "Hey! Wake up!" The princess slowly lifted her head and yawned.

"What?" She looked down to Lina. "Lina-san? Hmm, what is it?"

The sorceress spoke with concern. "Where is Gourry? Where is our horse?" She yelled over the wind.

Amelia turned her head to her left and to her right. "Gourry-san?" The problem suddenly hit her. "He's gone! Zelgadiss-san!" Amelia began t shake the chimera by his shoulders. "Zelgadiss-san!"

"Mmm?" The chimera finally lifted his head a small bit. The first sight he saw when he turned was a red headed sorceress with a red face full of rage. "What happened?"

"What happened?" Lina barked at the two companions. "Were you asleep too, Zel?!"

Zelgadiss spoke over the wind. "No! I was keeping my head down and turned away from the wind!" The problem soon hit Zelgadiss. "Hey, where's Gourry?"

"I can't believe neither of you didn't hear the horse go off!" Lina turned around t face the long field.

"Well what about you, Lina?!" Amelia yelled over.

Lina ignored the comment and began to yell. "Gourry! GOURRY YOU JELLYFISH, GET BACK HERE!!" Lina got no response. The sorceress looked behind her to see the old man walking away slowly. "Hey! Have you seen that blond guy on the black horse?!" The old man didn't turn around. "HEY! OLD MAN!!"

"I suppose he can't hear us." Amelia stated.

"This can't be good." Zelgadiss mused to himself.

"Hey! Lina!!" A voice responded.

The sorceress began to turn around. She looked in all the directions. "Gourry? Gourry, where are you?!" She looked off in the distance and saw a black horse galloping up. But she didn't see Gourry steering the steed. "No..." Lina turned back and looked at her two friends.

"What is it, Lina-san?" The princess looked at the black steed drawing closer and closer. "Is that-"

"Xellos." The chimera suddenly felt his chest sink as the black steed drew closer and closer. It came to a halt in front of the three travelers.

Sure enough, the horse was being steered by the violet haired mazoku with Gourry in the back. The swords man smiled. "Lina, Xellos saved me! The horse began to run off, and none of you were looking, and then-"

"Xellos, what the hell are you doing here?!" The sorceress screamed. Lina grabbed the mazoku's foot and pushed him off the horse onto the ground.

Xellos rubbed his head. "Lina, is that honestly anyway to say hello?" The priest began to stand up and brush himself off.

Gourry spoke up. "Well, when we first met back up with Zel she hit him over the head with-"

"Gourry, shut up!" Lina mounted back onto the horse and glared down at Xellos. "What are you doing here, Xellos?! I know every time we run into you it's because you somehow want to manipulate us for one of your 'duties'."

"Do you honestly, expect him tell us?" Zelgadiss groaned, taking a hold of the reins.

Xellos turned over and looked at Zelgadiss and Amelia. "Ah, well hello Zelgadiss, Amelia."

Amelia smiled. "Hellos, Xellos-san." Zelgadiss, on the other hand, decided not to say anything.

Xellos looked back to Lina. "Well you see, Lina. I was sent here to-"

"He's telling us something, lets go." Zelgadiss snapped the reins of the horse and forced the steed to start walking.

Xellos smiled. "Wouldn't you like to know a bit of information on the war?"

"Zelgadiss-san! Stop!" Amelia reached forward and pulled back on the reins of the horse. She turned around and looked at the smiling priest. "Xellos- san, what part do you have in the war?"

Xellos teleported over onto the side of the princess. He looked up at her on the horse. "That's a secret."

"You fruitcake!" Zelgadiss pushed his hand forward and tried to hit the mazoku. Xellos teleported out the way just in time. The chimera pulled his hand back up and darted his eyes around searching for Xellos.

Lina and Gourry rode up to Zelgadiss and Amelia's side. Lina gave a low grunt. "Well Xellos is here. We now know something is going on." Lina looked around. "Xellos! Xellos, get back here!" Nothing happened. The wind kept blowing and sent cold shills down Lina's spine.

Gourry spoke against the wind. "I don't think Xellos is coming back!"

"Well that's obvious!" Lina pointed out.

Zelgadiss looked away and took hold on the reins. "Forget him, lets just go. Amelia-" The princess put her arms around Zelgadiss and held on. The chimera looked over to Lina. "You know where to go?"

