Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ In the Hands of an Uncaring God ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Xandra presents In the Hands of an Uncaring God, Chapter 8/12.

Disclaimer: All the following X characters belong entirely to CLAMP. I'm only borrowing them for the duration of this story. This story is distributed for free and no profit is being made.

Chapter 8

Subaru woke up to a bad headache and the nagging sensation that there was something important he had forgotten. Then his memory returned in a flood, causing him to tumble out of bed in haste. The thumping sound of him falling to the floor brought Sorata running in. "Subaru-san, are you all right?"

Subaru blinked owlishly as he struggled to get up. "Yes, I'm fine."

Sorata, who had apparently designated himself resident nursemaid, asked, "Do you want something to eat?"

Subaru's stomach churned in protest at the thought. "Thanks, but no, just a bit of tea and a painkiller will be fine," he said, wincing at the young Kansai monk. His brow furrowed, and he asked, "Have you guys been able to manage?" Subaru didn't think he had much food in his apartment, not having expected a crowd of guests. "

"Arashi and I went down and shopped at the corner store," Sorata said. Seeing the unspoken worry in Subaru's eyes, Sorata waved his hands at him, "Don't worry, no one saw us, we were careful."

Subaru stumbled out of the room and reached for the phone, his uppermost thought was currently Kakyou's safety. Snatching the phone from its cradle, he dialed the hospital only to have his worst fears confirmed. Listlessly he hung the phone up, before sinking down onto the sofa with his head in his hands. The dull throb that he had awoken to was now threathening to explode into a full blown migraine.

"Um, Subaru?" Kamui's voice gently sounded by his side. "Are you all right?"

Subaru groaned, wondering what anyone could do if he said no. A wave of despair washed through him at the thought of not having been there for Kakyou when he was needed. Subaru indulged in a moment of self recrimination, running a litany of what ifs round and round his head. Eventually, his common sense returned and he shook himself. This was accomplishing nothing. He peered up through the wisps of his hair to see Kamui wordlessly offering him tea and two pills, concern heavy in those violet eyes. Gratefully accepting the tea, Subaru washed the medicine down. "Hinoto has my friend, Kakyou," he said miserably.

In a flash, Kamui connected the name from Subaru's memories to the golden eyed stranger that had been in Kotori. "I'm sorry," he said in perfect understanding and reached forward to take Subaru's hand. Subaru tightened his palm around the warmth, thankful for the comfort.

A clearing of the throat alerted the two to Sorata's presence. He and Arashi were standing by the door. "We'll help you get your friend back. We'll beat these people yet! Didn't we just successfully rescue two people last night?" Sorata proclaimed cheerfully while taking the opportunity to wrap an arm around Arashi's shoulder. She, on the other hand, tolled her eyes and took the opportunity to dig an elbow into his ribs. Thus freed, she stalked away from him. "Ouch Arashi, what did you do that for?" Sorata's voice faded as he trooped after his girl into the kitchen. To the two watchers, it appeared as if she had a great deal of experience dealing with him.

The two sat there looking after them. Subaru thought if he wasn't feeling so miserable, he would laugh at their comic routine. After a moment, Kamui quietly said, "I'll help too."

Subaru turned to Kamui, who was still holding his hand, seemingly intent in not letting him go. "I appreciate it but you don't have to. I don't want you to be in any more danger," he said earnestly. He did not want Kamui to be in any more danger.

"I don't care, and besides we have to go get Fuuma back. Rescuing one or two makes no difference to me." Kamui declared stubbornly.

Subaru heaved a deep sigh. "At times it seems that I'm making no progress against Hinoto at all. It's one step forward, two steps back. I just wish this would all end."

Kamui's wide violet eyes gazed at Subaru in sympathy. "You mustn't give up now. You've been chasing after this for too long."

Subaru was amazed that this was the same boy who he had to comfort last evening, or was it this morning? He appeared to have matured greatly since. Tightening his fingers around the hand that Kamui was clasping, Subaru said, "Thank you, Kamui." Subaru blinked, wondering if it was a trick of the light or was there a light blush spreading across Kamui's cheeks. He hoped the young man wasn't going to develop an inappropriate attachment to him. He knew he wasn't the best sort of person one could choose for a friend. Just look at how many people he'd let down already. However, before he had time to dwell on this further, his attention was called to an insistent tap at his balcony door.

