Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ My three leaf clover ❯ bittersweet but mostly bitter ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Vampire Hunter D

My three leaf clover - ch7 - bittersweet but mostly bitter

The young woman clung to her rescuer's waist tightly afraid that the bouncing of the horse's run would throw her off. The Girl's blonde hair and white with pink flowered embroidery, long dress streamed out behind her. For the whole ride she'd pressed her face into the rider's back, to afraid to look back but the loud crashing and horrendous cry was too much for her curiosity. She swallowed and slowly turned to look back. What she saw caused her to scream of pure horror. Flying toward them was the demon with out spread wings, its long reptile-like tail whipping around in the wind. It was as black as night with red lines curling all over it's body forming fantastic patterns. Long black horns came from its forehead and curved back around its pointed ears. Its large tooth filled mouth was agape and letting loose horrid shrieks.

This demon had stolen her fiancée's face and played his part. It had sucked her loves soul right out of his body and had worn it like a suit to get to her. Tears burned in the girl's bright blue eyes in remembrance and before long she was sobbing. Her eyes so blurred with tears she couldn't see the demon rushing toward them anymore.

The rider twisted back in the saddle and a silver flash crossed in front of the girl's eyes and a loud bone-crunching crack followed. A horrendous scream spilled from the demon's mouth as well as black blood, a dagger stuck out from between the monster's eyes. It stopped its assault and began to wriggle on the ground, clawing at the dagger and shrieking all the while. The horse came to an abrupt stop and the rider's hands went to hers and tried to dislodge them.

The girl squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. "No, I don't want you to leave me! Not now!" she said is a tear strained voice.

Her rescuer twisted back in their seat and gave her a gentle smile, a smile that seemed very out of place at a time like this. Their eyes were hidden from view by a worn brown cowboy hat but the girl was sure they held the kindest look. "Hush Melina…" her savior said in a beautiful peaceful voice. "It's ok now; I just need to kill it. Kill it so it can never ruin another life again…" Calmness came over Melina and she let her grip fall from her rescuer's waist.

Immediately the rider sprang from the horse and ran toward the wriggling demon, pulling a curved saber out of its sheaf. Melina watched the rider rush toward the demon but quickly faced forward as the saber was arched up, heading for the demon's neck. Shirk, the shrieking stopped.

Clove wiped her blade on the demon's lifeless body and placed it back in its sheaf at her hip. She let out a sigh of relief and wiped her brow of its perspiration. Hot blood began to pool around Clove's boots. With a look of disgust she lifted her feet and turned away from the behead demon, walking back to Melina. The girl sat, shaking with fear and shock, still in her blood stained wedding dress. Clove reached up and laid her hand atop hers. Melina jumped a bit at her touch but didn't pull away and slowly turned to look into Clove's eyes.

Clove offered up a comforting smile. "It's fine now, it's over. I'll take you back to your family now…" she said. The girl sniffled and nodded in acknowledgement. Clove rode Melina home to her waiting parents and older brother. Tears flowed from all parties at the sight of their little girl. The donpeal watched from under the brim of her hat, a twinge of sadness hit her as it all ways did when she had in endure watching these tear filled reunions. She longed for someone to love her like that… She wanted a family more than anything, the one thing she could never attain she wanted above all others....

Clove sighed walked back to her horse, Ives. Not the original of course, he'd died several horses ago. Five horse ago to be exact. Ives the 6th was just like all his predecessors, midnight black coat with curvy horns. And like all the others he loved his mistress. The donpeal had a way with animals it would seem. Her horse gave his slightly depressed mistress and gentle nuzzle with his velvet muzzle. Clove gave on last look at the happy family and lazily mounted Ives. She gave him a quick tug of her reins and obediently turned to leave; Clove didn't need any money.

"Hey! Hey Miss!"

Clove stopped Ives and glanced back. The father had approached her, a bag in hand. He opened his mouth to speak but Clove cut him off. "Keep you money, I don't need it…" The man slowly closed his mouth and gave her a genuinely thankful smile, his eyes shining with tears. If she had taken her pay she would've doomed the small family to poverty.

"Thank you…" he said simply.