Lina returned his glance. "Yep." The black horse began the run out through the field. Zelgadiss and Amelia followed.


Four hours had passed. The four travelers had made only one stop. Gourry gave a loud sigh and threw his head back to look at the sky. "Hmm... It hasn't started raining yet."

Lina had been focused of riding the horse until she heard Gourry. "Don't jinx it, Gourry. We've had good luck running from this storm." A loud crack bellowed from the sky. "Eh?" Lina looked up to face the clouds and was greeted with a downpour of water on her face. Slowly, the sorceress turned to Gourry. Her eyes narrowed and her face was a death glare.

"Oh...boy..." Gourry stuttered. He wished that he could just jump off the horse and run for his dear life.

Instead of attacking Gourry, Lina tossed her hands up in the air and screamed. "This is so stupid!!" Zelgadiss and Amelia pulled their horse up to Lina and Gourry's. Lina continued her ranting. "Why? Why did it have to start to rain?! Where is this stupid forest?! When I find this forest I'm going to set every last tree on fire!!"

Amelia tried an act of comfort. "Lina-san, it can't be that far. Just hold on a little more, OK?"

"This is so stupid!" The sorceress continued. "I swear, I'm going to set the entire forest on fire!" Lina grabbed the horse's reins and booted the horse to run.

"What's she doing?!' Amelia squealed.

Zelgadiss sighed. "Lets just follow..." The pair chased off after Lina.

Gourry held on tight to the enraged red head. "Lina! Calm down! Please, we're going to fall off the horse!"

Lina ignored Gourry and continued running the steed forward. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, FOREST! I'm going to burn it down!"

"Oh jeez, I'm gonna' die!" Gourry whined. The rain was forced into their faces from the fast rate they ran at. Gourry could feel his face turning cold and the water soaking through his cloths. He could feel his whole body shivering. "Lina, lets stop it's raining!"

"Quiet, Gourry!" She shot back. As the black horse ran forward more and more Lina noticed something making it's way through the heavy fog. There was a dirt path on the ground. Where it lead to was unclear because it went right into the heavy fog. "Is this some kind of game?!" The sorceress kicked the horse and forced it to go faster. The horse's hooves pounded on the ground and rumbled along with the thunder as if in unison. The sorceress could hear the steed panting in the rain, but no matter what she wouldn't let the horse stop running. She forced it down the dirt path to the end. As they got down through it further and further, Lina could finally make something out through the fog. The horse drew closer and closer. She made out one tree. Then two. She saw the beginning of a forest. "Woah!" Lina pulled back on the horse's reins to fast. The steed bucked and almost tripped backwards, almost sending Gourry flying off its back.

The swordsman gripped onto Lina and closed his eyes. When the horse calmed down, Gourry finally looked out onto why they stopped. "That's the forest?" Lina didn't say anything, but she nodded.

"Lina-san, are you crazy?!" The sorceress turned around and saw another horse with two riders approaching. Nevertheless, it was Amelia and Zelgadiss. They came to a halt next to Gourry and Lina. "Lina-san, you can't do that! We almost lost you!" The princess scolded.

Lina passed the comment by. "You're living in the past, look where we are now!"

"This 'past', was only five minutes ago!" The chimera yelled.

Lina said nothing, but hopped off the horse. "Lets go!" She chirped. Zelgadiss and Amelia huffed as they slid off their horse.

Gourry got off the black steed and followed behind Lina. The swordsman decided to propose a question. "Should we bring the horses in?"

Lina looked back at Gourry. "Hmm.." She turned to Amelia. "Well, they're your horses. Should we?"

Amelia thought about this for a moment. "It could be trouble bringing them through the woods. Maybe we should leave them." She looked around. "We could tie them to some trees near a lake. But where is a lake?"

"We can just drag them through the forest and tie them up if we cross a lake." Lina grabbed the reins of the horse. "Lets go." As the sorceress crossed into the forest she felt the rain stop. "Huh?"

Amelia looked at Lina. "What's the matter?"

Lina took a few steps back out of the edge of the forest and felt the rain beat on her again. She turned to Amelia. "It stopped raining."

Zelgadiss looked up at the sky and felt the rain beat on his face. "Uh, no. It's still raining, Lina."

