The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Milk & Honey ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Nabooru entered the Desert Colossus, the only colors she was expecting were brown, red, and black--the colors of desert stone. So when she saw the splotch of green next to the stairs, it immediately caught her eye.

"Hello, Link," she said. "Didn't expect to see you here."

He kicked his feet on the wall. "I'm hiding," he said.

"Hiding? That doesn't seem becoming of the holder of the Triforce of Courage." Link kept silent. "What are you hiding from?"

"The world."

"Mm, I don't think you're quite there yet."

"It's close enough. It's the most isolated place in Hyrule. I think only you and I and a few magicians can get here easily."

Nabooru walked up to the center of the shrine, made obeisance to it, then stood behind Link. "The Link I know wouldn't hide from any monster or sorcerer, so it's got to be something else. Something he's not used to handling. A woman, maybe?"

"Maybe a few."

"A few? My god, you are grown up, aren't you? When I first met you, you could fit through that little crawlspace," she pointed to one of the far walls. "Who is it?"

"Zelda. She's... I made her pregnant."

"Indeed. You think this is a problem?"

Link was stunned. He expected Nabooru to at least pause in surprise. "What do you mean 'is it a problem'? How can you be so unconcerned?"

Nabooru tilted her head. "Truth be told, I kinda already knew."

"You knew? How?"

"We Gerudo may be isolated, but we always have our ears to the sand."

Link scoffed. "I bet you don't know that now she's going to have to marry someone right away."

"I do, actually. It's the way of your royalty. I still don't know why this is a problem."

"It's a problem because I've also been seeing someone else on the side. Intimately."

"Intimately? I see." Nabooru crossed her arms and nodded.

"Her name's Malon. She's a Hylian."

"Malon... is that the daughter of the ranch-man? Yes, he's talked about her."

"Yeah, so... I don't know what to do."

Nabooru stretched and took a seat by Link. "You know, I've seen a lot of men cheat on their wives and girlfriends. And it's quite easy, if I may say, to lure Hylian men. Our aggressiveness, our fiery temperament, our exotic looks. But you have to know the right targets."

"I figured. There's only one male born every one hundred years, according to the myths about the Gerudo."

"Myths hide truths. Except for that one, for the most part."

"You know, I'm not looking for advice."

"You're getting some anyway." Nabooru cleared her throat. "Men cheat because they can, because they're led by their base urges to breed. It's instinctual for a man to want to spread his seed as far as he can. The ones who are dissatisfied by their relationships are the easiest prey. They're not getting something that they want. And usually what they want is variety."

"That makes sense," Link said. "With Zelda, I felt like every day was the same. I mean, it wasn't that it was boring, it's that... she was. She never wanted anything new. But Malon. Man, that girl is insane. All she wanted to do was fuck. With Zelda, it was like making love. But I guess you don't really know about that."

"Not so much, no. We only mate with men when we want to breed. For other carnal pleasures we turn to each other."

"Each other? You mean..."

"What? Do you expect us to remain chaste because we only have one man every one hundred years?"

To be honest, Link thought that exact thing. They spent so much time perfecting their warrior skills, he didn't even know when they slept. "But that means you..."

"Only a woman knows what is truly pleasurable for herself. We don't worry about labels like 'orientation' as you Hylians do. We are all women, we are all sisters. And we have needs, desires. Each of the ranking members has a harem."

"A harem?" Link looked up. "Of women?"

"Of course. As chief, I have the largest--thirteen women. They are not slaves, of course, but they come at my call. And at the eve of the equinox we engage in a sacred rite where we consume dried husks of the Leever and engage in a ritual orgy in the moonlight."

"A ritual orgy?" Link was tongue-tied. "How can no one know about this?"

"The Gerudo keep our secrets. Unlike you others, we learned, through many generations, to keep our lips tight and our mysteries hidden. Whereas you can't seem to contain your tongues in your mouths for a fly's breath."

Link should have been offended, but instead he laughed. It felt good.

