Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Angels of the Assassins ❯ Answers Will Only Lead to More Questions ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Morgaine? Are you sure on that?" Manx eyed her suspiciously.

"Yeah. I heard it when Folter shouted a retreat." Silence ruled the room.

"Okay, this meeting's over. We'll just be calling you if there's another mission." Everyone was puzzled with Sora's sudden announcement.

"We'll be letting Aya-chan sleep here. Yuki, better go back with them and bring some of Aya-chan's clothes here. Ryoko, Jelmerie you two go to your rooms now." Sora ordered.

Sora and Manx waited for everyone to be out of sight before Manx pulled out her phone and punched the keypads. Sora went up to check on Aya-chan, Ryoko, and Jelmerie before going down again.

"I told Birman to come here. She's on her way." Manx said as she saw Sora

"Good. We really need to talk things out."

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"Those two're acting weird." Yoji commented behind the steering wheel.

"Who?" Omi asked looking at the blonde beside him.

"Sora and Manx." The blonde replied.

"Well, it might be brought about by the info that the Erinyes are complete again. It gets things more complicated ya know." Yuki yawned as she kept pace with Yoji's vehicle.

Ran sat silently while mentally going back to the happenings during the meeting. He tried to remember especially the reactions of Sora and Manx upon hearing what Ryoko said.

"Ne, you okay?" the girl asked him.

"I don't know, I can't be sure about that." He heard Yoji say.

"All I know is that, whatever it is, it's a serious matter." He heard Ken mutter beside him.

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"Hey Jel, are we on the same track?" Ryoko whispered.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Then I'll see you outside."

Ryoko placed her phone on top of her dresser and walked to the door. She opened it, looked around and saw Jelmerie waiting for her. With a nod, the two tiptoed to the stairs and stood there anxious to hear the conversation between Sora and Manx. Then, a sound of a halting car was heard followed by the almost soundless opening of the gate. The two walked down a few steps hoping to see the visitor unknown that Manx already has an idea of what's going on. She walked to meet Sora and Birman with a sheepish grin.

"Jelmerie and Ryoko are waiting by the stairs." Sora flinched.

"Those girls, they're always up to something." She mumbled shaking her head.

"Well, as if we weren't when we're their age." Birman chuckled.

"Come on. I know a place safe from them."

The three walked to the living room and passed the stairs where the two saw Sora flash a mischievous smile. Then, the three went out of their league. After minutes of silence, the two felt something's wrong and decided to come down. To their surprise, they saw the living room empty and the nearby rooms empty as well. The two then tried almost everything in trying to find the way how the three other disappeared but it went to nothing. In the end, they decided to go back to their rooms, defeated.

"I can't believe there's still a secret place in here that we don't know." Jelmerie said.

"I swear I will not rest until I find that place!" Ryoko glared.

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"I haven't seen them in a while. How are they?" Birman asked as they sat around a table inside the hidden room.

"Fine, and more aggressive than ever. Now I know how our superiors felt back then." Sora sighed.

"I sure miss the old days. So, what's so important that you have to call me up at this hour?"

"Well, you said you miss the old days, I'm sure you'll be surprised with the news." Birman sported a puzzled look at what Manx said.

"What? I don't get what you're saying Manx."

"It's about Morgaine."

"She's here." Sora interrupted.

"Morgaine? Morgaine as in----" Birman was speechless for a moment

"…you must be kidding me… but, is that true?"

"Ryoko saw her last night. She's with the Erinyes and we have a hunch she's the one behind them."

"But Ryoko could be mistaken…"

"It's all true Birman. I don't doubt what Ryo told us." Sora said, with her eyes turned away.

"Then, there is trouble up ahead." Birman concluded.

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The next day, there's a silent tension inside the house as the girls went down for breakfast. Only Aya-chan is in her usual mood while Jelmerie and Ryoko will take sideward glances to each other. Not one of them mentioned about the meeting even when Aya-chan went to her room to get something. It seems like a rule was imposed that the matter about Morgaine is a confidential issue. After class, the girls went home directly ans gathered inside the living room.

"We weren't able to get info coz they just disappeared!" Ruoko glared.

"Is that so? Well, we have nothing to do about it." she saw Jelmerie look at her.

"Come on, did you see who was with them last night?"

"As if I was here by the time they were talking. As I've told you, I only saw Birman and Manx go when I came home last night." she hissed.

