Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Alien Brains ❯ Other methods ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Quarlor was enjoying this. He couldn't wait to see what the results were going to be, but in the end… he believed he would get what he wanted either way.
At least it helped that his guards were being controlled by him and his mind-waves.
The guards were moving ever closer towards Starfire and Copy-Cat. Without their powers, Starfire didn't know what to do, but Copy-Cat had an idea. “We may not have our super-powers, but we still possess our brain-power and knowledge.”
Starfire then remembered all the training they and the whole team had gone through back home in case of times when their powers would fail. “Steady now…” whispered Copy-Cat.
Starfire nodded and readied herself.
“Go…!” shouted Copy-Cat as both he and Starfire leapt up, and over the guards and began to unleash their furry with the martial arts they had learned. The guards began to fight back, and it looked pretty much like anyone's fight…
The guards even revealed that their lances could fire energy projectiles, much like Starfire's star-bolts. “Look out!” cried Starfire as she and Copy-Cat dodged the fire-power.
“We must use this to our advantage…!” shouted Copy-Cat. “Remember what I had taught you… try to predict their movements!”
Starfire nodded and the battle continued.
Starfire saw two guards charging at her. She waited until the last minute and back flipped out of the way causing the guards to miss her and strike each other. She was very graceful yet swift with her moves and attacks.
Copy-Cat did well too with his own years of martial-arts training. He was still swift and tricky too. The guard fired their blasts at him, and Copy-Cat just ran along the walls with skill, and skidded on the floor knocking all the guard down like bowling pins.
Finally, the heroes decided to double-team on the remaining enemies. They stood back-to-back, nodded at each other, and began to attack the guards as they approached. They even confiscated two lances for their own use.
The guards were down, and they all just vanished into thin air, and a secret door on the wall opened revealing another way out of the chamber. Starfire and Copy-Cat slapped each other a high-five. “We have made it.”
“No, yet we have not…!” Copy-Cat stated. “Come!” and they dashed out of the chamber with their newly acquired weapons in hand.
Quarlor was most pleased, “I have seen enough.” He said. “Prepare the device…!” he instructed his leading guards, but one of the guards had a message for him. “An unidentified vessel approaching…?”
It was the other titans, still tracking their friends. The signal of Starfire and Copy-Cat's location was registering somewhere, but so were thousands, and thousands of meteorites. You couldn't tell one signal form another. “Man…” groaned Cyborg. “It's like lookin' for a needle in a haystack.”
“Try narrowing the scan…” Robin suggested.
“It's no good…” Raven said. “There are still too many signals. I can't tell which is what.” Then suddenly she gazed out the window. “Hey…! There's a planet down there.”
The others could see it too, and one of the signals was coming directly form it. It wasn't anything Cyborg recognized, but it had to be where Copy-Cat and Starfire were. Where else would they be in the middle of outer space?
“All right… I'll take us in.” said Robin, and he steered the ship towards the planet.
Quarlor wasn't worried at all. It wasn't often he had visitors come to his planet themselves, but even still… they were in for a big surprise. In the meantime, he had something to attend to.
Starfire and Copy-Cat felt as if they had emerged into yet another maze, but to their surprise it was the same one as before. They could tell because of the X's on the walls. “We are back to where we started from.” cried Starfire.
Copy-Cat was starting to wonder something about all the ordeals they had been through. “I fear there is more to this than we realize.”
That's when Quarlor appeared before the. “Correct again.” he hissed.
“You…!” sneered Starfire “We demand that you release us!” added Copy-Cat.
Quarlor nodded, “As you wish.” he said. His brain throbbed again, and Starfire and Copy-Cat were lifted off the floor again, dropping their lances, and hurled through trapdoors in the ceiling. Quarlor held his head and groaned softly. “Mm…!”
Something was really up with him… perhaps a weakness? If only Starfire and Copy-Cat had seen it.
The ship was passing through the atmosphere of the planet. Raven and Cyborg were strapped into their seats as Robin guided the ship across the sky, but he was having a little trouble getting it down, as it was his first time landing it, it was hard battling with the controls and the ship rocked and tumbled about. “Hey… watch it!” Cyborg called.
“I'm doing my best!” Robin shouted back.
Raven said nothing, just held a brow paper bag over her face. “Eww…! Gross!” she groaned after letting it out.
Robin finally managed to land the ship… with a small thud! “Nice landing!” mocked Cyborg.
Robin said nothing, as they all disembarked. Cyborg had computed the atmosphere breathable, but as Robin tried to activate the force-field around the ship, so outsiders from intruding or stealing it, it just wouldn't activate.
“What's going…?” Robin asked in frustration.
Cyborg tried to scan the problem with his wrist computer, but his system was frozen. He would still move about, but his gadgets were useless, and Raven couldn't sense anything or feel her powers flowing through her. “This can't be good…” she said.
And suddenly they were surrounded by alien guards wielding lances. “Defiantly not good.” remarked Cyborg.
They tried to fight them, but without the use of Raven's powers, or Cyborg's sonic-cannon, they were easily overpowered and taken into custody.