Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ It's All Relative ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aya slashed his last opponent from left shoulder to right hip and jumped back from the spray of blood. Wiping his blade clean on the fine fabric of the corpse's suit he sheathed it and hung his head. The faint trembling and rising nausea that followed his kills these days shook his body. His head felt too large and ached fiercely from the intrusive mind link Schuldig created to keep Schwarz in contact during jobs. Aya was left with a blinding headache every time. The telepath had tried to explain that it would ease with familiarity, but until then, as long as Aya subconsciously fought, the headaches would come.

Schuldig was in the next office systematically scouring the brain of the intended target for more information. Their last few jobs had been assassinations of minor talents trying to ingratiate themselves with what was left of Esset and Rosenkreuz by shipping kidnapped children with varying degrees of talent overseas. Crawford had, of course, been correct when he said the remnants were looking to the West to regroup and rebuild. The small sound of a muffled shot announced that Schuldig had finished his prey.

Crawford left the office holstering his still warm gun, the telepath at his side glowing with an unholy glee over his latest mind rape. The destruction of anyone affiliated with Esset and Rosenkreuz was a special treat for Schuldig. Aya had learned some of Schwarz's history and understood the deeply held hatred for the institution. All of his information had come from Schuldig. Although they shared some fantastic sex, Crawford shared little personal history with Aya. It left the redhead feeling somewhat slighted. He had put his trust in Crawford but it apparently wasn't altogether reciprocated.

Crawford took in the lifeless body in the room and let his eyes trace Aya's body, assuring himself that the physical injuries to his teammate were minor. He knew from experience that the bleakness in Aya's eyes wouldn't fade for a couple of days.

"Let's go." Crawford straightened his tie and walked to the elevator.

"Crawford, did you find out the location of that last group of children?"

"They're not our problem, Abyssinian." Aya flinched at the coldness in Crawford's voice. "The job we were paid to do is done."

"Br..Crawford, they're just kids."

"What Rosenkreuz and Esset are doing is what concerns us. We aren't responsible for the mess they leave behind."

Aya's soft mouth that Crawford usually took great delight in exploring hardened into mulish stubbornness.

"You and Schuldig were once a couple of those snatched kids, Crawford."

Crawford glared angrily at his lover over the distance that separated them. Lovers or not, it was Crawford who led Schwarz. Aya had no business questioning his orders nor was it appropriate to be arguing with him in the middle of a crime scene. Schuldig looked on in amusement, rocking on the balls of his feet to the tune of whatever acid metal band he was currently playing in his head. The telepath did that as a distraction when the cacophony of dying screams from his kills threatened to singe his brain. Now, he turned down the volume in his mind to watch the battle of wills between his leader and his leader's lover. Neither seemed to be backing down from the challenge. Honey brown eyes clashed with violet in a deadly stare that belied the fact the two men had been the most intimate of couples for weeks. The tension escalated until Schuldig himself was twitching from the backlash of anger.

He stepped between the two combatants and burst out in self-preservation. "Crawford! I can implant the location in the head of the nearest authority. Whoever it is will just think it's a hunch."

Aya flicked his glance to Schuldig and silently voiced his gratitude then turned his eyes to beseech Crawford to take the suggestion. Crawford held his ground for a few tense moments.

"Be quick about it," Crawford spat in disgust. "But we are leaving now."

As one the men returned casually to the car parked a block away. Schuldig walked with his eyes half closed in concentration then nodded at Aya in silent confirmation that he had succeeded. Before opening the door to the backseat Aya caught Crawford by the arm.

"Thank you." He murmured.

Crawford shook off his touch irritably and rounded on his subordinate.

"Do not ever question my authority in the middle of a job again. You can argue beforehand or afterwards, but when we're working you will follow my orders without hesitation. That foolish little display of sentimentality could have gotten us killed while you delayed to be a humanitarian. If you ever compromise us again like that I will shoot you myself."

Aya climbed numbly into the backseat. The ride back to the house was chill with a heavy silence. Even Schuldig's normally garrulous personality was subdued. Aya left the car as soon as the garage door closed and, entering the security code of the inner door, disappeared up the back stairs to the second floor. Schuldig removed himself from Crawford's anger, mumbling something about a shower and the jacuzzi.