"Hi!" the three girls almost jumped out of their seats.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" Aya-chan asked.

"Uh, n-nothing. You just startled us, that's all. By the way, who'll move your things? We can help." Jelmerie hastily changed the topic.

"Thanks a lot but Onii-chan will be brining them here." She smiled

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"So, what's in for tonight?" Ryoko asked when Manx and Sora appeared.

"Nothing much. Dirtbags as usual." Sora replied in her usual self.

Just as Persia delivered their mission, Aya-chan came down the stairs to get some water from the kitchen when she was intrigued by the voice coming from the TV. She walked closer until she could hear Persia's voice clearly.

"They are engaged in multiple political scams including blackmailing and corrpution. They are also using their international connections to widen their agendas of complete government control. And so they must be wiped from the face of the earth." Aya-chan argued with herself if it's just a movie the others are watching.

"" after that, the screen went blank.

"So, everyone in on this?" the rest nodded.

"By the way girls, since the Erinyes are already here, I'm advising you to use your real weapons from now on. No more jumping from one weapon to another" Sora said.

"No prob for me. I'm already using it." Ryoko shrugged.

"If there are no more questions, we'll be leaving the matter you to your expertise."

Aya-chan hid herself as Manx and Sora walked to her direction. She still couldn't grasp what's happening but she's determined to find out.

"Same meeting place." Ryoko said as the four walked away.

Aya-chan went up to her room quietly and pondered on what she witnessed. Later, she heard the doors closed followed by voices. She saw her doorknob turning and so she quickly feigned sleep.

"She's asleep, good. Be careful you three. Watch over the four and yourself too." Aya heard Sora's voice.

"No need to tell us that. We're good at what we do." It was Ryoko's voice.

After that, the door closed and Sora's footsteps fainted. Aya-chan sat up from her bed and continued sorting out her thoughts. After a while, she made her decision.

************************************************************** **********

"Guys like you don't deserve to live." Yoji muttered after strangling his target.

"Stop your cheesy lines will ya." Roko mumbled

"That's agood one Yoji-kun." Jel beamed as she and Omi appeared from an abandoned yacht.

"This mission is closed." Yuki declared with a smile. As she, Ran and Ken joined the group.

"Guess not."

"Scwharz!" The members of Schwarz came into view and didn't waste a time to make the first move.

"Omi!" Jel shouted as he was thrown back by Nagi.

"Baka Yoji, get outta my way!" Ryoko shouted as she went in front of the blonde as Schuldich attacked.

"This bastard's my enemy so keep out of this." The blonde snapped

"He's right so why don't you just fight me instead?" Ryo turned around

"Oh great, now the Erinyes are here." Yuki mumbled as her opponent landed in front of her.

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Aya-chan walked cautiously towards the old shipyard with her heart throbbing fast. She knows that her brother and her friends went there to go after some people. She heard the place from Manx and she decided to go there as soon as she thought Sora's asleep. She loked around the port trying to see her brother or anyone but she couldn't. She walked closer until she heard some voices.

"Dream on! You guys are a bunch of losers." It was Jelmerie's voice.

She walked closer and hid herself behind a huge crate and watched what's happening. Jelmerie's facing off with a girl holding something like a long needle while Jelmerie apparently holds nothing.

"Well, we'll see about that!"

She saw the other girl run towards Jelmerie but she dodged the attack. The exchange of attacks went on until the two of them were out of her league. While waiting for the next thing, she was surprised to hear a loud crash somewhere behind her. She turned around and saw Omi on the ground. Another boy came into the scene, and she was surprised to see that he has a great likeness to Omi. Omi tried to get up but it seems like there's something that keeps on pulling him down. He looked at the other boy and soon she understood. When she went closer, Omi noticed her presence and looked to her direction.

"A-aya-chan? Ww-hat're you doing -hhere? Run away now!" she heard him stammer.

But Nagi already saw her already and before she made a step backwards, she was thrown back.


****************************************************** ******************

"I must get there soon." Sora muttered as she kept her eyes on the road.

She was awakened from sleep by the sound of ringing metal somewhere in the house. Dismissing all other thoughts for the sake of good sleep, she tried to go back to sleep. But she keeps on waking up even before she reaches the peak of sleep for some unknown reasons. And so, she went out of the room to check to whole house for burglars or troubles but found none. She sighed and decided to go back to sleep when she suddenly felt tense. She looked around and saw that she's in front of Aya-chan's room. Following her instincts, she fetched the keys to the girl's room and was shocked to it empty. She remembered the sound of metals and she realized that it must be the gate being closed.

