Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ Vandread: Seed ❯ Birthdays ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vandread: Seed
By: A-Z Mark II
Disclaimer: you know it by now.
Chapter 5: Birthdays
Duero McFile had been elite as long as he had been alive. Going through the Tarak military academy with all the other citizens of Tarak, he had distinguished himself time and again, and yet, it was never something that he felt warranted acknowledgement. Sure, he graduated top of his class, but then, he was Elite; what else would he do but graduate first in his class?
Upon graduation, the cadets had been asked the fill in their requested postings. In a bout of oddly entertaining rebellion, Duero had signed the bottom of the blank paper and turned it in. Superior in marksmanship, tactics, intelligence and unarmed combat, he had preferred the medical studies and analysis side of things, as they made him feel that he was actually accomplishing something of worth. After all, any idiot could fire a gun or pilot a Vanguard, right?
Thus, the next day, he had been assigned as the chief medical office on the newly-commissioned Ikazuchi. While it was depressingly predictable, he had steeled himself and attended the launch ceremony, determined to finish his stint of military service treating injuries and tending to the wounded soldiers. Of course, that was before the ceremony had been thrown into shambles; not once, but twice. Looking back on it, Duero chuckled.
First was Hibiki. What a Third-class citizen was doing in the middle of the Vanguard unveiling was beyond him, but it was the first thing in that stuffy ceremony that made him crack a smile. The second interruption had been far more serious, as the Pirates had hit the ceremony, looking for an easy mark. And while they had gotten a rather easy mark, they had discovered that they had bitten off more than they could chew.
Duero absently drummed his fingers on the data card that Hibiki used to wear around his neck. He still couldn't read it. But lately, it was taking a back seat in his mind to the new information that he had been assembling. As he had asked, Dita had come to see him the next morning, and the two had discussed several things. His suspicions about asking Dita had proven to be correct. Dita was too honest and open to bother with disinformation or lies. So, he had started off easy, then gotten into more detailed areas.
The young, energetic Dread pilot with the Hibiki fixation had filled in what she knew, but Duero had discovered that all that Dita knew, she had learned from Misty. Still, information was information, and he had a nearly accurate view of the sexual reproduction puzzle he had been working on since he learned that women reproduced internally and that men and women used to live and breed together. That had been four days ago, and he was still trying to weigh the pros and cons of asking Misty for the missing pieces of the process and for more detailed explanations of certain issues.
Misty was not like Dita. He had not spoken with her at length about any issues, but the limited contact with her told him clear as day that she was far more guarded than Dita. She was from a time and place when men and women lived together, and for all her lack of age, she was certainly good at manipulating things to suit her purposes. He suspected that had she been born Mejerian, she would have been an Elite in their armed forces; probably in their intelligence division. He was therefore understandably cautious of approaching her at that time.
“Doctor?” came the voice of his favorite Nirvana crewmember. Looking up, he saw Parfet enter the sick bay. As usual, the woman was in her cover-alls uniform, the top peeled down and tied around her waist. Her twin braids hung thick and straight from the back of her head. “Hey! Got a minute?” asked the Chief Engineer of the ship.
“Of course.” replied the doctor. “What do you need?” he asked the girl. Parfet stopped beside his chair.
“I wanted to ask your opinion on something.” said the engineer, holding up a data cartridge.
Dita thoughtfully munched on her ice cream as she thought about the day after tomorrow. Beside her, Misty was just finishing her own ice cream. The two of them had been chatting when Dita had gotten a call from Belvedere asking what was planned for Meia's birthday party. That had reminded the Dread pilot that she had been too busy to think of that since the men had come aboard.
“What's got you so quiet, Dita-chan?” asked Misty, setting the empty bowl down on her tray. Dita blinked at the interruption.
“What? Oh, just trying to think of something to do for Meia's birthday.” she said. “It's the day after tomorrow, but every year, she either goes out in her Dread or disappears. This year, we have to get her!” she vowed.
“Get who?” asked Hibiki, arriving at their table. Not having been looking at the two when he asked that, he glanced up at them when they failed to answer immediately. Both girls were looking at him, an odd look in their eyes. Something tells me that I shouldn't have asked. he thought, feeling a tingle in his spine.
