Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Birthday Boy ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
Title: Birthday Boy
Series: Weiss Kreuz
Pairing: Ken x Aya
Rating: G
Warning: OOC, AU, Fluff

Disclaimer: Not mine ... no money made ... sob.


Aya was depressed, more so than usual. He was sure that Ken was up to something, that the brunette had actually found someone and he'd finally gone and missed his chance to be with the soccer player.

Sweeping the petals with the broom, he caught sight of the calendar - it was rapidly approaching his birthday. He wondered if any of the others would remember it - he doubted it; none of them really celebrated birthdays, they were just another day and a reminder that you were older, and one year closer to a forced and probably fatal retirement from the group.

Looking away from the stark numbers, he returned his thoughts to Ken. For the last three weeks, the man had been leaving the shop as soon as his shift finished, and then returning late at night without a word of explanation; he had concluded that the man was seeing someone.


Ken strode purposely down the busy Tokyo streets, nearly at his wits end. For weeks he had been searching for the perfect present, the perfect thing to give to his perfect friend. But no matter how hard or how long he searched, nothing jumped out at him as an ideal gift.

He'd secured Omi and Youji's silence on his plans very easily - Omi had been utterly charmed that Ken would go to such extraordinary lengths for his secret love, and had in turn convinced Youji to keep his mouth shut ... by sealing it with his own lips and promising if the blond man said anything, he wouldn't be getting kisses or anything else for six months; unsurprisingly Youji had sworn his silence as soon as his mouth was free to speak.

"What the hell do I get him?" he muttered irritably as he perused the rows of tacky ornaments that filled so many of the shop windows. He'd already secured everything he needed to make a birthday cake, and had spoken to Aya's favorite restaurant, and when he produced a handsome tip, they had agreed to deliver the fancy meals that didn't usually appear on their take-away menu.

Omi and Youji had wanted to decorate the living room and kitchen with banners and balloons and Youji wanted to have drinking games, but he didn't think that was a good idea - he didn't want his efforts to come across as childish and tacky, it needed to be mature and perfect.

He stopped in front of a jewelers and stared at a beautiful dangle earring. But he knew better than to go in and buy it; Omi had bought the red-head an earring for a Christmas present some years ago, the older man had thanked him but never worn it - Ken guessed there was some special significance behind the golden column that permanently hung from his friend's ear.

"Hmh," he sighed and rubbed his fingers against his ear lobe, "I'm the only one without a piercing." it was a throwback to his soccer days, when it was dangerous to wear anything that could be caught and torn.

A little light flickered behind the display, proclaiming that the shop also did piercings. With a grin he opened the door and slipped inside, coming out ten minutes later with a tiny silver rose secured in his left ear.

"Right," he looked at the dark sky above him, he'd been out all afternoon again, "One more shopping centre - and then I've got to go home."


"He's wearing himself out," Youji spoke very quietly as he leant back in his chair and looked over at the sleepy brunette who was dragging himself over to the counter to ring up the sale he held carefully in his hands.

"Yes," Omi looked a little concerned, but not worried, "Once it's all over, he can get some sleep." he smiled as Aya approached the soccer player and took the plant off his hands, gesturing for him to sit at the till for awhile, "But I think it's so romantic," he looked at Youji with shiny eyes, "Would you do the same for me?"

"Ah, of course Bishounen," Youji snaked an arm out and grabbed the boy by the waist, pulling him close for a hug, "I'd go to the end of the earth for you."

"Youji-kun..." he smiled shyly and dotted a kiss on the man's cheek. When a sudden silence hit, they both winced, remembering where they were. Looking up slowly, they could see Aya's exasperated amusement and Ken trying to hide his laughter; and beyond their teammates was a hoard of pole-axed fangirls.

"Three... two... one..." Youji counted between clenched teeth, and as if on cue, the fangirls started shrieking happily and trying to reach them both.

By the end of the day, the four florists were worn out. A huge pile of purchased flowers stood on the desk, presents from the girls congratulating Youji and Omi on finding each other.

There had been the odd outbreak of tears and tempers during the day, but the majority of the star-stuck girls had been sighing happily and demanding the two men kiss - Youji obliging as much as he could get away with before Omi got too embarrassed and disappeared into the back to take stock.

