Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Resurrection ~ a continuation of fate ❯ And A Little Girl's Prayer ( Chapter 6 )

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Slayers Resurrection

Chapter 6: And a Little Girl's Prayer



¡¥What ¡V what the hell is THAT?!¡¦ Lina shouted while Amelia screamed beside her.

¡¥Watch out!¡¦ Gourry shouted. He striked his sword and made a cut, but the chimera teleported, missing him.

¡¥Where is he now?¡¦ Zelgadiss said, looking around.

¡¥Zelgadiss! Look ¡V ¡¥ Amelia screamed, she ran forward and pushed him out of the way when a huge foot almost stepped on them, leaving a huge foot print on the ground.

¡¥Oh my ¡V ¡¥ but before Lina could finish her sentence, she looked down and felt the ground trembling, then something summoned itself out from the ground right beneath her feet.

¡¥Raywing!¡¦ Lina shouted, taking hold of Gourry¡¦s wrist on the way.

She looked down again and saw that there was nothing. ¡¥Where is it?¡¦

¡¥Lina!¡¦ Gourry pointed down right behind Zel and Amelia. They both looked back and flew up into the air.

¡¥It¡¦s a chimera.¡¦ Zelgadiss mused, looking down. Suddenly there was a roar, a thundering roar. The ground shook and something rose out from the ground. It was indeed a chimera, a quite unusual one. It had huge wings on its back, six clawed legs that were hairy. He had a round insect like head with five huge big complex eyes, holding multiple reflection of its surroundings. He had four hands to his side, each having three claws.

Lina gulped.

¡¥This isn¡¦t an ordinary chimera.¡¦ Zelgadiss said.

¡¥I never knew that chimeras could teleport or anything.¡¦ Amelia said in a rather timid voice.

¡¥If they can, then this would be a tough fight.¡¦ Lina remarked. She remembered the fight with Kanziel, where he could come out of nowhere and shoot fires at them. It wasn¡¦t likely that they wanted to become human mush under something so¡K¡K ugly.

The huge chimera flapped its wings, growling at the same time, hard sharp winds scraping the surroundings.





¡@ < p>Filia and Xelloss entered through the gates to the royal palace of Milfia, which was a huge gray ancient type architect. They were walking through a long corridor which was lined with tall bushes, a typical design for a palace.

¡¥This is beautiful.¡¦ Filia mused, looking around. She hadn¡¦t really been to a palace before, but it did resemble the huge garden at the Fire King Sanctuary, but was now of course, destroyed.

¡¥It would be much better if we weren¡¦t being poked at.¡¦ Xelloss commented, just as a guard had ¡¥accidentally¡¦ poked at his arm at the remark.

Filia sweatdropped, then sighed, looking at Xelloss. ¡¥It¡¦s not like I need your accompany Xelloss.¡¦

¡¥Nah, I wouldn¡¦t either. I just wanted to see if they¡¦d use those really weird idiotic ways to make you turn back into a dragon.¡¦ Xelloss said, holding up one of his fingers, winking. ¡¥Like using feathers.¡¦

Filia glared at him, knowing perfectly well that he was indicating the incident where she practically destroyed a whole city that did not allow any dragons enter. But obviously Xelloss had known all along but had kept his mouth shut, just to make fun of her.

¡¥Shut up.¡¦ Filia said as they entered the big doors. She looked forward where she saw that Neville was still clenching a trembling Flore, while that General named Prescott was still keeping a close eye on them, well namely Flore.

After the walk along the everlasting corridor, they reached a huge double door that was framed with brilliant rich gold with carvings on it. The guards in front pushed open the door and there was a loud ring of trumpets to welcome them. (Welcoming Prince Neville anyway.)

¡¥Go in!¡¦ a guard said roughly, poking Filia with the blunt end of his spear, while the other guard pushed Xelloss by the back.

¡¥I never knew that people here were so rude.¡¦ Xelloss muttered, eyeing the guards.

¡¥Well I don¡¦t think your much better.¡¦ Filia murmured, raising her eyebrows. Xelloss looked at her, his mouth twitching.

