Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ About A Girl ❯ Moving ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
As the legend unravels- About a girl trapped in a lost world…who said she was going to be the easiest girl to save?!

Author Notes: Hi people! Uh this is my first fanfic so please be nice…
I LOVE spirited away and was absolutely taken by it even though I watched it quite late…^o^* but still please do not SUE me!!! Thanks x

Disclaimer Notes: As much I would love to own Spirited Away I do no not. But I do however have the freedom to write my mind.

About A Girl.

“Damn!” Chihiro gasped harshly, clinging on to her seat for dear life. Her once calm, quiet “I’m being moody” composure disappeared instantly. She looked at her long structure “I’m stick and bones, no wonder, with a father who eats like a pig I‘m surprised I lose my appetite.” she thought. She sighed harshly as her father hit another speed bump as she had nearly dropped between the tightly compressed space in which her father had taken up with pushing his drivers seat far back.
She was about to turn the volume on her metallic blue ipod mini when she suddenly shrieked. Taken by surprise her father swerved nearly colliding with a gleaming silver bmw.
“Chihiro!” her mother screamed looking back angrily.
“We’re on the highway for goodness sake if you haven’t forgotten.” she breathed.
“What’s wrong this time, Oh Drama Queen?” Her father asked all eyes on the road this time” he said in a mock tone.
“Not funny dad, my bouquet it’s… ruined!” She moans.
She stared with sadness at the beautiful peach and cherry blossoms.
Throughout the whole trip she had been staring and reading over the same message card… “To Chihiro, We’ll miss you have fun and never forget us ,stay in touch. Love x Sakura, Rei,Jii-Jii x …
“Rei” she blushed softly how she missed him her friend well as a boy nothing else she thought angrily it’s obvious who’ll take him now Sakura but better than the bitch Kino, she trailed off before returning to the disaster happening in this time.
“Well with the way you’ve been clinging on to them” her mother sighed turning back to her normal calm self.
“Humph, you would say that but with the way dad’s been driving- who gave you that driving license anyway? Is it illegal!”
“Now come on girls were nearly there” he smiled.
This was what she was trying to avoid talking to her parents, she looked up at the window for the first time since they’d left. ‘No drastic change’ she thought. The baby blue sky traced with wispy cotton clouds and tall grand tree swaying gently.
“Look Chihiro, You‘re new high school” her mother breathed excitedly.
“Wow” was the sarcastic reply as Chihiro made an effort to sit up and peek her head out of the open window letting her chocolate brown strands fly in the wind she yawned lazily. She sat back and changed a song. ‘Great now I don’t have to express myself she smiled as she put her favourite Panic! At the disco song-It’s better if you do now all I have to do is buy them the album so I don’t ever have to talk to my parents again she devised as she put the volume up.
“Chihiro please your dad’s killing us with his driving now you’re busting our ear drums!” she screeched.
“Children these days, always moody, never respectful always worry about their appearance” her father lectured and agreed enthusiastically with her mother.
“You know back then you would work for money not just beg and anyhow look how we turned out a married couple with a beautiful young girl” she smiled.
Chihiro glared ‘no they turned out to be complete lunatics who happened to have a perfectly sane child but came having the disadvantage of good looks.’ her father started singing
“Ohhhhhhhh”she groaned as her mum put some old radio station on and joined in.
This was going to be a long drive…