Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Zero in night class ❯ Kiryuu Zero is not scared ( Chapter 6 )

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Chapter 6: Kiryuu Zero is not scared&n bsp;
"That's…." A idou started. 
"Kaname-sama's…" Ruka  continued. 
"Blood." Kain finished. 
The y were all sitting in the living room, w hen the sweet scent hit their sensitive noses . It was 
almost night time, and classes would start soon. 
"I'm going to see what the&n bsp;hell is going on!" Aidou said as he jumped on the stairs, followed 
by…everyone! Soon enough&n bsp;they reached their dorm leader's room. 
Aidou and Ruka strated pounding gently& nbsp;on the door together. 
"Kaname-sama? Is& nbsp;something wrong?" Aidou asked concern knitted on his delicate features. 
"Kaname-sama?" Ruka started&nbs p;when there was no answer coming from the&nb sp;other side. 
"Kaname-sama…I'm coming in!" Before Aidou's hand had grabbed the door handle, the 
door op ened, and a very troublesome looking pureblood appeared, he  looked like he just 
has been woken up from a bl issful sleep. 
"What is it that is so important you had to wake me up Aidou ?" Kaname glared at the noble 
vampire, w ho flinched but nevertheless controlled himself and&nbs p;remembered why he was 
"k-kaname-sama†¦We thought we smelled your blood just  ;now! A...a lot of it!" Aidou 
sputtered . 

"Ah…That…I be lieve that is none of your business. Thank you for your concern, but I think 
it's unnecessary…or I take it that you might believe I'm not capable of taking care of 
myself?" < br> Aidou and the whole bunch of nobles behin d him froze. 
"N-no Kaname-samaâ€&brvba r;it's not what I meant…I'm sorryâ€& brvbar;I deeply apologize." Aidou said 
bowin g nervously accompanied by the nobles. 
"Well& nbsp;I suppose I can be left alone to&nb sp;rest now?" Kaname said coolly. 
"O-o-of cou rse" Aidou said as he turned around and left with& nbsp;the other vampires." 
Kaname shut the door behind him and leaned slightly& nbsp;against it, he raised his hand and 
started rubbing his forehead trying to get rid of the throbbing p ain gnawing at his head. 
"It's going to& nbsp;be really hard, feeding you that is."&nb sp;Kaname said sighing at the hunter sitting 
on the floor resting his head against&n bsp;the bed, trying to catch his breath. 
"I…huff…ha…did n't ask for…ah…yourâ&eur o;¦…" Zero said or r ather tried to say, his chest 
was heaving, he was breathing so h ard, he was tired, he just wanted to&nbs p;sleep and never 
wake up. 
"Oh damn  ;me if I ever intended to help youâ&eur o;¦I'm not helping you Hunter…I&n bsp;don't "help" you. 
It's all for her, it's all for Yuuki." Kaname spit the words coolly but rather firmly, then  ;made 
his way towards the opposite bed, and slumped himself against the cool mattress. 
"I  really can't argue with you right now K iryuu-kun, you drained me of blood….I'm not 
attending  ;classes." 
Kaname muttered before closing his eyes. 

"Tsk…Whatever" Zero repl ied. 'Drained him my ass, he's the one responsible for all  ;of this!' 
Zero thought as he got up weakly from the cold floor and also slumpe d himself into the 
mattress, he was too tired. 
"I'm not going to  ;class either" Zero almost whispered before he&nbs p;blacked out. 
He opened his eyes gently, it was dark outside, and so it was morning, class time. But he 
was too tired from all the events that happened the previous&nbs p;day; he was really not going to 
class tonight . His crimson, blood-like eyes surveyed his surroundings; the hand of the old 
clock on the wall was po inting at VIII (the Roman numeral for ei ght). His eyes skidded down 
the wall and across the room, his delicate eyebrows knitted softly as his eyes caught the 
form lying on the bed across his. Silver locks decorated the pale, long, vulnerable neck. 
Kaname closed his eyes and turned his head to face the sealing before he o pened them. 
"Damn that level-D." Kaname whisp ered under his breath, frustrated. He was hungry, but 
not very hungry. He can get over it easily, he just didn't want to. The idea of scaring the 
hunter& nbsp;really appealed to him. The so-called fearless, furious hunter; he was so bothered 
with  his disrespect and nerves. Maybe he should teach him a lesson or  two. 
'I won't take much' Kaname thought, 'just enough to scare him'. A wicked smirk escaped the 
composed expression of the great pur eblood, before he drifted back into sleep.  -~~~LINE~~~- 
Silver eyelashes fluttered for a few seconds before fully opening. Zero  was neither tired nor 
sick, he was just feeling lazy, but& nbsp;he was definitely fine, he was more  ;than fine actually. He 
could feel the pure&n bsp;blood pumping through him. Although he was&nbs p;not going to admit it 
anytime soon, but Kaname's blood was so mysteriously strong  ;and pleasing. His heart 
skipped a beat, he felt a little scared of having this powerf ul substance inside him, being 

pumped all around his body, to&nbs p;all his organs, he could feel this new blood invading every 
part of his body. 
Zero straightened himself up deciding h e was in need of a hot shower to rinse off all the 
blood and dirt that covered him from the previous night. He glanced lazily at the clock on 
the wall; it was 10:00pm. Zero sighed before getting up , grabbing his gun, pair of pants, a T-
shirt, and heading to the bathroom, on his way though, Zero stopped and glanced at the 
sleeping pureblood vampire. Zero slowly lift his gun up, targeting&nb sp;the form on the bed, he 
stayed like this for a while; hand clutching the gun firmly, finger feeling but& nbsp;not pushing the 
trigger, and violet, sharp eyes staring mindlessly at the pureblood.&nb sp;Finally his hand 
descended gradually, he turned and made his way towards the bathroom. 
Everything  inside Kaname was screaming at him to get up and slam that stupid head into 
the wall, to crack that neck open and drink every last drop of that arrogant ex-hum an. HOW 
DARE THAT LOWLIFE! Kaname was s o angry right now; his eyes were glowing blood red. 
That Kiryuu boy actually dared to&n bsp;point his gun at him, after all what happened last night. 
His  fangs elongated naturally, that's it, and he was going to see fear in  ;the hunter's lilac 
eyes…tonight. < br> -~~~LINE~~~- 
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