"What's that?" Kamui exclaimed in surprise at the bird knocking on the glass.

Subaru took a moment to study the shape, before his eyes widened in recognition. "Shikigami mail," he replied, getting up off the sofa to open the balcony door. The bird flew in and circled around the duo before dropping a note into Subaru's hands. Kamui stood dumbfounded at the sight of the creature as it twittered at Subaru before departing.

"What's that?" Kamui repeated, idiotically reflecting that this was all he could manage to utter after that strange sight.

Subaru didn't reply immediately. He had unfolded the note and was reading it intently. When he was done, he remained gazing into the distance, deep in thought. Kamui waited tensely, wondering if he should try to sneak a look at the letter. His curiosity was unsatisfied when Subaru refold the note and tucked it into his pocket. He turned to Kamui and said, "I need to go out for a while. Stay here and DON"T go anywhere. We'll make plans when I get back." With that he pulled his coat off a hook and dashed out the door.

Kamui was left gaping after him, feeling greatly miffed at Subaru for not telling him anything.

"So what are you standing there for! Aren't you going to follow him? We are!" Sorata's voice called to him, waking him from his paralysis. Sorata grinned as he and Arashi ran to the door as well.

Kamui blinked at him for a moment. The two had been silent witnesses to Subaru's departure. Sorata's enthusiasm was certainly infectious, but Kamui was not going to give in and smile at him. All he was able to manage was an indignant "Of course" as he grabbed his own coat to follow after the Sumeragi clan head.


The first thing Kakyou noticed when he "awakened", if it could be called that, was that he was in someone else's dreamscape. Panic gripped him, unused as he was to not being in total control of his environment. The light was dim and he frailed about clumsily for a while, trying to get his bearings. Then an undeniably evil laugh rang out behind him. Quickly he whipped around, to see Hinoto smiling at him like a cat caught in cream. He was in BIG trouble. His heart fell, but with a supreme effort, he managed to keep his dismay from showing.

"I finally have you where I want you," Hinoto gloated.

Knowing it wouldn't do any good but taking comfort from it anyway, Kakyou backed away to lean against the wall of the "room" he found himself in. He was astonished to discover himself dressed in a very nice traditional style multi-layered kimono. It was the outfit he wore in his dreamscapes when he wanted to impress. The heavy silk gave him a sense of dignity and he was glad he was still able to exercise some of his powers even if it was only in his choice of apparel.

The sight of Kakyou backing away from her appeared to delight Hinoto. "You've been a bad boy blocking my visions of the future," she said, wagging a finger at him.

"Well, I try to do my best. If nothing else, it relieves my boredom. There's not really much else to do while dreamgazing, you know," Kakyou replied flippantly.

Hinoto uttered a small shriek in fury at his manner. She wanted Kakyou quivering in fear, instead, here he was, as defiant as ever. "You had better give me some respect or I will make you suffer!" she threathened. "I can have you torn apart in here and you would become a vegetable for real!"

Kakyou sobered and gave this offer due consideration. He wondered if it might be a better fate for him to truly die. He knew he was a liability to Subaru as a hostage. "Why haven't you done that already?" he asked, morbidly curious. Mentally, he berated himself. Now was not the time for him to be giving ideas to his enemy.

Hinoto did a double take, not really expecting him to call her bluff so quickly. "I'm giving you a chance here. Join me. Lend your power to mine and you shall have all that you desire." A cunning gleam was in her eyes as she indulged in the thought of acquiring more power.

Kakyou's bitter laugh shattered that fantasy. "There's very little that I desire. My body is easily taken care of. In my dreamscapes, I can conjure up every creature comfort that I could possibly want. What I most desire is to be with Hokuto and you were the instrument of taking her away from me. I don't see how I can be tempted by your offer," Kakyou said levelly. What ever happened, he would not compromise. He would rather die first.

"You, you..." Hinoto sputtered in anger. "If you won't join me then be prepared to die!" The swirl of her power began to rise, and was made solid in the form of a gigantic harpy-shaped creature. The creature beat its wings, sending a rush of wind to buffet at Kakyou.

