Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Marvel vs.Capcom vs. Sonic ❯ Super Amy vs. M.Bison ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Super Amy asks "where are the kids" "with Luna, did C.T. go where I think he went" "yes" he said sadly "what are we going to do with the street fighters? Invite them in for tea and cake?" Super Lunar said sarcastically "yes invite them in for tea and cake" when a red and black portal opened up as black energy showed up Black Heart raised up "hell will blow over as Black Heart rises!!!" he said "Oh fuck no tea and cake" said Ken "oh shut up" said Akuma "I summon my servants" as demons show up and attack the street fighters they fight them off When a person in a red dress military uniform with white silver shoulder pads and boots/shin guards and dark grey cape as he is floating in the air. He smirks as he descends. "Bison you bastard!!!" screams Ken before he is almost ambushed by a demon.

Just them a matador wearing a silver mask with a large claw appears out side with Cream and Cosmo fearing for their lives as he holds the claw at their throats. As tears fill Cream's eyes he removes the mask and licks them off "sweet" he says softly "Let them go Vega" says Ryu. Bison says "if you beat me little girl you friends will live" Amy now with tears in her eyes removes her ax and absorbs it and is now even stronger as she turned into level 2 super form.

As he is floating above the ground by a few inches he shoots a purple ball that explodes in front of Amy but nothing happens as Rouge is now sitting on the tornado 3 walker its is much bigger than the tornado 2 or x tornado but has less defenses as Molly is controlling it

"Psycho Crusher!’ as Bison is now glowing purple he dives toward Amy but she counters as she throws a blast of white energy " hado-ken!" Bison falls back smiling as Amy now enraged is glowing gold as she screams dooo-ken and beats him down she raises her foot and slams it into the ground as Bison spits up blood she spins her foot around giving him a hurricane kick he falls back when a tall buff figure shows up dressed like a boxer and punches Super Amy in the back of the head nothing happens as she turns around and "Hado-ken" he falls back in pain clutching his chest "punk ass coward" hissed a now pissed off Super Amy as Bison get’s up he sees the tornado 3 in attack mode "Psycho Crusher" and attacks the plane Molly ejects as Rouge flies off Super Amy sees her chance and shoot a blast of energy hitting Vega, as he falls down Cream and Cosmo flee to the jungle where Rouge is Molly floating down with her parachute lands as the fighters are finished fighting off the demons.

Vega gets up as Super Amy punches him in his metal face smashing the mask she punches him again knocking him down before stepping on his face and getting up his once pretty face is bleeding and smashed up as he gets up and touches it "m-m-my beautiful f-f-face is ruined!!! You bitch I’ll make you suffer!!!" as he charges to her she grabs the claw and punchers his chest with it killing him instantly, when Bison comes back along side Black Heart "now take us both on ha-ha-ha!!!" As Mephisto shows up and creates a barrier around the street fighters and Super Lunar.

"My son let me join you" "3 on one that’s not fair yelled" Super Lunar

as she fights them BlackHeart says "Armageddon" as meteors crash on her she fights back landing 2 hurricane kicks on both Black heart and Mephisto when Magneto shows up "time to even the odds hedgehog."

as it’s now M.bison,BlackHeart,Mephisto vs. Super Amy and Magneto "E-M disruptor" as Magento shoots a beam attacking Bison and sending him into a wall "your no match for my psycho powers mutant Psycho Crusher" as he files toward Magneto the mutant activates a force field blocking the attack as Bison falls back Mephisto unleashes an attack "Dark Thunder" that immobilizes Magneto when a new figure descends from the heavens, the new figure is wearing a white body suit(long with pants super hero attire) with the word "DIPLOMAT" on his left arm with red stripes on his legs and black gloves and boots with blond hair(Its C.T. in god form) As he lands "now it’s a fair fight as he releases Magneto "Chaos Thunder" he release a thunder attack on Bison "lets finish this" Chaos Thunder,Shinuu Hado-ken, Magnetic Shock Wave all three blast Black heart at once as he retreats along side Mephisto as Bison ascends upward carrying Baroge. "This isn’t over" he said as he flies upward.

Molly comes back panting "v-Vector is back" "oh shit" said Super Amy "leave him to me said the white figure" "Chaos Control" as he is gone Ken just stands there tired "so about the tea and cake?" Akuma says "I’ll tea and cake you! MESSATSU and grabs Ken and does the raging demon as every thing goes white as a beating sound is heard and a light moving around you hear ken yelling "ow stop, you get first piece ok, ok" as Akuma stand there Ken is all beat up "MESSATSU"

As he glows red Super Lunar throws a heal unit at him he get’s up all dazed…

In the far reaches of the jungle Cream and Cosmo are in a tree scared for their life’s and unborn children "don’t worry Cream he won’t find us" as they look down they see Vector with Espio and Charmy "well I smell rabbit around here" when a white light appeared "yeah and you don’t get any since your going back to hell!" the figure showed up "remember me bitch, you bit off my arm now I return the favor" Charmy makes a move to sting him but as he dives his stinger the figure puts out his hand and a flower appears and sucks Charmy in it as it falls a portal opens up as he descends back to hell as he looks at Espio "we can do this the easy way or the hard way" Espio jumps in the portal "you bastard" hissed Vector as the being grabs him and dives back into Hell…

--Enter Hell---

Vector is falling into a pit of fire as he falls down Randy is there just smirking "You come with me little boy!!!" "silence!" he hissed "ok you want to go back?" "No ok, ok" as they ascend "w-w-who are you" "your guardian Angle" as the portal opens up Cream and Cosmo are still up there scared the being turns to a reg human with a sling on "C.T." Randy now faints "hey I brought you sorry ass back at least you could say is thank you."

