Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ In another man's prison ❯ In invitum ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Hmm.. the usual.. that this characters does not belong to me…Weiss and Schwarz and all characters that related to them belong to Project Weiss Group and the story is just fictional..

Chapter 3: In invitum (Against a person's will)

Ran couldn't help the dread feeling that started to creep in the bowel of his stomach when he saw Crawford's smile. He doesn't like the look of that smile. A pleasant smiles that promised him unpleasant things.

Crawford reached towards the young man and traced his fingers along his jaw line. Ran was caught in surprise with the sudden contact, cowered and stumbled a few steps back. Crawford's touched is giving him an indescribable fear.

Crawford had foreseen the young man reaction and knows how well it will end. Heck! Even if he did not foreseen this he still knows how it will end.

Ran took more steps backward and his face blanched with his fear. He didn't know what the other man actually wanted from him. Crawford told him that he will have to settle his father's debt on behalf-and if his father's debt were to be settled by him working here as one of his personal worker. He had agreed to follow the man to his house to see his place of work.

But what he didn't understand is that why the man took him is his bedroom and why does this man kept on advancing at him in such a lascivious manner?

He could feel that his knees began to buckle.

"What… what do you want me to do in here?" he could hear the panicked in his voice and his eyes frantically darting towards the door.

Crawford did not answer… he merely stalked at the young man and when the young man could not moved any further, he pressed his body against him… positioning his legs between the other trembling legs. Gods! how he loved the feeling and how it aroused him.

"What… what are you doing… Oh! God…no… please… no…stop… don't do this…please… " He was not allowed to end the sentence when Crawford grabbed his face and forced his lips on his… he felt the man's tongue trying to part his lips demanding an entrance.

Ran began to struggle.

He tried to shove the older man away but he was too strong for him. And to add to his disadvantage, he was neatly pinned at the corner of the wall when he was backing away from the other man's advance.

The older man pressed him harder and he couldn't help to wince at the pain and gasped for air. And that was definitely his mistake… the older man took the advantage of his momentarily intake of breath to deepen his kiss and ravaging his mouth, circling his arm around his body and dragged him to bed.


Schuldig could hear the commotion in Crawford's room…

He was indeed a little surprised and amused when Crawford had ordered that the young man were to be placed in the master bedroom rather than his other rooms he usually used for his so called nightly exercise.

Crawford never allowed anyone except Schuldig or the room caretaker into his bedroom… his bedroom like a sanctuary that only people with a secret password could enter…

/Interesting but none of my goddamn business, anyway/

Schuldig ponders for a few seconds, he has nothing to do right now… He listened at the sounds he'd been hearing from Crawford's room and decided to snoop into the young man's mind for entertainment. He had been working with Crawford for too long and he knew when and when not to meddle into the older man's mind.

He closed his eyes…


The young man was terrified…. he was pinned down underneath Crawford on the midnight black silk bed sheet. The four-posture bed was huge and the pillars were covered by sheers of thin black and fiery red muslin that hang loosely from the top.

The sheet was extremely smooth that the young man's leg kept on slipping in his vain attempt to push Crawford who had tore off his shirt and was trailing his fingers roughly on his skin.

Schuldig knew that Crawford would rarely bruised his toys… he was careful about that… but… but he would bruise something deeper, a bruise that was impossible to heal-especially to his newly acquired prize doll.

The boy was crying and pleading for Crawford to stop his violation

Crawford? Stop? Fat chance!

Schuldig could hear more of the pleading.

More of the begging that came next.


The following piercing cries that ricocheting throughout the manor like music in his ears.

/Farfello would love to hear those screams/


Crawford pause for a moment admiring the exquisiteness underneath him, he had stripped the young man off his decency and was gazing at him. The young man was crying hard… his tears glistened under the shimmering lights of the silver chandeliers producing a stunning statuesque picture. Crawford sighed in appreciation.

He wanted to claim the exquisite doll now.

He ignored the young man's pleading and screaming that went on and on with each of his thrust until it diminished into a helpless, racking sobs.


{The next morning}

Schuldig couldn't help but to observe at the form that lay sprawling on the bed. His body, hands and legs were entangled among the strewn haphazard thin black and red sheer muslin. He knew that the young man had pulled it blindly as some of it was laid messily on the floor.

He shook his head and proceeds in carrying the breakfast tray to the end of the room towards the balcony. He could hear the shower running in the bathroom.

He looked again at the young man. Crawford was right; the young man was truly a divine creature.

He was holding the sugar container when he heard a stir movement from the bed. He turned around and saw the slumbering young man had shifted his sleeping position resulting in one of the muslin to drop on the floor exposing his hips.

The sugar container dropped!

"Nice to see, but you cannot hold!"

Smirking, Schuldig picked the sugar container.

They both sat down on the sofa that was placed at the balcony outside the two of two sliding doors that separate the room. The balcony gave both men a spectacular view of beautiful and vast garden between the mazes.

"Not waking him up?"

Crawford snorted.

"The breakfast would get cold"

Crawford ignored the comment, breathing the fresh morning air, sipping his coffee.. "Reports…"

/Work… work… typical Crawford/

/I had my fun last night… Reports/

"Ja.. Ja… Nagi had compiled half of the reports on the new competitor"

Schuldig stretched lazily and reported to Crawford whatever Nagi's findings via his research. He averted his eyes into the bedroom and saw that the young man was already up.

"Your plaything has awoke"


"You know what Crawford… maybe we could try an all-male ménage-à- trois once"

A long, cold stare from Crawford was an enough answer. "Ne..ne… a mere suggestion" Schuldig waving his hand and grinned innocently.

"When you had finished crying… the bathroom is at the corner… clean yourself up"


Sorry for the delay for those who are waiting on this story and thanks for the review and advice too^_^.

I have a long writers block on this. For those who enjoyed the `let's-tortured-Ran', hope this chapter is Ok and for those who don't, well… let's just say.. there are a lot of other fantastic stories by talented authors for all of you to read ^^

Ja ^____^