Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Angel of the Night ❯ The Dare ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

^_^ Night of the Raven here. Just got done typing up a new story, and I figured I should update this one.


Hitomi and Van spent the rest of the day passing notes and making fun of teachers. As they walked home, Van started to complain.

"I am so hungry."

"I don't care." said Hitomi.

"Can't we hurry it up?"

"We're going fast now."

"I meant vampire speed."

"No. Humans aren't suppose to know vampires a real smart one."

Van sighed.

"How are you out in the sun anyway?"

"Sun lotion."

Hitomi stopped and blinked at him.

"Are you serious?"


Hitomi rolled her eyes.

"It figures."

"What figures?"

"That it would be something that stupid."

"You know, I almost resent that."

"Good for you."

Van followed her all the way to her apartment. He even went in. Hitomi was too lost in thought to even notice. She started pacing. When she turned to pace the other way, she spotted him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I followed you."

"Well I thought you were hungry? Which brings up another point. I really want to clarify about feeding on humans in my presence. I will fight for them."

"And again, I will say that you don't have to worry about it."


"Why do you hate humans?"

Hitomi blinked.

"What makes you think I hate them?"

"You seem very bitter about them, and your posture, it's very stiff."

"I feel sorry for them. They are just cattle. Poor, weak, cattle."

"That makes two of us then doesn't it?"

"You feel sorry for them?"


"Well that's a first. A vampire with a conscience."

"Not all of us are bad."

"Still. I mean you are the Prince of Darkness himself. You can't have a conscience."

"Says who?"

"Me. I'm sure you're father never felt that way."

"I wouldn't know."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"I was closer to my mother. My father never really cared for my brother and I."

"Mama's little boy eh?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

"And a brother?"


"What happened to them?"
"They're still around."
"Is that so?"


"I wasn't even aware of the King of Vampire's offspring. I only knew of you when you came after me."

"It was my duty to get revenge."

"So all this chasing and fighting is out of duty and not love?"

Hitomi shook her head sadly.

"That is a sad thing. You should always cherish your family. You never know when you might lose them."

Van bit his lip as he remembered that Hitomi's parents had been killed.

"If you're not comfortable with this subject….."

"No, it's fine. I just never knew this stuff about you. It's amazing how long we've been enemies and yet, we don't know anything about each other."

Van nodded.

"Why did you kill my father?"

Hitomi turned away.

"I'd rather not talk about it."

Van's stomach growled.

"So hungry." he said putting a hand to his flat stomach.

"So am I. I haven't any blood for you."

Van sighed.

"It's alright, I have some in my apartment. Which I should probably go get."

"Get it and you could come back over if you want."

Van raised a brow.

"You actually want me over here?"

"Yeah. My Holocaust homework is killing me. I need your help."

"I'd rather not gross you out with my eating habits."

"You won't."

"You sure?"



Van left her apartment to go to his. Hitomi busied herself and made Ramen for supper. By the time it was done, Van had returned from his apartment with a bottle of red liquid in his hand. She wrinkled her nose at it.

Van laughed at her expression.

"I haven't even taken a sip of it and you're already freaking out."

"I'm just not used to it. I mean I usually catch vampires in the act of drinking from humans but…"

"Never in your home. It makes it more personal that way."


Van took a swig of blood, making Hitomi shiver. He closed his eyes tight as soon as it touched his tongue.

"Are you alright?" she asked timidly.

Van stopped drinking it and looked at her.

"Yeah, it's just very bitter."

"You're just a big baby."

"You try it."

"No thanks. I'm not part of the blood suckers club.

"Come on try it."


"I dare you."

That was the magic word. Never ever dare Hitomi Kanzaki to do something.


She grabbed the bottle and with one last look at Van, she took a swig. He was right, it was very very bitter. She tried as hard as she could to keep a straight face, but she couldn't quite do it. She looked at him and noticed the smirk on his face. There was no way she was going to stop drinking. Just to show him up.

She finished the contacts and set the bottle down.

Van looked at her mouth in fascination. The dark blood had stained her lips and around her mouth. He had to clench his fist from wiping it off of her mouth and drinking it. He watched as her tongue darted out to catch all the access blood.

"There I did it." she said triumphantly.

"You would make a good vampire Kanzaki."

Hitomi blinked.

She shook her head and changed the subject a little.

"Whose blood was that?"

"A pig."

Hitomi had to keep herself from throwing up.

"A pig?! I drank the blood of a pig?!"

He shrugged like it was no big deal.


"I know."

"So you drink this rather then hunt humans?"

"Yeah. The last time I had a human's blood was when Father would make me hunt them down."

"So that's why your aura is messed up."


"Your aura. I noticed that it was abnormal."

"Yeah. Drinking human's blood keeps up our strength and immortality."

"So since your not drinking human blood….."

"Yes. I'm slowly dying."


Tell me what you think. Btw I just put on a new story if you like Dilly. It's called Tempest's Story. Check it out if you please, and I have two stories on fiction named The Dhampir. And the other one is The Silver Wolf and the Darkened Vampire.

^_^ Night of the Raven.