Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ First Meeting ❯ First Meeting ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

First Meeting

Disclaimer: of course I don't own any of the pretty Weiss boys… unfortunately. But Aki is my own. This is my very first finished attempt at writing Weiss Kreuz. (and first time posting on MM) I have some more I am working on and might write a sequel if this fic goes over alright.

Yohji Kudoh sat backwards on a chair, one arm leaned across the top of the back and slowly puffing on a cigarette he held in his other hand. His emerald green eyes were transfixed on the lithe body that moved with perfect grace on the exercise mats in front of him. He knew that Aya was aware of his presence, even though he hadn't made a single sound since entering the room, but the red head never acknowledged his presence. Though in a way Yohji was grateful for that because it meant Aya didn't cease the beautiful movements nor did he suggest they partake in a little one on one practice. It gave Yohji the rare chance to merely sit there and watch Aya going through almost dance like motions as he moved across the mats. The light glistening off the highly polished katana blade having a mesmerizing effect and Yohji soon found his mind drifting back to another time.

~ ` ~ ` ~ `

Joining Weiss had not been as much of a soul selling experience as Yohji had first imagined it would be. In the last several months all of the missions Weiss had received were simple recon missions, with a little undercover work required. He found it to be not much different then his short-lived career as a P.I. Yohji quickly shook that train of thought from his mind as it made him think of Asuka and her tragic death, the event that led him to agree to join Weiss in the first place. It had been more then a year since her death and it still pained him to think about it. A sudden shout put a quick end to his whole train of thought, as he glanced around to see the source of the commotion. A short ways down the dark road he noticed four men standing under the light of a street lamp. Three of the men were large, burly men that had a smaller man backed against the post of the streetlight. Yohji thought it looked quite obvious that the three larger men had intentions of robbing, the smaller man, at the very least. Yohji slowly approached the scene debating whether or not he should get involved. People got mugged every day in the city and robbery wasn't exactly one of the crimes that Weiss dealt with.

"We don't take kindly to little faggots on our turf." The largest of the three men said as he roughly shoved the smaller man back against the post.

The smaller man didn't say anything in response he just lunged forward and landed a solid left hook against the man's jaw.

The large man growled as he stumbled back. "Hold him. I am going to teach this little freak a lesson once and for all."

The large man's friends grabbed the smaller man by the arms yanking him backwards so his back was tight against the lamppost.

'Okay, I'd say this looks like something to get involved in before it ends in murder.' Yohji thought to himself.

The man pulled his fist back and went to deliver the blow when his wrist was grabbed and his arm was sharply twisted behind his back. "WHAT THE FUCK!"

"Three on one isn't exactly fair odds." Yohji said calmly.

"Let me go you dumb fucker!" the man cursed Yohji.

"Such foul language." Yohji scolded with a smirk.

"Don't just stand there get this fucker off me!" He yelled at his friends who were just standing there holding the smaller man.

One man let go of the other man's arm and rushed towards Yohji. Yohji twisted the big man's arm a little tighter and swung out his one fist busting the other man's nose with one simple blow. The man dropped to the ground covering his bleeding nose with both hands. With one down, and one firmly held, Yohji turned his attention towards the last man and the man he was rescuing. He saw the third man was already down, sitting on the ground looking dazed with a small trickled blood running down his left temple.

'Maybe not as helpless as I thought.' Yohji thought as he looked at the smaller man. The man was so unlike anything he had ever seen. The oddest colour of red hair, that Yohji was curious to know if it was natural or not. Then there was the expressive violet eyes that were watching him with surprise and caution. Yohji flashed him a bright smile then turned his attention back to the man he was holding. "Now why don't you apologize for your deplorable behavior."

"Fuck off!" The man growled. Though his voice crackled slightly when he realized his friends were in no condition to come help him.

"What did I tell you about that language?" Yohji questioned as he tightened his grip on the man's wrist.

"FUCK!" The man swore. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You this little faggots boyfriend or something?" The man asked in a clearly disgusted tone.

"Nope." Yohji flashed a smile at the red head. "At least not yet."

"So, you're a faggot too." The man said.

"Bi-sexual actually." Yohji said with a chuckled.

