Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ The Traveling Confessional ❯ The Altar Boy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Thanks to those who reviewed ^_^. I just wanted to warn all who decided to continue reading...I'm a twisted girl, so don't read if you aren't open to opinions. Oh yeah, and sorry that these chapters are short. I figure I don't want to waste your time with my crap fanfiction, so I spread it out into short ones.

The Traveling Confessional

The Altar Boy

Like I said, it was a while ago when that kid came to us. He must have become an altar boy, what, maybe three years ago? Yeah, that sounds about right. Anyway, this was one special kid. He was the best cleaner, had a beautiful soprano voice (what can I say, he was 10-years-old!) and he always said his prayers. All the priests in that damned church wanted him to be there when it was their turn for mass. I got lucky. He was my altar boy.

[Deep in prayer, my cross to brave
I kneel upon the floor
Temptations of a Catholic Priest
Aren't easy to ignore.]

Oh, yeah, there were more of them. I think each of us were assigned five and there were many more in training. But none of them were as good as this kid was. No, no, he had all the right things going for him. He was kind, polite and he knew his place. He did what he was told and never spoke out of turn. Such a good altar boy.

[But I cannot control myself
It rips my soul apart]

So, anyway, this kid, Brian. Well, one night I found him wandering the halls, right? Well, here I am thinking, "What the hell is this kid doing out of bed this late at night? He's the best of my students, the Chief Reverend's favorite and he's gonna' blow all of it away by being up after curfew!?"

"Hey, Brian!" I said, in a loud enough whisper that he could hear me, but soft enough as to not wake everyone up.

Well, he whips around and stares at me. He was holding a candlestick in one hand and a woven bag in the other. The candle, faint as it was, showed the fear in his sparkling little gray eyes. I could practically see the sweat drip down his forehead and I could tell he was afraid.

"Please, Father," he said, running to my side, "don't tell anyone! I swear I wasn't doing anything wrong!"

"But what were you doing, dear child?" I asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why are you out here so late at night, when you should be resting your weary eyes?"

And that kid, bless him, showed me the food in that bag. That's right; he was sneaking food out to the animals in the barn next to the church because they never got enough. When I asked him where he had gotten the food, he told met hat he had saved it from his own meals so he wouldn't have to bother the cooks and risk acting suspicious.

How could I turn in a kid with such a noble cause? I helped him.

[For one small sheep among my flock
Has stole the shepherd's heart.]

For the next three months I saved my food from my meals and, every other night, little Brian and I would sneak out of the church to feed the animals. It was one night, as he held out a handful of bacon to a pig (how ironic) that I realized just how fine his dark brown hair and freckled cheeks were.

[Altar boy, Altar boy,
Confess your sins to me.
You will find the grace of God
Inside my rectory.]

It was on the first night of October that we got caught. I told the Reverend that we were out for a noble cause, but I couldn't say what. You see, it was forbidden to visit the farm next door. The Reverend called it a "sinful place." This was, however, understandable based on the numerous times we saw couples "rolling in the hay." To make a long story short, dear Brian was removed from my group of altar boys and given, instead, to Father Jared, my least favorite person.

Oh, he was a strange one, that Jared! Always weary of his altar boys. Never let near other priests, oh no! I guess he was afraid we might molest the little squirts. HA! Yeah right!

[At Sunday mass or Bible class
I catch him in my view.
So I close my eyes, and there he lies
Spread eagle on the pew.]

A few months came and went, all the while Father Jared getting weirder and weirder. I'd swear he was a molester himself! Anyway, the only time I was able to see dear little Mel, I mean, Brian, was passing in the halls or during meal times.

Ah, little Brian. I always remembered that his favorite of the animals we had fed was a beautiful horse that he had named George. He had gorgeous white fur and his tail whipped out behind him like a silken veil. And his mane was a magnificent gray, much like Brian's eyes. He would always give George some extra bread. You know how kids are, always wanting a pet!

Well, Christmas was coming. I decided to give that little altar boy a gift that he would never forget.

A/N: Okay, here we are. At the end. Just telling you guys what's to come: another chapter of the songfic, and then the conclusion. Fun fun fun.