Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Brother! ❯ After Night Falls... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Oh Brother
By: N-chan and C-chan

Chapter 5

Standard Disclaimer: Come on people, if you're reading this part, you obviously saw all the other ones! ^^
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N-chan: Hello all you happy pappy peeps! We're back with another chapter!
Duo: You know what, I have a taste for a bologna sandwich…
Ponyboy: *cries* Poor Johnny!!!
Ron: What's an onna?
Hermoine: I think it's a sort of fish…
Goku: Fish? Where? Where's the fish? *looks around*
Lum: *zaps Goku*
Ataru: HEY! You can only do that to ME!
Carrot: Hey, you have a girl who hurts you all the time too?
Ataru: Yeah! She hurts me when I go after other girls! I don't think it's fair.
Carrot: I feel your pain man.
N-chan: Anyways! On with the fic!
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Sometime around one A.M., Carrot climbed, I mean, fell out of his perch in the tree he had hid in to get away from the Misus. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around trying to figure out where he was and lecherous grin spread across his face when he noticed where. By the tent Ranko was sharing with Akane. "Heh, heh, Maybe I should check on Ranko," Carrot said, still with a lecherous grin that would make Happosai bow in envy. He heard someone stir and nearly had a heart attack. "I forgot the Misus were out here too! I'll just slip by_.very_.slowly_." Carrot whispered to himself. Finally he got past the sleeping forms of the Misus and sighed in relief. He now went faster towards the general direction of Akane and Ranko's tent. After a while, he saw the looming shape of it and went faster. Then he was right in front of it and he went to get into it_and promptly tripped on something and fell flat on his face. "Owww_what was that?" Carrot grumbled standing back up and brushing off his clothes. His eyes fell on the something in front of the tent and his eyes lit up. "Ranko?" he said in a voice of mixed disbelief and excitement, a little too loudly. But Ranko didn't stir. With a lecherous grin, Carrot unzipped Ranko's sleeping bag and crawled into it, still with a psychotic look. He moved in closer and closer to her and leaned in, when he heard her mutter, "Akane," and put her arms around his neck. Carrot's grin widened, if that was possible and put his arms around her waist. (He was in too much of a mental high to notice Ranko murmuring Akane's name) Carrot was about to go insane, and when Ranko leaned in and kissed his neck slightly, his nose all but erupted blood. "Kuso!" Carrot said a bit loudly, stuffing a handkerchief in his nose to stop the bleeding. Yet, Ranko still didn't even stir. `Jeez, how deep a sleeper is this girl?' he thought looking at her. He shrugged and said, "Oh well, easier for me," and went even closer to Ranko's sleeping form. Finally, not being able to contain himself any longer, Carrot swept down and was about to kiss Ranko when_her eyes popped open and she screamed. Carrot was promptly thrown somewhere far away by Ranko, but not before he could yell out, "Well its not like you're a virgin!!" Akane, of course, picked that exact moment to wake up and heard this comment and Ranko yell something back.
"What!?" Akane said upon hearing Carrot's shouted comment to Ranko. No way, unless…"RANMA!!" Akane pushed open her tent flap...and smacked right into a very pale looking Ranma-chan. "Would you mind explaining what's going on Ranma!?" Akane said, dragging the frightened looking girl into the tent. "I-it's not what it seems, Akane!"
"Oh really? Then start explaining!" Akane yelled. "Don't pay attention to what he said! He was talkin bout someone else!" Ranma-chan babbled. "Right Ranma, like I believe that! Who was it Ranma, hmm? Shampoo? Ukyo?"
"Neither! That's what I'm tryin to-"
"It was a guy?! Ewww!! That is just too disgusting!"
"Ack! No!! Oh that's just gross!!"
"Well with the way you flaunt your female side's body, I wouldn't be surprised!"
"What Carrot said aien't true I tell you!"
"Then why did he say it!" Akane yelled with a slightly hysterical edge to her voice. Ranma-chan hesitated slightly, giving Akane time to throw her teakettle of hot water she'd been heating at Ranma-chan's head, causing it to dump over her.
The now male Ranma took the kettle off his head and threw it on the ground. "Akane, listen. Likei said before, what Carrot said before aien't true. It's my fault he thinks that though. Kasumi sent me to follow to make sure ya didn't get hurt or nothing. And then it started raining and I turned into a girl, an when you all set up camp, I decided to join up. So I made up a story that some guy attacked me while I was following ya and he musta thought with that warped mind a his I got raped or something. Got that?" Ranma explained. Akane, after a bit of thinking over Ranma's story, slowly nodded her head. "Hey, wait, why did Carrot get kicked into the air by you anyway? And why were you so pale when you came in here?" Ranma shuddered. "I don't wanna talk about it," he said. Akane blinked. "Okay…it musta been something pretty scarring if you wont even say what happened." Ranma twitched and nodded.
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Author's Notes: Well? How'd ya all like it? Should we still keep it up? Reviews are most appreciated!
Hermoine: I still think onnas are a sort of fish…
Vegeta: Stupid girl! An onna is a woman, baka!
Ron: What's a baka?
Hermoine: Now that is certainty a sort of fish…
Vegeta: *smacks head* Stupid onna…
Hermoine: I have to be right this time!
Vegeta: *shakes his head and walks away*
Hermoine: What?
Chibi Trunks: *pops out of a time capsule* Does anyone know where my mother is?
Everyone: *blinks*
Ron: Hey cool! He has purple hair!
Mousse: Hey! Are you related to Shampoo?
Chibi Trunks: *blinks* Shampoo?
Mousse: Yes! She's so beautiful…
Chibi Trunks: *shakes his head* Weird guy..
N-chan and C-chan: Don't forget to review!