"Let me go you fucking weirdo." The man demanded.


"Go to hell."

"Well, I warned you." Yohji shrugged then proceeded to twist the man's arm until a snap could be heard. The man screamed in pain and Yohji dropped him to the ground and stepped over to him and approached the red head who regarded him with a nervous expression. "Maybe we should go before someone else comes poking around here."

The red head nodded slightly and began to walk away, with Yohji following him closely. A short ways down the road he stopped walking and turned to look at Yohji, still obviously shook up by what had just happened. "Why did you help?"

"I could never not help when I see a pretty little thing in distress." Yohji grinned when he noticed the red head blush slightly. "So, Red, what's your name?"

"Ran Fujiyama."

"A pleasure to meet you, Ran." Yohji said as he took Ran's hand into his own and lightly kissed the back of it. "I am Yohji Kudoh."

Again Ran blushed slightly. "Well, Yohji, thanks for the help with those guys."

"Anytime, Red." Yohji grinned.

"Would you like to join me at the Rougonsan? I can buy you a drink for helping me out tonight." Ran offered after a moment of silence.

"I've heard that's quite the place. I've been meaning to go just been too busy lately." Yohji said.

"Too busy tonight?" Ran asked with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Not at all. I would love to go with you." Yohji said.

Ran grinned brightly. "Great. It's just a couple more blocks from here."

"I just have one question before we go." Yohji said.

"And what would that be?" Ran asked.

"Is that your natural hair colour?"

Ran laughed. "You have no idea how many people ask me that. Yes, it is natural… and don't even say it I know it's an odd colour."

"I think it's beautiful and truly suits you." Yohji said.

Ran blushed slightly. "So… let's get going." He said before starting to walk down the sidewalk once again.

Yohji opened the door for Ran then followed him inside. Loud music pounded over the speakers and the scent of cigarette smoke lingered on the air. Most the bar was in dimly lit, except for the dance floor that had multi coloured lights flashing down on it's well polished surface. Being a Monday night the Rougonsan wasn't very crowded. The dance floor was the busiest place but one could still dance freely without worrying about bumping into anyone. The tables closest to the dance floor were all in use, as were the stools at the bar where those just there looking to get drunk sat. The only places left to sit were back in the darker areas of the bar

"So, Red where do you want to sit?"

Ran glanced around the bar. "Looks like the only choice is a bit away from the dance floor. But that will give us more privacy to talk and it's not so crowded that we won't still have easy access to the dance floor. Over there some where would be fine." He motioned in the general direction of some empty tables.

Yohji noticed all the tables in that area were all booth style tables and grinned. "Looks good to me."

As they began to walk over to the table on of the Rougonsan servers, dressed in a pair of tight short cutoff and black mesh shirt, an id tag hanging around his neck bounded over to them, his long dark black hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. "Hey, Ran. Who's the total hottie?" he asked, as he looked Yohji over his gray eyes sparkling.

"Well Aki this here would be my knight in shinning armour." Ran chuckled.

"Oh?" Aki's eyes lit up.

"Just those dumb ass punks were bugging me again." Ran said.

"Again? You mean they've bothered you before?" Yohji asked.

"Several times actually. A lot of people who… frequent these kinds of bars have been harassed by them and their friends."

"Well I am just so glad that you came along and helped out our dear Ran." Aki grinned at Yohji.

"I could've handled them." Ran said. "Though a little help was nice." He added with a smile.

"I could never pass by when such a pretty little thing was in distress." Yohji said.

"Yeah he is pretty isn't he?" Aki said.

"Aki." Ran said in a threatening tone.

"You know Ran attracts trouble so you are going to have to hang around him more often." Aki said. Ran growled slightly. "And he could use a good…"

"Aki." Ran warned in a firmer tone before Aki could finish the sentence.

"Alright." Aki sighed in defeat. "So what'cha you having?"

"Two Incintias." Ran answered.

"Two what?" Yohji asked.

"House specials. They're the best drink here." Ran assured Yohji. "Made with four kinds of rum and fruit juice."

"That does sound good." Yohji said.

"Well, you two have fun." Aki grinned before dashing off to get the drinks.

"I take it you know him." Yohji said.