Clove touched her hat to him and swiftly rode off. The cool forest scenery rode by as Clove and Ives sped past. Since that day… THAT day, the day which clove didn't want to name… She'd matured into a beautiful woman. Her hair had grown to her waist, if straightened it would go even father down, and her pale skin had now taken a gorgeous complexion. It was milky soft and was almost luminescent. Her lips held a pale pink color and her eyes were just as enchanting; they were deep, endless almost and so expressive. Of course with her bodily change came a wardrobe change too. She never went back to wearing dresses nor did she abandon wraps. Clove had settled with a strange combination of clothing. She wore a short black, Chinese-like cocktail dress with long white sleeves and a high gold trimmed collar. Around her waist she had a gold colored shawl that tied in the front, letting the long ends to hang as to drastically lower the risk of some lucky monster getting a look under her dress. Of course since she was so suceptical to the sun she wore high white leggings held up but a high guarder belt to insure they didn't slip. To top her assemble off she wore a pair of high form fitting black boots with knee guards. She'd lost her love of cloaks long ago and now used her long hair and a worn brown cowboy hat to shield herself from the sun.

Clove coasted Ives off the road and into a small meadow. Leaving Ives to eat to his hearts content Cloves picked an encircling tree and sat down next to it in the dewy grass. She plucked a white daisy and twirled it between her thumb and middle finger absent-mindedly, allowing her thoughts to wander. Why could she not forget him? WHY could she not forget that horrible man? Tears stun at her eyes but she stubbornly refused them to fall. She wasn't going to cry over him, she'd promised herself that a long time ago…

-------a long time ago…. ---------

The wind blew through the field wiping up the glass around a solitary horse tethered to a tree. Having gotten bored of eating Ives (the first) clopped over to a blonde covered head sticking from the freshly turned ground. The horse gave the girl and nudge with his muzzle. The girl grimaced but didn't wake. Annoyed with her seeming laziness Ives tried again but this time added a long slippery tongue a crossed the girl's pale cheek.

Clove scrunched her face together and opened her eyes. Slowly Ives's face came into focus. "Ives…" she said quietly. The disoriented girl tried to reach up and pet the dark horse's muzzle but suddenly realized she couldn't. She looked down at her self and was a bit surprised to find that she was covered in earth. Clove twisted her head as best she could look for someone.

"D? D?" Clove felt a bit of panic rise in her. Where would D have gone? It's not like they needed supplies and even if they did he would have told her so. Clove began to wiggle and soon was free of her earth made blanket. She was again surprised to find D's cloak wrapped around herself. Holding the black garment to herself she stood up and turned in a circle surveying the field. What was going on? Feeling overwhelmed and about it cry Clove walked to Ives and nuzzled his velvet nose.

"It's ok… D will come back… I just need to wait a bit…" Clove said to Ives. She was suddenly hit with a horrible hunger pain. Clutching her stomach she rummaged through the saddlebag, retrieved some food, and sat back against the tree. Again she said, "He'll come back." She smiled up at Ives. "He'd never leave me…"

Three days later Clove still remained against the tree just like before except this time she was sobbing, sobbing loud chocking sobs. Suddenly something clicked and Clove stopped. He wasn't coming back, he'd left her… He'd left her all alone. She sniffled and wiped her face with the back of her sleeve. Clove climbed to her wobbly feet and pulled herself on to Ives's back. She rode Ives's to the top of a hill and stopped to look back at the tree, the place where she had been left all alone again. Only this time it was willful. Clove held her head up high and stared down at the empty field. "No more tears, no more tears for you because I know you shed none for me…"

Something changed in Clove that day. She was still kind as she always was but… she was reserved in her dealing out of trust. And her eyes never again held the joy that they did when she was with him… How could they? He'd broken her heart and left her with a wound she could never really close.


Clove let the flower fall from her hand and settled her self in against the tree, tipping her hat forward to cover her face.

"No more tears…"

a/n- so we meet a grown and somewhat bitter Clove… HM? The plot thickens…. Ahah…. OH yeah, it was really hard to describe Clove so if you don't really understand you can take a look at some drawings I made of her, their really crapply psp colored but it works.

One more thing; THANK YOU TO REVIEWERS I LIKE REVIEWS VERY MUCH! Oh yeah and Kidagakashantelasttold me to tell the masses of her stories for her, and I mustn't disobey… GO READ HER STORIES NOW! THEY'RE GREAT REALLY, THEY ARE!