Cosmo descends as does Cream on a vine gently holding them , he turns white again. "Don’t’ worry it’s me C.T." But how trust me it’s a long story grab my arms" as they do he says "Chaos Control" when they arrive back at Tails place Knuckles and Shadow are now free "Oh Shadow you’re here again as she hugged him as tears come out of her eyes" "Don’t cry baby I’m here now" Shadow says as tears come out of his eyes.

"So how did you get free" asks C.T. Molly comes out her hands bleeding and her eyes watery "I-I did it" she now collapsed as C.T. teleported to her as he touched her, her wounds healed as she got up she hugged him "what happened to you" "long story" Knuckles asks "where is Rouge?" as Rouge descends she hugs him "here my love"

"There are many thing we must do first rescue Sonic and Tails" then stop Apocalypse" said C.T. "what about Bison", said Chung Li " he is the least of out worries" said Ryu.

Just then 2 bats show up (Bleu & Fort) one was dressed like Chung Li only light blue the other was in a G.U.N. combat uniform "good more back up" as Bleu and Rouge embrace "hate to break up the batty reunion but we have work to do" "wewe" said Bleu Fort just looked on till he saw Chung Li who gave him a wink he smiled back.

Bleu now pissed "queest-ce que la baise vous pensent votre faire?" (what the fuck do you think your doing?) Fort looking all dumb "nothing" Bleu now staring at Chung Li "you better keep your paws off my bat little girl" "oh yeah" "Oh shit said Knuckles cat fight"

As the 2 vixens (ones a Chinese agent and the other a bat ) stair down each other ready to kick each others ass Ken like always says in vain trying to stop them. "Ladies there is enough of me to go around"

Knuckles now enraged bum rushed ken "how dare you hit on my wife’s cousin you cocky little bitch!" ken delivers a devastating hurricane kick as the echidna is now dazed

Molly looking on "gee this is getting good" when all of a sudden Captain America showed up real pissed when he sees C.T. "you bastard !! Charging Star'" the attack only pushes him back a little C.T. just smiles "you punch like a bitch and look like one too Chaos Grab" a beam of light grabs Capt. and C.T. now makes a belt come out as the Capt. is down he beat his ass with the belt if you don't want to respect a diplomat I will make you little boy" "waaaaa, waaaaaaaa" as he is crying every one looks on except Bleu and Chun Li.

After a while the hero is gone rubbing his ass crying I’m telling the president on you!" "go ahead bitch, let the whole world that the great Captain America is punk ass bitch!!"

Super Amy smacks him up side the head "why are you 2 fighting" "because of one little battle at the U.N. plus my campaign"

When Randy comes back panting with an inhaler "drugs are bad mmmmkay" "silence" he hissed Super Amy now poised for an attack "easy sis he’s on our side" "Randy go and free Sonic and Tails" as he left to rescue them Leah appeared "so I see you used my powers for some personal gain" "not really he attacked me first’ I see there is another stone., The Cyttorak Ruby. Also know as the Master Ruby the one called Juggernaut possesses that gem."

Also the infinity gems you need those there are many minions to face so be ready as she leaves she says "The Elders of the Universe need me and Chaos, the emerald is now under the diamond when all 3 stones are matched total power is unleashed" as she vanishes into air Maria shows up in full human form.

"Shadow your are now free" as she hugs him tears fill his eyes as he hugs her back he hasn’t felt her warm body in over 50+ years "how long will you be here" until the universe is saved again Cream, Rouge, Cosmo come with me it is not safe here" as they tearfully leave "where are we going asks Cream" "Crimson Cosmos" "time stands still there"

As they leave Iron Man and War Machine show up along side Thor "the gods have spoken the infinite gems are a first" said the Norse God of Thunder Ryu said "but Thanos has them how do we stop him he will kill us all!!"

"Yes but if you don’t have them Apocalypses will take over and Shadoloo will be in command."

"Shit" said Super Lunar "where is SpiderMan we sure could use him" said Thor "I caught SpiderMan jacking off in a boat" smirked Knuckles "well which boat" said War Machine

Knuckles just looks dumb "I don’t know." When they turn around they see the friendly neighborhood SpiderMan running while pulling up his pants "sorry guys I was busy" every one is starting at him "what happened" he said all cocky.

"We need a plan" C.T. said "hey that’s my line" said SpiderMan "what you want to sue me I got diplomatic immunity too bad for you"

just then a bright light appeared as Sonic and Tails arrive as Randy passed out "well I’m free at last free at last thank God all mighty I’m free at last" "oh shut up!!!" said Super Amy ass she and Lunar powered down as they hug C.T. removes his glove "son of a bitch" and slaps Randy on his chest as he gets up in pain Sonic sees him and dashes toward him C.T. counters and stops him "he saved you plus he has a purpose" Sonic just growled when Apocalypses showed up "hahahahaha!!!!" "I see you rescued your friends but there is a long way to go hahahaha!!!!" C.T. flies to him but is knocked back to earth "foolish human’ as he gets up "you got lucky punk!"

Bleu and Chun Li are still staring each other down..

Next ch the mother of all cat fights