"I only tell you because you are a trusted friend. And I should warn you," Nabooru continued, "Eventually this secret of yours will open to the sun as well. They always do. I can count on one hand the number of men whose consorts with a Gerudo woman were never exposed. Sometimes it kills the relationship, sometimes it doesn't."

"I just... I just didn't know where my loyalties lied. I felt like Zelda was using me, like I was convenient. And Malon was just so... there. So wanted me. But she was even worse."

"Maybe Zelda wanted you, not for your body, but for your soul. She just couldn't encompass it."

"Maybe. I keep thinking about Termina. Remember, I told you about that."

"The moon and the mask. Yes."

"The same three days, over and over. It always rained on the second day. Always. Even in the desert." Link sighed. "I keep thinking about it. I've been thinking about it for the past six years. I can't get it out of my head. All the mistakes I made. All the people dying in front of me, again and again. And I'm still not sure if it was real, if I stepped into some alternate world, or if it was all a dream... or a nightmare."

"Or some combination, thereof," Nabooru added. "I've always believed you about Termina, although no one I know has ever heard of this place."

"Neither has anyone else. I think now I've convinced myself that it was a dream. It couldn't be a coincidence that everyone resembled the people I knew in Hyrule. Or maybe it's just been so long that I can't remember anymore."

"I doubt it was a dream. The details were too incredible."

"My point is even though everything was so screwed up, I could always go back and change it, as long as I held the ocarina. I think that messed me up. Now I think I can go do anything without consequences. But clearly that's not true."

"A lesson well-learned."

"I never should have started this thing with Malon. Or Zelda. And now I'm so screwed. Talon thinks I'm going to marry her. I have no idea if Malon thinks the same thing or what. And Zelda's pregnant. With my child. And the world can't ever know. And someone who's more concerned with taxes and agriculture, who doesn't really love her, will be his father."

"But you love Zelda."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"You just said as much."

Link realized that he did. "I... I don't know."

Nabooru looked up at the ceiling into the archway out into the desert. "You know, the Gerudo have our myths about Hyrule too. That there is someone destined to be the Hero of Legend. He takes different titles, but he is always defined by his courage. And his destiny is intertwined with the maiden of wisdom and the sorcerer of power."

"I think I heard this legend," Link said. "I think I lived it."

"You did. At least as goes my theory. Here's the part that doesn't reach your pointed Hylian ears. After the sorcerer is defeated, the hero and maiden live on without the aid of the goddesses to guide them. Left to their own devices, their fate is a tragically romantic one--a love that can never be. And in this forbidden love, a child is born between the two. That child has his or her own children. And their own children, whose descendants eventually become the either the next hero or the next maiden--fortune depending."

"That's a sad tale. Is that the kind of bedtime story you tell Gerudo children?"

"Oh, no," Nabooru smiled showing white teeth against her tan skin. "Our bedtime stories are much better."


Was this going to be his last time on Lon Lon Ranch? What was Malon going to say? Would she kick him out? She was an aggressive girl, and losing her boy toy might not provoke the best reaction.

He hadn't even decided what to say to her. Was he going to tell her it was over? Was he going to confess everything and see what she wanted to do from there? Part of him didn't want to give up such a good thing, but that was just his little sword talking. He didn't want to live a double life.

He really should have gone to the castle to fix things up with Zelda first. She deserved to know the most. But the ranch was closer, and he wanted to get it over with. Besides, if he told Malon first, he might be able to avoid exposing anything to Zelda.

Of course, he couldn't just walk into Lon Lon Ranch. Not anymore. Not with Talon knowing, watching him. He latched his hookshot onto a tiny corner of house and launched to the stable roof. Keeping low, he crept out onto the shingles. He could see the entire pasture from here, and not a human soul in sight.

He grappled across the walkway to the barn. No one inside the open stable, but he heard some strange creaking in the hayloft. The ladder was retracted, which seemed unusual. He grappled up there.