Gourry patted Lina on the shoulder. "Maybe you shouldn't ride horses anymore."

"No! In the forest!" Lina yanked the horse into the woods with her. "Get in here! You'll see!"

The other three followed Lina into the woods. When they entered, they felt the raining stop. Amelia looked around amazed. "It did stop."

"You see!" Lina bragged. "Now come, it's getting dark!" She began to lead the horse and the other travelers followed.

"What do you think about this, Zelgadiss-san?" Amelia looked up to the stern chimera.

"I'm not to sure," he began. "But we should probably keep going. This forest is supposed to be protected by spirits of many kinds, so maybe they just put up some spell to put a force field around it."

"Maybe." Amelia looked about her, taking in her surroundings. Night was slowly approaching. There were many thick trees surrounding them, some had different mosses growing on them and others stood tall and thin. Every now and then, Amelia would notice a nice colorful flower sprouting out amongst the greenery and the fog. The princess took a deep breath. Even though it had not rained where they now were, the forest still had a woulderful smell of the earth and it's plants after a rain. "This place is so peaceful!" Amelia couldn't help but feel her spirit somehow rise.

"Here we go!" Lina stopped her friends in front of a stream running through the woods. "Now we tie up the horses..." Lina took the steeds rein and tied the around a low branch on a tree. "And there we go! Now all we have to do is get food!" Lina turned over to Gourry. "Alright, Gourry! You can bring out the food! Amelia, you and Zelgadiss start a fire!"

The chimera groaned. "Might as well go find some fire wood." He began to turn around until he heard a loud thud. What had Gourry done this time? Zelgadiss looked around and saw Lina standing over Gourry.

"You ate all the food?!" She screamed.

"No! No, I didn't!" Gourry whined. "We just finished it all off at lunch, Lina!"

"This is great!" Lina turned around and paced for a few moments.

Amelia was looking in the stream. " There are quite a few fish in here. Why don't we just catch dinner?"

"Not a bad idea." Lina walked over to the side of the stream. "Alright, move back Amelia."

"Huh?" Amelia looked over to Lina. "Lina-san, what are you doing?"

Lina gave an evil smile. "Well, water conducts electricity. So, if I cast a lighting spell on this little stream all the fish will-"

"Lina-san! No! You can't kill all of them! That is so unjust! You can not kill all the fish!" Amelia ran over and grabbed Lina's arm.

"OK, Amelia! Then how do you propose we get some food?!"

The princess stopped pulling at Lina. "Well, I'm not to sure." Amelia looked back at the stream.

Lina took one second to think. "That's it, I'm shocking the fishies."

"Lina-san! No!" Amelia grabbed her friend's arm again.

"Amelia, I'm hungry!"

"I have a better idea."


Gourry found himself standing in the middle of the rushing water. He had taken off his shoes and rolled his pants up. The water splashed against his legs and sent small drops flying up to hit his thighs. He turned back to look at Lina and Amelia standing on the shore. The red head waved to the blond. "Catch us some dinner, Gourry!"

Amelia yelled out the Gourry. "Gourry-san! You might be able to use your long hair as bait in the water."

"Uhh.." Gourry looked down in the water. He saw a fish swimming by. "Ah- ha!" Gourry reached out as fast as he could but missed the fish. "Shoot!" He looked around again and saw another fish swimming by. He slowly went in this time, then as fast as he could plunged for the fish. The creature flapped out through his hands.

"Wahhhahah!" Lina leaned against Amelia's shoulder laughing. "Look at him go!"

"Don't be mean, Lina-san." Amelia turned around and saw Zelgadiss watching the show.

"I have to admit," the chimera stated. "it is rather amusing."

Gourry dove in again at another fish. He felt something slip in his hands. "I got one!" Lina stared out at the swordsman in amazement. Gourry quickly lifted his hands and held a huge fish in between them.

"I don't believe it!" Lina yelled.

All too soon, the fish slipped out from Gourry's hands. It flapped in the air for a moment and slapped the swordsman in his face with its long tail. Gourry tripped back and lost his balance falling into the water. Lina took a step forward. "Gourry! Are you OK?" The blond man sat up in the water, dripping wet with his hair in his face. He pushed back his golden locks and looked around.

