Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Repeditive Yet Ever Changing Future ❯ The Second Coming ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) And wefre back!

Disclaimer: a) I donft own Escaflowne, and probably never will.
b) I donft make any money off of this.

*I do however own certain characters and places. All of which should be blatantly obvious. *

Oh Repetitive Yet Ever Changing Future

By Neko Bell

By Medatsu

Chapter 2: The Second Coming

She slowly descends from the light her hands placed on either side of the glowing pendant, her emerald green eyes focused upon it. Her long sandy hair flowing gently in a nonexistent wind. She is dressed in low-rise jeans, a blue shoulder button turtleneck that is open, and a pair of blue and white runners. A large gray backpack is hanging over her right shoulder. She sets down gently in the center of the Sankaku; the pillar thins and fades away. She raises her green eyes to her surroundings dropping her arms to her sides, the backpack falling to the ground.

"Hitomi?h Van asks softly, his voice filled with joy and disbelief. Their eyes connect and she begins to fall, her body giving way to exhaustion. gHitomi!h He cries out rushing towards her.

Thunder cracks through the air as the sides of the mountain explode and come crashing down. The council lets out a collective gasp of fear. Watching as the rocks tumble down blocking both sides of the pass, effectively trapping them.

"Well, well, what have we here? The greatest kingdoms of Gaea trapped like rats?h The council raises its eyes to the ridges of the pass, to find themselves surrounded by Fukkyu Senshi guymelefs, being addressed by the Empress Jinko. She is dressed in dark purple armor, her left hand resting on the butt of her sword, and her mouth is twisted in a cruel smile. gI could crush you all now. However, I am feeling benevolent today. Surrender and hand over your kingdoms to me and there will be no need for bloodshed.h

"Never!h Comes a collective outcry form the surrounded council.

"Then you will be eliminated.h States the Empress with indifference.

"Prepare yourselves for combat!h Commanded King Yukansa, gThose guymelefs will be of no use to them down here.h Every one moves to arm themselves.

"How valiant of you, but ultimately useless. I am well aware of the guymelefs limitations here. Thus they only serve to prevent you from escaping. For you see, the power of Atlantis cannot fight itself.h With that said she takes hold her black pendant which begins to glow with the dark light of death. A black sphere forms and begins to grow shrouding it surroundings in darkness. Taking hold of the dark sphere she raises it above her head. gTime to die!h

Every one in the pass can only watch in frozen terror as the dark sphere descends. It then feels as though the world is being sucked into the center of the Sankaku, as a fierce blue light flares out in a protective dome. In an instant the black and blue light collide, and a bone-jarring explosion results.

"WHAT?!h Empress Jinko cries out. eNo, itfs not possible!f She thinks. Firmly grabbing hold of her pendant she causing the forces of Fukkyu disappear.

The explosions massive shock wave causes the mountain to crumble further, the intense shower of debris being deflected by the blue light. Every one in the pass focuses on the girl, her body arched towards the sky glowing softly with the blue light, the pendant raised towards the heavens. After a moment the light fades away and her body sets down softly on the stone.

"Hitomi.h Van quickly moves towards her only to find his path is blocked.

"Grrrrrh Standing over her body is a large blue eyed Husky. It is bent low, with its teeth bard growling warningly at Van.

"What?h He stops dead not sure what to make of this. Then his instincts kick in, seeing this creature as a threat to his love. Drawing his sword he prepares to charge forth to save her.

"Stop!h An ancient voice cries out. Every one stops and turns toward the voice, as itsf owner steps from the shadows. It is that of an old man, he has white hair growing from both his head and face, which reaches almost to the ground. His face is as ancient as his voice, his ears are pointed, his eyes are gray and he is dressed in a long brown robe. His tall thin frame leaning heavily on a long wooden staff.

"A Shoyosei.h Several people say in disbelief.

"Who are you?h Van demands.

"I am known as Kashikoi, and you are in a very dangerous position young man. I highly recommend that you drop your sword and explain your rude behavior.h

"What?h Van was completely dumfounded. Kashikoi waited patiently looking deep into Vanfs eyes. He then sighs.

"Forgive me, I forgot you have no knowledge what has just transpired.h Kashikoi walks toward the large Husky, drooping to one knee he bows before the animal. gPlease, Kanshinin we mean the Goddess no harm. This is all but a misunderstanding. We only wish to help her and protect her as you do.h The Husky cocks its head to the left, dropping one ear. It then steps aside and sits on its haunches. gThank you lord.h

"What is going on here?h Van asked.

"Young man you have just been witness to the second coming of the Nasakebukai Megami.h Kashikoi stated getting to his feet.

