Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Chapter 15

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 15
Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing or Weiss Kreuz, so don't sue.
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Aya awoke feeling strangely relaxed, warm, and comfortable. He hadn't felt like this since before his sister's accident. Turning into the source of the heat, he jerked up as he felt something or someone next to him. Aya stared wide-eyes as he saw Yoji curled up next to him on a small hospital bed sound asleep.
Just at that moment, a nurse entered. She smiled at him brightly as she began to do what he assumed was he regular routine. “I'm so glad you are awake.” She whispered. “I'm Angela, your nurse.”
“Where am I? Why is Yoji here?” Aya asked quietly.
“You are at Saint Tomas Hospital.” She answered as she changed the IV bag connected to his arm. “Yoji was so worried that you wouldn't wake up. When he came in soaking wet from the rain, holding you, no one thought you would ever wake up.” She replied still smiling, “but I guess that's what true love proved.”
“Proved what? And you still didn't answer my question on why Kudo is here.” Aya glared.
“He's here because once we admitted you, he collapsed. We found out that he had a severe fraction on one of his legs and the other one was badly sprained. That and other injuries some sever and others just needing to be tended to, he was admitted.”
“Okay but why is he in my room?” Aya was now getting annoyed at the idiot nurse who was making sappy eyes at him and Yoji.
“Because even though he had cast on both legs, one of his arms taped to his chest and other restricting braces, he was able to enter you room every night without being caught by the evening nurse. The doctor finally gave in and made him room here beside you but I guess he still wasn't content and decided to join your bed. God he loves you so much.” Angela sighed wishing her own boy friend would do that.
“Idiot” snorted Aya looking at the snoring man beside him.
“You do love him, don't you?” the nurse asked worried.
“If you are done, you can leave” glared Aya lying back down on the bed.
“But you do. Right?” Angela asked again remembering what happened when Yoji first brought Aya into the hospital. Angela remembered the unusual storm that night about 2 weeks ago.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Flash Back *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
The hospital though was unusually quiet; normally the storms brought the biggest crowds of wounded people. All was going well when the doors busted open and in walked a group of men and a child. Claiming they were in a horrific accident, the doctors immediately rusted them in. Aya was being carried by Yoji, who limped badly once he realized Aya was being cared for. The others were also badly beaten, each needing to be tended almost as badly.
Angela was the attending nurse that night. Noticing Yoji limping, she helped him sit, and produced to check his wounds.
“Please,” he begged breathlessly, “Take care of Aya. He…I…” he stopped placing a hand into his chest over his heart, “I can't lose him”
“You love him. Don't you?” Angela said understanding.
Yoji stared at her for a while before saying, “He's a bastard and cold as ice. I should hate him.” He laughed shortly.
Angela smiled, “Well it wouldn't do any good if he lost you either. Now why don't I check you in and then neither of you will lose each other.”
The tall blond looked in the direction of the room where Aya was for a moment before turning to the nurse and said, “Sure. But I'm alright”.
The blond man, who Angela later discovered was named, Yoji, was in serious injury. He had cracked several ribs, broke his left leg and twisted the right ankle. His right wrist was sprained and his right shoulder had torn a muscle. But despite that, every night since he was admitted into the hospital, he would sneak out of his room and down the hall to Aya's room. There he would sit up all night watching the red head sleep.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ End Flash Back *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Aya was just looking at her silently. “He's a bastard and a notorious flirt.” He finally answered. “He could die for all I care.” Aya snorted finally deciding that the woman had spoken enough. He laid back and turned to face Yoji.
Angela realized that this was he cue to leave. “Bye boys” she whispered closing the door behind her.
Aya stared at Yoji for a moment before closing his eyes.
“So you really believe I should die?” a voice asked mocking hurt.
Aya cracked an eye open and saw Yoji staring intently at him. “Hn, sleep Kudo. Your hurt” he answered closing his eyes and began to fall asleep when he felt an arm snake around his waist and he realized that Yoji had pulled him into him. Aya was stiff for a few moments before he too put an arm around Yoji and fell asleep.