Kakyou simply stood there, his golden eyes defiantly daring her.

Hinoto released her restraints on the creature, pointing at the yumemi in a wordless command to strike. At the last minute, Kakyou closed his eyes, unable to look at his death, yet bracing himself for the inevitable. A huge explosion rocked Kakyou back. A long minute passed before he realised he was still aware and conscious. His ears still ringing, he carefully peeped through his lashes, confused.

The Dragon of Earth was standing before him. Irrationally, Kakyou found himself marveling at how cool he looked. Fuuma was dressed in a neatly buttoned long black overcoat, not a hair out of place. He pushed the little round rimmed glasses he was wearing up his nose and glared at Hinoto. "You can't have him. He's mine," Fuuma stated.

"What do you mean?" Hinoto screeched. "I am your master. You have to do as I say! If I want to kill him, I can kill him."

With a wave of his hand, the Dragon of Earth suddenly produced a glowing scroll out of thin air. Slowly he unfurled the parchment and began to read from it. "Blah blah blah... Ah here it is... In return for services, said god shall have any sacrifices he chooses or is offered, with the exception of the aforementioned contractee, that's you," the Dragon of Earth said, pointing to Hinoto, just in case she didn't know who he was talking about. "Said sacrifice shall be dealt with as said god wills." He paused dramatically and a slight curve in his lips barely hid his amusement. "So. I choose Kakyou as a sacrifice to do with as I will. If you disagree, then the contract is void. Do you wish that?"

Hinoto's pallid face grew even whiter. She knew what the Dragon was capable of once released from the binding she had put on it. It would almost certainly turn on her. She knew he was not happy to find himself bound by her restraints. She cursed herself for forgetting about the fine print. Uttering a high-pitch shriek of frustration, she flounced from the dreamscape.

Kakyou was amazed. He couldn't believe Hinoto had screwed herself with that silly contract. Now that the tension over, Kakyou found his legs going all jelly limp. He slumped against the wall and slowly slid down to a puddle on the floor. The sound brought the Dragon of Earth's attention to Kakyou. "Hey, are you all right?" he asked, concerned.

Kakyou gazed up at him, nodding dumbly. He was barely able to stop his mouth from gaping like an outraged goldfish. No, no, even on the verge of death, he would maintain his dignity.

"Sorry about not coming sooner. I only realised what she was doing when I felt her gathering her power." The Chi no Ryuu knelt down by Kakyou's side.

"Oh that's all right," Kakyou said, waving the concern away. He was feeling really odd in the aftermath of his near brush with death. He searched the Dragon of Earth's face, curious to know what was motivating him. "You saved me. Why?"

"Because I wanted to," Fuuma replied shortly. The Dragon of Earth sat down by Kakyou and took him into his arms. "As you can see, the contract is really binding. I can't do much against what Hinoto wants, but I can make the fine print work for me. Sometimes." He directed a small wry smile at Kakyou.

Kakyou was surprised to find that he was shivering in reaction. He really should be doing something to get out of the Chi no Ryuu's arms but instead, he relaxed into the hold. "I can't leave though, can I? I'm still their prisoner," he said sadly.

"You're MY prisoner. I'll make sure you don't come to any harm. I promise." The Dragon pressed a warm kiss on Kakyou's forehead.

Kakyou discovered he rather liked the soft contact. He supposed he ought to protest the touch but he was still too shaken over the recent events. "Do you have a name? I can't call you Fuuma because you're not him."

The Chi no Ryuu was idly stroking Kakyou's long hair. It was like playing with silken gold. "Hmm, I don't really have a name. People who call me up usually end up addressing me as 'Oh Dragon God' or something along those lines."

"Well that's out for me." He was not going to address a person who was caressing him so intimately in such a formal way. Kakyou thought for a bit then suggested shyly, "Can I call you Ryuu?"

The Dragon spirit grinned at him and said, "Ryuu." He rolled the name about and continued, "I like it, though it's a rather generic term for me, you know."

Kakyou shrugged elegantly and smiled back. "Ryuu, thank you for stopping Hinoto from killing me," he said, attempting a half bow, or as much as a bow while still being held in someone's arms. His gratitude was true, for now that it was over, he knew he really didn't want to die at Hinoto's hands.