"The Goddess of Mercy.h Merle softly gasped

"Yes, young one. Your kind and mine have relied heavily upon her love for many a century.h He said looking to her with a smile.

"That canft be, I know that girl.h

"Ah, but do you? What is and what was are two very different things young man.h The two look long into each otherfs eyes.

'What happened to you Hitomi?f Van thinks.

"This is no place to speak of this. Come, Ninshiki castle is not far from here. There you can all rest and I can further explain to you the situation at hand.h

Far to the south on a large island now known a Fukkyu, the enemy resides. Deep within a mammoth black castle is the throne room of Empress Jinko. Who is currently standing with her back the two other occupants of the room, Lord Tsuyoi and Shisha. gDame. It isn't possible for any of them to wield the power of Atlantis!h Lord Tsuyoi smirks and Shisha looks disapprovingly at him. Being of lower rank Shisha held his tongue when it came to Tsuyoifs behavior. Not only this prevented him from reprimand him though. The shire physical difference between them did. Shisha is only of average build and strength, where as Tsuyoi is built in a fashion comparable to that of brick wall, with muscles as thick as a dragons. Shishafs brains kept him from a conflict not mention physical agony. However this was something Tsuyoi seemed to lack to certain extent, proven by his next action.

"It would appear you have underestimated the enemy Highness.h He says in a tone bordering on mockery. *Thwack* He stagers backward from the force of her blow, bringing his eyes up he knows hefs pushed her too far. He attempts to rally his magic to protect himself. *Swoosh* His half-formed shield lasts about a second and is torn apart by the force of her power. He is thrown backwards *Slam* He body forcefully connects with the wall, but he doesnft cry out refusing to show weakness to her. He lands shakily on his feet, and attempts to compose himself. Only to be pulled forward till he comes face to face with her in middle of the throne room. She forcefully grabs a hand full of his hair and snaps his head back.

"Do not presume you speak to an equal brother.h She said, her violet eyes flashing with rage.
"I shouldn't think you would like me to remind you once again who wears the crown in this family.h He grudgingly nods. She releases him and walks to the large window. gYou are dismissed Tsuyoi.h

"Yes Highness.h He bows and walking tall leaves the throne room. Shisha can only marvel in admiration for his Empressf never wavering hold upon her brother.

'That traitor.f He thinks, eHe would kill her in an instant if he got the chance. He cares only for power, not for the cause.f

"Summon the Madoushi to me immediately.h Her voice is low and deadly. This was a command no one in their right mind would dare to take lightly.

"Yes, Highness!h He replies and leaves to fulfill his duty.

Not long afterwards a group of six figures clad in black cloaks enter the throne room. The Empress still stands by the window looking out over the massive two-year-old city.

"You called Highness.h Says the leader as the six men bow.

"I want an explanation from you Haraguroi. What exactly happened today?h She calmly asks.

"What ever do you mean Highness?h Haraguroi replied with a smirk.

"Donft play dumb with me!h She explodes rounding on them. gI am well aware of your seeing crystals and have no doubt that used them witness todayfs proceedings!h She roars. The Madoushi were silent out of surprise, wondering how on Gaea she could know of such things.

"Now, what happened?h She asked again her voice steadying.

"Wefre not sure.h Haraguroi grudgingly admits. gHowever we have reason to believe it has something to do with the girl who arrived only moments before the battle.h

"Then what is she? And where in the hell did she come from?h

"We donft know.h

Her eyes narrowed, as she takes on a murderous look.

"Highness?h Another of the Madoushi named Chusei calls.

"What?h She snaps.

"I have reason to believe that this may be related to the events from Great War.h

"How so?h She asks, her anger calming.

"Though I had little involvement in experimentations of that time, I do recall the mention of an unknown variable that was of great threat the Empires plans.h


"I once heard the Stratagoes refer to this unknown variable as eshef. However all of those who knew anything of this have all perished.h

"Hmmh She contemplates this as she moves to her throne, seating herself. gHow close are you to reviving the Stratagoes?h

"The body has been completely healed Highness and is still surviving, but lacks his essence. Without it we are unable to revive him.h Haraguroi states.

"Is there way to obtain it?h

"Yes, but it requires the harnessed energies of the Mystic Moon. To do this we require the use of your pendant highness.h He bows humbly, trying to hide his reforming smirk.

"Very well.h Theyfre eyes widen in surprise. Perhaps getting their hands on the source of her power would much easier than they thought. gYou will inform me of the rituals proceedings and I will make the time to perform them.h

"Of course Highness.h Haraguroi grudgingly replies.

'You honestly believing I would hand my power over to you, when I am fully aware of your plans to overthrow me in favor of my brother. Just how stupid do you think I am?f The Empress wonders.