Aya watched his team-mates as he pulled the shutters down. Omi was still in the backroom, but he doubted he was doing anything constructive since Youji had now gone to join him.
Ken was humming a soft tune under his breath as he brushed the dirt and leaves off the tables onto the floor, and then grabbed the broom.

As the brunette turned, the light caught off his ear, and Aya stared at the younger man, "When did you get an earring?"

"Oh," Ken looked a little embarrassed, his hand flying up to tug at the piercing, "I got it the other day ... I thought it looked good."

"Ah..." Aya turned back to his task, more sure than ever that Ken was seeing someone. Glancing at the calendar, he sighed - it read July 3rd ... his birthday was the next day.

"Right," Ken stretched and put the broom against the wall, "I'm going out for awhile - I've got my phone if I'm needed." he grabbed his coat, checked his pocket for both phone and wallet and left.


Ken returned home despondent and disappointed, he'd searched everywhere and had found nothing but a card. Sitting at the sofa he opened the cellophane wrapping and looked at the blank inside of the card. Putting it down on the table in front of him, he hunted for a pen and wrote his message inside.

Happy birthday Aya,
I tried to find you the perfect gift
but I couldn't find anything.
So, as a present, all I can give you
is my promise -
Ask of me one thing,
and I will do it without complaint.

Happy Birthday.


"There." he put the card in the envelope and sealed it down, "He'll probably make me clean the whole building, but it'll be worth it if it makes him happy. Now," he looked across at his little clock, the alarm was set for 5am, "I need to sleep - it's going to be a busy day tomorrow."


"Tell me again," Aya stood in front of two smirking assassins, "Why I have to drive you two, when you" he pointed at one of them, "have a car, and you," he pointed at the other, "have a bike."

"Well you see Ayan," Youji slouched forward and draped his arm over the younger man's shoulders, pulling him out of the door as he did, "It's a thing called car pooling - it's good for the environment; and we both know how that should be protected..."

Omi sniggered behind his hand as the red-head started arguing, but was forced into his car none the less. Turning round, he gave a concealed thumbs-up to the brunette loitering in the dark hall doorway, and went to join the others in the car.

All day they'd pretended they knew nothing of Aya's birthday, and now he and Youji were forcing the man to drive them to the shopping centre, giving Ken time to finish baking the cake he'd been working on all afternoon, and put up the last of the decorations in the kitchen.

Neither he or Youji knew what Ken had planned for decorations, the blushing brunette had turned all secretive and begged that they didn't ask him, and that they stayed out for dinner - giving him time to himself with Aya. They would have done it even if the man hadn't asked, Youji was going to buy them both clubbing outfits, and they were going to stay out all night once they were sure Aya had been kept from the house long enough.


Aya sighed miserably as he drew his car back into the garage. Omi and Youji had kept him at the shopping centre for a good couple of hours before they decided they were going to go to the pub. He'd left them behind and driven straight home, a headache beginning to form behind his eyes.

He hadn't expected them to remember his birthday, but it was a little depressing to be proved right.

"Aya?" Ken was standing in the doorway of the garage as he turned the engine off and got out of the car. His heart froze as he looked at the boy, he was wearing silky looking black slacks and an equally silky black shirt that cut low on the collar to reveal smooth, honey-toned tanned skin - obviously he was waiting for whoever it was he was seeing.

"Ah," he trudged forward, he could smell a delicious aftershave on Ken's skin and an equally delicious food scent wafting down from the kitchen, "I'll be out of your way in a second."

"Uhm well," Ken lowered his eyes with a shy smile, "can you just come to the kitchen for a moment."

"Alright," he slipped his shoes off and padded in to the house, noticing that Ken too was bare foot. He was so busy looking at the flashes of tanned ankles from under black trouser hems, that he nearly walked into the man's back as he stopped. Looking up, he opened his mouth in surprise as he looked into the kitchen.

All his favorite food was set out on the table with sparkling glasses and a bottle of expensive wine. The room was illuminated by tall cream candles and decorated with silky crimson ribbons and roses. He turned to look at the man next to him who was blushing.

"Happy birthday Aya." Ken smiled at him.

"This is for me?" he walked into the room, seeing more food and a tasty looking cake on the sideboard, "You did this? For me?"