“Hibiki, would you help us with something?” asked Misty, leering at him.
“Uh, maybe. What is it?” he asked cautiously.
“We want to do something nice for Meia on her birthday.” explained Dita. “But she always tries to hide or run off so we can't throw her a party or get her gifts or anything like that.” she continued.
“So, we thought we'd get her something that she wants to have.” finished Misty. Hibiki studied the two girl suspiciously.
“What does that have to do with me?” he asked them. They're scheming again! I know they are! he thought to himself. Dita glanced around, then leaned closer to him.
“Well, we think that Meia wants to be with you.” she whispered. “Like Misty and I are with you.” she clarified. Hibiki blinked.
“Really?” he asked, surprised. “I didn't think she liked me.” he said. But when that Rabat guy was here, she stood up for me. And she was the one that cheered me up later in the bio-dome. He considered the notion that maybe she didn't hate him.
“She was against Barnette's idea to lock you all up just before we ran into that first Mothership.” pointed out Dita. “And she volunteered to fly that mission with you when we ignited that star.” she pointed out.
“She didn't have a lot of choice, you know.” muttered Hibiki. It was that or die! Still, she seemed almost eager to combine with me.
“You like her, right?” asked Misty, watching his eyes closely.
“Well, yeah.” he admitted. “Meia's really good in combat, and she's always so cool and calm.” he hastened to explain.
“Then why not help us make her feel good on her birthday?” asked the younger girl. Hibiki tried to find a reply to that, but he really couldn't think of a logical reply. Dita took a breath, then spoke again.
“Please, Hibiki?” she asked. Hibiki knew then that he was fucked. Try as hard as he might, he couldn't resist the redhead when she really wanted something.
“Fine!” he sighed. “But only if she wants to!” he stipulated. Misty smiled.
“Deal!” she purred. Seeing Hibiki's eyes narrow in suspicion, she just smiled sweetly at him. Rising, she grabbed her tray and Dita's arm. “Well, we have to be going now. We'll see you later!” she called back over her shoulder, tugging Dita along. Hibiki watched them until they were out the door, then fell to eating. He was so engrossed in his meal and thoughts that it wasn't until someone touched his arm that he realized that Duero was sitting at his table.
“Duero!” he said in surprise. “What brings you here?” he wondered. Looking around, he didn't see Duero's regular companion, the glasses-wearing Chief Engineer. “Where's Parfet?” he asked. Duero glanced around, then spoke to his fellow prisoner/crewmember.
“Actually, Hibiki, I was wanting to ask you about something.” he said, his tone belying his seriousness. Hibiki blinked. Since when does Duero ask me anything?! he wondered, shocked.
Meia finished her workout and let the punching bag slowly stop swinging. As was her habit, the leader of the Nirvana's Dread squadron had spent the morning working out and practicing her martial art skills. Always driven, she had usually found it easy to lose herself in the practice, but today, she was having trouble concentrating. The obscure remarks from Misty the evening before had had an unsettling effect on her.
Added to that was the fact that today was her birthday and she was finding concentration to be in short supply. Meia's birthday was not something she looked forward to, unlike most of the rest of the crew. Her background was complicated, and she usually dealt with the situation by avoiding it. Which isn't really dealing with it. she reflected to herself.
Un-taping her hands, she moved out of the gym and into the baths, swiftly showering away the sweat before hopping into the hot tub to relax her muscles for a bit. A soft chime from the clock above the door told her it was five in the morning, though night and day were more a function of opinion in deep space than fact. Still, the captain insisted that the crew match up their circadian rhythm to the relative `ship time', as it were. Also as she was wont to do, she had gotten up at four that morning and done some running, weigh lifting and kata practice before hitting the baths. Once she finished in the bath, she was bound for the Dread squadron's ready room to prep that day's duty roster.
Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the padded lip of the hot tub, taking a deep breath before slipping under the surface for a few moments. I wish today were over already. she thought, floating serenely in the warm water. Guess I'll head out on `patrol' as soon as I get the roster posted. That should buy me a good three hours - more if I can find some cube-types to engage. Hmm. Better grab breakfast first, and I have to snag some fruit or snack bars for later while I'm there. The crew has been ambushing me at meals the last two years, so I think I'll just skip it all. planned the woman. If I get the jump on them, I can elude them all day. she smiled to herself. Opening her eyes, she sat up, her head breaking the surface as she exhaled and took a fresh breath of air.
Another glance at the clock showed her that the first of the early risers would be hitting the bath soon, but she figured that she could spend another few minutes in here safely. Her most persistent party-planners would not be up for another hour or two anyway, and it was nice to have the bath to herself sometimes. Sinking back below the surface, she relaxed and let her mind drift. I should ask Hibiki if he wants me to teach him how to defend himself. she thought. It wasn't until two seconds after that thought that she sputtered and thrashed to the surface of the tub, so shocked was she at her thoughts that she had gasped underwater; such things were not recommended unless you wanted to drown yourself.
Coughing the small amount of water out of her throat and lungs, she rested on her forearms at the edge of the hot tub, trying to figure out why Hibiki had invaded her thoughts that peaceful morning. Yeah, he's not as bad as he used to be, and his ability to combine with me is useful…I mean, us! His combining with US gives us more firepower and some useful abilities, but he's still a brash, annoying man! that thought gave her pause.
Since the incident with Rabat, she had been seeing him in a different light; more so since their `talk' in the bio dome later that day. Hibiki was not as tough and arrogant as he came off as. Meia was the only one who knew that he had admitted to being scared that he was nothing but a copycat of all he had seen on Tarak. The Dread leader could relate to that situation, in a way. Maybe that is why I didn't back Barnette in her little quest to have them locked up again. I know that I intervened with Rabat because he was under my command, and besides, that Rabat asshole pisses me off! she smiled a shark-like smile at that silent admission. But since then, I have been spending more time with him than with the others save for Dita and Jura - and that has more to do with the Vandreads than anything else.
With her coughing done, she pulled her nude form out of the tub and grabbed a towel, eyeing the clock. As she swiftly dried off and pulled on her one-piece daily wear, she found her mind back on Hibiki. I'm going to ask him tomorrow if he wants me to teach him how to defend himself. After all, we might get a chance to even the score with that Rabat fuck. But not today. she promised herself, tossing the towel into the laundry basket and exiting the baths as the first of the other early risers was just turning the corner of the corridor that lead to the baths. “Morning, Gasco.” said the Dread leader.
“Meia.” nodded Gasco, making a motion with her hand. “Say, have you spoken with Hibiki today?” asked the tall, strong head of Reg. Meia shook her head in response.
“No. Why ask?” wondered the younger girl. Gasco waved it off.
“No reason, really. He just seemed to want to talk to you, that's all.” she said, moving into the bath. Meia frowned.
“Me? What could he want to speak to me about?” she wondered. Hearing voices approaching, she resumed her trek to the Dread ready room. As she walked, she found her mind once more on the remarks that Misty had made to her last night. That girl makes my hair stand on end when she talks like that. she mused. Still, she has a point about the increase in Dita's abilities since she started that `exercise' Misty was talking about. Maybe it could help increase our power as well; Hibiki's and mine, that is! Another thought occurred to her. And Jura's Vandread is showing signs of improvement as well. Does that mean that she has been `exercising' with Hibiki as well? The pale-blue-haired girl frowned. “And just what kind of `exercise' was Misty referring to, anyway?” she mumbled aloud.
“Do you think it will work?” wondered Dita anxiously to Misty. The two were with several others, planning the yearly party for Meia's birthday. While the rest were trying to find a way to surprise her with a cake and party, she and Misty had other topics to discuss. Misty sent her a confident look.
“Give it time, Dita-chan.” she said softly. “You can't just come out and tell her, or she'll dig in and be stubborn. You have to undermine her resolve first, then spring it on her.” she explained. Amarone looked up from their list of supplies and ideas for catching the leader of the Dreads.
“Huh? What are you talking about, Misty-chan?” she asked. Beside her, both Belvedere and Celtic were waiting for her answer as well. Misty just smiled at them.