Back in the Mirai Mountains the council is now residing in the ancient castle of Ninshiki. In one of the castles many rooms the Nasakebukai Megami rests. The room is large and consists mostly of empty space the furnishings taking up less then half the available area. On three of the four massive walls are large oak double doors. The furniture in the room consists of a large desk; several comfortable looking chairs positioned around a fireplace, a large unidentifiable animal skin rug and a king sized four-poster bed.

On the bed the sleeping goddess stirs, gMmmh She groggily opens her eyes, blinking several times. gMan, why do my eyes hurt so much?h She asks furrowing her brow and rubbing her eyes. She sits up and notices the heavy red silk sheets draped over her gWhat?h She then looks around the large room. gWhere am I?h She slowly set her feet down on the gray marble floor. Standing up she smoothes out her clothes and attempts to finger comb her long sandy hair. Looking around the room she thinks, eWow, who ever designed this room sure liked their space.f She then turns her attention to the door closest to the bed. gHmm. I wonder where that goes.h Moving over to it she applies all her weight to it expecting it to weigh a tone, only to be surprised when "Whoa!h she stumbles lands on hard floor. gOuch!h She says pushing herself up. gMan itfs a lot lighter than it looks.h She comments turning to the door. gHun?h She looks around the octagonal room. On the left half of the room is a gigantic bathtub made of polished white marble in the shape of a winged dragon, with itfs head hung over the tub and the mouth open. On the right half of the room are several oak wardrobes carefully positioned around a small platform situated in front of a three-sided mirror. gHoly, this place must belong to a multi billionaire!h Taking one last look around she turns to leave, being careful not to push too hard on the door this time. Reentering what she could only assume was a guestroom she moves to the door closest to the fireplace opposite the bed. Pushing on the massive door carefully she finds that it too is unbelievably light. Looking out she finds a dimly lit hallway that seems to stretch endlessly in both directions. gEerie.h she says, before pulling back into the room. Moving towards the final door the sounds of voices reach her.

"This so wonderful, I canft believe Hitomi is back!h A bright female voice chirps.

"I agree. Itfs been so long since we last saw her.h A calm male voice replies.

"Did you see her hair? Itfs amazing she actually looks like a girl now.h Chuckles an older female voice.

"Well four years can change a person a great deal.h The male voice comes in again.

"Hmm.h Without thinking she pushes on the door and steps in. This room was also massive, and could only be a library as every wall is crammed full of books. In the center of the room near one of the many tables stand three people, who, upon hearing the door open turn to towards it. One is a man with long blond hair, dressed in a blue uniform of some sort, with a sword attached to the belt. The taller of the two women also has blond hair, which is partially tied back. She is wearing an elegant dress and a golden tiara. The shorter woman has long curly pink hair, an orange sundress, fur, pointed ears and a tail.

"Hitomi!h The Cat girl shouts running towards her, wrapping her in a tight hug and liking her face. The other two smile broadly moving over to them.

"Itfs so good to see you again.h The blond woman says hugging her too. gWe thought you were gone for good!h She pulls away still beaming.

"It does good to see you again.h The man says embracing her as well, while placing a light kiss on her cheek. The cat girl in the mean time is still firmly attached her midriff.

"Oh Lord Van will be so happy to see you! I'll go get him!h She detaches herself and rushes towards a door on the far wall.

"Stop right there Merle!h The blond woman commands. The Cat girl stops.

"But Lord Van will want to know shefs awake!h

"Do you honestly want him to drop his guard duty and look bad in front of the others?h The catfs ears drop. "I thought not. His shift is over soon any ways, so it wont be long before he comes back.h

"OK, fine.h She said slumping her shoulders and sitting down in the nearest chair.

"Umm, excuse me?h The girls voice is timid and unsure. The three turn to her. gI donft mean to be rude, but, who are you people?h

(A/N) Yes! Ifm starting to get somewhere with this.

*Remember to Read & Review* If want an update anytime soon that is.

Japanese Word List (In order of appearance.)

Shoyosei - means eelff (This is what Ifve named Sora's people.)

Kashikoi - means ewisef (This if not satisfactorily explained already will be in the next chapter.)

Kanshinin - means eguardianf (as in defender)

Nasakebukai - means emercifulf

Megami - means egoddessf

Ninshiki - means eto be aware off or eto have understanding off (Next chapter.)

Haraguroi - means eschemingf(He is the head of the Madoushi and the one most interested in overthrowing the Empress. Why you ask? Youfll just have to wait and see.)

Chusei - means eloyaltyf (Hefs the only one of the Madoushi who isn't trying to overthrow the Empress. Why? Again, you'll have to wait.)