Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ My three leaf clover ❯ My Clove! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Vampire Hunter D

My three leaf clover - ch9 - My clove!

For the first time in weeks the skies opened up and emptied their contents on to the parched grasslands who sucked them up greedily. While the drenching rain feed the long grasses it turned the dirt road to mud and keeping the villagers of Boyceville locked in their house for the day. For the second time in two days the small troubled town got another strange villager.

Mayor Lawrence sat in his seat behind his desk and sighed heavily. The bad news was Clove had not returned but the grim good news was the stealing of bodies had slowed to one human a night in the past two nights. Lawrence knew that this meant that the vampire was preoccupied with Clove but shuddered to think of what was befalling the donpeal. The sound of rapid footstep approached Lawrence's office distracted his train of thought. David burst through the door.

"Grandpa Lawrence Grandpa Lawrence!" the boy cried excitedly. He ran to his grandpa's side and bounced on his feet.

"Hey, where's the fire kid?" Lawrence asked.

"Another hunter just entered town, he's out in the square and when I asked him if he'd help he said he'd yes. You gotta go meet him!" He said pulling at Lawrence's hand. The old man got to his feet and followed his excited grandson. Together the two stood in the doorway safe from the rain. In the square stood a black stallion, his rider standing at his side, His large brimmed hat acting as a rain guard. There was no mistaking who this was.

"Hello again D… It's been a long time…" David looked up at his grandpa in awe. How many strange people did his grandpa know? "Step in side so we can speak out of the rain," Lawrence offered. Leaving his horse to stand aimlessly in the square D followed the old man into the building.

Before D could ask, not like he would, Lawrence began. "The vampire from 50 years ago has come back and he's worse than ever. He kills with out provocation. Although he's slowed down that last days," Lawrence sighed. "Mostly I think because he's been preoccupied…."

"Why is that?" D monotone voice asked.

Lawrence took a deep breath. He wasn't sure how the donpeal would take this given his emotional display with the girl 50 years ago. "Well… You see two days ago we hired another hunter to go after him. She hasn't come back… I fear he's toying with her."

D felt an uncomfortable twinge in his stomach. There weren't many lone female hunters. "She?" he questioned.

"Yes… you see we hired a woman, a woman named Clove…" Lawrence finally spat out.

D's eyes snapped to Lawrence. "My Clove?" D asked before he could stop himself. Lawrence hesitated and then nodded. D wore a shocked expression that quickly turned to anger. He remember that vampire's infatuation with Clove as a girl… `Preoccupied… toying with her'. The donpeal felt a horrible fear. It had been a long time since D and left Clove on her own and these recent events made him regret it all the more. D shuddered and quickly went back to his horse. Ignoring the yells of Lawrence D mounted and took off toward the fort.

Clove slowly regained conciseness, Her eyes opening to stare the rest of the rafters in front of her. It seemed that Evan was living among the rafter now since he and D had destroyed his tower room. Her hat had long been lost among the zombies on the floor and her clothes already rumpled and dirty. She lay on a makeshift loft littered with ragged blankets that were all covered in blood. If the smell of dried blood didn't make it uncomfortable enough the cold body pressed against Clove's back topped it off. Clove lip curled up in disgust. `Ick, he's spooning me again. It wouldn't be as bad if he weren't so goddamn cold!' Clove thought. Evan, like that last two days, was curled up against her back with an arm latched onto his waist. An arm that was all but unmovable. Despite this fact Clove gave his arm a tug, which only caused this fact to be reaffirmed and to wake Evan up.

The drowsy vampire made a noise and nuzzled into her hair. "Mmm…. I love rainy days, covers up the sun…" he mumbled from her hair. He yawned and sat up taking Clove with him so she sat in his lap. Evan leaned his face forward and rubbed his cheek against hers. "How are you today my lovely clover?"

"I'm tired, hungry, dirty, and disgusted…" Clove spat out.

"Tired, hungry, and dirty I can take care of, I can't wait to remedy the dirty part," he added with enthusiasm. "But why are you disgusted so?"