"Yeah, since the third grade. He's a pain in the ass at times but he is my best friend." Ran chuckled as he led the way over to the table.

They settled in on the plush seat of the booth, sitting so they could see the dance floor and each other. There was a moment of silence and before either one could say anything Aki came back over the pale red drinks. Ran obviously knew how much it would cost because he had pulled his money out and paid before Aki said what was odd.

"Gee, not much of tip." Aki teased.

"You want a tip do you?" Ran asked, a small almost evil smile on the corner of his lips.

"Well, duh. Of course I want a tip." Aki said as though Ran asked a highly stupid question.

"I'll give you a good tip then. Go bug someone else tonight or else." Ran threatened.

"That's more a threat then a tip." Aki said.

"Go." Ran said firmly.

"Alright." Aki sighed. "Just don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That really doesn't leave much out." Ran said.

"Exactly." Aki grinned before walking away.

"Like I said he can be annoying." Ran chuckled, as he gave Yohji an apologetic look.

"That's alright. He's less annoying then some people I know." Yohji said.

"So, what do you do for a living, and how do you know how to fight so well?" Ran asked.

"Florist." Yohji said. It was his 'day job' after all the actual work for Weiss was almost always done at night. Ran looked at Yohji as though he didn't believe him. "I used to be a PI but some shit happened so I took an easier job."

"Oh." Ran said. He obviously accepted the little bit of half-truth because the look of disbelief left his violet eyes.

"What about you? How do you earn a living?" Yohji asked.

"My father wants me to go into banking, just like him. Sending me to school for it and everything but it's not really what I want to do." Ran said.

"And what do you want to do?" Yohji asked.

"I really haven't decided that part. I want to see the world before I settle down into some life long career." Ran chuckled slight after telling Yohji that. "I know it's a foolish dream."

"Not really. I think seeing the world would be great fun. And if it was possible I would love to see it with you." Yohji said.

"Yeah, well it's nice to dream isn't it? But in reality you'll be staying a florist and I will become a banker like my father." Ran said.

"Why don't you just tell your father you don't want to be a banker?" Yohji asked. A part of him wondered why he was so interested in finding out everything he could about Ran. There was just something about the red head that drew Yohji to him.

Ran chuckled. "Are you kidding? I haven't even told my parents I'm gay let alone that I don't want to follow in my father's footsteps the same he followed in his father's."

"Think they'd freak out?" Yohji asked.

Ran shrugged. "Probably at first… then who knows. I just am not ready to find out."

They talked a while longer about themselves as they finished off their drinks.

"You want to dance?" Ran asked.

"I would love to dance with you." Yohji said.

The two men moved out on the dance floor and began to dance to the pounding rhythm of the music, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony, melding together as though they were made for each other. Their dancing was so beautiful that it soon drew everyone's attention, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the beautiful sight of Ran and Yohji dancing, clearing off the dance floor to give them all the room they wanted. Yohji was too lost in dancing with Ran to even care that they were being so closely watched. His emerald eyes remained locked on violet as he held Ran close never wanting to let him go for here with Ran in his arms nothing else seemed to matter.

They danced for hours before finally returning to the booth seat. Yohji noticed that by now only a few, very drunk patrons, the staff and them were left. "Looks like it's about time to leave."

Ran glanced around and then back at Yohji. "Do you want… to go… somewhere with me?" a blush coloured the man's cheeks as he stammered the words out.

Yohji reached out with one hand and gently caressed Ran's cheek. Normally he would be quick to answer yes, a simple one night stand in some second rate hotel room. But this was different, Ran was different. He wanted to answer yes, but for many different reasons then a quick and simple, no strings attached, fuck. "If you want to."

After a moment Ran nodded, and Yohji wondered if Ran had ever done anything like less before. "Then, yes. I would love to go some place with you."

By the time Yohji arrived back at the Koneko it was already open, and it was past the morning rush of 'fangirls' that stopped by in the morning before school, which made him even happier then he already was that morning. Last night with Ran had been one of the most wonderful experiences of his life and he hadn't wanted to deal with squealing underage girls with a fake smile this morning. Omi and Ken looked at him annoyed expressions as he walked into the flower shop but Yohji just grinned at them. "Good morning."