"Ah! Where's my fish?!" He turned form side to side and stood back up in the water.

"This is going no where..." Lina moaned.

Amelia began to walk over to Zelgadiss. "We should go find some wood for a fire."

The chimera nodded. "Good idea."

As the two began to leave into deeper woods, Lina looked out at Gourry. She scratched her head. "I have no choice.." Lina undid her cape, took her shoes off and rolled up her pants. Slowly, she stepped into the icy water. "Yeek!" She pulled back for a moment at the shock of the coldness against her bare foot.

Gourry turned around and looked at Lina. "Lina, what are you doing?"

The red head looked over at Gourry. "I'm just going to try and catch some fish. You're not making any progress!" With that, Lina put in her whole foot and stiffened for a moment at the icy shock. Once she got both her feet in, she found the water wasn't so bad after all. She scanned her eyes along the water looking for any movement. "Aright, come out you stupid fish." She suddenly saw something dash through the water. "Gotcha'!" Lina dove at the fish with her whole body. The creature dashed out of her way and let the sorceress plunge into the water. Gourry stifled out a chuckle that soon became a loud laugh. Lina dragged her head out of the water. She was cold and wet. Again! After she had just been drying off from the rain, she was now covered in water again! Water dripped off from her hair into her face. Her eyes slowly shifted over to a laughing swordsman. A stupid swordsman, laughing at her pain. "Well you fell in too!" Lina stood up and kicked some water up from the stream at Gourry.

"Yeah, but not the first time!" Gourry smiled, and dunked his hands in the water and splashed Lina.

"Hey! What are you doing, jellyfish brain?!" Lina charged at the swordsman trying to push him in the water. Gourry put his arms around Lina and dragged her in the water with him. "Gourry!" Lina pushed herself back up out of the water and looked down on Gourry. The swordsman was simply smiling at her. She couldn't help but let a slight giggle out and smile back. She could feel a blush run through her cheeks. She pushed herself back up and splashed Gourry in the face. "Come on, you're pulling me down and the water and splashing me when I'm hungry!"

Gourry chuckled and looked over to Lina. "Well, you could be catching a fish right now, but instead you decided to splash me."

"Well you haven't got a single fish yet!" Lina pouted.

"Well neither have you!" Gourry mocked.

The sorceress felt embarrassed. "You want a fish?!" Lina plugged her hand in the water, grabbed something by the tail and kept a tight grip on it. "Here's your fish!" Lina pulled her hand out holding a large silvery fish by the tail. It flapped about trying t get free from the girls grasp.

"Lina! You got a fish!"

"I did?" Lina looked at her hand. "I did! I got the fish! I am the most talented sorceress in the world! HAHA!" Lina held the fish out in front of her face. "Let's see you do that, Gourry!"

"I'm trying!" He whined. The blond man scanned around the water's surface for any fish at all.


Zelgadiss and Amelia walked through the forest. They had only been able to find a few pieces of wood that were good enough to use. Zelgadiss was starting to feel a bit annoyed that they had walked so much and found so little. He began to wish that he stayed back with Gourry and was catching some fish. No. He didn't feel like getting soaking wet again. Walking was fine.


"Huh?" Zelgadiss looked over to the princess. She held up a few thick braches she had found on the ground.

"You think these are OK?"

"Yeah, those are fine." The chimera took the branches from the girl, and put them into his arms.

"Thank you." The princess gave off a small smile. Amelia looked around the woods with curiosity. Zelgadiss looked over at her and noticed this.

"What's wrong?"

The princess looked at him with her deep blue eyes. By her face, the chimera could tell something was bugging her. "Don't you hear that sound?"

"Sound?" If Amelia was hearing something and he wasn't, then the chimera knew something was wrong. "Are you sure it's not maybe your imagination?"

The girl pouted. "I'm positive! It sounds like. Small, jingling bells. You don't hear it at all?"

"No, I really do-" Zelgadiss stopped. He did hear it now. The sound of little bells, tinkling all around him. "Where is that coming from?" Zelgadiss moved his hand down, ready to unsheathe his sword is anything approached.

Amelia drew a little closer to Zelgadiss, fearing something might attack. "I don't know. They just.started out of no where."

"Tee-hee!" A cheery voice giggled.