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At the Flower shop the Gundam wing princes decided to stay and help out while Yoji and Aya were in the hospital. Two weeks had passed and almost nothing had changed from before they fought Sterrick. Duo was still avoiding Heero. Even to the point where he didn't share the same room with him. Duo slept on the floor claiming that was what he needed to get some sleep; which was technically the truth considering every time he was around Heero he felt like running away. All of the other boys noticed this drastic change from when Duo was practically hanging off of Heero, but no one had any idea what to do. Heero was clueless, or so they thought, and Duo avoided every question with ease.
All the guys at the house were busy today though. Aya and Yoji were given the clear to go home. Aya basically in one piece and Yoji in many cast and bandages.
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Heero had tried to speak with Duo many times that day but Duo kept running out of the rooms yelling something or another. At one point Heero actually grabbed Duo's arm but the fearful look in Duo's eyes quickly made him let go. Did Duo really hate him that much? Did him kissing him…was that a mistake? Heero was so confused. His cheat hurt at the thought of Duo hating him but he had no reason why. “Duo?” he called as he saw the braided man run into the room he was in.
“I have to go get some scissors Heero” Duo shouted running up stairs.
“Oh” Heero said quietly watching Duo leap up the stairs.
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Duo sighed and stopped once he reached the top of the stairs. That was close. Heero was getting more and more persistent. Maybe it was because Heero…nah. Duo shook his head. Heero doesn't feel anything. He doesn't care about anything except his missions. Duo ran to his room to grab the scissors. He didn't need them but he couldn't start lying now.
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It pained Kip the most watching Duo and Heero because he knew the truth. Suddenly getting a wonderful idea, Kip ran to his bag and brought out a much worn book. Maybe this would help. He smiled and waited until everyone would settle that night around the dinner table. They would leave probably tomorrow so he needed to get this settled now.
Finally nigh arrived and the door opened with Yoji leaning heavily on Aya. “Honey. We're home!” Yoji laughed as Aya snorted and practically dragged the taller blond in.
“Yoji-kun! Aya-kun!” Omi smiled cheerfully running to hug them both. “I'm so glad you are alright!” he laughed.
“So where are the rest?” Yoji questioned the youngest Weiss member.
“They're waiting at the table. We thought it would be nice to have a last meal with the princes before they head to their home.” Omi chatted as he lead Aya and Yoji into the kitchen.
After the meal everyone sat around the living area and was reminiscing on the past. Yoji and Aya were on the couch, as well as Trowa and Quatre. Quatre was content on Trowa's lap. Heero was sitting on a chair closest to the front door and Duo was on the floor on the opposite side by the stairs and back door. Kip sat in the center, in front of the TV; and Zech and Wu were curled up on the floor against the wall. Ken and Omi were on the other couch also curled up.
“…and one time Ken-kun” Omi laughed.
“Omi!” Ken exclaimed, “Don't tell them!”
“He thought I was making milkshakes and drank a full glass of spoiled milk” Omi laughed. “He was sick for a week”
“I didn't know it was spoiled” Ken said defensively.
“Why did you have spoiled milk in your fridge?” asked Quatre trying not to laugh.
“It was a science experiment.” Explained Omi wiping a tear from him face. “I was going to warn everyone but Yoji-kun called me into the flower shop and the next thing I heard was Ken-kun rushing to the bathroom!”
“At least it wasn't intentional. Living with someone like Maxwell, you're bound to get a joke played on you at least once a week.” Wu Fei glared.
“Me?” Duo asked wide-eyed, “Why would I play such jokes on you?” he grinned widely.
“You see! It's that look alone that screams EVIL” Wu Fei continued.
“Just because I have played a few harmless jokes doesn't mean I'm evil” Duo continued to fake an innocence.
“Harmless? You put honey into my shampoo and covered my Gundam with pink ribbons!” Wu Fei yelled.