"Where have you been? You were supposed to be here in time to help with the morning rush." Ken said, obviously very angry.

"I was little too preoccupied to think about selling flowers to a bunch of screaming girls." Yohji said as he pulled out a cigarette.

"No smoking in here." Omi quickly told him before he could light it.

"You worry too much Chibi. A little bit of cigarette smoke won't kill the flowers." Yohji said.

"No smoking in here." Omi said again though in a much firmer tone this time.

Yohji sighed and tucked the unlit cigarette into his pocket. "Alright."

"Where have you been all night?" Ken asked. Yohji grinned brighter. "On second thought I really don't want to know." Ken sighed.

"When you got something as hot as I had in bed last night you don't go trying to put the fire out just to sell flowers." Yohji said.

"I said I didn't want to know." Ken said.

"Just get to work, Yohji." Omi said quickly putting an end to any more talk about what Yohji had done last night and with who he did it with.

Yohji returned to the Rougonsan that night, it was all to easy to keep his promise to Ran that he would be there tonight for he wanted to see Ran again just as much as Ran seemed to want to see him again. Yohji noticed the bar was a little less busy then last night, the dance floor once again being the busiest place. Ran's red hair made him easy to notice, sitting at the bar with his friend Aki. Yohji slowly approached Ran, with a bright smile on his face, pausing a moment when he heard the two friends talking.

"Are you insane? You slept with him last night?" Aki asked in a slightly raised tone that made more then a couple of people glance in their direction.

"Keep your voice down." Ran hissed.

"Well it's a little shocking that you of all people would do that. I mean it took five months before you even thought of sleeping with…"

Ran cut Aki off before he could finish the sentence. "This is different. Yohji is different."

"He might be different but it was a first date… hell it wasn't even that." Aki said.

"I told it's different. It just feels like if I waited… it would be gone. I just have the feeling if I want to have any form of relationship with Yohji I have to do it now." Ran said.

"You're crazy. Rolling over like that on the first night he won't ever be back. He got what he wanted." Aki said.

Noticing Ran tense at those words Yohji decided he had eavesdropped long enough. "Who got what they wanted?" Yohji asked as he stepped up behind Ran and slid his arms around the smaller man's waist.

"Or perhaps just wanting more since it's so easy." Aki said as he glared slightly at Yohji.

"Go back to work, Aki." Ran said.

"Just don't be such baka tonight." Aki said before walking away.

Ran turned his head slightly so he could look at Yohji. "Hey."

Yohji smiled and leaned forward to lightly kiss Ran's lips. "Hello beautiful."

"I was wondering if…"

"If I was going to actually show up?" Yohji asked, finishing the sentence for Ran.

"Yeah." Ran said in a quiet tone.

"I told you I would be here. I would never intentionally break a promise I've made you, Red." Yohji kissed Ran. Ran turned slightly in his arms allowing Yohji to deepen the kiss and hold it for several long moments before parting. A few people were looking at them, some muttering comments that they should 'get a room' others seeming to think it was 'so sweet'.

Ran's cheeks were flushed and he was panting slightly as he looked at Yohji. "Glad you came."

"Me too." Yohji smiled. He stepped back slightly from Ran. "Care to dance?"

Ran nodded and allowed Yohji to lead him out on the dance floor. Yohji wrapped his arms around the smaller man and held him close as they danced and stared deep into the violet eyes wishing he had met Ran before he had sold his soul to Weiss. Even after only two dates and for the first time since losing Asuka he felt like he could truly find happiness with another.

"Is something the matter?" Ran asked worriedly.

"Not at all. Why do you ask?"

"Because you haven't been listening to anything I said and just staring at me." Ran said.

"Oh." Yohji felt his cheeks burn with a light blush. "I just I got lost staring into your beautiful eyes and thinking about how quickly I am falling in love with you."

Ran's cheeks darkened, almost matching his red hair. "Sweet talker."

"It's the truth." Yohji insisted. "Every single word of it." He said in a softer tone before lightly kissing Ran's lips.

When the kiss broke Ran smiled at Yohji. "Good, because I am falling in love with you as well."

