Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Care ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
does not belong to me. Marron does not belong to me. The vinyl pants however, are indeed mine. . . and we'll start the bidding at. . .

PG-13 (gasp, shock!), OOC (not so much surprise on that one)


Marron said it in a voice so calm it was eerie. "I don't really care one way or another."

"God! That's what I hate about you! You're so cold!" It wasn't something big, some little thing Gateau wanted to know, whether Marron thought he ought to take the girl here or there, but it really did drive him crazy when the other did that. "You don't have to act so damn superior." He turned away to dig a shirt out of his bag.

"I'm not."

"Right," he snorted, yanking his other shirt over his head. "God knows the wonderful, untouchable Marron Glace would never take out a common girl."

"I didn't say that, Gateau," still calm, sitting on one of the twin beds, heavy book in his lap, looking over the rim of his glasses.

"You might as well have. Fine, sit in here with your books, but I'm going out." He heard the other sigh, and realized he wasn't making too much sense. But it was hard, arguing and getting dressed at the same time.

"All right."

When he looked up again, Marron had gone back to reading. Stomping over, sans-pants since he had just left those on the floor, Gateau reached up and yanked the book away, earning a glare of his own. That was better, but not quite enough to appease him.

"Get over yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"'Excuse me?'" he mocked. Yes, it was childish, but it was a proven technique to anger the other. "Why can't you just act normal?"

"What would you have me do?" They were down to the cold, icy tone, a sure hint that Gateau better leave well enough alone before he ended up on the wrong side of an ofuda. "Should I run about town like the rest of you? Chasing women and getting nowhere? One of us has to be responsible."

"Are you saying you can't trust the rest of us?" He returned to dressing.


"Get over it, Marron. Be human every once in a while."

"I am."

"I didn't notice."


Gateau's night was miserable. He listened to the girl as she chatted about her life, and answered vaguely when she asked about his. His mind, however, was still on Marron. He had been angry for a while, but not really at the mage, more at his own inability to pierce those cold shields. It hurt, really ,when someone you tried so hard to impress wouldn't even spare you a glance. And, not being too good at expressing his feelings, Gateau too often resorted to displays of strength, and, since he could never hit him, to Marron that meant yelling.

Damn but he had screwed up.

He'd have to apologize when he got back to the inn.


But Marron obviously was not in the mood to speak to him. Usually up well into the night with his books or charms or cards, Marron was tucked tightly into his bed, facing away from Gateau's. Shutting the door gently, Gateau draped his good clothes over the chair and went to bed himself, taking no notice of the few shopping bags left on the floor.

Gateau was now sure he was being avoided. Just as he sat up in bed, Marron disappeared into the bathroom. Deciding the other probably wouldn't be coming out to chat any time soon, he went on downstairs to have breakfast. It wasn't hard to spot the rest of the group.

Carrot was apparently trying to shove an entire plate of food down his throat in one go, Chocolat sitting on his lap all the while, nearly strangling him in her loving grasp.

"Chocolat!" Tira admonished, "Carrot! Don't eat so fast you'llsee!" She struck him, a little harder than necessary, on the back.


"Ack! Get offa me," Carrot coughed, still have choked.

"Don't reject my love, darling. We could be so happy," she paused, one hand still fisted in Carrot's shirt, getting a faraway look in her eyes. Everyone waited. "Oooh! Darling, not here!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just kidding! Just kidding!" She managed to smack him in the face.

Gateau took a seat among the fray, motioning for the waitress who seemed reluctant to come near the table. Finally he managed to place his order over the noise and by the time he was noticed already had a cup of coffee.

"Ah, Gateau-chan," Tira smiled, stowing her larger hammer and resuming her seat at the table.

Somehow he missed Marron simple 'good morning,' usually offered over the rim of a tea cup.


"We're traveling today, so eat a good breakfast!" she smiled, incredibly sweet, at least when not brandishing a whip.

"Traveling?" he asked, mouth half-full of bacon.

"Mm-hm, we start for the South today."

"Weren't we just in the South?"

"Hm, don't think so!"

"Ack!" Carrot suddenly jumped to his feet, "we're leaving today?!"