It was well after dusk when Subaru arrived at Rainbow Bridge. It was late enough that the place was fairly deserted. He leaned back on one of the bridge supports and rubbed the back of his neck in exhaustion. He reflected his life had just become too James Bond-ish lately. The only difference in his lifestyle from the superspy was that he wasn't getting any sex out of it. All these midnight rescues and clandestine meetings were wearing him down. At heart, he knew he would be no happier if he could just spend a quiet evening at home curled up around a good book. However, it seemed that whatever god that ruled the universe was not having any of that for him.

Gradually, Subaru noticed a figure walking towards him. A red tipped cigarette signaled the approach of the Sakurazukamori out of the evening mists shrouding the bridge. Subaru eyed his opposite warily. "Seishirou-san," he said in greeting when the dark onmyouji came within ear-shot.

Sakurazuka Seishirou pulled his dark shades from his eyes and slipped them into his pocket. He noted the haggard looks on Subaru's face. "Subaru-kun, you're not taking care of yourself," he said with exaggerated concern as he tossed his cigarette over into the water.

Subaru shook his head. "You were the one who wanted to see me at this late hour," he pointed out. He felt unreasonably upset at Seishirou, as if the man was somehow responsible for his misery and perhaps he was, given their past. Furthermore, he supposed Seishirou was a safe target to be angry with, and Hinoto wasn't around for him to blast to pieces.

"I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't have raided Hinoto's compound," Seishirou said.

Subaru waved it off. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. I will never forgive her for what she did to Hokuto." The memory of what happened nine years ago brought a fresh pang of sorrow to Subaru.

Seishirou was troubled by his own set of memories. He studied the stubborn set of Subaru's chin. Impulsively he took a step forward, recklessly plunging ahead to say something that had been bottled up within him for the longest time. "Can you forgive me?" he asked. There was a hopeful, almost apprehensive look in his single eye.

Subaru stood staring at him, stunned. Of all the things he thought Seishirou would want to talk about after all these years, Subaru never imagined that he would be asking that question. "I... I don't know," he stammered, his mind in turmoil. "We trusted you, oh how I trusted you. You were my friend, you knew how I felt about you, but you betrayed me. Was it all a lie?"

Seishirou flinched away, unable to face the implied accusation from the tear sliding out of the corner of Subaru's eye. "Yes I betrayed you. But it was not all a lie. The year I spent with the both of you, I was running away. Away from being this killer that I am. It was a special time for me. Yet despite all my efforts, my destiny caught up. I don't know if you can understand but please, believe me when I say, I had no choice." His voice was so soft, Subaru had to lean in to hear clearly.

"Then help me to understand!" Subaru cried. "I don't know why you had to take Hokuto away. Did you know I could feel every horrible thing that was done to her? That's was how closely we were connected!"

"I too have something connected closely to me, as close as your twin was to you. I was selfish. When it came down to a choice, I couldn't let it get hurt..." Seishirou said slowly.

"What? This is the first time you've tried to explain your reasons and you're still being cryptic!" Subaru exclaimed, frustrated.

Seishirou sighed. "You know my title is the Sakurazukamori? It's a tree that I protect. My life is tied to it, ever since I was a young child. It's a burden of my family. It's not a bad tree or a good tree, it just is. Ever since the dawn of time it has stood, filled with magic, holding a part of the balance in this world. The problem is that it's all too vulnerable to attack. Hinoto's group can do things to it. When it hurts, I hurt too. I panicked when Hinoto said she wanted an alternative, a person with power. So I gave them Hokuto."

Subaru was stunned. He took two steps forward and grabbed at the front of Seishirou's suit. "How could you?" He was so angry that he was tempted to strike at Seishirou. But at the last minute, something in Seishirou's eyes held him back.

"I didn't know they would sacrifice her. I couldn't bear to give you to them. And after that I thought it was better that you hated me. But I am sorry. I just wanted you to know I'm so sorry, before its too late..." Seishirou hung his head down to rest on Subaru's shoulder.