Clove rolled his eyes. Was he serious? "Why do you think? It's you and this undead harem you're keeping, it makes me sick!" Clove answered.

Evan gave her midsection a painful squeeze. Through clenched teeth he said, "Is that so love? Well now that I have you there's no need for a harem anymore is there?" He stood up suddenly still holding onto clove and whispered in her ear, "you're all I need now so it would be best if I took care of you…" his arms left Clove and she fell to the floor at his feet. Evan leapt to the floor and walked to the stairs. He stopped at its foot and turned to look up at her. "Don't go trying to runaway while I'm gone… Just remember what happened to that horse of yours." He flashed her a smile at the paling of her face. As soon as she had woken up upon first being bitten she had left as soon as he went to the village. She had mounted Ives and rode as fast as she could. Of course Evan caught her and as punishment she forced her to watch as he tore Ives to pieces on leg at a time and disemboweled him. With the disturbing memory of her poor horse Ives he left her.

Evan flew along; the scenery sped by in a blur. Although he never bothered with feeding those humans Clove was a different story. He'd get the finest food that trash heap of a town had to offer for her and maybe steal some blankets and cloth too. While rags were good for him his little trophy needed more. Evan smiled and thought of how beautiful she'd look like wrapped in silk. The smiled was wiped from his face when he caught sight of a horse speeding toward him and his castle. He recognized that rider; he had stopped him from acquiring his clove long ago. A growl rising in his throat Evan came to land on the ground and waited. D crested a hill and was greeted by unexpected surprise. He pulled the reins and stopped his horse to stare at the vampire.

"Well this is convenient…" Left hand mumbled.

"Where is Clove?" D questioned his voice laced with anger.

Evan let a laugh roll from his lips. "Getting to the point quiet quickly aren't you? Well I on the other hand like to take things slower. My name is Evan and yes I have acquired that lovely woman you call Clove and she currently is at my temporary home."

D pulled at his horse's rein and began to move forward. Evan didn't budge but in fact began to approach him. "Do you think that you can get my Clove so easily?" he asked his voice dripping with self-confidence. The donpeal didn't respond but stopped his advance. Evan walked up to the D's side and looked up at him with the most sinister of smiles.

"She's not yours…" D stated manner of factly. "She won't let anyone call her theirs but if anything she is my Clove." Evan's smile fell and he began to bear his teeth and open his mouth to speak but before he could get out the final word D reared his steed and took off like a bullet. Evan let out an angry scream and wasted no time in joining the race. He easily out shot D and was at the castle before he knew it. Evan landed on the inside the archway and walked at a fast pace to the stairs and was met with another unexpected surprise.

Crawling up the stairs was a zombified woman, several women actually. Their faces were wrinkled and shriveled from being dead so long. They screamed and reached their hands out to their maker mumbling their brains to far rotten to make speech. Evan ignored them and leaping over the bodies he ran down the stairs.

"CLOOOVVVEEE!!!" He screamed leaping up into the rafters. His vampiric eyes scanned the loft. Clove was nowhere to be seen. Evan let out a scream of anger and flew back up the stairs over the moaning zombies and began searching the rubble for Clove. He didn't have to look long. Clove stood on the last remains of a recognizable fort, a stonewall with a ledge. Evan leapt up to her and grasped her around the neck lifting her off the feet.

Clove grasped his hands in hers. "What-what are you so mad about?" She choked out. "I didn't try to run away did I?" Clove morbid joke only made Evan madder. He was about to reply when he was again cut off by a donpeal as a loud whinny filled the air. Both heads turned toward the bridge and saw a black clothed rider speeding a crossed the bridge with cape flying behind him.

Clove felt coldness seep into her skin. She could feel her face completely drained of color and her arms lost their strength. Clove didn't know how to feel at the entrance of her ex-savior. With wide and watery eyes she whispered out his name, "D…"

A/n- oh fight time a brewin'! whoot! Thanks to all the reviews: Kidagakashantelast, darkinsidethelight, and limpet666who promised me cookies and I expected this promise to be carried out!