“And you got the tigers I work with so agitated that they almost bit my head off when I went to work with them.” Trowa added.
“And you called up all of the servants, telling them to be quiet because you hinted that I was pregnant” Quatre nodded, “Some of them won't even look at me the same way anymore.” He sighed.
“Awww come on guys they were just in fun. Wu Fei, I just wanted your hair to smell sweet, like honey and didn't your Gundam look so pretty?” Duo laughed before turning to Trowa, “And I was just singing a lullaby to you tigers. They looked cranky.” He then turned to Quatre, “And you were complaining that they were too noisy so that was my best excuse.”
“Well I'm glad he's going with you all then” laughed Yoji placing an arm around Aya.
Aya quickly stood and walked to the back door, “I need air” he said before exiting and closing the door.
After a few moments of silence, Kip spoke up, “Well why don't I show you all some old photos of the palace?” he pulled out a large old photo album.
“We already saw that” Duo pointed out.
“This one is different. It has more…” Kip had to think of the appropriate word, “intimate pictures” he finished. Kip moved and sat beside Yoji.
Everyone else stood slowly and moved to see the “intimate” pictures. And they were. They were pictures of Trowa and Quatre cuddling. Trowa asleep and Quatre gazing lovingly at him. Wu Fei and Zech posing in suits at what appeared to be a formal function. Zech and Wu Fei both hand their arms around each other and Zech kissing Wu Fei's forehead. Then there were even pictures of Heero…and…and Duo Heero had a smile on his face holding Duo. Duo was laughing as he was trying to give Heero a kiss on the cheek.
. Duo looked at the pictures wide-eyed. He looked at the pictures and then at Kip and finally at Heero. Heero had such a serious look, Duo freaked out, `oh shit he's gonna kill me!' Duo thought. `We actually have a past?' Duo thought for a moment before Quatre interrupted him.
“Are these pictures real?” Quatre asked wanting to know if it was true they were all together before they were separate and taken to this world.
But before Kip answered, Duo turned and ran through the wall and out to the back.
“Duo” Heero called out finally looking away from the pictures. Ignoring everyone else, he walked quickly out the door following Duo.
Quatre looked at Kip, “is it?”
Kip just nodded quietly.
Heero ran after Duo but once he was out side, Duo was no where to be found. He saw Aya sitting on a bench, smoking. “Where did he go?” glared Heero.
“Like I care” snorted Aya taking another puff of the cigarette.
“What the hell is your problem?!” yelled Heero.
“You irritate me” Aya answered.
“You do the same to me” Heero glared.
“When did you start smoking?” Heero questioned already knowing the answer.
“That doesn't concern you.” Glared Aya.
“You love him don't you?” it was more of a statement than a question. Aya and Heero both already knowing who Heero meant when he said, “him”.
“And you love Duo” Aya replied turning but before he walked inside the house he turned to a emptied area by the door, “It's not polite to snoop” he warned before flicking the remaining bit of the cigarette in the direction.
Heero was confused for a moment before Duo appeared here yelling about his hair being on fire. Aya ignored him, walking inside. Heero walked over and removed the cigarette bud off of Duo's hair.
“Um thanks Heero” Duo said quietly. His heart was beating so fast at how close Heero was to him.
“Hn” replied Heero pulling out a few ashes from Duo's hair. “Why did you run?”
“I…um…” Duo began to back away but Heero caught a hold of his wrist.
“Why are you different?” Heero continued to ask.
“Deferent's good. Change is best.” Duo replied not looking at Heero's intense eyes.
“Not if it's for the worse” Heero took one of his hands and cupped Duo's face, making Duo look at him.
“Sorry” replied Duo quietly.
It was a simple question but Duo didn't know what it was asking. Why did he change? Why was he sorry? Why did he run? Why did he avoid him? Why did he run? Why did he kiss him? “What are you asking Heero?”
“Why are you calling my Heero?” Duo answered.
“What?” Duo looked up at Heero, of all the questions he asked about that? “Because I thought it was time to grow up. That's why.” Duo replied honestly.