“It's just Dita's and my gift for Meia, that's all.” she deflected smoothly. Amarone suspected that Misty was snowing them, but had no real way of attacking that issue without just flat out calling her on it. That was not likely to get her results, so the dark-skinned girl let it go for now.
“Do we have things ready?” asked Belvedere of the small group. As the group at large was discussing the parts that were ready, Meia entered the dining room. The group swiftly broke up and fled. Meia watched them go, smirking to herself as she saw the covert looks and signs between them.
Like I don't know that they're planning to spring a surprise party on me! she thought bemusedly. Grabbing a tray, she began to select her breakfast.
“What a goddamn day this has been!” she groaned to herself as she closed the door to her room behind her. She should have known that things would go bad as soon as she had gone to do the duty roster and found Jura leaning casually against the door. Supposedly, there was a group of Dread pilots in there working on a new formation attack that Barnette had thought up. Meia had just gritted her teeth and gone for her Dread.
In the hanger, her Dread was about half disassembled by Parfet, who was giggling to herself as she gleefully tore the gleaming silver machine apart - the better to study it and `upgrade' it, or so the chief engineer claimed. She knew that that was a poor excuse; since the Paksis had modified the three Dreads and the Vanguard, there was no such thing as `upgrade' as far as Engineering could do. No, no one aboard the ship - not even the pilots of the craft - understood exactly how the four units functioned. Even the amount of repairs the four pilots could do to their craft was limited to small things and minor fixes. Well, Parfet certainly can't hurt my ship, so what the hell? she had philosophized to herself.
Then it had been the baby sitting. And the Cube-type attack. And the faulty escape pod. And the near death experience with opening the hatch to buy Kalua a chance at life. I swear this day has been one hell of trip! she thought, tossing her flight harness to her bed. Of course, the party that the crew had sprung on her when she got back had honestly been a surprise. It had also been nearly welcome after the craziness that she had subject to that day. She smiled slightly as she recalled the hour-long bash in the dining hall. “Not too bad a party, I guess.” she murmured.
Her thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on her door. Frowning, she touched the pad to unlock it, revealing Hibiki standing there. “Hibiki.” she breathed. The young man gave a somewhat nervous laugh.
“Yeah, it's me.” he confirmed unnecessarily. “Um…” he trailed off.
“What did you want, Hibiki?” she asked directly. She felt herself begin to smile, and hadn't a clue why. The male took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then exhaled forcefully before speaking.
“I wanted to know if you were feeling ok.” he said. “I mean, Dita said that you never liked your birthday, and today was a bit of a mess what with the surprise attack, the party and all!” he hastened to explain. “So, I thought I should make sure that you're feeling ok about it all.” he finished weakly.
Meia considered that. Since it was Hibiki saying this, she was able to decode his real reasons for being there. Tossing her head, she indicated he should step into her room. As he did so, she closed the door behind him. “Actually, I was just thinking about today, Hibiki.” she admitted, seeing him looking around her room. “And I think I am fine with how it all turned out.” she decided.
“I see.” he said, perhaps a bit awkwardly. Meia took a seat on the edge of her bed. Seeing him still standing there, looking around, she smiled.
“If you don't mind, I would like to talk to you for a bit, though.” she offered.
“Ok.” he agreed. Meia patted the bed next to her.
“Have a seat.” she offered. He did so. Seeing him still looking around, Meia felt her lips twitching as she realized why he was doing that. “What, not what you expected, Hibiki?” she teased him. Hibiki's eyes snapped over to look at the smiling Meia.
“It's very…nice.” he managed. Giggling, Meia removed her head ornament, setting it in the case on her bedside table before laying back on the bed.
“Not like Dita's room at all is what you meant to say.” she teased him. Hibiki found himself nodding before he thought about it.
“She's got all that alien stuff in there. It's kinda creepy.” he admitted. Still, I don't notice it any more, really. he thought, feeling his dick harden at the memory of his numerous times with the energetic and passionate redhead. Forcing that thought to the side, he looked over and down at Meia. The Dread leader had seemed so cold and distant, but he had been seeing small glimpses of her true nature lately, and he had to admit that he liked what he was seeing.