"Then I have to be quick! I've got to say goodbye to all the girls!" And then he was running out of the room. Chocolate followed, calling him back to look at her, really , what girls could he possibly have to say goodbye to, she was going with him.

"I'll bring them back," Tira smiled. Standing slowly, she deliberately withdrew the whip from her robe and ran after the other two. The other patrons seemed pleased to see them go.

Gateau took another drink of coffee. Coffee good.

So involved with this thought was he that he didn't notice a presence behind him until two slender arms wrapped about his neck.

"Good morning, Gateau-chan," said a voice, familiar, but /way/ too perky, especially for eight in the morning. Before he could say anything about the unusual greeting, Marron had placed a quick kiss to his cheekeffectively stopping any and all thoughtand wandered into his sight.


"Hm?" the boy asked, brushing his bangs from his face.

"W-what...uh, what?"

"Do you like it?"

Yes, Gateau liked it. It was Marron's new outfit. Leather pants trim and well-fit, riding just below his exposed navel, and a shirt, long-sleeved, matching black and of some tight material that hugged his chest and arms and sides. A necklace with some kind of amulet added accent, and boots added another inch to his height. And his hair, though it would take Gateau another few minutes to notice this particular change, had been drawn up on top of his head into a ponytail. It was a slender, sleek look, and damn sexy too.


"You don't like it." Was he pouting? A slight downward tip of the head and protrusion of the lower lip, it looked like a pout.

"No...I...uh, I mean, yeah."

"Good!" And suddenly a happy smile, too wide and bright, with closed eyes and show of perfect teeth. Kinda creepy, Marron usually allowed only that closed-lip smirk.

Plopping down, with usually grace but much more enthusiasm, across from Gateau, he ordered a cup of tea.


Gateau no understand good what happening. That is about what he was thinking as he watched Marron wait outside for his brother. He had the slightest notion, okay, more than a notion, that it had to do with their argument and his insistence that Marron act differently. Maybe it was a bad thing, but right now Gateau was seeing Marron, a fun Marron, dressed in leather and spandex, and it didn't seem so bad.

The girls soon appeared with a beaten Carrot.

"New clothes?" Tira raised an eyebrow.

Marron nodded, looking to Carrot. The bruised boy offered a thumbs up and a comment that it looked less like a dress than his old outfit. And with that they were off.


Aside from a few odd occurrences, the day was passing normally. Admittedly he spent a little more time staring at Marron, but the boy didn't seem to object today. He hadn't been glared at yet.

"Oooh! Gateau-chan, look!" Okay, that was what he had begun to call the perky voice. It sounded alot like the one Milphey used with Carrot; scary. But now there was little time to debate as Marron grabbed his hand and drug him over to the side of the path. "Isn't it pretty!" If a person could really talk with those little hearts, Marron would have been. Now he was directing Gateau's attention to a little flower, purple petaled and growing brightly among a patch of something like poison ivy. "Get it for me?"

And then with the eyes. Why'd he have to do the wide-eye thing?


Gateau grumbled as they sat before the fire, scratching first one hand and then the other. Chocolate and Carrot having eaten their fill were already sleeping, and, with Marron off gathering plants, he was left with Tira.

"What'd you do to him anyway?" she asked.

"You noticed?"

She gave him a no-shit-sherlock look and he got the point.

"Nothing, really."

"You didn't use a spell or something on him?"

"/He's/ the mage."



"Hm," she thought for a moment, and, apparently having reached her own conclusion, nodded without informing him. Marron chose that moment to return, a little extra swing in his step as he approached the fire. Sitting down, he picked up two rocks. He placed between them the leaves he had gather and began to mash them together. When the green gunk was complete, he turned to Gateau.

"Give me your hand."

Gateau proffered the appendage. Gently Marron began to apply the pasty stuff to the rash. He had been looking down, but Gateau raised his eyes to see, he thought, just a glimpse of a truly regretful look. But no apology was offered.


His hands completely healed, Gateau used them to split a few logs for their next fire. Marron watched from the edge of the clearing.


After a rather meager supper, there weren't many fish in the little pond they camped by, the Hunters again settled into the outdoor night. Claiming it was for warmth, and using the phrase 'body heat' more than once, a bare-chested Chocolat curled up against Carrot who after many protests went to sleep. Tira too, having joined the fray, slept now on the other side of the boy. Marron watched them with a fond expression.