"Yeah," Ken looked at the floor, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, "I hope you don't mind."

"Mind?" Aya was shocked, "Why would I mind ... Ken, thank you."

"No problem," Ken was sure his face was rivaling the colour of the roses, so he stepped further into the room around the other man, "Let's sit and eat," he pulled Aya's chair out for him and deftly served the food.

The meal was delicious and the conversation wonderful, Aya wondered what he had done to deserve such treatment. He would have to remember to thank Youji and Omi as well, for giving Ken the time to set this up if nothing else.

"Aya," Ken cleared away the last of the dessert plates and put the slices of cake he'd left for the others in the fridge. He picked up the cream envelope on the counter and handed it to the man, "This is for you as well ... I'm sorry it's not much."

"Ken..." Aya took the envelope and opened it carefully. Sliding the card out, he admired the picture for a moment before opening it and reading it, he read it once and then again before looking up, "Ken?"

"I'm sorry - it's all I could think of, I spent ages trying to find you a gift ... but nothing was right; so I hope that will do."

"Is that why you've been out all the time lately?" Aya felt his heart rising as he waited for the man's answer.

"Yeah, and I still didn't find anything ... so I'll make you that promise instead." Ken smiled shyly again.

"You're serious? I ask one thing of you, and you'll do it - no complaints," Aya's heart was pounding in his chest; he was surprised his friend couldn't hear it. The evening had been so perfect, and now he held the key to finish it in the most perfect way possible, and Ken's promise guaranteed that at least for tonight, it would be without recrimination.

"Yeah," Ken leant back on the counter.

Aya stood and walked slowly over, "Then I want one thing."

"You've decided already?" Ken was nervous, his mouth drying as the beautiful red-head approached him.

"Yes," Aya gently slid one hand down the brunette's arm, linking their hands together, and put the other hand on Ken's cheek, "I want a kiss from you."

"A...a k...iss?" Ken blushed bright red but didn't move, his face and hand felt like they were on fire where Aya was touching him.

"That's right ... no complaints." Aya smiled and brushed his thumb across Ken's cheekbone before leaning in and claiming the man's lips in a gentle, immediately reciprocated kiss.

Ken's free arm moved from his side to grasp Aya's waist as the man stepped forward, deepening the kiss and increasing the contact between their bodies.

They broke free when they were forced to breathe, and Aya stepped back, letting go of the man in front of him. They were both smiling and blushing as they looked at each other.

Ken ran a hand through his bangs, and stepped forward to wrap his arms about Aya's neck, "Now for your present."

"What?" Aya looked very cutely bewildered.

"A kiss from me is what you said - but you just kissed me; that's not the same thing at all... no complaints right?" Ken grinned and soon Aya was grinning back, as Ken lifted his head and kissed him with as much love and tenderness as he could convey.

"Happy birthday Aya," he whispered as their lips parted briefly, "Happy birthday."


Youji and Omi arrived home many hours later. The house was dark and silent.

Tiptoeing into the kitchen, Youji flicked on the light and let out a low whistle at the decorations, "I underestimated KenKen, he was going for a seduction here." he opened the fridge door and smirked when he saw cake had been left for them.

"It looks beautiful," Omi followed into the room and sat at the table, waiting for Youji to bring his cake over, "Do you think it went well?"

"Let's hope so Bishounen," Youji grinned and kissed his little lover, "Those two will be good together."

"Ah," Omi beamed and started to demolish his cake.

When they were done, they went upstairs, and realized the house wasn't as dark and silent as it looked. Lamplight and soft music was coming from under Aya's door.

Sneaking along, Youji lowered his sunglasses and pressed his eye to the keyhole. Inside he could just make out Aya and Ken wrapped in each others arms, swaying to the music, Ken's back was to him - but he could clearly see the contented look on Aya's face, something he had never seen there before.

He moved over to let Omi have a look, and with a happy smile, they stood and holding hands, they went to their own room, satisfied that things were as they should be.


"This is the best birthday I've had," Aya whispered into Ken's ear some hours later as they lay on his bed, bathed in soft moonlight.

"I'm glad," Ken smiled and reached for his new lover once more.

Their lips met, and they continued celebrating Aya's birthday all through the remainder of the night.