Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own them. So don't sue.
Authors note: sorry it took so long. I will finish this story don't worry.
Chapter 4

Both Duo and Yoji managed to make Heero and Aya to put their weapons away quietly but neither relaxed.

"Well why don't you all come in and we can talk" smiled Omi walking behind Ken to the door.
"Yeah, come on Hee-chan" Duo smiled pulling on Heero's arm and dragged him in. (ok so Heero can not be dragged but he followed Duo in)
"Hn" was all Heero said following Duo in.
Ken helped Omi bring in 4 extra chairs. Duo and Heero sat on the couch facing Yoji and Aya. Ken sat on one of the chairs he brought in also facing Heero and Duo and Omi sat on the floor net to Yoji and Aya. Because it didn't look like Quatre was going to let go of Trowa very soon so he sat up and leaned against the wall with Quatre in his lap.
"So you're the friends Duo and Trowa were looking for." asked Ken.
Duo nodded enthusiastically "Yep."
"Who are you?" asked Aya glairing at Heero.
"I could ask you the same thing" Heero replied glairing back.
"Whoa, calm down Aya," Yoji smiled placing an arm on Aya's shoulder. Aya turned and glared at Yoji. "Don't mind him," smirked Yoji. "He won't do anything right now" Aya's glair just harden at Yoji.
"For now?" asked Quatre sitting up slightly.
"Anyways" smirked Yoji "My name is Yoji Kudou. This gorgeous red head" he said rubbing Aya's shoulder adding an even more deadly glair from Aya, "is Aya Fujimiya. That one," he said pointing to Omi, "Omi Tsukiyono and the brunette next to him is Ken Hidaka.
"And you all work in a flower shop?" asked Trowa
"Yes, is it that unusual?" asked Omi
"Actually no. Not at all" Trowa said quietly.
"Hey, do you think Wu Mans done with his mission yet?" asked Duo to Heero.
"Baka" Heero said hitting Duo in the head "Shut up"
"Mission?" Ken asked
"Uh…um" Duo stuttered not knowing what to say.
"I knew it, you were here for a certain reason" Aya growled standing up, holding up his sword to Heero's throat at the same time Heero pulled out his gun again at Aya.
"Duo didn't mean…" Quatre was interrupted as he heard a beeping go off.
"What's that beeping?" asked Duo. Every quieted down and listened.
"My computer" Omi said surprised. He hopped up and ran downstairs. The others looked at each other then followed him. Omi quickly sat in front of the computer and started typing.
"Hun? That's odd" Omi mumbled. The others gathered around him.
"What's odd Omi?" asked Ken
"Well it says I have some one trying to send a video feed through"
"and…" Ken said not quite understanding.
"Well I just have never seen anyone being able to hack into my computer" Omi said continuing typing on the computer. Just then a video screen appeared and a very mad Asian man appeared.
"Wu Man!" Duo exclaimed pushing Omi away. Omi began to fall but Ken caught him and swore at Duo quietly.
"Maxwell, where are you?"
"Awwww Wu Man. Didn't know you cared" Duo grinned
"Wu Fei, how were you able to contact us?" asked Quatre coming beside Duo.
"Quatre, thank god. I was afraid only Maxwell was there"
"No, Heero and Trowa are here as well. But you didn't answer my question Wu Fei."
"I don't know. I just did. Look I need to speak with all of you guys. Some how we all got here."
"It's another dimention." a voice shouted from behind Wu Fei.
"Who's that?" asked Duo.
"I'm you're helper." the voice shouted. Wu Fei was suddenly pushed out of the screed and a small boy with messy green hair and brown eyes was only seen "Hi my name is Kip and I was sent here to help you. We all have a lot of work to do and now that I have all 5 princes and the general, we can start."
Wu Fei suddenly pushed the kid away. "As you can see, we really need to talk"
"5 princes and a general? Is that a code name?" asked Quatre.
"There are only 5 of us unless the kid means himself" Heero reasoned.
"I'm not the general. He's right here with me."

"You mean Wu Man?" asked Duo
"No Zechs"
We'll I'll leave it there for now. Review please.