"What was that?" Amelia began to turn her head around looking for a source.

"Well, something's here." Zelgadiss pulled out his sword ready to fight. The light voices continue dot speak.

"A sword!"

"Oh my!"

"In our forest!"

"How rude!"

"Shut up." Zelgadiss spat. He was about to continue till he heard Amelia speak up.


The chimera felt as if a dagger was stabbed in his heart. He spoke with a cold voice. "What did you say, Amelia?"

The princess turned around. "Zelgadiss-san? I didn't say anything." The giggling voices distracted Amelia again and made her turn away. "Where are they?"

Zelgadiss continued staring at the princess. He began to think it was his imagination until her heard the princess speak again. "You hideous freak!"

"Are you talking to me?!" Zelgadiss turned around and grabbed Amelia by the shoulders, forcing her to face him. He pushed her up against a tree and stared her in the face. He began to feel as if he was losing control.

Her eyes widened and she almost screamed. "Zelgadiss-san! What are you doing?!"

The chimera ignored her struggling to get free, and the fear in her voice. His eyes were narrowed and his voice was full of rage. "Who are you talking to? There is no one else here, so it must be to me!"

"I haven't said anything at all!" She screamed.


"Stop it!" Amelia shut her eyes and felt her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen to him, but Zelgadiss held her tight by her arms.

The chimera hung his head to the ground, not releasing Amelia. His blood was racing and he felt his heart pounding in his chest. He stared at the ground and shut his eyes. It wasn't like Amelia at all to say something like that. He couldn't imagine her saying those things. And to him. She knew how he would feel. He couldn't imagine why he was even doing this to her. He wouldn't hurt her.

"Who could ever look at such a face?"

The chimera shot open his eyes, at her words. He lifted his head slowly to look up at Amelia. She had opened her eyes, now swelling with tears, and was shaking. His voice came out low and cold. "Stop.saying that."


"You have no right, to be crying!" He barked.

"Zelgadiss-san, what's wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?" He pulled back his fist and pounded it in the tree, hardly an inch from her face. Amelia let out quick gasp and froze. The chimera could see her breathing hard and sense ever ounce of fear in her body. Her pupils were dilated and her mouth partially open. He got closer to her and yelled in her face. "You, ask ME 'what's wrong?'! How dense are you?! To say those.things about me, and simply ask 'what's wrong?'!" Amelia shut her eyes as tight as she could, and told herself that this wasn't happening. Zelgadiss could only take this as an insult. "Look at me, Amelia!" He grabbed her chin and pulled her face up to look at him. She slowly opened his eyes, and used her one free hand to grab his wrist. All of her life seemed to have drained from her eyes.

He didn't want to do this. Not to her. She seemed so delicate. But then why, why had she said those things? "Zelgadiss-san." He came out of his trance and looked at her. "What did I do?"

His face had not changed its original look of anger. But he couldn't help but think. Did she really not say those things?

"Silly man!"

"Wh-" Zelgadiss look forward. A small glowing fairy floated in front of him. She wore no clothing and was glowing blue. She floated in front of his face. "Who are you?" He questioned.

The fairy gave a small giggle and opened her mouth, talking just like Amelia. "I am a fairy of this forest, Zelgadiss-san!"

Zelgadiss froze. "You're talking like." He looked over to Amelia. "Oh no." He quickly released Amelia and took a second to look at her. "Amelia, I'm." Amelia leaned up against the tree, panting and staring right at the chimera. He wanted to go over and hug her while begging for her to forgive him. He suddenly felt as if there were to many things to say. "What have I done?"

The fairy giggled and spun around in a circle. "I don't know!" She said in a tune.

"This is your fault." The chimera growled. He reached out and tried to grab the fairy, but the little sprite vanished within an instant. He was left alone. Alone in the middle of the forest with a scared princess. His friend, who he had just attacked. He looked back Amelia. "I'm." He began to speak but then stopped. He didn't know what to say. Amelia stared at him. He looked at her for a moment but drew his eyes back down to the ground. He wished she would say something. "I, am so," He looked at her again. He was a monster. Because he hurt such an innocent being. He let his sword drop the ground and grabbed his head in frustration. "Why?" Why did this have to happen? He began to take a step near Amelia. The princess didn't flinch, but Zelgadiss did. He stopped and turned back around. He panted quickly and looked up to the sky. "DAMNIT!" He fell to his knees. What had he done? Why did he have to go and treat her the way?

