Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ In another man's prison ❯ Bed of Roses ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Hmm.. the usual.. that this characters does not belong to me…Weiss and Schwarz and all characters that related to them belong to Project Weiss Group and the story is just fictional.. et cetera.. et cetera…et cetera..

Pairing: It's obvious….

Title: Bed of Roses

He could see the moon, round and full and beautiful, its halo tinted a bright pale blue up and above, beyond his reach…

Staring outside the window of his `prison'… he heard the door opened and didn't turn around knowing who was coming in and what he wanted from him. He simply closed his eyes, listening to the soft footsteps coming for him, letting the other man turn him around and slowly guide him back to the bed. A bed that he had grown to detest every time he lay on it.

He kept his eyes closed as the other man slowly removed his clothing, taunting his already battered heart and soul.

He could feel the other man's feather like finger caressing him, trailing down from his collarbone to his abdomen in slow circles while his tormenter's teeth nibbled his lips before his tongue forced them apart, invading every inch and corner of his mouth. A single tear flowed slightly down his cheek. He knew that no amount of crying or pleading would stop the other man from his torture.

Ran had ceased any means of fighting or struggling, knowing it was a futile attempt in doing so. The man who had acquired him and claimed ownership on every inch of his body… Ran didn't know what belonged to himself anymore.

The only thing he knew was that this man would slay anyone who tried to touch him other than himself.

His breathing hitched as the other man moved slowly down his body, trailing soft kisses, lapping his skin with his soft tongue, savoring the taste of the smooth creamy pale skin, pausing at his pink nipple before beginning to suckle it gently, flicking it with his tongue. An involuntary moan escaped from Ran's lips. He could hear the other man chuckled and continue his ministrations. Ran knew the other man had memorized every inch of his body, knowing which parts that would make him shudder, knowing which parts to tease to arouse him, knowing which parts to tickle him, knowing which parts that would make him surrender knowing that this would make him detest the other man completely.

Despite his revulsion, Ran's breathing became labored and uneven when the other man's lips trailed further downward, his eyes snapped open when he felt something cold and sticky applied on his abdomen and down to coat his groin, watching as the other man slowly applied something along his member.

" Open up your eyes" snapped the other man.

Ran did, looking away. He preferred looking at the wall rather than looking at the other man's smug face, enjoying his `torture' on Ran's body.

"Look at me and look what am I doing to you," the other man commanded hoarsely.

Slowly and reluctantly Ran turned his head and looked at the other man. He could feel a sting of tears in the corner of his eyes and fighting not to allow them to spill from his lids.

The other man gave a satisfied smile and continued what had been interrupted. Slowly, he licked off the honey that he had been drizzling over the younger man's abdomen until he reached his member, his eyes hungrily devouring the expressions on the younger man's face, enjoying every changing expression with every lick that he administered. He could feel the younger man's trembling, not daring to close his eyes. He surprised the younger man by closing his mouth on his semi-rigid shaft, suckling it hard, skillfully trailing his tongue over the head, encircling it's weeping tip as he touched the most sensitive part repeatedly.

Feeling the other man;s hot, wet mouth fastened on his shaft, Ran grabbed the sheets underneath him, crying out, thrusting his hips upward, unable to endure the overwhelming sensation the other man inflicted upon him. He knew the other man was enjoying humiliating him, and as though humiliation wasn't enough, the other man was degrading him to the lowest levels, rending away whatever dignity he had left.

The other man…

His possessor…

The man with no conscience…

No compassion….

No emotion….


The man….

His owner….


Bradley Crawford.

Crawford enjoyed the way the younger man writhed and bucked underneath him. He was painfully hard just by listening to the soft muffled moans escaping from the younger man's lips. He, however, had adequate self-control and self-restraint to savor the enchanting taste of the younger man lying vulnerably beneath him. He was more than willing to wait until the younger man's self-control collapsed and the redhead was begging him to finish the job off.

He took the younger man's finger, entwining it with his own, moving up slowly, letting his body rub the younger man's in a light caressing movement, feeling the tremors beneath. He reached up…. leveling his eyes with the younger man's, looking deep into his amethyst orbs. Ran's eyes pleaded with him not to continue his humiliation, a plea that he would be denied. He couldn't care less what or how the younger man's felt.

Ran tried to look away but Crawford gripped his face firmly, holding it in place, denying him from even a slight movement. Crawford's face was so close to him that he could feel the warm breath of the older man. Still gripping his face, Crawford then tilted his head and began nipping the younger man's ear, tracing its shell with his tongue, moistening it before diving his tongue into the hollow. He released one of his hands from Ran's face and let it freely roam down, reaching and stroking the younger man's arousal while pressing his firm body against him.