His stomach discontent with the meal, Gateau had opened his bag to see if there was anything in there to eat. All he found was a candy bar of questionable age. He would definitely have to stock up in town. Still, it looked fresh enough, no mold anyway. After only one bite he found Marron very, very close at his side.

"Want some?"


Breaking off a piece, he offered it to the mage, but instead of reaching with his hand, Marron simply opened his lips a little. Falling suddenly into one of the many fantasies his mind harbored, Gateau lifted the chocolate and let Marron take it from his hand. Dark eyes closed in pleasure, and a pink tongue came out to lick the tips of Gateau's fingers.

With his heart still beating hard, Gateau felt Marron settle against his side. His own back resting against a tree, he let Marron get comfortable using him as a pillow.

All in all, this still figured out to be a pretty good deal.


Marron thought he might just die of embarrassment. Had he just /licked/ Gateau's fingers? Unable to look at the man, he buried his face against his chest. This was not going as planned. There was supposed to be an adverse reaction, not this happy acceptance. Still, having gone this far he was unwilling to abandon the plan. It would simply require additional action.


____ was a booming town that, despite being under control of a sorcerer of evil intentions, seemed to be able to support a generous night-life. The Hunters surveyed the scene as they walked the lighted streets, taking note of bars and clubs and other places of ill repute. Women walked the street, calling out their offers like they were selling magazines, and loud-voiced gentlemen yelled from doorways about the absolute treasures that waited within, just beyond the brilliant neon signs. It was like sin, only brighter.

Tira wondered how much of this business the sorcerer controlled, asking out loud. Marron shook his head. Having talked to several people they had met, he seemed to have gleaned more information than the rest.

"No, he doesn't control it, he facilitates it."


"This town was built when miners struck gold in the mountains," he looked a certain directions into the night to indicate those mountains. They had all stopped to listen. "These kind of establishments drew business, so they thrived. But when the mines shut down, the town almost collapsed. Bourbon made sure that didn't happen, he made loans to the owners, increasing the size and number of taverns and brothels. People now come simply to enjoy these pleasures."

Tira watched him cast a look to Gateau; the blond seemed entranced.

"So we're here because it's immoral?"

"No. Now that business thrives, Bourbon is extracting money from the owners. And, he's using forbidden magic to drain energy from the people who come here. Most of them don't even notice, but that does not change the fact."

She nodded, absently yanking on a rope she held and dragging the drooling Carrot back into line.


"Please, please spare me!" the man begged, looking up at the monster before him. Well beyond comprehension, Carrot paid him no notice and, with a small misstep, the battered Bourbon was no more.

"Good puppy," Tira called up to him. "But now," ripping off her red cloak she leapt at Carrot, joining her sister in returning him to normal. No longer surprised at such displays, Gateau stood near Marron. The happy, new mage had taken leave during the battle, and the blond wondered if the charade was over. This was soon proved untrue.



"You were so brave!" And suddenly Marron was latched onto his arm.


The fact that Bourbon had been destroyed did little to right the morals of the town. Owners and patrons together rejoiced, and the parties only increased. Having been offered more than a few beers through the day, Gateau, while not drunk, was a little buzzed when he got back to the inn.

"Marron?" He knocked on their door. Sharing a room was just the usual. It saved money.

"Come in."

Gateau really wasn't really sure how many more shocks his system could take.

Marron was in front of the mirror, gathering his hair and tying it up. Gateau was staring at his ass, blatantly. He had to. It was encased in vinyl, honest to god black vinyl. Finally Marron turned to face him, tilting his head and smiling. His pants left nothing, nothing to the imagination, slicked against every curve of his thighs and bottom and hanging so very low on his hips. His shirt was vinyl too. It was high-necked, but sleeveless, short enough to reveal a few inches of his flat stomach. Had Marron been shopping at a bondage shop? Black straps hung from the pants, crossing in the back and connected to shining sliver D-rings.

Gateau felt himself getting hard just from looking at him, and, coughing, tactfully looked away.

"Where're you going?"


"Where are you going?"

"I suppose if you really want to know, you'll just have to follow me, Gateau-chan." He smiled, laying a finger, gloved, beside his cheek. "But don't wear that. You'll stick out." Propping first one foot then the other on a chair, he bucked his boots as he talked. "I'll wait for you out front!"


