Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Discord in the House of Assassins ❯ Smile, Smile and be a Villain ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yohji stood before a very surprised Aya with his right arm possessively shielding the redhead, with pure murder on his face.
He is mine. His blood is mine. You dare cross paths with me?
Now the thing is, when the other has taken into his head to take over Yohji, he foregoes the normal way of human communication, which is to open one's mouth and use the voice box. Being a very old supernatural bugger, he speaks through the mind, so that you hear a voice in your head that somehow comes from the direction of a tight-lipped Yohji. Telepathy? Well, that is the question that Schuldig is asking himself.
“I tho' them Weiss buggers dinnae have telepathy Mastermind.”
Clucking his tongue, Schuldig shot Yohji a disapproving look, he somehow felt that somebody just infringed his copyrights, and priding himself with his distinct uniqueness (you know, going about with alternating orange or green hair, with a worthless bandana* and a green dinner jacket), he didn't like it. Sure, he didn't like the Weiss being given an equal fighting chance, he's an honest enough man to admit that**, but he's upset more along the lines of having someone who is clearly copying him.
“Alright then, kitty, let's see what else you've got. Berserker!”
“Right `nuff, guv.”
With the masterful grace that people who are astoundingly preoccupied with blades usually attain, never mind a lust for blood, Farfarello let fly four daggers towards Yohji's direction. Now, usually, flying daggers can be sidestepped, or ducked from, but not when there are four of them simultaneously flying towards you in the four general directions you can take to sidestep them (to the right, left, below, or above). Smirking to himself, Schuldig watched the momentary agony on Abyssinian's face as the other man realized that even if Balinese could escape from the daggers, he couldn't, given his state of bloody disorder.
To everyone's amazement, Yohji didn't sidestep the daggers, or run away from them, but instead caught all four of them with his outstretched right hand in a blur of a movement. Schuldig is screaming-mad-kind-of-angry, since even his incredible speed was mimicked by Balinese. Farfarello, on the other hand, is mad (well, madder than usual) with glee at seeing somebody actually catch his daggers, and one of his hands was already reaching for five more, just to check if it was a fluke or not. Yohji, still with the seriousness of the Spanish Inquisition, dropped the daggers unceremoniously but with such drama and grace it looked ceremonious.
Paltry tricks and sleight of hands. Be gone, else meet your fate.
“With what, pretty boy? You don't even have your fancy schmancy watch.”
Growling, Yohji bared his teeth, making the Mastermind take a tiny, but still a step back.
No use of that for the likes of you.
In an uncanny act of self-preservation, not to say very out of character, Schuldig raised his hands in the universal gesture of “okay, fine, have it your way, I'm not playing anymore anyway”. He turned to signal to Berserker, and actually had to give a sharp whistle before the Irishman responded, abandoning his glee for a moment.
“Wot? We're leavin'? Ach, man, I've only just started!”
“Shut up and move Be. Herr Asshole is probably waiting for us anyway.”
As the two rival assassins disappeared into the dark of the docks, a slightly whining Irish voice trailed off, “Just one teensy bit of a blade, hardly noticeable, one last throw?” Satisfied, Yohji let out another growl before turning to see to Aya, who was already near to his knees and leaning heavily on his katana.
Come;let us have you cleaned off of that blood.
Aya, certainly not a daft Assassin, attempted to scowl but ended with a wincing grimace as his sides took the moment to hurt as hell. “Not by you.”
We have no time for arguments, love;we have to get you back home.
“I said, not with you… I want Yohji back, right now!”
Sighing as it always did when Aya proved too difficult; the other gave in to save time. Yohji closed his eyes, and his body shivered. When it opened, it was no longer blood red and constricted, it was back to being green and normal which signaled the return of Yohji's consciousness at the helm of everything. As soon as Aya saw the transfer, he stood his height, concentrated all his energy in one foot, and let swing his foot to Yohji's shin.
“OoooOW, what the bloody motherfucker!”
Hopping around on one foot with both hands on the offended shin, as is customary for people who are kicked on the shin, Yohji gave a fine speech consisting of all the expletives he has in his arsenal, to the quiet satisfaction of Aya who, although diminished energy as it is, thought it was a good use of remaining energy after all.
“What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!”
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
They both asked each other simultaneously. Both momentarily surprised, they stood there silent until Yohji spoke again.
“What the bloody hell was that for?!”
“For being here, that's what.”
“I was here to help you!”
“Well I was handling it just fine.”
“Oh, yeah, sure you did. What with you being bloody and all. Of course you were handling it just fine, how could I have even mistaken it for the opposite? Stupid me.”
“Oh shut your trap. If it wasn't for me that fucker would still be commanding your body.”
“Took you long enough. I was practically screaming my head… well, my consciousness' head off. I told him to give me full rein, we had a deal. Bloody motherfucker's too in love with you to abide.”
“Fuck you.”
“Not in a million years. Come on, let's go, you'd think those guards would've been in here by now for a good bloody thumping***. You can never get good help these days I guess.”
As Yohji got to the secret door^, he glanced back to see Aya still standing at the same spot he left.
“For crying out loud man, get your ass over here!”
Aya, his face a picture of pure determination, set his lips in a tight line, and limped towards Yohji, using his katana for a cane. Feeling a tad sorry, and wincing a bit when Aya almost fell, Yohji sighed and ran towards Aya, took the redhead's arm and placed it securely on his shoulder, and helped his comrade walk the rest of the way to the secluded spot where Aya's getaway vehicle was located. When he was securely placed and seat belted to the passenger seat, Aya took the moment to gripe.
“I didn't ask for your help Kudou.”
Sighing, Yohji shifted the gears as he muttered “it's going to be a loooong night.”
*Useless since bandanas are worn to keep off the hair from ones' face, and Schuldig's bandana clearly does not do that.
** The way Schuldig see it, if he's to be a villain then he's going to be as villainous as he can get, which means being unfair. And Schuldig being Schuldig, he doesn't really mind at all.
*** Actually, the guards were told to disregard anything. They're more of guard-acting than really guarding, just to raise Kritiker's suspicion to send an Assassin for reconnoiter, and to Schuldig's gleeful manipulations would turn out to be Abyssinian. The presence of Balinese, though, somehow soured his plans.
^Action movie/series/cartoons rule: there must be a secret door from where the hero can go in and out undetected by erstwhile oblivious guards.