Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ It's All Relative ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Crawford pushed Aya back to the bed until his calves bumped and the redhead sat down.   Holding Aya's unflinching violet gaze, he pulled his sweatshirt over his head making his silver locks spill over his forehead.  Aya reached with a pale hand to hover just above the darker skin exposed to him.  His hand was close enough to feel the warmth but hesitated to touch.

"Crawford,"  He whispered.

"Brad."  Crawford corrected.  "If this is what you want, then I am Brad when we're not working."  He loosened and dropped his pants and stood before Aya.  "Do you want me, Aya?"

Aya's whole body shuddered from the throaty question.  Instead of attempting words that always tangled in his throat, he skimmed his hands up Brad's sides to grasp his upper arms and pull the taller man over his body.  Aya hissed at the feel of smooth skin sliding over his chest and belly.  He touched the tip of his tongue to the hollow of Brad's throat and inhaled deeply.  He could taste the slight tang of salty sweat overlaying the sandalwood of expensive soap and the musky, masculine flavor of the skin underneath.  Gods, yes, he wanted this man and he wanted to hear that deep, purring voice fill his ears so that all his senses were swamped with pleasure thick and hot enough to melt some of the iciness in his murderer's heart.  Aya licked a wet path up Crawford's neck to his ear to suck the lobe between his teeth.  He thrilled to feel the trermbling reaction he produced.  Yes, he could bring Crawford pleasure, too.

Crawford fisted a hand in crimson hair and pulled Aya's head back to slick his tongue over the full bottom lip.  He could taste himself in the recesses of that sweet heat and it brought to life a deep and primal urge to imprint his lover with his taste and scent.  Brad nipped at his lips and stroked his tongue while his other hand smoothed over taut muscle to dip beneath the waistband of Aya's pants and cup the heat beneath the fabric.  Aya broke away with a gasp and stiffened slightly even as he tried to push himself into Brad's hand.  Honey brown eyes narrowed at the nearly unnoticeable signs of fear and hesitation.

"You have done this before?"  Brad asked.

"Yes."  Purple eyes opened in confusion.  What?  This was not the time for a conversation.  "A few times, when I was younger.  I'm not inexperienced."

"You didn't really enjoy it."  The statement was flat.

Aya raised himself up to his elbow and ran his palm the length of the older man's chest in supplication.

"I don't want to talk about the past.  It's not important.  I want this.  I want you, Brad."

Brad wanted to strangle the nameless man or men who had bungled Aya's introduction to sex.  His plans for vigorous and acrobatic fucking were going to have to be altered a bit.  Brad stroked brilliant bangs back and smiled into lovely eyes that had begun to darken with uncertainty.  Actually, it wasn't a disappointment at all.  Twenty-four years old and Fujimiya Aya was almost a sexual tabula rasa.  A blank slate with no learned responses, a gorgeous body of uncharted territory that Crawford could claim and mold to his desires.  The thought made Brad painfully hard and he dropped his head with a groan into the crook of Aya's neck to nip and suck at the sensitive skin  where the neck joined the shoulder.

"Will you trust me, Aya?"

Aya swallowed several times and still couldn't speak.  It was more difficult for Aya to give his trust than to give his body and Crawford knew it.  Years of being an assassin were screaming at him to get up and get out of this compromising situation.  Placing your trust in someone made you vulnerable to them.  He searched the brown eyes watching him intently and slowly nodded his head.  Crawford's eyes gleamed brighter with satisfaction and lust and his smile was blinding.  He kissed and stroked Aya into pliancy once more then uttered the words that make Aya freeze again.

"I want to cover your eyes."  Aya squeezed his eyes shut reflexively and Crawford kissed each closed lid lightly.  "I want you to only focus on my touch and my voice.  I want to hear your responses.  I know you well enough that will be easier for you if you can hide your eyes.  I'll give that to you if you will give me your trust."

"All right."  Aya croaked, then cleared his throat.  "I trust you."

Crawford left the bed just long enough to find the sash of Aya's robe.  He wrapped the silk over Aya's eyes and tied it at the temple.  Then he drew his thumbs down Aya's cheeks and kissed his lips.



Crawford kissed his way down from the sweet spot on the pale neck to rough his tongue over a pale rose nipple.  He tugged it between his teeth.  Aya gasped sharply and tried to muffle the sound with his fist.

"No."  Crawford encircled his wrist and pulled the fist away from Aya's mouth.  "I want to hear you."

Twisting the abandoned nipple between his fingers, Crawford trailed his lips across to suck and bite at the other one.  Slender fingers threaded through his hair as Aya arched his back and moaned deep in his throat.  Crawford smiled against his skin.  So sensitive!  He moved lower pausing to swirl his tongue in the navel before hooking his thumbs in the loose pants to ease them down past smooth, lightly muscled thighs, shapely calves and fine-boned feet.  Aya obliged, moving his hips in cooperation and letting loose soft sounds of pleasure.

"So beautiful,"  Brad muttered, taking in the vision of the toned pale figure, lying blinded and trusting beneath him.  "Taste good,"  He observed after nibbling at the Achilles tendon and the thin skin behind Aya's knees.

The gasps and sighs of pleasure urged Brad to explore further, tasting all that warm, pale skin.  He discovered that swirling his tongue in the hollows of the inside of Aya's wrists and elbows produced shivers and moans.  Running his hands down Aya's flanks encouraged his legs to part so Brad could settle between his legs and rub their erections together.  He gripped them both with one hand and pulled a few times to make Aya call his name in breathless want.

