Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Subaru, Seishirou and the Hokkaido Getaway ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Xandra ( and Midorino Mizu ( present Subaru, Seishirou and the Hokkaido Getaway

Disclaimer: Subaru, Seishirou and Hokuto are all the property of CLAMP, which was a sad fate for them, because they suffered a lot. But we don't own them and we're not profiting from them, so please, direct all praise to CLAMP for creating such wonderful characters.

Summary: Sumeragi Subaru's work takes him to the far northern island of Hokkaido. Naturally, Hokuto and Seishirou insist on accompanying him. The resulting high jinks are typical of any Tokyo Babylon story.

Chapter 2

The next day found the trio at the train station, getting ready to board the bullet train that would bring them to Hokkaido. The previous afternoon had been spent in a scramble of making plans, booking tickets and informing all the relevant parties to expect them. Now, Subaru was glad to relax and look forward to the trip. He rarely traveled beyond Tokyo or Kyoto and he couldn't help growing more excited at the prospect of visiting a new place.

"Hokuto-chan," Subaru said futilely once more. "Are you sure we need bring quite so much stuff along with us?" He pointed to the small mountain of luggage piled on the platform that belonged to just the two of them. "This is just supposed to be a short trip!"

"Of course we need it all! It's cold weather up there, we'll need to layer the clothing."

"She has a point," said an amused voice from behind him. Subaru spun around to see Seishirou, dressed for the cold Hokkaido climate.

He was wearing a thick black wool overcoat over a charcoal gray suit. Over his shoulder, he had one single bag.

"If we need," Subaru counted the suitcases. "Eight bags for a four day trip, why does Seishirou-san only need one?"

"Sei-chan," Hokuto said with admirable dignity, "Is an older man. As such, he can get away with a simpler wardrobe. However, to appear truly stylish, people of our age require any number of accessories."

Subaru blinked. Her excuse seemed valid, but he knew that if he thought long enough about it, he'd find a hole there somewhere.

"Oh, Sei-chan! Wait until you see the outfit I made for Subaru! It's guaranteed to take your breath away. I'm just lucky I could get my hands on the faux mink on such short notice!"

Subaru resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Hokuto had spent the entire night sewing that particular outfit despite his reminder for her to get enough rest. It consisted of black suede pants and matching boots, a ribbed turtleneck, and a long red wool coat. He didn't object to that.

He wasn't so sure about the fur around the collar and hem, or the elaborate black lace she had trimming his gloves.

"Hokuto-chan," he muttered. "We're going to miss the train."

"He's right, Hokuto. We don't want to miss out on all those tremendous skiing opportunities. I look forward to seeing Subaru-kun's athletic prowess."

Subaru turned cherry red, and yanked his hat down over his face, before dashing onto the train. He could hear Hokuto's distinctive laughter trailing behind him.

By the time his companions managed to get their luggage taken care of and joined him in the train compartment, Subaru had regained his composure. He smiled when Seishirou sat down beside him, slinging his coat on an empty seat before them. Hokuto had disappeared into the restroom, though not without a teasing call for the two of them to behave themselves.

"Are you nervous about having to travel so far away?" Seishirou asked, smiling in his usual kind and quiet manner. He was really quite different when Hokuto wasn't around.

That brought an answering smile from Subaru. Somehow, his friend always knew his insecurities and fears, even when he himself had a hard time putting them into words. "Yes, a little," he admitted. "I know it's silly and I should be excited to have a chance to see new things, and I am, excited that is, but…" He broke off there, not sure how to word his feelings.

Seishirou merely nodded, immediately understanding. "Everyone always likes familiar things best, and it's comfortable when you're around places and things that you know. So while you're excited about seeing new things, leaving the familiar place behind makes you sad," the older man said sagely.

"Besides, Subaru-kun, you love Tokyo, don't you? So leaving it makes you distressed. It's quite natural." He leaned over and patted a gloved hand reassuringly.

The heat inescapably rose in Subaru's cheeks as he nodded, appreciating the kind gesture but also unable to cope with the intimacy. He turned his head to stare out the window. They were just leaving Tokyo Station, and the familiar buildings and people seemed to rush past his sight.

However, once the train sped up there was nothing to be seen except a blur outside the window. The city was soon out of sight, and he found himself staring out at the green of the Kanto plain. It reminded him of when he and Hokuto had first moved to Tokyo.