“Why?” Heero asked again.
“Why do you care Heero?” Duo asked back.
“I don't know” Heero answered honestly.
“Oh” nodded Duo as a tear slipped down his cheek.
“Why are you crying?” Heero asked “Are you hurt? Did you tear your stitches?”
Duo had to laugh at the last comment. Typical Heero. Not knowing people sometimes hurt from emotions. Not always physical pain. “No I did not Heero”
“Then why are you crying?” Heero persisted.
“People sometimes hurt other ways than physical” Duo explained.
“Explain” Heero ordered.
Duo jerked away, he was pissed off now. Sure Heero was an idiot but it just hurt too much for him to act this way when Duo knew there wasn't going to be a future. “God Heero! What the hell do you want me to tell you! That hurt because I love you? That I hurt because you hate me? That I want you to kiss the hell out of me but you don't know anything except being the perfect soldier!...”
Duo continued ranting on about what he wanted but Heero didn't hear anything past Duo saying `I love you'. I love you. I love you. The words kept repeating in his mind. He started to have flash backs of when Trowa would tell Quatre he loved him. They would kiss afterwards and everything would be better. Kiss. Kiss. Duo already kissed him.
“Are you listening to…” Duo stopped as Heero pull him into a crushing embrace and kissed him. The kiss was stiff and hard but there was so much passion behind it. After a while Heero released Duo. Duo covered his lips with his hands staring at Heero quietly.
“I love you.” Heero stated. “I could never hate you” he answered.
“Heero” Duo started.
“Hee-chan” Heero smiled slightly, “Call me Hee-chan”
Tears freely flowed from Duo face as he saw Heero smile at him. “You really love…” Duo started but stopped himself, “But all of those things you said…”
“You didn't let me finish baka” Heero answered pulling Duo close. Duo was intoxicating and Heero couldn't get enough of Duo's body against him.
“You said I was an idiot”
“You are” Heero replied “All I said was true. You do take many risks and indeed put many lives in danger. You have blown our cover more than once. And your carelessness has created more trouble than we would have originally would have on more than one occasion. You do not know when to be serious and tend to joke around when situations are tense.”
“Oh” Duo said sadly, “I see”
“No you don't” Heero continued not letting Duo get away this time, “However, you show undying loyalty. You care not only for the mission but the people involved in the mission. Your heart runs your mind and I wouldn't have you any other way. You are a baka but you are my baka. My one baka. And if Aya says one more thing about you, I will kill him” Heero vowed.
“Hee…”Duo looked up at Heero's blue ones, “Hee-chan” Duo smiled.
“Don't change” Heero pleased softly nuzzling Duo's hair.
Duo smiled up at Heero, “Deal” he grinned before pulling Heero into a kiss more passionate than the first two.
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“I'm exhausted” yawned Yoji.
“Come on. I'll help you up” Aya said pulling Yoji up and helped him up stairs. The two ascended the stars in silence. Aya quietly thinking about what Heero said. “You love him” The words echoed in his mind. Did he really love Yoji? Is he really worthy to be loved? Aya knew he was a murderer but…but so was Yoji. Did that mean that killers deserve happiness too? God he hoped so.
The two had made it to Yoji's bed and now they were both just staring at it while Yoji was letting Aya think. “Aya?” Yoji called out softly. Aya looked up at him. Confusion evident in his eyes. Yoji sat on the bed and pulled Aya slowly to him.
“Yoji?” Aya asked a little worried about where this would lead. They were killers. They didn't deserve happiness. He knew that. He knew that Yoji knew too.
“I love you” Yoji whispered kissing Aya softly. Aya kissed back, moaning when Yoji pulled away. “You taste like cigarettes.” Yoji smiled.
“Hn” replied Aya kissing Yoji once more, “I got used to the taste. It's your fault.” He mumbles as he leaned against the taller man's chest.
“I know” Yoji laid back down and pulled Aya on top of him. Someday the two would do more but for now, this was nice. Very nice. Yoji thought as Aya began to fall asleep curled up against him.