“Dita's different.” agreed Meia. Moving on, she asked him one of the things she had planned to speak with him about tomorrow. “Hey, Hibiki?” she began. Once she was sure he was paying attention, she went on. “Do you want me to teach you how to defend yourself? Rabat did a number on you last time, but I can show you what you need to know to defend yourself.” she offered. For some reason, she really wanted him to say yes. Hibiki frowned at the mention of Rabat.
“Do you mean, teach me how to fight unarmed?” he asked her. Meia nodded.
“I'm actually one of the best fighters aboard the Nirvana,” she explained, “maybe even the best.” she added honestly. “You have the strength and the skill; all you need is to learn how to use those correctly.” she enticed.
Hibiki didn't see much reason to debate the issue. The way that Rabat had acted toward Dita had really pissed him off and it had been humiliating to be defeated so easily by the man. “Really?!” he gaped, suddenly realizing how pathetic that sounded. “I mean, I guess I could use some practice.” he tried again. Meia smirked, but didn't comment on his change in tone. “But I would have thought that the girls on the security team would be the best unarmed fighters - especially that really tall and strong one.” he mused. She must be related to Gasco, that one! Other than Gasco, she's the biggest and strongest woman I have seen!
“Who do you think trained them?” asked Meia easily. “I've had a lot more experience in combat than the others - even those older than me.” she offered cryptically.
“How did you manage that?” wondered Hibiki. Meia studied him for a moment, her eyes assessing him silently. Just before he apologized for asking, she spoke.
“It's a long story.” she said softly. Figures that I'd end up talking about this on my birthday. she thought wryly. “Do you…want to hear it?” she asked him. I don't know if I want him to say `yes' or `no'!
“Only if you want to tell me.” he replied unexpectedly. Meia blinked. Seeing it, Hibiki managed a self-mocking smile. “What? You think I'd pry into your life after you told me you are the best unarmed fighter aboard this ship? I'm not that dense!” he chuckled. The last of the stiffness and tension between them melted.
“Well, let's start with how I grew up on Mejere.” she said, beginning her tale. As she told him about her moms and the loss of their city, she reflected that it felt nice to tell someone about her secret without having to worry that that person would judge her for the acts of her parents. By the time she finished telling him about her being recruited by Magno - who wasn't a captain or a pirate just then, Hibiki was lying on his side beside her. She was still lying on her back, staring at the ceiling, but not seeing it.
“No wonder you really don't like your birthday.” he said in awe as she finished her story. Man, that makes so much sense, considering. Her life has hinged on those incidents so much that her personality had begun to reflect them. he thought, surprised and finding himself even more impressed with her.
“So, how about you?” asked the girl, turning to lay on her side, facing him. “What made you the brash, eager fool you were when you first came aboard?” she smiled.
“Hey! That's not very fair!” he protested. Something told him that for the first time since he had met her, she was totally open with him. He also got the crystal clear impression that she was just teasing him with that comment.
“So, explain it to me.” she suggested. “And why did Bart call you `Third Class' back then?” she wondered. Hibiki felt it was only fair to tell her, since she had told him her past.
“Well, it's kind of like your story.” he began. “I'm what's called a `Third Class' worker; back on Tarak, I mean. I don't remember much about my childhood, really. The only thing I remember is grandpa. One day, he tosses me this data card and tells me to go meet people.” Hibiki snorted at the memory. “Fine lot of advice that was!” he complained. “I made my way to the main city and before I knew it, I was slaving away in the bowels of a parts factory, making parts for Vanguards.” Meia listened silently as he told her of his life, his decision to prove his worth and the ill-considered bet. Meia had always wondered about that strange mark on his unit's armor. Now, she knew. Onward to his boarding of the Ikazuchi, to the disaster in the hanger, to their attack, to the Paksis incident his tale flowed. Meia found herself caught up in it, much as he had been in her tale. “And here I am.” he finished. Meia shook her head.
“That's scary.” she giggled.
“It wasn't so bad.” he said off-handedly.
