Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Gen-X: Slayers Mystic ❯ Who's that?! ( Chapter 1 )

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Slayers Mystic
Episode 1
Who's that?!

The mist hangs like a heavy white veil upon the air. Somewhere, a woof howls at the blue moon. It is not a comfortable situation to be on a road on a night like this.

The traveller hurries along however.

Yes...even on this horrible night, with a sinking feeling in his stomach. No choice, he has no choice. He hurries along faster.

Suddenly, he hears footsteps.

Quick rapid ones, and he knew that his hunter has catches up with him. He runs along faster. It isn't far now...he knows he will arrive at sanctuary soon.

Soon enough.

The footsteps are right behind him. There is heavy breathing--the traveller can almost feel it down his neck. And then...

He is trapped.

His cries of anguish trailed off in the dark abyss.


"Did you hear that Gourry?" Lina pauses from her dinner chow-down long enough to ask the question.

"Hear what?" Gourry asks, his face stuffed with honeyed chicken and rice.

"I thought I heard...Well, never mind. I must be hallucinating from all that fighting and starvation," Lina tucks in again. But she seems to have lost her appetite.Her curiousity finally gets the better of her and she decides to investigate what she had heard (not heard). "Well, I'm going out for a moment," Lina says to Gourry as she stands up.

"You're not serious are you?" Gourry looks puzzled. "It's really dark out there."

"I'm not scared," Lina replies as she slings her sword over her shoulders.

"Uh-huh, but you're not going out anyway."

"And why not?" Lina demands, her arms crossed over her chest.

"'Cos I won't let you--I mean...'cos you won't leave your food!" Gourry answers.

"I think this is a more pressing matter," Lina pauses as she looks at the door. There is a glint in her eyes, "Besides, my instinct tells me that there's a certain amount of treasures waiting for me if I pursue this matter."

"Yeah, right," Gourry rolls his eyes. "Like all the other missions we went on. No gold!"

"You can stay inside if you're scared," Lina smiles slyly.

"Says who?" Gourry stands up too.

"Says me." Lina walks to the door. She opens it and steps into the darkness,"Sayonara!"

"Hey!" Gourry grabs his sword. "Wait for me!" and he runs out of Leaping Dolphins.

Darkness... all darkness.

"Ouch!" comes a voice.

"Gourry!" Lina scolds him as she knocks his head.


"That's for stepping on my feet and saying ouch when I'm the one whose toes are stepped on!"

"Hey, your toes are as hard as stone (probably from eating too much!)"

"What's that!" Lina scowls.

"What's what?" Gourry asks, his face masked with innocence.

Suddenly, a twig snaps.

"What's that?" Lina asks.

"It''s coming from over here!" Gourry runs into the bushes.

"Light!" Lina commands, casting a light spell as she follows.

Their surroundings are bright suddenly. A man is on the ground, groaning. His clothes are in
shreds and his face and hands are bloody.

"Are you alright?" Gourry asks as he kneels by the man.

The man stops groaning and Lina knows it instantly, "He's dead."

Lina hovers above the man and her scarlet eyes settles on a stained parchment tucked in the
corpse's right boot.

"Well, well, well," Lina sighs as she takes the parchment and reads it. "Hmm..." and throws it
to the ground.

"What is it?" Gourry asks.

"Nothing," Lina sounds disappointed. "Just a letter to some rich fool or another with regards
to another fool or another. Probably got waylaid by highwaymen. There's no gold even!"

Gourry picks up the letter. "Er Lina?" he asks.

"What?" Lina is about to go back to Leaping Dolphins where another supper would be most

"There's something written at the bottom."

"You mean 'Yours sincerely, Sir FatPockets?'"

"No. It says something like 'Beware of the one who comes after the messenger.'"

"Yeah? Not interested."

More twigs snap.

Gourry leaps, his sword out in an instant. "Would that be the one who comes after the messenger?"

Lina holds out her sword in the direction of the noise. She gulps, "I think so Gourry."

A girl steps out.

------------------------------------->>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>To be continued