Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Ten Guidelines for Dating Earth Boys ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ten Guidelines for Dating Earth Boys
Chapter Six
By Jacque Nicole

Guideline #5 - Always give your Earth boy time to cool off when he's angry. Bad things happen if you don't.
The ride to the park was barely tolerated by the two occupants of the car. Every few seconds, Starfire awkwardly squirmed in her seat, silently attempting to relieve the discomfort she felt. She wasn't able to pinpoint where it was coming from, but she had an inkling that it had something to do with Robin and his confrontation with Todd.
She looked over at her boyfriend. His hands were clutching the steering wheel unusually tight and the blank expression on his face looked as if it were set in stone. Despite what he had said, Starfire knew that he was upset.
She stared at him for a long while, waiting for him to notice. Out of the corner of his eye, the Boy Wonder could see the emerald green eyes of his girlfriend staring at him unblinkingly, but he tried to ignore her and preserve the silence between them. He knew that if he said anything to her now, it would only result in an argument, so he decided to wait until he cooled off.
`Who does that Todd guy think he is, anyway?' he thought to himself. `And what was going through Starfire's mind to let him just grope her the way he did?'
He knew that he was being irrational. He knew Starfire would never cheat on him, and would never knowingly allow someone to flirt with her. He knew that he was just being a possessive, jealous boyfriend - something he always told himself that he would never be, especially with Starfire. But despite it all, he was still mad as hell and he still wanted to keep Starfire all to himself.
And, dammit, she was still staring at him with those concerned, innocent - gorgeous, Robin's heart added in - green eyes.
Unconsciously, Robin began to tighten his grip on the steering wheel. `Calm down.' “Is there something wrong?” he asked emotionlessly, finally breaking the silence.
“You are mad,” Starfire responded as if it were common knowledge.
“I'm not,” he responded sharply. He clenched his teeth to keep himself from saying anything stupid.
Starfire wanted to roll her eyes. Why were males always so difficult? “You are lying.”
Robin wished she would just stop talking to him. He really wasn't in the mood. He gripped the steering tighter causing his knuckles to turn white. The car accelerated a little as Robin fought to keep his anger in check. “I'm not,” he replied.
“You are too.”
“I am not.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Are we really going to start this? Aren't we a little too old to go back and forth like this?” he asked rhetorically. “And I am not mad, Star,” he added. “End of conversation.”
Starfire leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. She had a feeling he just wanted to have the last words, and she was not about to allow that to happen. “If you are not angry then why are you driving fifty miles per hour in a thirty-five area?” she asked with a smirk. Robin immediately slowed down, but gave no response. Starfire gave an annoyed sigh. “Robin,” she began, “I know you are upset, but you really have no reason to be. Todd - ”
The car gave a lurch, the tires screeching as Robin slammed on the brakes and put it in park. “We're here,” he answered shortly before sliding out and slamming the door shut, leaving Starfire alone in the car.
Starfire's jaw dropped. Robin had just cut her off and slammed a door in her face. He'd never done anything like that before, no matter how angry he was. She watched, mouth agape, as Robin made his way to the other side of the car and straight onto the path in the park. He hadn't even opened her door for her.
After recovering from her initial shock, she quickly scrambled to open the door before running quickly to catch up with her boyfriend.
“You had no right to do that,” she said from behind Robin as she nearly jogged to keep up with Robin's long, angry strides. “I wish for you to know that Todd - ”
He stopped in his tracks and whipped around, eyes ablaze. Starfire would have crashed right into him if she hadn't caught herself in time. “Look, Star, I don't want to talk about it, ok? Just drop it.”
“But I wish to talk about it,” she pressed. “You are obviously angry - ”
“Damn straight, I'm angry!” Robin cut her off. Starfire could have sworn she saw smoke coming out of his ears. “How the hell would you feel if you saw some chick hanging all over me!”
“Do you realize how hypocritical you sound?” she argued.
Robin stared at her blankly. “What are you talking about?”
“I did see that,” stated Starfire, “Or have you forgotten Candy so quickly?”
Robin rolled his eyes. Despite their argument, Starfire couldn't help noticing that the way the sun was hitting them, they looked turquoise. “Starfire,” Robin's gruff voice said, pulling Starfire away from her thoughts, “Don't tell me you actually got angry over that. You know I wasn't interested in her.”
“And you think that I was interested in Todd?” she threw back at him. “Do you not trust me?”
Starfire stared at Robin as he stared back at her in silence. The answer to her question was easy. Of course he trusted her, but flashbacks of Todd's hand around her waist and over her shoulders, and her laughing at whatever he was saying pervaded his mind. His jealously clouded his common sense. Everything he had told himself in the car flew out of the window.
At Robin's lack of a response, Starfire sighed sadly, looking down at her feet. “I see,” she said in barely louder than a whisper.
Robin combed his fingers through his black mane in frustration. “Starfire, what do you expect me to say?” he said angrily. “I saw you with my own two eyes just allowing him to... to... fondle you and - ”
Starfire's eyes widened in disbelief. “Fondle!”
“Well, yeah. His hands were all over you.” He was exaggerating, he knew, but his stupid mouth wouldn't shut up. “And you didn't do anything about it!” At her shocked expression, he continued, “Oh, wait, let me correct myself. You did do something. You giggled.” He made a face as if he had just eaten something bad. “You aren't supposed to giggle for anyone but me, dammit!”
“Robin!” she gasped in shock. This was not the boy she had started dating three months ago.
“ - And you just had to wear the stupid little shirt!” he ranted.
“That is enough!” Starfire yelled. She did everything in her power to keep her tears in check. She was not going to let Robin see how much his words hurt her. “If you do not wish to hear the truth,” she said, “do not expect me to listen to your delusions!” And with that said, she took off into the skies.
And then it was quiet. He was alone.
Robin sadly watched her fly away and the further away she went, the more his heart crumbled. As soon as she was out of sight, Robin suddenly noticed that their little altercation had drawn a crowd.
“Dude,” he heard some guy say, “I had no idea that she was so loose.”
His female companion gasped. “She isn't loose!” she defended. “He's just an asshole!”
Robin felt like a piece of shit.
He sighed sadly, already regretting every word that came out of his stupid mouth. With disapproving eyes on him, he fished the keys to the T-Car out of his pocket and shook his head dejectedly. “Fucking testosterone,” he grumbled to himself as he slid into the driver's seat and sped toward Titans' Tower. He need to make things right... again.

...End Chapter Six...
Number of Words: 1,338
Posted: April 16, 2006
Edited: August 20, 2006