Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Day and Night ❯ Day and Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
He's watching me again with that assessing look I know too well. I've seen him turn it on hundreds of women, that lazy perusal that makes you feel as if you are the only thing worth looking at in the room. There's a bright twinkle in his eyes as he focuses on their face, flattering in that he gives his complete, rapt attention for whatever words drop from their lips. It doesn't matter what mindless drivel they spout. He always has a glib response or a bit of outrageous flattery to stroke their egos and pink their cheeks. He does it so easily, so effortlessly, and still manages to keep the words and phrases from sounding like trite, stale lines stolen from serial romance novels.

The women bask in his attention and soak it up like sponges. Those women dream of him, fantasize about him and jostle each other in rivalry for his attention. The women, young and old alike, paint their faces to resemble the beauty depicted in the latest fashion magazines and flock to the shop every day in hope that they will be the one to capture his attention first. The ones that can afford it spend countless yen just so he will personally choose flowers for them, the finished bouquet assembled by his own hands and presented with a flourish and a rakish smile. Even if they purchase nothing they still come to admire and sigh wistfully, not a single one of them deterred by my gruff dismissal of "Buy something or leave."

All day long I must endure this unless I choose the escape of making deliveries or retreat to the back stockroom where I don't have to listen to the feminine pleas for attention. The sound grates on my nerves until I want to scream or do something even more shocking to show those blathering females that what they want is unattainable. It's becoming an ever increasing struggle to maintain my icy facade in the shop and not give in to my deepest yearnings. Every time I return from doing the deliveries or bring another pot from the back those cool, knowing eyes mock me for my apparent weakness in the face of temptation.

All day long I occasionally meet that green feline gaze that hints at something for later. I try to keep myself busy in order to ignore the lithe, supple body that moves gracefully around the shop, once in a while brushing against me just enough to set my nerve endings afire. Of us all, he most fits the ridiculous cat code names bestowed upon us by our employers with his glowing green eyes, sensuous grace and the stealthy patience with which he stalks his prey. If I were a more charitable person I would pity those women who only receive the amused, tolerant regard that they long for so much.
They know nothing of the smoldering heat that can build in those green eyes until they glow with incandescent desire when the shop finally closes for the day.

My blood starts to thrum wildly in my veins as the sun dips West to signal the end of another day, the rays shining through his hair to bathe it in a nimbus of light. That beautiful masculine face finally turns to me as he uses his rough, wire scoured hands to lower the front guard and shut out the rest of the world until morning. I have to swallow the saliva that pools in my mouth at the memory of those rough hands on my skin. He walks confidently towards me and I finally allow my need and my desire to show in my eyes. Hidden from female eyes that would cry bitter tears of disappointment if they knew, I reach for him and he gathers me close.

Only now, when he strokes me and gives his full attention to only me, can I feel any pity for those women. Only now, at night, because at night Yohji belongs to me.