“Not your experiences, Hibiki.” she laughed. “The fact that I mistook you for an actual pilot!” she shook with laughter. Hibiki felt a small sting at her words, but he mostly felt amusement. Looking back on it, he had to admit that he had been particularly unimpressive, compared to now.
“I guess I'd have to agree.” he admitted. “But I've been getting plenty of practice at it, so it makes sense, I guess.” he mused. That triggered a recollection in Meia's mind.
“Speaking of practice, Misty mentioned that you and Dita have been exercising somehow, and that's what had made such an improvement in your Vandread capability. What was she talking about, exactly?” wondered the girl. Hibiki blinked.
“It's…just something that Misty showed us.” he hedged. I can't believe that Misty told her that! he silently gaped. “Kind of like training.” he muttered.
“Would you show me how you train?” asked Meia intently. “I would like to see if it can increase our Vandread's abilities like it has yours and Dita's Vandread.” Hibiki swallowed with some minor effort. Looking at the girl, he admitted that she was in excellent shape, and his `little Hibiki' had no issues with her, swelling and stiffening swiftly.
“It's…not normal training.” he said. “Are you sure…?” he began. Meia nodded emphatically.
“Yes. Can you show me?” she repeated.
“I guess so.” he said slowly. Admit it! came the thought from one part of his mind, You want to show her! “It…um…there are some things about it you might not like.” he warned her. Meia considered that warning.
“I'll risk it.” she said a heartbeat later. “If Dita can do it, I'm sure I won't have a problem with it.” she stated. Hibiki nodded.
“Ok. We need to get undressed.” he said. Meia nodded, touching a small button on her flight suit, which split down the front to just below her belly button. Sitting up, she wiggled out of the top, then stood and slid the bottom half off, leaving her naked. Hibiki got up and undressed as well. While he did so, Meia sat back down on her bed.
“What next?” she asked, seeing Hibiki drop the last of his clothes. Her eyes rested on the strange organ that men had between their legs. Currently, it was sticking out a little, and it seemed to be getting bigger and harder as she watched. Hibiki sat beside her. Hesitantly, he slid his arms around her shoulders and turned her to face him.
“Misty calls this foreplay.” he explained, kissing her. Meia responded instinctively and before he knew it, she was holding him to herself, her tongue deep in his mouth. As they kissed, he began to caress her body, first just her back and sides, but moving ever closer to her breasts. Practice with Dita, Misty, Barnette and Jura had made him comfortable with this, and Meia benefited from his experience.
With her troubled youth on Mejere, Meia had been a bit of a street punk, and had had more than her fair share of girlfriends. In the year before she signed on with Magno, she had had more than a dozen girlfriends and about two dozen one-night stands or short flings with attractive girls she came across, and that experience showed in her kissing. Of course, none of that experience helped her with the hard length between his legs. Fortunately for her, Hibiki was willing to take the lead as the heat built in them.
Finally breaking the kiss, Hibiki eased her back on her bed, moving his lips from her lips to her proud breasts and aching nipples. With practiced ease, he began to lick, suck and carefully bite them, causing Meia to moan, pant and squeal. Several minutes passed before he moved south again. Trailing his tongue along her breastbone to her belly, he paused to tickle her bellybutton before moving south again.
Reaching her pubic bone, he stopped to admire her carefully tended patch of pubic hair. A slightly darker shade of blue than her other head bore, it was kept short and trimmed. Below that was her pussy, glistening with arousal and engorged with her lust. Seeing Meia's sex up close, Hibiki paused to admire it. Her lips were somewhat thicker than Barnette's, but her outer lips were smaller overall than Jura's sex. At the top of the wet lips was that thing Misty called a clit. Smiling, leaned in and ran his tongue over it playfully. Meia mewed as she felt his hot, wet, textured muscle run over her highly sensitive clit.
Licking his lips, Hibiki smiled. He had learned early that women all tasted different, and while he wouldn't necessarily trade a plate of lasagna for one of the girl's bare sex, he wouldn't necessary not do so, either. Especially Dita, he thought briefly, I really like how she tastes! Breaking off that train of thought, he went back for more of Meia, slipping his muscle between her lower lips and finding her hot and wet. Settling in, he began to practice what he had been learning from Misty and Dita.