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The next morning around 12 in the afternoon…
“Aya, do you really think you need to do this?” Ken called as he and the others watch Aya and Heero circle one another out in the back yard.
“Hn” replied Aya, “He demanded it”
“Heero, we have to leave soon. Is this the way you want to leave?” Quatre called out as he watched Heero reach for his gun and throw it to the side.
“He hurt Duo. I swore I would kill him if he insulted him once more” growled Heero.
“Aya! You can't fight. You're hurt!” Yoji yelled.
“Shut up Kudo. I don't need my full strength to kick this kids ass” Aya tossed his sword to the ground away from him, then charged at Heero.
“Take back the comment” ordered Heero as he began to punch Aya.
“Screw you” Aya spat back as he threw Heero to the ground. Aya proceeded to punch Heero as Heero tried to shift and make Aya to the ground.
Aya's fist connected with Heero's jaw but Heero punched Aya in the stomach making Aya fall to the ground.
“I am not a child” Heero replied before grabbing Aya's collar and punched him square in the face.
“If I had my sword” swore Aya before another punch landed on Aya's shoulder.
“I would have my gun and you would be dead” Heero finished as he attacked Aya once more. Fists were flying as the members of each of the attackers watched expectantly. No one knowing the ending outcome.
“Stop it please Aya-kun” Omi begged.
“Never!” yelled Aya as he dropped kicked Heero but Heero avoided it and landed another punch in between Aya's shoulder blades making Aya fall face first into the ground. Still weak from the poison and being unconscious, he was having a hard time seeing.
“Heero you can stop” Duo began to worry about the silent red-head's out come.
“Let's just call it a tie” Yoji suggested wanting to have the leader of their group by his side.
“No” Heero glared.
“No!” growled Aya.
After a few more punches, Aya was on the ground with Heero hovering over. “Give” ordered Heero.
“Fuck you” Aya spat trying to get free.
“Your too weak to continue” Heero stated.
“I could kick your ass as I am right now” Aya glared.
“Hn” replied Heero getting off.
“Don't count me out yet” growled Aya as he pounced on Heero and pined him beneath him.
“Heero! Duo! Quatre! Trowa! Wu Fei! Zech!” Kip called running towards them.
“What is it Kip?” asked Quatre.
“The time has come. It's time for us to leave” Kip smiled. “Um…Heero?”
“Hn” Heero answered.
Aya rolled off of Heero and the two of them staggered up. “This isn't over yet” glared Aya.
“Far from it” nodded Aya in a returned glair.
“Gather together. I'll transport us.” Kip ordered as he finished creating a circle with some powder from his pouch.
“Bye guys! Maybe one you'll visit” Duo grinned waving as they gathered around Kip.
“If you're ever on Earth” Omi smiled wrapping an arm around Ken, “Please drop by!”
“Later princes.” Ken waved.
“Bye! We will visit” promised Quatre snuggling up against Trowa.
As they started to vanish, Heero looked at Aya and then grabbed Duo, pulling him close for a dazzling kiss. Duo eagerly responded kissing him back, wrapping his arms around Heero's neck.
Aya nodded at Heero's look and wrapped an arm around a surprised Yoji.
“What…” Yoji was about to ask as Aya pulled him down for a fierce passionate kiss. Moaning, Yoji wrapped his arms around Aya's waist.
After the princes, Kip and Zech left, Aya and Yoji were still kissing.
“Come on Ken-kun” Omi giggled as he tugged at Ken's hand pulling him into the house.
“Get a room boys” laughed Ken at Aya and Yoji.
Neither responded but Yoji did flip Ken off as he proceeded to ravish Aya's mouth. This was beginning to look like a great day. Hopefully there would be many more to come.
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Authors Notes: Well that's it. I finally finished it. What did you all think? Please review. Maybe one day a sequel will come out. Maybe. *grins* Bye for now! I'm off to Hawaii!!!