"Zelgadiss-san." He felt two arms grab him from the back and hug him.

He gave a long sigh. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a hug." She nestled her head in his shoulder. "Don't be to hard on yourself."

The words caught him. "Don't say that." He brushed her arms off of him and stood up. He looked down and her and felt more pain in his heart. "I hurt you." His words came out in a whisper. "So-"

"So it was a mistake!" Amelia stood up and straightened out her clothing. Zelgadiss could see that she was still shaking a bit.

"How can you say that? It was not a mistake, Amelia!"

"It was!" The girl pointed at Zelgadiss in his face. "Zelgadiss-san, you thought I was talking, right? Though, I don't know what you thought I was saying."

The chimera was becoming confused at how light she was taking this all. "Yes."

"But it wasn't me!"


"So, it was a mistake!"

"Even so, that doesn't change the fact that I hurt you, Amelia!" He shot back. He looked at her and took a long sigh. "I attacked you." He stared at her for a few moments. She was so beautiful, her form was like an angel. And her kindness was celestial. He hurt an angel because he was being selfish. Zelgadiss felt his heart sink even more. "Why are you forgiving me, Amelia?"

She began to open her mouth and speak, but a different voice stopped her. "Sleep!"

The two friends turn and spoke in unison. "Huh?" They both felt their minds go blank and their bodies go into a rest. They fell to the ground amongst the green grass and flowers. A small red fairy floated above them beside a blue one.

"What fools," the red one spoke. "But that was only amusing for a short time." She turned to the blue fairy. "You still went to far. You didn't have to toy with his physical control!"

"How was I to know? Huh?"

The red fairy floated down and landed on the chimera's head. "We should erase their memories, don't you think?"

"Can we still play for a bit when they wake up?"

"Sounds like a plan!" The red fairy floated above the two sleepers and blew a small breath across the palm of her hand, spilling a gold dust over the two travelers.

Zelgadiss was the first to open his eyes and look around. "What-where?" He saw Amelia lying on the ground asleep. He quickly crawled over to her and shook her awake. "Amelia. Wake up!"

"Huh?" The princess stretched her arms and looked around. "What's wrong?" She looked around and saw that she was on the ground. "Weren't we.getting some wood?"

"Yeah." Zelgadiss looked around. Had they fallen asleep? "We should go." He began to stand and pick up the wood when the blue fairy floated down in front of him.


Amelia began to stand up and the red fairy floated to her. "A human! You must be!"

Amelia and Zelgadiss exchanged glances. The two fairies giggled and began to spin around in the air. They began to sing together.

"Calling all fairies from your bower Come to us this golden hour. Come with us on fairy wings! And dance around the Fairy Ring!"

Zelgadiss grabbed Amelia's arm. "Let's go!" He began to pull her till the yellow fairy floated in front of him. "Huh?" The fairy looked down at the chimera's feet. Zelgadiss followed her gaze and saw a red mushroom with white spots pop up in front of his feet.

Amelia nudged the chimera. "Zelgadiss-san, why are mushrooms appearing around us?"

"I don't know." He whispered.

The fairies began to giggle and dance around. A ring of mushrooms popped up in the ground and encircled the princess and the chimera.

A green fairy floated over to Zelgadiss. "Do you dance?"

"No," he lied. He did dance with Gourry, after all. Gods how he didn't want to remember that. Zelgadiss turned around and tried to leave the ring of mushrooms. As he almost stepped over he felt himself hit something. "What the-?"

"You mustn't leave!"

"Not yet! Not yet!" The fairies circled around the chimera.

An orange one floated to Amelia. "A gypsy?"

"No." Amelia shook her head. "I'm not a gypsy."

"Can you dance?"

"I suppose."

The orange fairy twirled around and sang.

"A gypsy dances to the moon And plays for all its tears Comes in the maid and out a rouge From tasting all the fear."

Amelia began to back up. "I don't understand."

"Do not understand, misunderstand!" The fairy spun around again. "Two rings begin, three rings return!"


"Come dance with us!" Two fairies swooped down to Amelia. Each grabbed one of her hands and began to tug at her. "Dance, dance!"