Crawford stood in the middle of the kitchen struggling to regain his composure. Fuck! He had just threatened to kill his lover. Crawford picked up a heavy crystal vase holding one of Aya's ikebana arrangements and, in an uncharacteristic display of violence, dashed it to the floor. He could still see the hurt and betrayal, the disillusionment in Aya's face. As far as Crawford was concerned there were lines that were not meant to be crossed. Aya had too blatantly stepped across tonight, attempting to drag personal issues into the professional aspect of their lives.

In his shower, Aya heard the crash of shattering glass but made no move to investigate. At the moment he just didn't care. Crawford was right. They were hired killers. There was no room in their lives and no clause in their job description for sentimentality, no place for love and undeserving of it anyway. Aya squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face into the water, telling himself that the only wetness on his face came from the shower. When he emerged, washed clean of blood, he crossed to his bedroom door and did something he hadn't done since moving into the Schwarz household. He locked it.

************************************************************************ *****************************

Aya thrashed to wakefulness with a muffled shriek. Nightmares again. Every failure in his life, both real and imagined, had come again to taunt him in his sleep. Heart still pounding furiously, Aya shivered at the chill clamminess of the sweat drying on his body. When the roaring in his ears subsided Aya felt the presence of another in the room. Without a sound he slipped a dagger from beneath his pillow.

"Easy, kitty, it's just me." The slightly nasal tenor flowed from the darkness of the room.

"Schuldig? What the hell are you doing in my room? I locked the damn door," Aya huffed and returned both dagger and sheath to its hiding place.

"Ja, locking your door in a household of assassins. Real effective." The sarcasm rubbed raw Aya's already bruised pride and tenuous grip on his emotions. It made his voice thin and petulant.

"So, why are you here?" He felt the mattress dip from the weight of another body sitting on the edge.

"Would you believe me if I said I could no longer control my lustful desire for your body?"


"Fine then. Our fearless leader sent me."

"Crawford sent you?"


"To my bed in the middle of the night?"

Schuldig brushed a careless hand over Aya's hair.

"Did you take a blow to the head tonight?"

Aya switched on the bedside light, blinked twice, and shut it off quickly.

"What was that all about?" Schuldig asked, amused.

"I didn't want to be blinded. I wouldn't have believed anyone would ever dye silk that color. I'm surprised it doesn't give you nightmares."

Schuldig snorted, then laughed. "You know, Aya, when you decide to get out of the assassin business you should go work for 'Vogue' or 'GQ'. No, really, I'm serious. You've become such a fashion critic."

"Why are you really here, Schuldig?"

Schuldig lifted the other side of the blankets and snuggled up close before Aya could protest. It confused Aya that he didn't immediately shove the telepath in the floor. Since when did he feel comfortable with Schuldig?

"I told you. Crawford sent me." Schuldig sighed and managed to make himself sound much put upon and abused. "He knew your nightmares would be bad tonight."

"So?" Aya retorted, stung that his teammates thought he needed such coddling.

"So, I'm here to keep the bad things away." The way Schuldig said it gave the impression of comforting a child. The telepath picked up the thought and snickered. "Baby, I definitely don't think of you as a kid. It's human to need people once in a while."

"Why didn't he come himself?"

Schuldig arranged his long body around Aya like a security blanket. "You did lock your door."

"That didn't stop you," Aya murmured, starting to feel sleepy again, lulled by the warmth of the telepath's body and the inescapable comfort/safety/trust me being fed into his head.

"He can take a hint. Me, I love a challenge, plus I didn't threaten to kill you tonight. Crawford figures you wouldn't want him here right now."

"Hm," Aya hummed some noise of agreement, almost asleep from the hands stroking through his hair and down his back. Then those hands reached down to squeeze his backside. "Hey!" He yelped.

"Sorry, kitty." Schuldig chuckled. "Didn't want you to get the wrong idea that I was being all noble and shit. I wouldn't want it to get around and damage my image."

"Point taken. You're still a sex fiend who dresses in the dark."

"Sleep, Aya," Schuldig whispered and reinforced it with a mental command.

The telepath sighed in resignation and unwrapped himself from the man who was now in a deep, dreamless sleep. He patted his hardened member sympathetically and shot a dirty look at Crawford's closed door.

/You so owe me, you bastard./ Schuldig sent to Crawford, then went into his bathroom to take care of his 'little' problem before returning to his own bed.

Schuldig burrowed into the nest of pillows that covered his bed. He really needed to get himself a steady lover of his own and he really needed to introduce the concept of make up sex to two stubborn jack asses. Schuldig did not like being forced into the role of arbitrator. It was more responsibility than he wanted and it was really fucking with his world view, not to mention his beauty sleep.