¡¥Mother.¡¦ Neville¡¦s voice rang through the huge hall. Filia and Xelloss looked up and saw that there was a line of chairs in front of them. With two in the middle, obviously for the King and Queen. But it seemed as if the King was absent.

¡¥Your highness.¡¦ Prescott started, walking pass Neville and Flore who were kneeling down at the red carpet. ¡¥we found them in the ruins with these two intruders.¡¦ He pointed his sword at Xelloss and Filia.

The Queen took a careless eye at them, then turned back to his son. She was a slim lady with long curly pale orange hair, with a diamond crown on her hair. She wore elbow length gloves white gloves and a dress of rich yellow fabric. She was actually a pretty woman, with green eyes that were big. She hurried down the steps and embraced her son, standing him up at the same time. Flore gently pushed Neville away.

¡¥Oh my son,¡¦ The Queen cried, ¡¥I¡¦ve been looking for you everywhere. Where in the world have you been?¡¦

¡¥Mother, I¡¦m sorry.¡¦ Neville said, pulling away from her mother.

¡¥Are you all right Flore?¡¦ The Queen asked, turning to the timid girl who was still kneeling.

¡¥Yes your highness.¡¦

¡¥Prescott, where were they found again?¡¦ the Queen asked, turning to the general.

¡¥In the ruins, with these two intruders.¡¦ The general repeated, a little impatience in his voice.

¡¥Intruders?¡¦ The Queen took a better look at Filia and Xelloss again. ¡¥Are you foreigners?¡¦

¡¥We would answer you if you¡¦d kindly removes these spears and swords pointing at us.¡¦ Xelloss said impatiently, tapping his foot.

Filia sighed. She had a really bad feeling that this would lead to something really bad.






¡ ¥Lina! I can¡¦t see anything!¡¦ Gourry shouted over the noise. The wind was so strong that they were hit back to the ground.

They all covered there eyes from the scraping wind. The Chimera levitated into the air slowly. Making it a torture to the surroundings on the ground.

¡¥Does he want to go?¡¦ Amelia screamed, she couldn¡¦t hold herself and feel onto the ground.

¡¥I don¡¦t have that feeling!¡¦ Lina yelled. The Chimera raised up above their heads, the noise quieted a bit. Then,

¡¥Look out Amelia!¡¦ Zelgadiss shouted, running forward and grabbed the princess by the arms just as the monster stamped his foot hard on the floor. Lina had managed to dodge, taking Gourry by the wrist up into the air. They were above it this time.

The Chimera looked over his shoulder clumsily, his arms making little movements.

¡¥What the hell is this?¡¦ Lina cried.

¡¥Bomb di WIND!¡¦ Zelgadiss shouted, a gust of air swarming around the chimera. But it didn¡¦t seem to have any use, then suddenly the monster disappeared.

¡¥Gourry! Lina! Behind you!¡¦ Amelia shouted.

Lina looked behind quickly, ¡¥Flare ARROW!¡¦

The Monster made some squeaky noise, then flapped his wings in front of him to make a shield.

¡¥Diem WIND!¡¦ wind shot out of Amelia¡¦s hands. Gourry went forward and pulled his sword out, but couldn¡¦t even make a small cut on the chimera.

Zelgadiss landed on the floor and knelt down, putting his hand on the ground. ¡¥Dug HUAT!¡¦

Rocks bursted up from the earth, swirling around the monster. It made a sort of typhoon of rocks, but then all dropped to the floor with a move of the monsters legs.

¡¥Curse you.¡¦ Zelgadiss muttered. The others landed beside him.

¡¥Do you find something different from the previous one?¡¦ Lina asked.

¡¥All I know is that it can teleport, not like usual ones,¡¦ Amelia said, holding up her finger.

¡¥And it seems as if its controlled by something, making it stronger.¡¦ Zelgadiss added.

¡¥I think there something on the Chimera that is controlled from a distance.¡¦ Lina said, narrowing her eyes.

¡¥But where?¡¦ Gourry asked, scratching his head.