"Well, I can try. But-"

Meanwhile, Zelgadiss continuously picked headdresses and necklaces of flowers off of himself.


"He's so cute!" The fairies giggled and continued dropping flowers around the chimera.

"Here's a Pansy, that's for 'thought'-"

"And a Daisy, for some 'innocence'-"

Amelia looked over from dancing around in circles with the fairies. She saw Zelgadiss standing still and the little sprites decorating him in flowers. Amelia twirled around and smiled. As she looked at the chimera, she couldn't help but giggle. Zelgadiss just groaned. He had given up trying to keep the flowers off. One fairy came over and handed him a flower.

"Here's a Wisteria, that's for 'welcoming'!"

"And a Carnation, it's for 'pride'."

Amelia was now laughing out loud. Zelgadiss looked over at the princess. She could tell he was annoyed but she couldn't stop laughing. "You find this funny?" He questioned. Amelia giggled and nodded. He sighed. "Well they put flowers on you too!"

The princess felt the rose in her hair. "Yes, but I like flowers." She smiled. Zelgadiss didn't say anything.

Amelia looked around and saw a flower. She picked it and handed it to Zelgadiss.

He stared at her. "Oh no. Your acting like the fairies."

Amelia giggled. "This is a White Lily."

Zelgadiss spoke sarcastically. "What does this stand for? Looking stupid?"

Amelia shook her head. "No. A white lily is for 'sweetness'." She put the Lily into his hands. "And I think you are a sweet person, Zelgadiss-san." Amelia smiled. "My mother taught me about what different flowers meant."

Zelgadiss looked at the flower. He blushed a tiny bit. "Oh, um." He held it down at his side. "I can't be that-" A fairy interrupted.

"And here is a Yellow Day Lily." The flower was dropped on the chimera's head.

He shifted his eyes to look up. "Meaning?"

The fairy giggled. " 'Flirtation'!" All the fairies around Zelgadiss began to smile and laugh.

Zelgadiss turned red in the face and began to growl.


"I am the fishing queen!" Lina cheered. She sat on the bank with Gourry. They had caught three fish.

"Lina, how will all of us be able to eat if we only have three fish?" Gourry poked at one of the scaly creatures.

"Ahh, we can figure out a way." Lina was at ease for the moment, but she soon realized it was almost night. "Where are those two? I'm starving!"

"Lina-san!" The sorceress turned around and saw Amelia and Zelgadiss walking over through the dark.

"Amelia! Zel! What took you-" She stopped.

Amelia cocked her head a bit and looked at Lina. "Lina-san?"

At first, the sorceress and swordsman stared at the two blankly. Then, they burst into laughter. "Waahahaha! Oh man! What happened to you two?"

"What happened?" Amelia questioned.

Lina caught her breath. "Zel, what is with all the flowers? Did Amelia turn you into the Flower King?"

"It looks pretty." Gourry commented.

"We had some trouble with a few fairies." Amelia took out a flower from behind her ear.

Zelgadiss groaned, but decided to ignore his friend's laughter. "Here." He held out a flower to Lina.

Lina looked at Zelgadiss. "What? Why are you-"

"Just take the flower, Lina." The chimera snapped.

"You're a strange one, Zel." Lina looked at the flower. "OK, what's going on?" She demanded.

The chimera explained. "The only way the fairies would let us leave, was if we gave you and Gourry these flowers."

Amelia showed Gourry a flower. "This is for you Gourry."

"Thanks, Amelia." The swordsman smiled.

"Are you sure you didn't just eat something-" Lina was stopped by Zelgadiss.

"Wait. I have to say one more thing." The chimera put the flower closer to Lina. "This is a Marigold,"

"Oh, Zel! I love marigolds!"

"For 'selfish lust' and 'mental anguish'." He finished.

Lina's mouth dropped. ".What?"

Amelia presented the flower to Gourry. "And this is a Periwinkle, for 'sweet remembrances'."

"Sweet what?"

Lina was about to explode. "Zelgadiss, this flower is for WHAT?"

"Wait, wait Lina. I have to give you one more!" Zelgadiss began to take out one more flower. "This is a Lady's Slipper."

"Well, it has a good name." Lina mused.

