Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Mazoku's Domain ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Mazoku's Domain
Chapter 2
By: Jay-chan

The auction room was shaped like a giant marble bowl, with the auctioned slaves at the bottom. The seats were lined up all around the edge, leaving the center clear. Most of the seats were taken up, but thanks to Xelloss' 'persuasive' attitude, Zelgadis and Xelloss were able to find two front row seats.

"Ahh...We should be able to see your future concubine perfectly from up here!" Xelloss propped his feet up on the adjacent rail separating the center ring from the seats. Zelgadis clenched his fist.

"How many times do I have to tell you, namagome! She is not going to be my concubine!" Xelloss waved a relaxed hand in his direction without moving his attention from the center stage.

"Hai, Hai! I believe you Zel-kun. Really I do." Zelgadis prepared to smash his 'companion's head in when the announcer interrupted.

"The next exhibit is actually a DOUBLE!"

Zelgadis saw the same lower mazoku drag the struggling red-head in by her hair along with her brunet partner. Seigram chained the redhead's leg to the floor and quickly left, but was soon replaced by another low class mazoku with a microphone.

"Take a good look, Lords and gentles!" The dark haired girl had tears shinning in her eyes mixed in with fear, but redhead had her head down and her eyes shaded, making it hard for Zel to read her emotions. The auctioneer moved towards the brunet first.

"The little number may be small in height, but quite mature!" He poked the girl in the chest causing her to squeak in protest and cover herself up. "Imagine these babies in your concubine bunch!" He continued to prod her pointing all the 'pros' and leaving out any visible 'cons'. After he finished with her he moved to the redhead, the one which held most of the audience's attention and curiosity.

"...And here we have a jewel of the flames. She has powers beyond your dreams, all she needs is a good master and the right training. Imagine this little firefly guarding you! Having her fight and win in the arena! Sure she doesn't have much chest, but she has much more to make up for it!" Zelgadis noticed the girl's shaking fists when he mentioned her chest, but she still made no move.

It didn't take long for the auctioneer to finish but almost instantly after the last words came out the biding began...


Seigram had a fist full of Lina's hair in his bandaged hand as he continued to tug her down the long white corridors, Amelia right next to her. Soon they came into a large arena surrounded by thousands of seats, each one was occupied. Seigram gave her hair one final tug before chaining her foot to the floor.

Lina bent her head to shade her eyes from the thousands of heartless overseers around her. She heard Seigram leave and the auctioneer start up. She knew he would start with Amelia because of her better figure, but that didn't mean she was of no interest to the audience. No, she knew they were curious of her, she could feel their eyes.

Lina heard Amelia's cries and protests as she was being 'shown' to the hungry bidders, but she did nothing, not that she could have. He then moved to her, commenting on her power level and strengths, which was fine with Lina, it was the chest comment that pissed her off.

'That bastard!' She clenched her fists and she silently cursed the auctioneer. 'Grr...If I didn't have this damned collar...' Her fists were still shaking with anger by the time he finished his speech that Lina calmed down. The first Bid was called quickly after the speech and then another.

"100 gold!"



Lina kept her head down as she listened to the bids being called until one very high bid rang out loud and clear.

"500 gold!" Lina's head shot up to look at the bidder. It wasn't the amount of money that said by the bidder that made Lina look up, it was the voice of the bidder. Lina stared in horror as Fibrizo himself sat smugly in the top row...

"Hey Zel-kun," Xelloss opened his eyes and nudged his friend.

"Huh? What is it Xelloss?" Zelgadis eyed his friend strangely.

"Looks like you've got some competition." He pointed up to the top row where a small boy with black hair sat smugly. "It looks as though Hellmaster himself came, and it seems like you two have your eyes on the same prize."


The bids went higher and higher and Lina could hear many of the bidders dropping one by one until there were only two. Hellmaster and another mazoku lord. He had soft lavender hair which swept softly over one eye and soft white skin. He wore a simple white tunic and pants lined with thin silver thread. He seemed much simpler than the other Lords.



"900! And that's my final offer!" Fibrizo held up his money bag over his head and everyone fell silent. Fibrizo sent the other Lord a smug grin as if daring him to go higher. The Lord glared back.

"Going once!" The auctioneer started. Silence.

"Going twice!" Still silence...


"Uh...Zel-kun, are you going higher?" Xelloss looked at his friend who continued to stare at Fibrizo.

"Going once!"

"Zel-kun..?" Xelloss was starting to get edgy.

"Going Twice!" Zel was still silent. The auctioneer shot him a glance.


"1000 gold!" Zelgadis stood up and held the money bag high. He shot Fibrizo an evil grin.

"The auction pot is capped! Sold to Lord Greyword!" The auctioneer announced loudly.


"The auction is capped! Sold to Lord Greyword!" The auctioneer stood behind Lina, giving her a clear view of her new 'master'. Then Seigram came and unchained her and slowly led them out of the arena giving Lina time to get one last look at the lord who 'purchased' her.

"Lord Greyword...." She whispered to herself. "...I'll remember that."


Xelloss sighed. "Good bidding Zel-kun!" He patted Zel on the back, "Cutting it a bit close, but very good!"

Zelgadis still did not break eye contact with Fibrizo. They stood there sizing each other up. Then Fibrizo did something Zelgadis did not expect.

He smiled.