¡¥That¡¦s for us to find out.¡¦ Lina responded, looking up at the monster who was letting out a roar.






Little did Lina and the others know that someone was watching them from distance, holding a ball of red light, smiling under her breath.

¡¥Then let¡¦s see if your smart enough then, Lina Inverse.¡¦ The figure smiled to herself, then disappeared out of sight.






&iexc l;@

The Queen gave a nod, signaling the guards to release them.

¡¥But your highness,¡¦ Prescott started, the queen gave him a sharp look, which silenced him.

¡¥Thank you so much your highness.¡¦ Xelloss said sarcastically.

¡¥Mother, where is Father?¡¦ Neville asked.

¡¥He went out, just before you disappeared.¡¦ The Queen replied. She offered a hand to Flore, who timidly received it.

¡¥So, what happened?¡¦ The Queen asked, starting up the steps and sat back on the chair. ¡¥How did you find Neville and Flore?¡¦

¡¥Your highness ¡V ¡¥ Prescott started again.

¡¥I wasn¡¦t asking you General Prescott.¡¦ The Queen said sharply, not even looking at him.

¡¥They were attacked by a chimera.¡¦ Xelloss said flatly, looking at the general sideways.

¡¥A Chimera?¡¦

¡¥We were walking along the streets when we heard a loud noise.¡¦ Filia explained, ¡¥we saw that there were two kids being attacked, but we didn¡¦t notice that it was Flore and the Prince.¡¦

¡¥Didn¡¦t notice?¡¦ Prescott snorted.

¡¥Well there have been quite a lot of chimera attacking incidence these days.¡¦ The Queen sighed.

Then you should have taken hold of your own children missy. Xelloss thought mentally.

Shut up Xelloss. Filia¡¦s voice rang in his head. He looked up.

¡¥If it weren¡¦t for that useless Adair, there wouldn¡¦t be so much accidents.¡¦ Prescott muttered.

¡¥It¡¦s not anyone¡¦s fault that these chimeras are attacking your country.¡¦ Filia said quietly.

¡¥Well anyway, thank you for saving my son Xelloss and Filia.¡¦ The Queen nodded her head.

¡¥Your pleasure.¡¦ Xelloss murmured.

¡¥Your highness, should we send Flore back home or lock her up?¡¦ A soldier asked.

¡¥She should be locked up at once!¡¦ Prescott said out loud, ¡¥how dare she take away the Prince.¡¦

Neville winced.

¡¥I ¡V I cannot be in charge of anything of this sort.¡¦ The Queen sighed.

¡¥Your highness.¡¦

¡¥Nurse, please take Neville back to his room for rest.¡¦ The Queen said, motioning to the rather fat woman who had just come into the hall. ¡¥And as for Flore, would you mind staying here for a night? It is already past midnight. We will send you back home first thing tomorrow morning.¡¦

¡¥Um, yes your highness.¡¦ Flore replied.

¡¥And would you,¡¦ The Queen turned to Xel and Filia, ¡¥like you stay here for the night too?¡¦

¡¥Um, I don¡¦t think ¡V ¡¥ Filia started.

¡¥Sure.¡¦ Xelloss said, stopping Filia by putting his hand on her shoulder. ¡¥We¡¦d love to.¡¦ He looked sideways at Prescott again.

Prescott narrowed his eyes, looking back without turning his head.





¡¥Xellos s, we don¡¦t have time!¡¦

Filia and Xelloss were standing at the corridor of the palace. Xelloss was leaning on the railing, looking out the window.

¡¥Sure we do.¡¦ Xelloss said back, his eyes closed in his usual cheerful grin.

¡¥Xelloss, you know perfectly well that are not with Lina, and I don¡¦t have a very good feeling that they are well now.¡¦ Filia protested.

¡¥Come on, its not that they need your help, they¡¦re strong enough to defend those stupid monsters.¡¦ Xelloss said, wincing.

¡¥Yeah right.¡¦ Filia snarled, ¡¥if it weren¡¦t for me, you just have become Mazoku mush now.¡¦

¡¥If you want to catch up with them, then go ahead.¡¦ Xelloss shot back.