Marron leaned against the front of the building, feeling rather revealed in the tight outfit. He shifted from one foot to the other, feeling the uncomfortable rub of vinyl between his thighs. The whole thing was rather uncomfortable, and the boots! So used to walking in flat slippers, the clunky heels threatened to trip him at every turn.

But outfitting was the least of his worries. Drawing his bottom lip between his teeth, he worried over the subject. How far could he really go? With careful planning he's managed to avoid contact with, well, girls, but it would still Perhaps Gateau would realize...

Hearing footsteps he quickly lifted the cigarette to his lips, flicking the lighter just as Gateau walked around the corner. Not having invested time in shopping like Marron, he had done his best by throwing a leather jacket over his white t-shirt.

Marron inhaled, the unfamiliar taste of smoke nearly choking him. He suppressed the impulse to gag, forcing himself to exhale slowly. Really, how did people do this all the time?

"Since when do you smoke?"

"What do you care, Gateau-chan?" That sounded funny, even after four days of practice.

"Don't smoke," he reached out to take the cigarette from Marron's lips, "you're too young." Dropping it to the ground, he stepped on it.

Marron exaggerated a shrug.

"Let's go," he reached out to take Gateau's big hand; it was warm.


The bouncer was a large man with dark sunglasses. Taking one look at Marron, he stepped aside and let him tow Gateau down the narrow stairs and into the basement. Not sure what he had been expecting, Gateau decided that this was not it. Marron and this kind of place just didn't jive in his mind. The mage should be set against the background of a library, a church, maybe the occasional pastoral meadow or silken bed sheet, but not a gay bar.

Nope, not right.

But Marron didn't seem to notice.

"Here," Gateau barely heard it over the pulsing music as he was deposited at a table. Marron looked like he was going to sit as well, but a guy came up beside him before he could manage it.

"Dance?" he asked, thin hips already swaying to the music. Marron looked momentarily frozen, but he nodded just the same and allowed himself to be taken onto the dance floor.


The guy smiled at him, pulling them close together. His hair was dyed blonde and spiked up, giving him maybe an inch over Marron. The mage tried to smile like he wasn't concentrating. Dropping his arm around his partner's neck, he cast a glance back over to Gateau; he was watching.


Swinging his eyes back to the blond guy, Marron let himself be moved along with the music, a pounding, demanding, fast-paced rhythm that begged for close, hot dancing. The guy seemed all for it, turning Marron in his grasp, and bringing his hips to Marron's ass. The mage started, but forced himself to press back against him.

The guy's hands were all over him, running up his thighs, his hips, down his arms. Then, after a move that anywhere else would have been entirely inappropriate, they were facing again, grinding together. Hooking a hand under Marron's thighs, he lifted one of the boy's legs so that they could rock together. There was something there, between the guy's legs, and when Marron figured out exactly what he couldn't help but blush.

And then the music was changing, but they weren't dancing anymore, just standing, looking at each other.

Gateau was making his way over.

The guy's hand was on his lower back, his breath hot on his cheek. Marron's arms were around him, and it was really going to happen and--

Gateau seized his arm hard enough to hurt. The guy made a protest, but Gateau turned away.


Marron struggled a little in his grasp. That other guy, now going by 'bastard' to Gateau, was saying something, but he really didn't give a damn. Making his way back up the stairs and out into the night, Gateau drug Marron with him until a quite alley provided a chance to talk.


Marron rubbed his arm a bit sullenly, trying to pout but not quite able to capture the expression in the face of Gateau's real anger.

"I get it, okay."

"No, you don't."

"You're better responsible. Got it, see? I want you back the way you were, are, whatever." He was standing in front of the mage, Marron with his back to the stone wall, not looking at him. "See?"

Marron nodded, the false exterior dropped like a cheap mask, but the hurt...something was still there. He turned from him, and began to walk away.



"I do..."


"No, I mean, I do care, about you." Gateau caught him from behind, dragging him close. "I really do."


Blatant OOC, check. Uncreative scenery, check. Unoriginal original characters, check. Sap, check. Finished story the week before finals, check, and that my friend, is why.