At the far end of the hayloft, just short of the window bathing sunlight in one square, he saw a bathtub. Malon was sitting in it, only her toweled head exposed. But she wasn't laying in water. It was white and thick--milk?

Link tiptoed toward her. Several discarded bottles and buckets lay around her.

She stirred. Link dashed behind a pillar. Did she see him?

"Mmm," Malon groaned. Link peeked out from behind the pillar. She rubbed the milk on her arms, lifted her supple leg into the air and dribbled white froth on it.

Malon placed her hand down into the milk. The thick milk began to undulate with the pace of her arm, back and forth, back and forth.

A familiar tingling spread from one side of the his ballsack to the other. Did she know he was there? Was she doing this because he was there? Or because she thought he wasn't?

Link never found out because, as he subconsciously leaned forward, the board beneath him creaked.

Unstartled, Malon looked back. "Link? I didn't see you there. How'd you find this place?"

"I... I'm sorry, I saw the ladder was up and I thought that was weird, so I-"

"It's all right. Come forward, silly boy. It's not like this is anything you haven't seen before."

Link walked in front of her. "Is this milk?"

She nodded. " Every once in a while I take a milk bath. It's old Lon Lon Milk, stuff we can't sell because it's close to expiring. I take it and dump it in a bath. It does <i>wonders</i> for the skin." She spread out her limbs. "I don't think anyone knows about this place, so I can be private here."

The rich, sweet scent drew Link closer.

"You can join me, if you like." Malon said.

Link divided into two minds. On one hand, this totally contradicted his reason for coming here.

On the other hand, it wouldn't change anything. Just one last hurrah. And besides, he would never be able to do anything like this once he was back with Zelda. When was he going to get to have sex in a bath of milk again?

As Link undressed, he wondered why he was even bothering to fix things with Zelda. It wouldn't be long before their relationship ended too.

Link dipped his foot in, expecting the milk to be ice cold. "Oh, it's warm."

"I boiled the milk before. That way I can stay in a long time. It takes a while to do, but it's so worth it."

Link submerged all the way in and rested against the cool porcelain. "Hah, this is... weird."

"It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it kinda does." Link settled into the mixture. They sat end to end, only their heads visible in the white water.

Malon propped her naked feet against Link's hips. Link pressed against the soft sides of her body, making her giggle. They played footsie, tickling each other with their toes. Then Malon turned around and laid against Link's chest.

Malon rubbed her lubricated ass crack against Link's crotch. The slippery skin-on-skin made Link's dick stiff as a rock in no time. Link clutched her breasts and rubbed them round and round, giving them an abrupt pinch every now and again. She shivered against his pecs, stroking his legs at the same time.

One of Link's hands dropped from her breasts, down her flat stomach, past her pubis and into her fleshy mound. He poled his fingers in and out of her juicy cunt. Soon he couldn't tell where the milk started and the cream began.

Malon shuddered as an orgasm overtook her body. But she thrust her hips forward, forcing Link out. Malon's ass crack held his throbbing dick down.

She reached over the side of the tub and picked up a baton made out of lacquered wood.

"What is that?" Link asked.

"It's a little toy. For myself."

Malon held it up. It gleamed in the sunlight like a sword. The wood was sanded and polished so smooth it had to feel like silk. Malon brought it into the bath. What she did from there, Link couldn't see, but he could guess by the movement of her arms and moans of pleasure while she grinded back and forth.

"Touch me," she said. "Make me feel good."

Link's hands found their way to her breasts again. He massaged them, while she bounced up and down on that object. Her hips bucked back and forth. Link's erection pressed against Malon's taint so hard he thought he was going to flip her over.

"Put it in," Malon said.

"What?" Link said. He wasn't sure where to put it into. Surely there wasn't room for him with that big baton thrusting in and out.

"Put it in," she said more urgently. "Please. I wanna come with you inside me."

Link bucked his hips forward. His penis slid and out of her ass crack, searching for purchase. The tip of his head caught on something fleshy. Link shoved further in. It felt like a fist had clenched around penis.