Filia was about to talk back when suddenly she heard a voice behind her.

¡¥Excuse me.¡¦ They turned around and saw Flore with her hands to her side, the moonlight shining on her blue hair.

¡¥You okay?¡¦ Filia asked.

¡¥Um, I just wanted to thank you for saving us today.¡¦ Flore said, looking down at her feet.

Xelloss looked at her small figure. ¡¥Do you have a relationship with Prince Neville?¡¦

Flore jerked at the question.

¡¥Well it certainly seems like that.¡¦ Filia said quietly.

¡¥Well, yes, that was before that day when my father got hurt.¡¦ Flore replied in a small voice. ¡¥I used to be a priestess in the palace, but after that incident my stepmother had forbidden me to go to the palace again. The king had wanted to punish me for making a false prediction, but then the Queen had suggested that I should just be banned from the palace.¡¦

¡¥So Neville wanted to take you away.¡¦ Xelloss finished for her.

Flore just nodded.

Filia just looked down at the girl sadly, then sighed.

¡¥I ¡V I don¡¦t wish for anything, no riches no name no nothing,¡¦ Flore clasped her hands together, closing her eyes, ¡¥I just want the royal throne to be in peace, even if I don¡¦t work here anymore, or my father.¡¦

¡¥What if ¡V ¡¥ Xelloss started, then suddenly there were rapid footsteps echoing through the corridor.

¡¥What the matter?¡¦ Filia asked, looking around.

Xelloss saw a familiar figure pass by quickly.





¡¥Rune FLARE!¡¦

The four of them were still fighting against the chimera, which seemed to become stronger and stronger by each attack.

¡¥There no use!¡¦ Amelia screamed just as she dodged a foot that had suddenly appearing on top of her head.

¡¥If we don¡¦t find the thing that¡¦s controlling, its useless to attack.¡¦ Zelgadiss shouted. ¡¥Bephis BRING!¡¦

Something that can control? Lina thought, she looked around, what could possibly control this monster?

Suddenly Lina¡¦s eyes caught sight of a flash of red light up on a tree. She ran towards it.

¡¥Lina!¡¦ Gourry shouted.

¡¥Freeze ARROW!¡¦ Lina threw the pillar of ice towards the red light, but it suddenly disappeared.

¡¥Lina!¡¦ Amelia and Zelgadiss ran towards her.

¡¥It¡¦s here, it just disappeared.¡¦ Lina said, looking around.

¡¥Watch out!¡¦ Amelia screamed. ¡¥Balus ROD!¡¦ a whip of light appeared in Amelia¡¦s hands. She threw it out and it tied around the chimeras legs, tripping him.

¡¥It¡¦s there!¡¦ Lina cried, pointing. She flew up. ¡¥Icicle LANCE!¡¦ she threw it out and it hit the target squarely, and broke. She heard some teleporting sound.

In an instant the chimera roared out in pain, it tried to stand up.

¡¥I can¡¦t hold on any longer!¡¦ Amelia cried, the whip of light dragging her along.

Zelgadiss flew up and shot out a whip of light, wrapping the monster around its waist and arms.

¡¥Lina! Dragon Slave!¡¦ Zelgadiss shouted.

Lina grinned, then held up her hands.

¡¥Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows; buried in the flow of time.¡¦

A ball of light appeared between Lina¡¦s hands.

¡¥In Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness! Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess!¡¦


The target exploded.

¡¥Victory!¡¦ Amelia cried, landing beside Lina.

¡¥It¡¦s still here.¡¦ Lina said, looking around.

¡¥What?¡¦ Zelgadiss widened his eyes.

¡¥It¡¦s here somewhere, there¡¦s somebody controlling it.¡¦ Lina responded.






& iexcl;¥What¡¦s the matter?¡¦ Filia asked.

¡¥Go out and see for yourself.¡¦ Xelloss said, then teleported.

¡¥Sheesh.¡¦ Filia muttered, then went after him.

Flore blinked.


Filia landed beside Xelloss, then her eyes widened.

¡¥Holy CRAP!!¡¦