Meia felt a moderately large orgasm roll through her as Hibiki grabbed her hips to keep her steady, his tongue moving from her entrance to her clit then back again, pausing at each spot to work on her with careful skill. Fuck! I've never felt it like this before! she marveled. Though several of her previous girlfriends had been very skilled, this just felt so different, it was like she had never felt this before. Reaching for her own breasts, she tugged on her nipples as she felt Hibiki push his tongue into her passage. “Yes!” she hissed, feeling it begin to wiggle. “Good!” she groaned, feeling another orgasm crash over her.
For the next ten minutes or so, Hibiki worked on her, earning her several orgasms of various sizes and strengths. When his jaw began to get tired, he eased back from her sex, wiping his lips and chin with his hand as he evaluated her flushed face and the slight sheen of sweat on her skin. Seeing him watching her, she smiled at him lazily.
“Amazing.” she murmured. Hibiki smiled at her, feeling his dick throb. “Is that…?” she began. Hibiki shook his head. Moving up, he gently spread her legs and settled between them. For a moment, she was confused about what he might be doing. Then, she put two and two together. He's going to put that thing between his legs into me! she thought. For some reason, that thought didn't bother it. Subconsciously, she spread her legs a bit more as she felt the wide, thick tip touch her dripping entrance. It feels so soft and warm, but it's so hard! she marveled.
Feeling her channel at the tip of his erection, Hibiki got a firm grip on her shoulders and pushed forward. Caught by surprise, Meia's reflexive tightening of her muscles down there was a moment late, and the tip of his member split her lips, lodging in her passage. Pausing, he eased back a bit, then pushed again. Meia, lost in the sensation of her sex stretching and pulsing in time to his member, began to twitch her hips. Moments later, he was buried in her passage. The girl was panting, her eyes slightly unfocused.
Hibiki loved how Meia felt inside. She was tight, but slick. Beginning to pump into her, he knew he would blow his first load pretty quick due to that tightness and Meia's insistent hip-twitches. Before he could consciously realize it, he was hammering her as hard as he could, the two of them grunting in time as he pulled back until only the tip was in her, then slamming as hard as he could into her, plunging all the way to her cervix in one hard thrust. What felt like seconds later, he blew his load into her as her pussy went wild.
To his surprise, he found he was still hard. Even though it had happened twice with Dita, it was rare for him to find that blowing his load didn't make his dick soften. Since he was still hard, he decided to try a new position with Meia. “Let's try something new.” he growled to her, helping her roll over onto her stomach. With some minor work, she managed to get onto her hands and knees with him kneeling behind her. After pushing her chest a bit lower than her hips, he resumed his thrusting into her tender pussy.
Meia moaned and drooled into her pillow as she felt the new sensations from the change in positions. Feeling him drive deeper in this position, she realized that he was pushing harder against her cervix, and she loved the increased stimulation. Looks like I'll be stretching a bit more than just my horizons! she thought lasciviously. I've never had anything that big in me before; not even when that one girl used three fingers! Meia had heard that some girls liked to have their lover put her entire hand inside, she had never bothered with that, as she failed to see how an entire hand could feel better than a couple of fingers. Now, she knew she might want to re-think that.
Hibiki felt himself climb toward his second release, and knew that this time, he would need some rest before he could go again. Reaching forward, he cupped her breasts and toyed with her nipples as he relentlessly hammered her pussy. The sensations of his dick in her pussy, his hands on her breasts, and his body on top of her own sent Meia off on her last orgasm of the night, leaving her exhausted as she felt a second warm, wet spurt in her passage. “Hibiki!” she moaned passionately, sinking onto her belly with him on top of her.
“Meia.” he managed for his reply. “Are you…ok?” he asked her. If she had of had the strength, she would have giggled at his repeating his first words to her. Weakly, she twitched her shoulders under his chest.
“Heavy.” she managed. Hibiki used the last of his strength to roll off her body. She feels so comfortable… he thought, yawning. Meia managed to get rolled over so she was on her side, facing him.