He remembered being a little nervous and sad then too, because he'd also loved Kyoto. But he wasn't left to follow that thought for too long.

"Sei-chan!" squealed an indignant female voice. "Are you letting Subaru mope?! You should know better than that. You don't want a depressed boyfriend, do you?"

"Oh, but Hokuto-chan, your brother looks so cute when he's pensive," answered Seishirou, his face lifted to hers with a warm smile.

"Well," she huffed, "I suppose that's true, but it's not any real excuse. I may have to withdraw my approval of your relationship should this continue."

Seishirou held a hand theatrically to his heart. "You would separate me from my true love? Sumeragi Hokuto-san, you have a cold heart."

Hokuto stuck her nose determinedly up in the air. "What good are soft feelings if you'll only break my darling brother's heart?"

Subaru determinedly forced himself to stare out, absently wondering if a book would serve to distract him from the others' antics.

Naturally, that didn't go unnoticed. Seishirou smiled, and his amber eyes glinted. He leaned close to the Sumeragi head and murmured, "I'm sure Subaru-kun knows that I would rather throw myself from the train then see him harmed."

Subaru turned tomato-red and let out a horrified squeak, returning his attention to his friend. His sister started laughing again.

"Well, then, Sei-chan, your dear future sister-in-law will have to withdraw her objections. I can't stand in the way of such obviously passionate emotions, can I?"

Subaru thanked his lucky stars that they had the small compartment of the train all to themselves. Nothing the two of them did should surprise him, but every time that he was teased, he couldn't stop himself from blushing. It had to be teasing, hadn't it? There was no possibility Seishirou-san had passionate feelings for him.

This time, as always, Subaru responded with an outraged "Neesan!" which prompted a loud cackle of laughter from his twin.

Seishirou seemed to take pity on his discomfiture and stood up, asking Hokuto casually if she wanted anything to eat or drink. That prompted the female Sumeragi to list a whole catalogue of stuff that she wanted.

"Are you sure you can eat all that?" Seishirou asked, good-naturedly. "A girl has to watch her figure." He started laughing as she chased him in outrage from the cabin, though Subaru could tell she wasn't particularly upset about the insult.

Subaru shook his head with a smile, and stared out the window again. The two of them would never change, but Subaru wasn't really sure he'd want them to. Their incessant teasing made him feel a part of a group, and that was special for him.

Except for Hokuto-chan, he'd always felt distanced from everyone else. Perhaps it was his position, perhaps his occupation-he didn't know. It just made him feel very lonely at times. Until Seishirou-san came into his life…

"Good," Hokuto was saying. "You're smiling again. Why on earth were you looking sad for anyway? This is an adventure! Embrace it!"

Subaru smiled at his sister. "I was just remembering when we moved from Kyoto to Tokyo, Hokuto-chan."

"Yes," Hokuto said, nodding, "I remember that. No one wanted you to go. The Clan was fine with me going to Tokyo to attend classes at CLAMP Campus, it was certainly prestigious enough, but they were nervous about you going too.

"I never could figure out why," she mused. "I mean, if CLAMP Campus is a prestigious place for the Clan Head's sister to attend, why not the Clan Head himself?"

"I imagine they were worried," said Seishirou with a smile as he reappeared, carrying a huge tray of junk food. "After all, Subaru-kun is a young Clan Head, and Tokyo is reputed to be a very dangerous city, filled with perverts." At that, he gave Subaru a wink and a wry grin.

The young man merely shook his head, refusing to accept Seishirou's provocation.

After handing Hokuto her share, Seishirou picked an orange off the tray and tossed it to Subaru. "Here, I brought you something too, Subaru-kun. I wouldn't want you to waste away on this long trip."

Subaru caught the orange deftly and murmured a protest. But at a look from Seishirou, he quieted and began to peel the fruit. He did have to be reminded to eat far too often. That prompted him to smile gratefully at the other man. After nibbling on it for a bit, he ventured a question.

"Seishirou-san, can you ski?" he asked. He was curious about Seishirou's ability. His friend had always seemed the perfect urban dweller. It was hard even to picture him in anything other than a suit. It was hard for Subaru to think of him in a traditional yukata, let alone in skis.

Seishirou nodded calmly. "I have some small ability," he said. "Although I'm sure I'm not as good as you or Hokuto-chan. You've both had lessons since you were young, I'm sure."

