Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers-Quest ❯ The Priest's Diamond - Xellos's Test ( Chapter 9 )

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The priest's diamond -

The priest's diamond -
Xellos's test

The day went well, Lina was touched by the demonstration of caring her friends showed her and went to bed feeling that she could take on the world. Xellos was right, she had done some good things, the fact that she had such caring friends was proof of that. Getting into bed she smiled, who could have ever guessed that Xellos would turn out to be such a wonderful person. Remembering the kiss on her forehead she flushed, "such a Good Friend" she reminded herself firmly.

Meanwhile outside, Xellos sat quietly in the dark staring up at the stars. Seeing Melee nearby in the shadows he told her to come out. "We have a lot to talk about, grab a hold of your sanity and plop yourself down here."

Melee fluttered down with a sad look on her face, "What is it child?" She asked.

"First of all, how long have you been on this plain of existence? "Xellos asked.

"Since the beginning of all, Mother made me when she created the world and charged me with keeping the balance. I have not done well lately." Melee responded.

"Why me? Why now? "Xellos continued.

"I want to go back to Mother, I've been so lonely and I just can't hang on any longer. I found you 500 years ago and I have waited for you to be ready." Melee smiled. "you are very precious to me child and I have been guiding you as much as I could."

"What is Lina's role in this?"

"Lina, beautiful chaotic Lina can you not tell? Her essence draws you, as does yours her. Her last contact with the Mother of All scared her and now she is afraid to take up the sword. She is to be the Mother's Knight, you will not be as lonely as I was and it will take two to rebalance the scales."

"You realise if she doesn't want this I will fight you to keep you away from her."

"Of course child, I knew that. Just give me a chance to show her why she is needed and let her make a true choice, not one dictated by fear and misunderstandings. Do you have any more questions?"

"Just one? When I truly become the Priest of the Mother will I become as batty as you?" Xellos asked sharply.

"No, I'm dissolving into Chaos, it is hard to keep a grip on myself when my being is being pulled in two directions. You and Lina are the only things that are keeping me here."

The next morning found them on the road again. "What is it about us and old temples" Lina grumbled. "There's something about a guardian spirit in the manuscript as well."

"Mr Zelgadis knows all about temples" Amelia proclaimed happily. "He's searched enough of them for his cure. Excuse me Miss Melee you've been around for a while do you know anything about a cure for Mr Zelgadis?"

Melee swooped down and grabbed from behind Zelgadis. As she hung on from his neck she blew into his ear she then laughed and flew away as he turned red. "When the time comes he'll take the shape to which he was born, it's not time yet. Wait Amelia he'll stop search before you're grey."

"That's a help" Zel snorted said quietly to Xellos, "Have you seen the pictures of Amelia's family, they tend not to grey until their seventies."

Melee watched closely as the group travelled onward, she could see the bonds between the members of the group growing stranger, looking closely at the lines leading from Xellos she felt a particular sense of satisfaction. After she had chosen him the lines were faint almost unnoticeable, now, they were bright and shining. The connection between him and Lina was the strongest, it was going well Xellos would need those lines when he met the guardian of the temple.

After two more days of travel, they finally arrived luckily, there was a stream nearby. "Ladies first" Lina yelled as she and Amelia shucked their packs. "Somebody besides Xellos make something to eat."

"But Lina I can cook." Xellos protested.

"Can you cook for humans?" Lina replied, then added. "non-lethal to humans"

"Of course my dear Lina, just leave it in my hands. "Xellos answered with a big smile.

"You make sure of that or else I'll dragon slave you to the other side of the continent" came back the threatening response.

Soon the sounds of two girls happily bathing came from the river while Xellos diced and sliced with a serious look to his face.

"Um Xellos, why did you offer to cook? You won't eat any of it?" Gourry asked quizzically.

"He gets fed better when Lina's happy." Zel interjected.

"That's part of it but I've found that when Lina's happy, for some strange reason I'm happy, isn't that strange?" Xellos threw some of the chopped vegetables into the pot blissfully unaware of the pointed looks Zel and Gourry gave each other.

Xellos looked at Melee then added "I'll be going into the temple after Lina and Amelia get back they won't notice me leaving if I go while they're eating."

"Why by yourself ? Zel asked. "It took me a long time to learn my lesson but we really do operate better as a team."

"I won't put Lina in danger." Xellos answered. "Or any of the rest of you, this is my test and I should be the only one at risk."

"But.. "Gourry protested.

"It's his decision, Gourry" Zel interrupted. "It may be stupid but its his choice."

Gourry subsided as he caught a sharp glance from Zelgadis. He'd follow Zel's lead for now.

Amelia and Lina came back and with squeal of delight they dug into the food not reacting to Xellos's quiet departure.

"Damn he's starting to get like you Zel" she observed after a minute. "Temple."

"Yep" Zel answered. "Let's give him a moment to think he's home free and then let's go."

"He's going to owe me a meal afterwards." Lina grumbled. " who have guessed he was this good a cook."

"But Zel didn't you tell him we wouldn't follow him." Gourry asked.

"I said that was his decision, I never agreed to be bound by it." Zel answered. "Let's go."

As Xellos entered the temple he was reminded of Melee as he felt a presence surrounding him, this had the sense of danger that Melee had radiated during her confrontation with Zelas.

"I am here for the priest's diamond. I am the chosen of Voice of the Mother and demand it so I may take on the role of her Priest." Xellos stated firmly.

"Are you in balance, I can feel your monster side but what about the other emotions. It is time for your test." Blackness surrounded Xellos as he felt his mind being invaded.