Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ Why? Questions.....Questions ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

As my feet flew over the cold hard ground only one thought was traveling through my head...why? Well why what, one may ask. Well that's simple enough, the answer to that is why did this happen, why does life go this way...why why why? Why...the eternal question, always getting answered ...but always springing forth new questions, like; is that true, how could that be and so on.... Well now enough about that, I've begun to ramble haven't I? Well many do that when they're as screwed up as I am. Well anyway my sanity is to be questioned at another time. My life was pretty normal...heh yeah that's what I'd like to say, but even if I did it would be a lie. My life.... How to say this in one word? Hell? Confusion? Awful? Terrible? Hmm, yes I guess that's what it was, I was always wishing I was somewhere new.... Some place far away from this world. My social life was a mess, people hated me for some reason I did not know of, I had only a few friends, but even they turned from me in the end. In the end? Well I guess it wasn't really an end.... Nor a beginning, well I'm not sure what it was but.... What happened I will never forget.... That day.... that day..... that was the day my world was destroyed. Destroyed? Heh well then how can I still be living? Well when my world was destroyed, I was cast from it and it's tortures onto a New World, the world I always dreamed of, a world of dreams adventures and hopes for the future. Although it may seem I would be sad about the destruction of my world.... I wasn't. Why? Well there's that why again. Hm I guess part of it was because my wish was now true... I guess that's bad; my life grows better at the sacrifice of billions? But it was also my hate.... I'd left my world hating everyone there. Why? Why? Well they turned their backs.... They would not fight. They merely ran away...away from it...away from the thing that consumed my world.