“Hib…” she began, but found herself yawning in response to his yawn. “…biki,” she resumed her thought, feeling more tired than she had thought possible, “let's do this again…sometime.” she managed, rubbing her eyes. Damn, those orgasms really took it out of me. she thought hazily.
“Sur…” he slurred, his brain mostly asleep. “See morn…” he didn't manage to finish that sentence, but it wouldn't have mattered even if he had of finished; Meia was asleep beside him. Oblivious to the two sleeping lovers, they were not the only ones that had seen their `practice;.
“Dita, are you ok?” asked Misty, studying the girl intently. “Does it hurt?” she asked. Dita shuddered. The two were once more in the Dread pilot's room.
“It does a little bit,” admitted Dita, “but mostly it feels…odd.” she finished, panting a bit. “Are they all the way in?” she asked her alternate lover. Misty answered by wiggling her fingers a bit. Dita mewed as she felt the sensations of the movement ricochet through her body.
“Not quite,” said the younger girl, “but almost. Still, this is the first time we've tried more than one.” she reminded the redhead. “Maybe we should call it a night and get some sleep.” she suggested, easing her fingers back out of her current partner. Dita sighed as she felt the other girl's digits slip free of her body.
“Probably.” she agreed, allowing her hips to sink to her bed. For a moment, neither spoke. Finally, Dita spoke up again. “I…don't think we're ready to try this with Hibiki.” she whispered. Misty nodded, though Dita couldn't see her.
“Agreed.” she said. Tossing the damp wipe into the trash, she lay down next to the redhead. “But we will do it eventually, right?” she said. Dita nodded.
“Yes.” she agreed. Silence once more fell on the two. Minutes later, Misty spoke.
“He didn't come back from her room. I think this means we succeeded.” she said. Dita wasn't sure how to answer that.
“I…guess so.” she said, sounding less than her normally upbeat self. Misty touched Dita's cheek with her fingertips, causing Dita to turn and look at her.
“Second thoughts about sharing?” she guessed. Dita slowly shook her head.
“No. But I do worry that he might Meia better than me.” she said. “I don't mind sharing, because they're my friends and I know they would share with me, but I really want to be the one he thinks of first.” she said. Misty, not for the first time, wondered if she was making the right choice using this method for her revenge on the Harvest fleets.
“I'm sure he does, Dita.” she assured the redhead. Glancing at the clock, she pulled the covers over them both. “Tomorrow is almost here, Dita-chan.” she said. “Let's catch some sleep, ok?”
“Sure.” chirped Dita, turning to Misty and snuggling up to her. “And Misty?” she whispered into the other girl's ear.
“Hmm?” hummed Misty in response.
“Thanks.” whispered Dita, touching her lips to Misty's cheek. The two drifted off to sleep together.
“Now Meia, too?!” squeaked Celtic. She and her two best friends from the bridge crew were in Amarone's quarters, watching the hijacked feed from Meia's room. “Can it really feel good?” she wondered.
“Well, they wouldn't keep doing it if it didn't feel good.” reasoned Belvedere. “I mean, yeah, Barnette is a bit of a freak, and Jura isn't much better, but Dita and Meia wouldn't be so eager to do it if they didn't like it.”
“True.” agreed Amarone. “And Misty seems to be very comfortable with the idea as well.”
“Yeah, but she came from a time when men and women lived together!” countered Celtic. “I just think it's too creepy to do that with a man!” the smallest of the crew still had a thing about men. Her two companions weren't so concerned.
“Hey, Belvedere,” said Amarone softly, “do you think that…” she trailed off, knowing from the thoughtful look in her friend's eyes that she was, in fact, thinking what she was thinking.
Duero lay on his bed, thinking over what Hibiki had told him. When taken with what Dita had told him, he felt he was ready to try this `sex' thing. The only trouble was, he wasn't sure how the girl he was thinking of asking would react to the request. Deciding to feel her out a bit, he closed his eyes, trying to sleep, but finding it difficult as he kept trying to find a way to open the conversation that wouldn't make Parfet toss him out an airlock.