The next couple of days were the most magical days that Yohji could remember, or at least the hours of the day he spent with Ran were. The next two nights Yohji met Ran at the Rougonsan for some dancing, one of the nights Yohji convinced Ran to go out to dinner with him and to see a late night show. He spent less time working at the flower shop and more time daydreaming about the previous night's date with Ran. Omi and Ken had started teasing him and asking him when they were going to meet this mystery person, but Yohji said he didn't want to scare his red headed beauty away by introducing them to each other.

It was Friday evening, almost closing time at the Koneko, and Yohji was looking forward to meeting with Ran after a hectic day in the flower shop. It was his Saturday off and he was hoping to be able to spend the day with Ran, perhaps taking him up to Villa-White where they could have completely undisturbed privacy. The jingle of the bells on the door pulled him from his thoughts and any trace of a smile left his face when he saw Manx standing there, and Omi turning the sign to read closed.

"Whatever the mission is forget it. I have a date tonight." Yohji said.

"You've had date every night this week, Yohji." Ken pointed out.

"Jealous?" Yohji asked as he shot a chilling glare in Ken's direction.

"Hardly anything to be jealous about." Ken said.

"This isn't a good time." Omi said, glancing nervously at Manx.

Both Yohji and Ken grumbled but followed Omi and Manx downstairs. Manx pushed in the tape and Persia's image appeared on the screen outlining the mission. It was a more dangerous mission that required the target to be eliminated so it meant Balinese had no choice but go on the mission with Bombay and Siberian.

The mission turned out to be the hardest ones yet, and almost a failure when Ken's clumsiness came out and he accidentally set off the alarms and Yohji got shot in his right shoulder. Yohji spent most of Saturday and Sunday sleeping as a result of the strong pain medications Omi forced him into taking. It was late Sunday evening before Yohji felt well enough to get out of bed. Or more to the truth he refused to stay in bed any longer, insisting that he needed to contact Ran and apologize for no being there. Yohji realized he didn't even know Ran's phone number so he sat on the chair flipping through the pages of the phone book trying to find it as Omi and Ken watched TV from the couch. A breaking news story soon interrupted the show they were watching, showing a house engulfed by flames and the firefighters that were battling the blaze. He paid little attention until he heard Ran's name being said as one of the known victims. Yohji dropped the phone book and stared at the screen, his face a ghostly white unable to believe that once again the person he loved had been stolen from him by a tragic demise. He couldn't say anything as the reporter reported on what the police suspected to be the cause, a murder suicide, committed by none other then Aya's father. Unable to listen to it any more he stood up and started up the stairs for his room, feeling Ken and Omi staring after him in confusion. The next day he found himself clipping Ran's obituary and sending and unsigned flower bouquet of red roses for Ran and his parent's funeral. If Ken and Omi had figured out that Ran had been the red head he talked about so much they said nothing, though Yohji suspected that they did know. After Ran's death Yohji went back his old way of one night stands in a desperate attempt to forget his heartache.

Then nearly one year late Weiss got a new member, Aya Fujiyama.

~` ~` ~`

Yohji blinked his eyes a couple of times as he came to reality, noticing Aya was nearly finished with the day's practice. He slowly stood up and approached Aya from behind and wrapped his arms around the smaller, sweaty man.

Aya tensed at first before relaxing slightly. "Let go, Kudoh." He demanded.

"No." Yohji said, he hugged Aya and rested his forehead against Aya's shoulder. "I just want to hold… again, Ran."

"Don't call me that." Aya snarled. "That person is dead."

"I don't believe that." Yohji said.

"Then you're an idiot." Aya said. He tried to step away but Yohji held on. "Let go."

"No." Yohji said in a surprisingly firm tone. "I will always hold on to what we once had… what we could have again."

Aya sighed slightly. "That was a different life."

Before Yohji could say anything the Omi clearing his throat interrupted them. They looked over and saw Omi standing at the door. "Manx is here." Both men nodded in understanding and Omi turned and left.

Aya pulled away from Yohji and followed Omi without looking back, even once, at Yohji.

Yohji sighed. "I will wait for you, Ran. I promise." He whispered softly as he watched Aya leave the room before starting to follow his teammates.