"I just wish nothing bad will happen to her… I should've remembered what Camellia said"

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"Are you hurt?" Omi said as the girl opened her eyes.

"I'm fine." She looked around and saw the huge crates blocking them from view and.

"But why're you here? You're not supposed to be here." The girl hesitated for a while then looked away.

"Come on, I'll get you outta here before you get hurt."

"No. I-what are you doing here?" Omi looked down.

"It's complicated Aya-chan. Please, come with me, you don't know what kind of trouble you're in now." He tried to usher her away but she moved quickly.

"Is my brother here?" the boy nodded

"What's all this about Omi?"

Omi looked at her, tortured by her questions and how to answer it and was at the edge of telling her everything when he once again flew from his position.

"Aya, leave now. Go back to the house and I'll explain it all to you later." He said.

"But you… and onii-chan"

"Just go! Your brother can take care of himself, I can take care of myself!" he half shouted before throwing a dart.

Nagi came out from the shadows. Aya stood beside Omi still in shock at the likeness of the two. Nagi looked from Omi to Aya with the faint light recognized her.

"So, you're already awake." He muttered.

"What does he mean? Does he know me?" Aya whispered.

"The fight's between you and me." Omi snapped.

"I know. But it's her we want."

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Sora stopped her car and rushed to the dock. It's dark but she didn't lose her way nor trip with the littered remains of boxes and some metal. After some time, she found the others fighting but ignored it and went on her way. She only has one purpose in this mission and she must not fail.

"Ran, where the hell are you?" he grumbled.

As if an answer, she heard a clashing sound and she immediately went to the source. He found the redhead standing over a newly destroyed wooden box with Crawford smirking behind him. Knowing she ahs to deliver the message, she pulled out a gun and fired it to Crawford's direction. After seeing her, Crawford's smirk grew wider and he slipped into the dark.

"There's something you must know…" she panted as she stopped the redhead from following Crawford.

"Your sister's here. I don't know how she knew we're here but I know. We have to find her before any of the Schwarz or Erinyes does."

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"They will never ever give up!" Jelmerie sighed pulling more darts

"Well, they are used to getting thrashed everytime." Yuki smirked.

"Shut up you two, someone's coming."

The three stopped and listened to the sounds coming closer. They all met inside a hall of an old liner while pursuing their own opponents who mysteriously disappeared. Now, they are hearing footfalls and sounds coming closer from different directions.

"Uh wait, Jel, do you remember being told about this particular mission?"


"We were already warned about this night some time before we got here." Yuki said desperately.

"Can't remember." Jel said as the sounds drew nearer.

"What Camellia said when we saw a liner pass by the sea near her house. We were inside her garden having a picnic."

"Oh that! I remember! But uh, I think we have to switch places." Jelmerie said and Yuki nodded

"Yeah. Mine's coming to your direction while your target's going to appear through the staircase in front of me. Ryo, you know where your target is?"

"Yeah." She replied irritated.

The three walked to their destination. Jelmerie waited by the foot of the stairs while Yuki stationed herself to the other hallway with Ryoko staying gluied to her position.

"Uh, Ryo, I think you're wrong, you should be standing behind Yuki."

"Mind your own target will ya."

Jelmerie shrugged as she saw something coming closer and with a swift wave of a hand, eight daggers left her hands and some of them landed right on target.

"See you guys on the deck!" She waved.

"Yeah sure. Hecate's coming." Yuki grinned.

True enough, the girl in ponytail who was Hecate appeared and she let fly two boomerangs simultaneously from her hand. Yuki easily dodged her attacks and pulled out the trident she was carrying. The two clashed and moments later, she started to start a chase when she saw Schuldich and Yoji blocking her desired path.

"This is all Ryo's fault!" she muttered.

"This is unfair, two opponents?! Don't you have someone else to fight with?" Ryo snapped at Farfello while trying to avoid Tod's attacks.

"That's all your fault, Jel told you were standing on the wrong post." Yuki shouted blocking Hecate's trident.

"It's not!" she shouted indignantly back.

Ken appeared after a while and helped Ryoko with her situation. When everything's quite in order, Yuki motioned to Ryo to go up and she did with Ken following suit.

"Yoji-kun, go to the deck now!!!" Yuki shouted as she started the chase.