Tears were running down Subaru's face freely. "I can't believe you let me hate you. Didn't you know how much it hurt to have me hate you while I still love you?" Subaru raised his hands up to thump at Seishirou's chest in anger.

Seishirou brought his arms around Subaru to hug him tightly. Subaru's admission brought a surge of happiness within him, tampering the pain from the knowledge that he was responsible for hurting his special person. Seishirou could only whisper repeatedly, "Forgive me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me."

Subaru collapsed against the embrace, curling his fingers tightly into Seishirou's shirt. "I don't hate you," he said, trying to control himself from breaking down entirely from the overwhelming relief of finally getting an answer to his questions.

"I love you," Seishirou whispered in reply. Subaru was stunned into silence. Seishirou lifted Subaru's face up to him. His lips came down to meet Subaru's. For a while, Subaru stood and didn't do anything. Then his heart made his decision for him. Subaru closed his eyes and parted his mouth to give Seishirou the license to do what ever he wanted. The kiss was sweeter than anything Subaru could have imagined. The sensation of lips brushing against lips, left Subaru weak-kneed. He made a disappointed whimper when Seishirou reluctantly ended the kiss. Straightening his clothes, Subaru firmly reminded himself that this was not the place to be making out.

Seishirou's amused expression returned when he heard the sound of Subaru's disappointment. Fishing out a handkerchief, Seishirou extended it to the younger man. Subaru flushed pink in embarrassment as he accepted and began to clean his face of his tears. Trying to lighten the mood, he asked, "Why did you ask me to meet you tonight?"

The question jolted Seishirou to the seriousness of the situation. ""This is very important. Subaru, you're in terrible danger."

Subaru raised an perfect brow to prompt him to continue.

"Hinoto has commissioned me to kill you. She's furious at your raid on her house. We have to work out a plan for you to get away from here!" Seishirou told him urgently.

Subaru immediately dismissed the suggestion, shaking his head in denial. "No, I can't leave. Not after what you've just told me. I want to be with you. Besides Kamui needs me and Kakyou too," he pointed out.

"Don't argue with me, I'm trying to save you!" Seishirou said exasperated at Subaru's stubbornness. He was tempted to shake him, if only to try to get some sense into the younger onmyouji.

As if his thoughts triggered some physical reaction, the ground of the bridge began to quake. The two onmyouji clutched at each other. They were no longer alone. It was hard to miss the Dragon of Earth sitting atop a nearby railing.

"Well, if isn't this quite the touching scene. Too bad your reunion is going to have to end. Permanently."


Notes: Ooh a cliff hanger. Sorry to have to break Rainbow Bridge up into two segments. This chapter was getting too long. Please note that this is a really AU fic so if anyone thinks Seishirou was out of character confessing to Subaru, well, in this story, he IS like this. He has feelings. I'm not sure what to think about Seishirou being held hostage by his tree, but that's his motivation. Hokuto's murder is entirely horrible Hinoto's fault. I'm also really enjoying how Fuuma, possessed by the Dragon of Earth, is interacting with Kakyou. I'm giving Kakyou a bit of spirit. Did anyone like the image of Fuuma standing there with the contract quoting fine print at Hinoto? All feedback appreciated.

Coming up... Is Fuuma aka Ryuu going to kill Subaru now that Seishirou appears incapable of doing the job? And poor Kakyou, languishing in Hinoto's hands, what's going to happen to him?


A super-deformed Subaru runs out with Fuuma, Kamui, Yuki and Ran holding placards. They run around and rearrange themselves to form a word while shouting, "Omake, Omake, Omake!" Fireworks and confetti fall.

(Subaru and Kamui are standing in the living room of Subaru's apartment. A knock knock sound is heard.)

Kamui (pointing to bird outside on the balcony): What's that?

Subaru (goes and opens balcony door): ...

(Bird flies in and circles around Subaru)

Sorata (points finger and shoots off a lightning bolt at the bird): Oh good, dinner!

Subaru (yells as blackened bird falls to floor): What did you do that for?

Sorata: Hey we got no money and Kamui here needs a good source of protein. He's far too thin!

Subaru and Kamui (together): Eeew!

Director Xandra (yelling at cast): Will you people stop killing the shikigami for food? We have a no cruelty to animals clause here!