Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Changing my life forever... ❯ The Beginning... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Beginning
First of all, this is in Manic's P.O.V. Second of all, this ONLY has to do with SONIC UNDERGROUND. With that out of the way, LET THE STORY BEGIN!!
It was a hot summer's day. I had no idea that something was about to change my life forever. I was in my room when suddenly... “Whoa! Where did you come from, Star?” I asked in a surprised tone of voice. The horse just looked at me. Just then, Sonia knocked on my door. “Are you alright?” She decided that it was okay to come in. “Where did you get a horse?!” she screamed. Sonic decided to take a peek into my room, and he almost fainted at the site! “How long have you had this horse, Manic?!” He didn't seem too happy about my horse. “Since I was a kid,” was my reply. Suddenly Sonia asked, “What's her name?” “This is Star,” I replied. “What is her full name?” asked Sonic. “It's just Star,” I said. With that said, we all went outside. “Can you ride a horse?” Sonia asked. “Yes I can. Before you ask, I ride bareback,” I said. Sonic kept on urging me to ride, so I did. The thing I didn't know was that the worst thing was about to happen...
“You ready to go?” I asked Star. The horse just neighed happily. “Giddyup!” I said. The horse galloped faster than Sonic! I think someone was smoking at the time, but I just knew something was about to happen. While we galloped through the forest, it suddenly caught on fire! I didn't know what to do, but I just turned back. Finding that we were surrounded, Star was about to jump. “Whatever you do, don't jump!” I warned her. Ignoring my orders, she jumped anyway. We were halfway there when she threw me off. She fell into the fire, but I landed safely, outside of the forest. The firefighters had just come when I landed. “My horse is in there!” I yelled. “Don't worry, we'll find it,” they assured me. I just said, “It's too late. She fell into the fire,” I said. They had finally doused the fire, so I looked where I saw her fall. There was no sign of her, so I figured that she got burnt.