Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Belonging ❯ In which a Lot of People Stare ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yosh! This is a very youthful disclaimer for with the power of youth flowing through my keyboard I can proudly claim that I do not own Vampire Knight!

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Zero felt the hair on his neck stand up, and growled. He was at it again.
He'd first noticed that the blonde Moon dorm VP was watching him a few nights ago when his neck began crawling. He finally looked back tonight, meeting uncertain blue eyes. He was entirely unlike the others. Specifically, not mentioning any names of course, an certain arrogant, manipulative, cold-blooded pureblooded bastard.
Takuma Ichijo was cheerful, outgoing, and friendly even. This had prompted Zero on several occasion to pop the guys mouth open to see if there really were fangs. The hunter however, finally saw the core of iron hidden beneath the cheer. What surprised Zero the most however was the fact that the happiness was genuine.
Once Zero knew he was being watched, he couldn't help but watch back. and slowly over a period of months, found himself looking forward to class change over time, for that brief meeting of eyes, and lately, a small nod of the head.
He‘d always been to soft for his kind, a disappointment to one who he would no longer name. His blood made him fairly untouchable and unapproachable for many of his class, Kaname alone possessed purer blood. Thus Ichijo sat on a silver pedestal, his blood only a few drops away from being an exalted pureblood, too good for the majority of their peers yet not quite good enough for a pureblood, trapped forever in a middle ground of loneliness.
The he saw him, a brilliant silver beacon amongst the Day class students. He was little more than a boy at that point, but Takuma found himself imagining him as an adult. He watched him subtly whenever he could a for years, he was ignored, and then after all the mess with Rido was ended and the boy, now a man had returned, his gaze was met. It was only for a few seconds, but though sliver amethyst eyes would remain forever etched in his memory. When a couple of weeks later after Zero had finally looked back at him, the hunter gave him the smallest of nods, Takuma was hard pressed not to squeal right along with the rest of the day class girls, though for an entirely different reason. Well, sort of.
Senri had always tried to stay in the background, preferring obscurity and manga than the games played by the others of his kind.
Right up until he found himself helplessly tangled in it that is.
He did not like it, it terrified him, there was a difference being someone else in front of a camera, but to have someone else, a real person using his body, it was terrifying. Now, the others, but for one avoided him like the plague and he hadn’t had the courage to face his cousin.
Takuma was his guiding light, pulling him out of his funk, getting him back on his feet. Rima tried, but her naturally withdrawn personality made it difficult for her to connect with him. His first night back to class, he made a discovery. As he and Takuma left the Moon dorms gates, he spotted the silver haired prefect looking passed him, directly at Takuma. He looked back at his friend and saw that he was returning the look.
After watching each other for awhile, Zero realized that another watched both of them. Dark eyes, underlined with deep bags and tinted with a faint melancholy. Stylishly unruly hair tumbled about his face, a direct opposite to Takuma. Now he watched too, and nodded, and then, later, to the nod was added a smile.
Thus, much to the irritation of each, they continued to watch each other silently, dancing around in a convoluted game of eye tag. Until at last, one of them slipped up and with the nod and a smile, came a word. Takuma was frozen staring at Zero, the hello still clinging to his lips. Zero looked at his a few seconds more and then "Hello." His voice soft, uncertainty tinting his voice.Senri's felt his heart begin to beat again; sighing with relief and cautiously gave his own greeting.
Thus after almost a year of silence, the three spoke, first with hellos, then meeting up and slowly steadily, a friendship formed, and then something more. It might never have happened if Takuma hadn’t been surprisingly stubborn. Ah well, as he looks across the broad expanse of Zero s chest at Senri and sees that the the younger vampires face is lax and his breathing is steady while Zero is equally relaxed and exhausted,  his demons held at bay by the soothing presence of his lovers and Takuma sighs and gently drifts off to sleep.
Zero found two who didn’t need to feel superior or had any cause to use him for their own gains, and who most certainly did not mind being protected once in awhile but didn’t need it constantly.
Takuma found two who either didn’t mind or seem to mind his class, Zero, because he honestly didn’t give a rats ass about what the stupid vampires thought, and Senri because he was desperate for love and acceptance.
Senri found two who did love him, for him and not for his looks, who liked him enough to see that he was not Rido, and did not insist on pitying him. Zero was his rock and protector, and Takuma was his therapist and his shoulder to cry on.
Sometimes, when Senri found himself being particularly uncertain, Zero would hold him, so close Shiki almost felt as though he was becoming part of Zero. The hunters’ steady heart beat easing his nerves. Then Takuma would come in with something, innocent things like chocolates or other comfort foods, or sometimes not so innocent things. Either one was effective for pulling his lovers out of their quiet zone of angst.
They had all three finally found what they wanted and they all possessed enough love of the ironic to be able to laugh at everyone else’s reaction when their relationship went public.

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