Ran couldn't help but groan and this time. He couldn't stop the tears running down and staining his pale cheeks…

"It's useless for you to cry, Ran…" Crawford said while proceeding to caress Ran's thighs, his fingers kneading the soft creamy pale flesh, starting to move downwards. His tongue moved again from the belly and around the younger man's groin avoiding the most aching part of his aroused flesh.

Ran jerked his body upward, unable to control himself anymore. He felt what little self-control left in his mind and body ebbing away, lost in the heat of passion.

Crawford knew Ran's self-control had vanished. He didn't have to say it. His actions spoke louder than any words. Crawford grabbed both of his legs, bending them up and thrust himself into the tight cavern. Crawford moaned in pleasure as he felt Ran's tight channel surrounding him and the warmth it offered. Then…. he began to move.

Ran winced in pain as he felt the first thrust and as Crawford moved slowly in his old aged rhythm, he was lost in the sea of pleasure, forgetting where he was, who he was to this man, his mind no longer registering what was right and what was wrong. When he felt Crawford's deep thrusts, Ran cried out as his world darkened, hands blindly reaching for Crawford, his nails digging into the skin, stiffening as he reached his crescendo.

Crawford, controlling his thrusts, merely watched Ran's reaction with a smug satisfaction, but when he heard Ran's hoarse cry, he too lost his self-control, impaling the redhead harder and deeper until he was blinded by a bright coruscating light, yanking the young man's face, bruising the younger man's lips with a searing kiss of possession, spilling his seed to the last drop into the willing body beneath him before collapsing on top of his pet.

Ran merely lay there underneath Crawford, exhausted and dazed… Slowly, his mind started to collect the bits and pieces of the puzzle and fresh tears started to flow slowly down his cheeks. His eyes fixed on the mirror high above on the ceiling, looking at the position he was in now.

He cried harder and closed his eyes… thinking….

I could never leave this place…

I could never find tomorrow…

And even if tomorrow does come…

It will be too late…

Damaged goods…

Tainted merchandise…

Bradley Crawford's whore.

A whore…. that's who I am… nothing… but a whore.

His precious whore…

With that thought Ran cried himself to sleep with Crawford still buried deep within him.

Crawford could feel the hot tears flowing down the younger man's cheeks. He could hear the soft sobs escaping from the younger man's lips until his breathing had calmed and fallen into a deep slumber.

Slowly, he withdrew himself from Ran's body… studying the sleeping face… admiring the beauty, the exquisiteness and the fragility… He could never feel more than ecstatic for owning this young man…

He knew he was the center of talk… for he owned the most beautiful merchandise and he could feel the feeling of arrogance seeping into him.

Crawford looked down at himself… his abdomen covered by Ran's semen mixed with honey… proof of his submission. He moved off the bed and went to the attached bathroom to clean himself. He moistened a small towel and walked back to bed, cleaning the younger man carefully and slowly as not to wake him up.

That done, he slipped back onto the bed, pulling up the cover. He turned to look at the sleeping form again, raising his hand to caress the cheeks. He leaned down and brushes his lips against the younger man's.

Sleep now, my precious….

Sleep and rest on a bed of roses.

He closed his eyes… remembering …

Spinning back in time… when he had acquired his precious doll…


Author's Note:

Me: *look at all her muses* Do all of you think that the disclaimer is enough? Or do I

have to include all the formal words that include FBI in it like the movies??? Or is it too redundant??

Fuuma: *pondering* Why not include Please don't sue me… I have no money!!! My accounts currently only have the minimum saving of RM10.00.

Me: *glare*… And also big thanks to my friend an author of Blood and Fire (I love her fiction, I recommend for Schu/Aya (Ran) pairing to read it) who is currently in Switzerland named Pandora, for all her encouragement and believe, also to my grammatical beta reader Arianse for her huge help and her time in grammatical department for this fiction.. Without both of you, I could never post this fiction... both of you are important to me…thank you both of you.. it means a lot to me…

Ne… I feel like giving a Grammy speech here…

Fuuma: *smack me on head* You forget something..

Me: *thinking then remembered* Oh.. to all my muses from X Characters, especially for the lemon part `Fuuma' here (I don't own him and the others neither *sniff*), the suffering part `Legato' of Trigun, this was borrowed from Pandora… thank you Pandora….^____^. The above story is totally OOC for Weiss, and mm… it is also an AU. To all the muses thank you for inspiring me with this nonsense plot.

All Muses: *glare*

Me: *sweat drop* and to all readers… thank you for reading… this is my first try… so sumi masen for any mistakes or anything associate with that... I hope you like it and also please guide me with your review so that I know how to bring the plot on.

Fuuma: You are rambling!!! Can't you make it short??

Me: Urusei!!!!!