Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections ❯ Mirrors ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I stare at the mirror, amused. I admit I am not pretty, not Starfire pretty. My eyes are too large, my nose too small, and my hair is an odd color, as is my skin. I am amused because most women spend hours staring at themselves, adding makeup and jewelry to accent certain features and hide blemishes. I never do this, for I see no point.
How did I come to be staring at the mirror? I am not sure myself. But sometime today, I sat down in my room and began staring into a mirror.
Amusingly, I first picked up an enchanted mirror. It was quite a shock to see my demon features pop up, and I dropped it. I spent the next five minutes locating all the shards with my powers, and I finally gave up. The mirror was a present some time ago that showed your inner self. I always appeared as a demon for obvious reasons. I often amused myself for hours imagining the other Titans in the mirror. A shame I cannot show them now.
I finally picked up a regular mirror, and here I am, gazing like some superficial prep who can't get enough of herself. With that thought I turn away, for I know no matter how long I stare I'll always look the same. I start to wonder how my friends see me. It's an amusing thought, for now I wonder how my friends picture themselves.
Beast Boy makes no secret of how he wishes he looked. He jokes about being a ladies' man and often makes a fool of himself showing off his `talents'. Honestly, I believe he should stick to changing into animals. It's something he's mastered, and it's hard to make a fool of himself as a dog or a cat.
Starfire is particularly honest with the ones around her, and I wonder if she is honest with herself. She is modest, but I'm sure she knows the full potential of her beauty, more or less. All the boys in Jump City clamor for her attention. Once, I found myself somewhat jealous of the attention, but I pushed it aside nearly immediately. I do not want attention, so why should I be jealous of someone who gets what I do not want? I blamed my emotions, but they pointed out to me that they only respond to my thoughts.
Robin… is so secretive about his emotions that I only know he is a bit superficial. One cannot wear so much gel in his hair without caring about what he looks like. I often muse to myself what he looks like without his mask on, but unless he decides to show us, I will not pry. The only time I have done that was when I entered his mind, and that was for his own good. He's gone through some hard things in his life, and he seems to think it easier to lock himself away. I am the only who needs to do that, but I am the only one the others bother about it.
Cyborg I know is a bit self-conscious about his looks. He once confided in me, during one of those frequent talks we have while he works on the T-Car, that he wishes the accident that incarcerated him never happened, though this is not an unheard cry. I assume being a half-robot/half-human would be hard on a person. I often wonder what would happen to me if I became a half-robot. How would it affect my demon side? Amusing questions, but pointless nonetheless.
Another thought amuses me: we, the Titans, have some of the worst fates (excluding Starfire), and yet we are the most praised. It seems the normal people who live average, mundane lives will not amount to anything until they gain a disability. Without Cyborg's cybernetic parts, he would've finished high school and went on to college with some sort of sport scholarship. Robin would not have been put under Batman's care without the tragedy of his parents. Starfire, though I am still not clear on why she entered Earth, would never have met us without the turmoil at her home planet. Beast Boy could never have the ability to enter the Titans without the accident that caused his skin condition, though he never shares exactly what that accident was (still I have some idea as he often talks in his sleep and I am a light sleeper). Even I would not be known without the demon side. We try to hide our flaws and our pasts, but they are the very things that put us in our current position.
My thoughts amuse me as I sweep one more look at the mirror and turn, for I know that no matter how long I look, it will always be me staring back.
Another one-shot to keep you amused until I get over my writer's block (I'm sorry it's taking so long). I got the idea during yearbook and just went with it. Thank you free study hall!