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"Where is she?" Ran grumbeld as they tried to locate his sister.

"I don't know, let's try this way." She said.

Soon, they found Omi and Nagi, fighting with Aya-chan standing on the edge of the port, watching.


"Not so fast…" Crawford was suddenly in front of him.

"I'll get her…" Sora mumbled as she made her way to the girl.

She had to go around in order to get Aya-chan without Nagi or Crawford noticing it. But a silhouette suddenly stopped her.

"Long time no see, why don't you stop for a while so we could talk?"

Sora saw Morgaine and she tensed. Morgaine's dark brown hair was in contrast to Sora's golden hair but despite that, there's a small resemblance between the two.

"I don't have time to talk to people like you. I have more important things to do." Came Sora's nonchalant voice.

"Like getting the girl over there?"

Morgaine stretched out her hand holding a gun pointed at Aya-chan's direction. Sora made a sudden motion with her own but Morgaine was fast in pulling the trigger. Two gunshots were heard but only Aya-chan's body fell to the water, Morgaine only suffered a wound.


Brad saw this as an opportunity and shot the redhead while Omi stood wide-eyed as the girl fell down. He made a run for it never noticing that Nagi didn't do anything but instead walked out of his way as he jumped to the water.

"Is that how you great me after all this years?" there was a trace of mockery in Morgaine's voice.

"Shut up." Sora said, gun still pointed at her opponent.

"Why don't we play it fair." The other grinned, pulling two daggers and throwing one to Sora.

Omi surfaced and gasped for air, holding Aya-chan on one hand and trying to get a hold on something with the other. Suddenly, a hand grabbed his and they were hauled safely back to the dock. He was surprised to learn that it was Nagi who helped them. He pointed to something before waling away. Omi and Aya looked down and saw something planted on the girl's leg.

"It's not dangerous don't worry. But you'll fall asleep soon." The boy assured her after pulling it.

"Here, wear this for the moment…" he draped the jacket he threw off on his jump over her shoulder.

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"I'm starting to love this." Ryoko grinned.

"How can you say that at this time? You're getting surrounded." Yoji muttered, still minding his fight with the German

"Just mind your own fight will ya?!" Ryoko shot back.

"You three sure you can handle them?"

"Don't worry Ken, we'll beat them in no time." Jelmerie shouted.

"And we'll be helping you guys too." Yuki added.

"Okay, I think it's time to go back to the basics. I'll start counter clockwise" Jelmerie whispered.


As Folter, Todesursache and Hecate surrounded them, the three remained grinning. When near enough, Jelmerie looked at the two behind her and gripped her throwing dagger tight. Ryoko detached the chain ball from her scythe and let the scythe down while Yuki discarded one of her kodachis.

"Cornered at last." Folter said.

"That's what you think." Came Jelmerie's flat answer.

The Erinyes advanced but the other three were quick with their movements. Jelmerie threw her darts at Hecate instead of Folter while Yuki moved sideways and wounded Tod. Ryoko threw the chain ball and knocked the wind out of Floter. Then, Schuldig winced and saw needles pricking his skin. Farfello moved back and pulled out the needles and daggers embedded on him and threw them away.

"Toldja." Yuki grinned.

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The group went to find Ran and found him and Omi waiting beside Sora's car with his trenchcoat missing and Omi, still drenched with water.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Ryoko was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Uhm, Omi, did you fall into the sea or what?" Jelmerie asked.

"Ran-kun, anything wrong?" he motioned inside the car.


The others peered into the car window and found the girl sleeping inside wearing the redhead's coat. After looking at Omi then to the sleeping girl and back to the boy, they were still in the dark about it.

"Ran-kun, what happened to her?!" Yuki was obviously tense but the redhead palced a reassuring hand on her shoulder

"Okay then, let me tell you about everything." Sora said as she appeared from somewhere.

"But first, let's get the hell out of here. I'll be moving out first to get Aya-chan home." After Sora went in, the others turned to question Omi about what happened.

"Go on, come with her you don't want them asking you a lot of questions." Ran said to Omi.

"He's right, hop in."

Omi nodded and was about to comply when the redhead stopped him again and pulled him to a corner while the others watched.

"Thanks for helping my sister."

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A/N: At last!!!!! Sorry if it took a while, I got pissed off with one of my profs and it stood in the way of this. Anyway, thanks to Hanazaki for everything and also to darkstar51 who constantly bugged me into finishing this. ^_^