Brad knelt between Aya's legs and slid his arms under his thighs to part his legs and raise his knees.  He tilted Aya's weight back until it rested on his shoulders and left his cock and puckered opening exposed, folding him in half and effectively pinning the smaller man.  Aya's hand fluttered to the bed to grip handfuls of the covers.

"Brad."  Aya's breathing hitched once but he remained relaxed, seemingly in no discomfort from the position.

"Trust me,"  Crawford purred.  "Just let me bring you pleasure."

Brad kissed both inner thighs before swiping the flat of his tongue directly over Aya's opening.  The effect was electric.  Aya twisted and arched with a harsh shout, subsiding to moan over and over incoherently as Brad circled several times before shaping his tongue into a point to breach the ring of muscle and lap at the sensitive interior.  Brad freed one hand to grip Aya's length and give stroking pulls, ending each stroke by swirling his thumb over the slit at the top.    Brad felt Aya's inner muscles softening, his thighs trembling, and heard the cries shift to pleading tones.  He lowered Aya's body to the bed and looked around the sparsely furnished room.

"Shhh,shhh,"  He soothed when Aya reached for him blindly in protest of the abandoned pleasure.

Ah, there.  Brad spotted the jar of aloe gel Aya used on his fair skin as protection against the bitter winter wind.  He discarded the lid and dipped his fingers in before laying atop Aya's body again to kiss his lips.

"Is it still good?"  He murmured against Aya's lips.

"Yes, yes!  Gods, Brad, don't stop now!"

Brad chuckled darkly and distracted Aya with a deep, hungry kiss while circling then slipping in the first gel-covered finger.  Aya mewled into his mouth and writhed against him trying to get him deeper, get more sensation.  Brad put in the second finger and started a scissoring, thrusting motion, finger fucking his lover while whispering in his seductive voice how tight, how beautiful, how desirable Aya was.  He changed his angle a bit and brushed against the prostate, wringing a definite scream of pleasure from the redhead.

"Brad, please."  Aya pleaded for completion.

Brad settled again between Aya's legs, placing his knees over his shoulders.  Then he reached up and pulled the sash loose from his lover's eyes.

"Look at me, Aya."  He commanded.  "Tell me you want me."

Passion-wild purple eyes fastened on his face and pale, delicate hands reached for him.   "I want you."  Aya said hoarsely but firmly.

Satisfied, Brad rocked his hips forward and entered halfway in one smooth motion.  Aya bit his lip and groaned low and deep.  A retreat then another thrust, and Brad was seated to the hilt, hitting the prostate dead on and rocking their bodies together.  Aya tossed his head on the rumpled comforter and tightened his legs around Brad's shoulders.

"Ah, ah, more!"

Brad grinned ferally and started  thrusting deep and powerfully, scooting their bodies across the bed until Aya braced his hands against the headboard.  He managed to get his hand between their bodies to stroke Aya's cock in time with his thrusts.  It proved the end for Aya and he came with a strangled shout, spurting pearly streams of come over his chest to his chin.  Brad thrust twice more before giving up his own seed with a satisfied yell and collapsed to his elbows to tremble over Aya's spent body.  Brad kissed his lips, his temple, his eyes and licked the come from his chin.

"Sweet."  He said softly and scooped some on his finger to smear over Aya's bottom lip to savor the flavors together with more kisses.


Aya lay boneless and sated.  He smiled to himself that he now knew what a "Screaming Orgasm" was and, in his opinion, the drink was no comparison to Brad Crawford.

Crawford lifted himself from the bed with a grunt and brought a warm washcloth from Aya's bathroom to clean them.

"You okay?"  He asked with a pleased smile.

"Yes.  Thirsty."

"Me, too.  I'll bring up some juice."

Crawford stepped into his pants and padded barefoot down the stairs.  He saw Schuldig sprawled in the living room looking thoroughly debauched, his eyes glazed and popcorn all over the floor.

"Enjoy yourself, Schu?"

"Guh."  Was the unintelligible response.  Crawford quirked his eyebrow at the telepath and smirked to himself.  Seems like he was just that damn good if it reduced the German motor mouth to single syllables.  Crawford poured two glasses of juice and retraced his steps.

"And Schu?"


Crawford nodded his head at the popcorn.  "Clean up your mess."

Making his way back to Aya's room Crawford mused that the best part of daylight sex was the lack of an awkward 'Morning After'.  Aya was wearing his robe and staring with a bemused expression at the mangled condition of his bed when Crawford reentered the room.  He flushed only slightly as he accepted his glass of juice and made a determined effort not to hide his face.  Aya wasn't submissive by any defnition but painfully shy.  It had taken an immense amount of will power to allow Crawford to blindfold him.  What Schuldig had said at the club was true.  Lust addled the brain and made people incredibly stupid at times.  And yet...Brad hadn't hurt him.  Instead he had given Aya the most incredible experience of his life.  HIs body ached and tingled in various places and sudden movements could send a bolt of pain straight up his spine, but Aya had the almost uncontrollable urge to plaster a huge cheshire cat grin on his face.  Aya wanted to try the sex again, but this time he wanted to be the one to bring his lover to the torrid edge of the abyss.

With a sly, suggestive smile on his face, Aya took Crawford's hand and urged him to his feet.

"Brad,"  He said in his low, lovely voice.  "I never did get my shower.  Care to join me?"

Crawford let his own smile settle into place as Aya scooped up the aloe gel and preceded him into the bathroom.

"By all means,"  Crawford drawled.  "Let's conserve water."