Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Best friends, ex-friends to the end. Better off as lovers, not the other way around ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Marly/Larxene: "Best friends, ex-friends to the end. Better off as lovers, not the other way around"
Marluxia often wonders if even bothering to start a relationship with Larxene was a good idea. Unless they were lovers, they didn't get along. Granted, Larxene was still loyal to him, but he was getting a little tired of having his favorite flowers set on fire by her lightning. When they were together as lovers, she was putty in his hands. She was affectionate, calm, gave the best head he ever had (in both his lives), and he had to admit her torture of Demyx and then later, Vexen, was rather amusing.
When they weren't together, though, Larxene was more violent and prone to destroying anything she could get her hands on. It was horrific, some of the scenes she left behind, ripping the limbs off some of the Dusks and Dancers, among other things. Demyx still has nightmares about it, apparently.
Marluxia sighed as he went to go find Larxene and initiate the customary round of make-up sex. Hopefully that will stop her little contest with Axel about who could destroy the most things in Castle Oblivion with fire.
Maybe this time he could even save his begonias.