Malon shrieked in surprise, like she had been stung. Link started to pull back out when she said, "Oh my god, yes. That's so good. Don't stop."

Link wasn't sure what he was fucking, but he kept going. He could feel Malon pulling her little toy in and out at a faster rate.

"You're filling me. You're filling me. Oh... my... god... it's... never... been... this... good," she said with each ripple. Malon squeezed her buttocks together. With his heart pounding, Link thrust forward, almost lifting her out of the bath. His hot spunk drooled over his penis.


Malon slid off and rested on hands and knees in the bath, breathing heavily.

"Oh yeah... that's the stuff," she said as if she'd just eaten a tasty dinner.

Link's guilt sank to its deepest point. It felt like he was holding a boulder with no power bracelet. But all he did was watch her catch her breath.

"This milk's starting to get cold," Link said. It was still tolerably warm.

"Mmm... we should get out," Malon said, taking out her plaything. "Stay in here too long, it starts to stink."

Link imagined the sickly, sour smell of old milk. They both got out, dripping with the stuff. Malon walked over to a pump, pushed the lever a few times. A shower of water sprinkled out and rinsed her naked body.

"You set this up too?" Link asked.

"Of course." Malon offered him the space to get clean. "A milk bath is great for the skin, but not so great for the nose. If you know what I mean."

Link scrubbed himself clean of the past fifteen minutes. He'd forgotten what he even came in for. They retrieved their clothes, dressed again, and let down the ladder.

Malon climbed down first and waited for Link. They both walked out of the barn together. "So where did you get that toy?" Link asked. "Unless you know carpentry."

Malon laughed. "I had the woodsmith make it customized. I told him what I wanted, how it had to be, and he made it. He didn't ask what it was for, and I didn't tell him." Malon put a hand around his hip as they crossed the barn floor. "Maybe next time you can use it on me."

"Yeah. Maybe."


There was a sudden crack behind them, somewhere in the barn. Link and Malon turned around.

"What was that?" Malon said. "Was someone watching us?"

Link's hand hovered over his sword. He treaded back into the barn, eyes turned to the ceiling. It had sounded like a misstep, like someone was up there.

There was another creak. He pulled his sword a little way out of its scabbard.

A Cuccoo fell down from the hayloft. It squawked as it fell, feathers trailing after it. Link followed it down, where it landed and began pecking in the wooden slats.

Malon sighed. Link smiled and replaced his sword. "Just a squatter." He turned around. "Those Cuccoos are everywhere. Your dad can't-"

They stopped in their tracks. Malon gasped.

Sheik was standing outside the barn entrance.

"Oh shit," Link said. He held his breath.

Under her white headwrap and collar, all he could see was her eyes. Even now, they remained a mystery. No tears, no hate, no fear, none of the emotions Link expected to see. Just a stoic red glare.

She dashed to the side of the barn, out of view. Link chased after her. "Wait, no..."

Outside, there was only silent prairie.

Malon ran after Link. "Who was that?"

"Sheik... she's... someone I know."

"Who is she?" She looked around. "Where'd she go? She just disappeared."

"She's a Sheikah. She can do that." Link dropped his hands and sighed. The memory of her eyes, drilling and cheerless, burned in his head. " I never thought she'd... I didn't want her to find out like this." He turned back towards the barn. "I-"

A blue and white figure fell from the roof. Feet slammed Link in the chest. He went down, banging his head against the hard dirt. His teeth clacked together.

Link instantly rolled away and back up to his feet. Sheik stood a yard away, straight as a rod.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't want you to find out this way."

She leaped forward, faster than Link could react, and punched Link across the jaw.

Link reeled back. He gingerly touched his chin. "I deserved that. I was going to tell- whoa!"

Sheik's foot came around in a roundhouse kick. Link dodged just in time, but the surprise sent him on his back again. Sheik jumped on Link and straddled him. She pummeled him in the face, in the body, as Link held up his hands to defend.

