Sonic X Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic X: Day of the Dragon ❯ Early morning road rage ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Sonic crept quietly across the hallway and down the stairs so that he wouldn't wake the others. He made it to the front door, suddenly.
“Going on your morning run Sonic?”
“Oh, Jacob. Don't surprise me like that. Yes I am going, while it's still quiet outside.”
“I shall tell the others you went out. Have a good run.”
Sonic and friends had been on Chris' planet for four days and the excitement over their return still hadn't died down. Because of this Sonic usually went out on his runs in the early morning while the city was still quiet. The city had changed much since Sonic was last here, after all according Chris a month on Sonic's planet was a whole year here. But it was nice to know that Sonic and his friends had not been forgotten despite how much time had passed. He ran through the city streets, half expecting Sam Speed to show up and challenge him to a race. When Sonic and friends first came to Earth one of the first things Sonic did was outrun the entire team of elite formula-1 police cars. After that a rivalry developed between Sonic and the S-Team's leader Sam Speed for who was the fastest guy on the planet, but Sonic always came out on top. Sonic had expected him to come up the driveway to Chris' manor in some new super fast car on the night he and his friends arrived.
Sonic stopped for a moment, the sun was just now starting to rise over the horizon, and in a nearby store some TVs flashed to life.
“We interrupt this program to bring you this breaking news story! Moments ago the S-Team went off in pursuit of what looked like a giant lizard. But this huge reptile proved more than they could handle. No one has been able to outrun the S-Team since the famous Sonic the Hedgehog, whom recently returned for the wedding of his old friend the renowned scientist Christopher Thorndyke, nephew of the S-Teams leader Sam Speed.”
“Giant lizards?” thought Sonic “This I have to see.”
Sonic ran off in the direction he had heard that the S-Team encountered the lizard. But when he got there he found the drivers all thrown out of their cars, and the cars themselves ablaze. Sonic didn't see Sam among them.
“Which way did it go?” he asked one of the drivers.
“It went that way.” said the driver pointing down the road.
As Sonic ran further down the road noticed abnormally large foot prints burned into the ground. As he continued he came upon what did indeed appear to be a giant lizard running down the road.
“Hey green face, what are you supposed to be?”
The lizard turned and faced him.
“Sonic… I do believe we have a score to settle…”
“So you can talk… Wait a minute… Do I know you?”
Instead of responding the lizard dashed off at a super high speed.
“Hey come back here!”
Sonic sped up to catch up to the lizard, but the lizard was proving hard to keep up even for someone like Sonic.
“Come on Sonic, you're going to need to light a fire under those feet if you want to keep up with me. In fact…”
The lizard shot fire out of its mouth and nearly scorched Sonic's feet.
“Hey watch it! Wait a minute… Lizards don't breathe fire… That's not a lizard, it's a dragon!”
“Who is the fastest now Sonic!?!”
Sonic knew he couldn't just let this creature run wild. He went into a spin dash and knocked it off the highway.
“So, you want to play rough do you?”
The dragon leapt up into the air and drop kicked Sonic right in the chest.
“Don't tell me you've given up already Sonic, the party is just getting started!”
“Okay then… Let's boogie!”
Sonic dashed at the dragon but it just jumped into the air and landed behind him. The dragon blew its fire breath at Sonic but he just jumped into the air and went into a spin dash. He pounded down into the dragon smashing it into the pavement. When the dragon got up giant claws burst out of its fingertips.
“I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain!”
Suddenly Sonic heard something that sounded like a gunshot. The dragon just stood there for a moment looking stunned, and then it fell to the ground.
“Chris? New suit of armor?”
“Brand new.”
“How did you know where I was and what was going on?”
“Sonic you and your friends returning to Earth for my wedding is all the media has been talking about for the past four days. If you're suddenly fighting a super-fast overgrown lizard the whole world knows about it.”
“What did you do?”
“I shot it with a tranquilizer, but what the heck is it?”
Chris walked over to the unconscious lizard and started going through the tattered clothing it was wearing.
“Wait a minute… This is my uncle's badge!”
The S-team drivers had made it to the scene, but Sam wasn't among them.
“Where is my uncle?”
“Chris that is your uncle!”
“Oh my God is he?”
“He's just tranquilized. What the heck happened?”
“He just showed up at the station acting and looking sick, the next thing we knew he transformed into… well this.”
Chris pulled out his cell phone.
“Grandpa, I need you at the lab. Uncle Sam has transformed into some kind of monster… Yes I'm serious. Sonic and I are bringing him home now. Call Helen, tell her I'll be a little late to pick out rings, tell her I'm sorry but it's important. Thank you, goodbye.”
Chris picked Sam and put him over his shoulder.
“Come on Sonic we need to get him back home A.S.A.P.”
Without another word Sonic and Chris sped off for the manor.