Zelgadiss felt his stomach turn as he finished. "Um, it's for 'fickleness'."

"Zelgadiss, I'M GOING TO HURT YOU!"

"They were from the fairies! I swear!"


It was a new morning. Each of the travelers were up and ready to leave. The previous night had been horrible. Zelgadiss hardly got any sleep, for fear that a certain sorceress might try to kill him in the middle of the night for giving her flowers that apparently meant certain things. And it was also for that matter that Lina refused to give Zelgadiss any fish. However, Amelia saved half of her fish for the chimera. The next morning, Zelgadiss woke up and found flowers all around him. They were entwined in his hair, stuffed in his pockets, and surrounded him like a throne. He just figured that the fairies decided to pay him another visit. Amelia said it was because the fairies liked him so much. But the chimera said that they just wanted to tick him off.

Gourry had also found flowers tied in his hair. Lina woke up and found herself surrounded with Marigolds, a flower that she decided to commit to hating.

Gourry turned to Lina. "Are you ready to go?"

Lin had been mumbling something the entire morning about finding stupid fairies, burning them with a fireball and grilling them to a crisp. "Yeah, lets get out of here." Her three companions followed her through the woods.

They had only been walking for two hours, but to Lina it seemed like a week. "This forest doesn't end!"

Gourry was starting to think the same thing. "Wait, Lina."

"What is it, Gourry?" The swordsman pointed out a certain area of trees. "What is that?!" The sorceress ran over to the area. "Finally! Something!"

The group turned to where the swordsman was pointing. In one area, the trees curved in making a tunnel in one area. Amelia looked at it in amazement. "Can trees do that?"

Zelgadiss was rather confused himself. "I guess so." The chimera didn't want to question it too much.

Lina yelled over to her friends. "Are we going?"

Everyone exchanged a glance and then walked over to where Lina stood, right in front of the tunnel.

When they got there, the first thing they did was look in. Because the trees were tangled together at the top to form a tunnel, all light was block. Amelia put her head in a little further. "Well, I can't see any more then a few feet."

Lina huffed. "Don't worry. This has got to be a place to go. It stands out."

Gourry began to ramble. "Well, what if we run into something. How can we see if-"

Lina held up her hand. "See, Gourry. I've already caste a light spell. Now can go?" Lina entered the tunnel and began to walk. Gourry, Zelgadiss and Amelia soon followed.

Lina held up her hand looking at her surroundings. It was nothing that surprised her. Just some bending trees. She walked forward without hesitation. Then she stopped.

"What is it, Lina?" Gourry came running up to her side.

"We have already reached the end." She pointed around a corner and showed Gourry an open field.

Zelgadiss and Amelia came running up behind. The group looked out on an open field.

It was the first pure blue sky that they had seen in almost a week. The grass was green, and swayed in a calm breeze that blew by.

"It's so beautiful!" Amelia exclaimed.

The field seemed to almost curve up in a slight hill. Weird stone statues had been placed around in random spots. Zelgadiss walked over to one near by and touched it. It looked more like a stone bump that popped out of nowhere, but it had a face carved into it. Lina took the chimera by surprise, as she added her two cents on what she thought of the statue. "What the hell is that piece of junk?"

As everyone gazed around at the new location, Amelia decided that she should take out the map and have a look. It was obvious that they had come out of the Forest of Spirits, and by now they should have reached Cymbalien. It was right on the other side of the forest. "What if we made a 'U' turn and just ended up coming out again." Amelia was worried.

"Can I help you?" A voice spoke up.

The four friends turned to the direction of the voice. They saw a woman. She had straight, dark purple hair that only went slightly past her shoulders. Her bangs were long and covered her eyes with a shadow so they could not be seen. She wore a shot belly shirt that had frills puffing out to the side, and in the front strings tied it together. She had puffy pants that were the color of a dark pink rose. She wore no belt, but instead a sash that was overlapped by a small chain that also hung around her pants. Each of her ears where pierced three times. Two near the top and one on the bottom. She sparkled from all the jewelry she wore. Her arms were covered in gold and silver bracelets, and necklaces covered her neck. He voice was smooth and elegant. "Well, can I help you?"

Lina could only think of one thing when she saw this woman. The sorceress went pale in the face. "L-L-LUNA!!!"