"Oh ho, ho, ho, ho!" Hokuto laughed. "Subaru has probably forgotten how to ski properly. It's been years since he had a vacation!" She took a gulp of her soda before brightly perking up with a new suggestion. "Sei-chan, you can give him lessons!"

"If my Subaru-kun needs me, I shall certainly do my best! I wouldn't want him to hurt himself," Seishirou bantered back with a broad smile.

Subaru quickly waved his hands in negation. "I'm sure I won't have time for such things. I'm going there to work!" he protested.

"Subaru!" said Hokuto, crossing her arms. "You are going to work at a ski resort! Of course, you'll be skiing!"

Subaru eyed her doubtfully. "I don't really think so…"

"Didn't you say that there were strange occurrences on the slopes, as well?" interjected Seishirou smoothly. "The job may very well require your skiing abilities, then." He smiled blindingly at the male Sumeragi. "Hokuto-chan and I will be glad to assist you in any way we can."

Subaru ducked his head, and muttered, "I was afraid of that."

"Subaru!" shrieked Hokuto, her arms akimbo as she loomed over her brother in mock fury.

The Sumeragi Head raised his hands in defense and raised again the old argument. "I just don't want either of you to get hurt! If someone is playing tricks out on the ski slopes, then it could be very dangerous for the two of you!"

Hokuto merely snorted in response, but Seishirou gave him a very serious look.

"Then it could be very dangerous for you as well, Subaru-kun." He forestalled the Sumeragi's interruption by raising a hand. "We're both very glad that we're important to you, Subaru-kun.

"But don't forget that you're important to us, too."

It was such a sweet sentiment that Subaru was robbed of a suitable response. How could he reply to that? His wide green eyes though, told Seishirou everything - from the gratitude he felt, to the almost hero worship he was about to fully succumb to for the man.

Hokuto shot a sly glance at the two of them before giving way to her laughter. "The two of you together are just too adorable! I want to take some pictures!" She rummaged into her bag for a camera and began to prepare to snap. "Sei-chan, put your arms around Subaru. Show me how you mean to keep him safe!" she directed.

Subaru blushed hotly when Seishirou did as he was told. The other man's breath tickled his ear when he bent down closely. The arm around his shoulder practically burned with warmth through the smooth fabric of his shirt. However, he didn't even have time to squirm before Hokuto snapped the picture. Before he knew it, Seishirou had released him and was back to smiling benignly at him. He was sure he would have a peculiar panicked look in his eyes when the picture was produced.

"Seishirou-san! Neesan!" he exclaimed flustered.

Seishirou smiled down at Subaru. 'I'll want a copy of that, Hokuto."

"Of course," she said cheerfully. "I'll frame it so you can put it next to your wedding picture!"

"Neesan," Subaru groaned as he buried his head in his hands.

Seishirou chuckled. "I think we've teased your brother enough for today, Hokuto-chan. Besides," he added, looking pointedly out the window. "It's getting dark, and the train will roll into Sapporo very early tomorrow. Then we have a car trip before we get to the resort.

"So we should all get some rest."

Subaru took the opportunity to reseat himself. "Erm, I'll just take a rest now," he said. He must have sounded more tired than he thought. His announcement was met with instant concern.

"You should rest too, Hokuto-chan," Seishirou said. However, he made no move to help the girl settle down; instead leaning over Subaru's seat and helping him release the lever to lower the back. Naturally, the action prompted another bout of blushing from Subaru, when Seishirou's hand brushed against Subaru's.

"Good night, Subaru," Seishirou said kindly, brushing a few stray strands of hair from the teenager's forehead.

"G-Good night, Seishirou-san. Neesan." Subaru replied, quickly closing his eyes. He was a little tired, though not enough to fall asleep. Traveling didn't usually exhaust him the way it seemed to exhaust everyone else.

But it was just easier to close his eyes. Everything seemed gentler in the dark.

This time though, he had no trouble drifting off. In practically no time, the male Sumeragi fell asleep to the murmuring voices of his twin sister and Seishirou-san, and the sound of the wheels running along the tracks as the train sped north.

He didn't stir, several hours later, when a hand brushed gently across his brow or when a deep voice murmured into his ear.


Ah yes, not much going on except for the Tokyo Babylon trio interacting in the way that we all know and love. We will be getting the plot moving in the next chapter, promise. ^__^. Kudos goes to Krystal Rose for betaing this for us.

Xandra's fics can be found at Butterfly Dreams (

And Mizu's fics can be found at shadow-truths