Link bucked her off of him. "Stop this. I did some bad things, but I don't deserve to get beaten to death. And you said this thing had to end soon anyway."

She jumped forward with a two air kicks. Link blocked them both with his arms and stumbled backwards.

She didn't want to talk, she wanted to fight. But what was he supposed to do? He couldn't raise his sword against her--not just because of who she was, but because she was unarmed.

"Stop! I don't want to hurt you."

Sheik grunted and launched herself forward with both arms raised. Link dodged out of the way as she slammed down with a hammer strike. Clearly, she <i>did</i> want to hurt him.

Link scowled at her and undid his belt. "Fine. You want to do this? Let's do this." He dropped the scabbard in the grass and held up his fists. When was the last time he'd practiced hand-to-hand combat? He'd had a sword glued to his hand all his life.

Sheik spun around. Link expected a kick to his ribs and lowered his arms accordingly. But Sheik delivered a backfist across his face. Cheek stinging, Link ran forward, fists raised. Sheik nimbly dodged his blows, darting her head left and right. She dropped to the ground and swept Link's feet out from under him.

She stood over him, hands on her hips, daring him to get up.

"Damn you. Is this what you want? Is this making you feel better?" Link rolled out of the way and bashed Sheik in her stomach. After that move he had no qualms about hurting her.

Sheik doubled over. Link balled one fist into the other and smacked her across the chin. She flew back. Link screamed and launched forward with a clumsy kick. Sheik stepped aside and let him pass. Link turned and swung a fist, but Sheik locked his arms. They grappled shoulder to shoulder, trying to pull the other into the dirt.

Link gritted his teeth. "What are you doing? What is this going to accomplish?"

Sheik threw him to the dirt and stood over him. Her voice sounded gravelly, like a desert wind. "You will know my pain."

Sheik raised her leg high in the air--her foot brushed against the hair jutting out of her mask--and brought it down. Link cringed as he prepared for the painful blow to his crotch.

"Errragh!" Malon jumped on Sheik's back, wrapping her arms around her neck.

Sheik staggered back. She held onto Malon's gripping arms, but couldn't pry her off.

"You get off him, you bitch." Malon wriggled back and forth, like she was trying to rip Sheik's head off.

"Malon, no!" Link held out his hand to her.

Sheik shook like a wet dog. In Malon's effort to stay on, she started grabbing for any part of Sheik's head. But Malon fell off just the same.

She flipped forward and landed on her butt in the dirt next to Link. "Ow." She was holding a piece of white cloth. The mask had come off in her hands. Malon looked at it, then back at their attacker.

Her honey-colored hair billowed in the wind across her steely green eyes and pert mouth. She stared down at the two of them with fierce, reserved hatred.

"The p-princess? Princess Zelda?" Malon said. She cupped her hands over her mouth. "I- I didn't know you were the... oh my god, I just attacked the..."

"It's all right," Link said.

"But she was hitting you." She turned back to Zelda. "You were hitting Link. And he hit you back..."

"She's angry," Link said.

"Angry? Why? Because she saw us together? Why would she... Are you and her... you're a... you're...? I mean..."

Link nodded.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." She put her hands over her eyes. "I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to be executed. They're going to behead me."

"Stop," Zelda said. "I'm not going to behead you. I don't blame you..." She glared at Link. "...for this."

Link stood up. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't." Zelda up her hand. "I don't want to hear it. Not right now." She turned and walked off.

Malon whispered to Link, "Princess Zelda is a Sheikah?"

"Not exactly. It's complicated."

"Does she disguise herself? Oh, so she can mingle with the commoners? Do you know her? On that... level? Is this something she's been doing for a long time?"

"Malon, I think it would be best if we stopped seeing each other."

Malon shut her mouth. "I..." She looked toward the horizon. In only one look away, Princess Zelda had disappeared. "Maybe... maybe that's a good idea. If you ever want to-"

"No. I don't." Link walked away towards the ranch's door.


When the door to her bedchamber shut with a solid wooden bang, she finally sighed. She wouldn't cry. She didn't feel like crying, for some reason. Maybe the stuff that was worth crying about was too sad to cry for. She felt tired, exhausted. But that came from having to put up such a front these days.

Zelda walked up to her vanity, wondering if maybe she should have the royal mages make up a potion for her. It would help deaden these feelings.

"How did you know?"

Zelda whipped around. Link emerged from behind her bed curtain. She knew she had to be losing it--her Sheikah training had taught her to detect the smell of shadows.

"How long have you been here?"

"A while. Waiting. How did you know about..."

"Two reasons," Zelda held up her fingers. "One, you smelled different. You bathed."

"I always bathe," Link said indignantly.

"Not like this. You usually have a 'wipe-off-the-dirt' bath. This time you used soaps, perfumes. You made yourself presentable. You made yourself attractive."

Link sighed.

"Two--and this was the bigger reason--you were happy."

Link glared at Zelda, unable to find the words.

"It was such a personality shift, I couldn't help but notice. You acted like you were satisfied, fulfilled. You haven't acted that way around me in months."

Link's eyes sank to the floor. "Well, can you blame me? Everything just got so... scripted. It was like a play."

"Oh, is that what you wanted? You wanted some variety? Here, we can do that now." Zelda approached him. "You want to have a milk bath with me? You want to use some toys on me?"

"No, it's not that."

"Where do you want to put it? In my mouth? Between my tits? In the back, maybe?" Zelda turned around and wiggled her ass at him.

"Would you listen to me for once?" Link shouted.

Zelda turned around.

"I wanted to come here right away after you left. I wanted to explain why I did what I did. But even <i>I</i> didn't know. I had to figure it out for myself first."

He took a deep breath and continued. "I've never had a sense of commitment. Not really. I grew up with the Kokiri, and they're all kids. They flit from one thing to another. That's the way I was raised.

"I never told you this, but when I was on my quest to release the sages, I was all over the place. I was playing games in the market, looking for golden skulltulas. I got involved in this weird back-and-forth of trading eye drops and masks. I... I could have been faster. I tried to justify it by saying that I could travel through time--I had all the time in the world."

"But then I sent you back, and it didn't even matter," Zelda said.

Link nodded. "Then I went to Termina. And I did the same thing. But this time, I was helping people fix their lives. Heh, I even had a little notebook to help me keep track. But I lost sight of that, I guess, when I got older. Maybe it's because people keep treating me like they did when I was ten. Or hiding their true feelings."

"Link, I'm not sure what you're trying to say."

"Like I said, not too good at focusing. What I'm saying is, Malon gave me what I wanted, or what I thought I wanted. I was looking for that spark, but that's all she wanted--spark. All the time, and nothing else. I was waiting for you to love me. And I got tired of waiting."

"Oh, Link, I do love you. I've always loved you, from the first day you came into the garden."

Link perked up. "Really?"

"I guess I had trouble showing it because I wanted to keep my distance from you. I knew it could never work between us. Not for the long-term. But I didn't want it to end. I guess, by the end, I was luring you in with sex. And even that wasn't special anymore."

"That might have been part of it."

"Do you know how thrilled I was when I realized I was carrying your baby?"

"But you have to... I mean that's kind of ended our relationship."

"Yes, it's true. I will have to get married soon so no one finds out. But really, how often do you expect the king to be here? He's the liaison of Hyrule. Traditionally, he is the one to meet foreign emissaries, commence trade negotiations, survey the land. And the queen stays at the palace, keeping the home front safe."

"Ah, I see," Link said, smiling.

"Link, there's nothing that could tear me away from you. We're always going to be together." She wrapped her arms around Link's neck. "I actually understand why you did what you did."

"I did break it off with Malon. I'm not going to see her again. Ever."

"Good," she said. "But, uh... if there was anything that... you know... you learned from her... that maybe you'd like to do?"

Link grinned. "First, let's talk about bras."