Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ It's All Relative ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aya woke when Crawford was in the process of disentangling himself from his lover's body. Apparently Aya had migrated across the bed during the night to nestle against Crawford's warmth. Biting back a groan as he steeled himself against censure, Aya nearly jumped when Crawford merely trailed his fingers softly over Aya's cheek before heading for the shower to start his day.

"I'll being working in my office most of the day," Crawford called over his shoulder. "There's a pile of mail and messages concerning work to be handled. I trust you and Schuldig to take care of settling Kudou."

Aya puffed out his cheeks on an annoyed exhalation. It seemed Crawford was going to go about business as usual with no reference to last night's argument. Aya dropped his head into the pillow that smelled faintly of Crawford's cologne and breathed deeply before rising from the bed. He pulled on the pieces of an exercise outfit and soft soled shoes, intending to work out before breakfast and a shower.

The kitchen welcomed him with the tempting scent of fresh brewed coffee. Crawford must have set the timer the night before. Aya ignored it in favor of his tea kettle until the lingering fatigue in his body and the prospect of talking to Yohji made him put down the empty kettle and pour the dark brew into a thick mug. He pulled down a couple of mugs for Crawford and Yohji and unearthed Schuldig's bird bath sized cup from the dishwasher. Aya shook his head in amusement. In the months he had been with Schwarz Aya had learned that Schuldig was a danger both to himself and others until he had consumed massive amounts of caffeine in the morning.

Aya sipped his coffee and peered out the window where the grayness of early morning was just starting to lighten. Not going to brighten up by much, Aya mused. A steady rain was pelting the ground. Aya recalled that Spring in the United States was graced with lots of rain. He sighed, disappointed. His workout would be confined to the indoor gym unless he wanted to get soaked. Aya took a cup of coffee up to Crawford's office and retrieved his katana. Crawford looked up briefly from his laptop to acknowledge the offering with a nod.

"Thank you," Crawford took his first drink and closed his eyes in satisfaction. "I'll see you later."

Aya curled his lip at the decidedly pointed dismissal and whipped around to stalk downstairs. He was greeted by being enveloped from behind by green silk covered arms and flying orange hair. Schuldig molded to his back and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.

"You tucked me in again, kitten?" Schuldig purred in his ear.

"What makes you think it was me?" Aya continued to the kitchen, the telepath clinging like a limpet to his body.

Schuldig snorted inelegantly. "Oh, please, Aya. Yohji was as wiped as I was and Crawford would have considered just dumping me in my room as good enough."

Aya held up Schuldig's huge cup and used it to entice the man into releasing his hold on his body. "I was just being considerate. I'm practicing my weakest skills," He said wryly.

"Feel free to practice any skills you want to on me. I'll always be a willing guinea pig for you, babe."

Aya rolled his eyes at the innuendo.

"I'm going to do my katas. Just let Yohji sleep until he wakes. Crawford's orders for today are to settle Yohji and furnish a room for him."

"Oooh, shopping!" Schuldig's eyes sparkled with the thrill of spending, then they darkened in concern as he picked up on the stray thoughts of Aya's discontent with Crawford. "Fearless leader being a prick?"

Aya's lips compressed into a straight line and his face smoothed to blankness. "Nothing to concern you, Schu. It's personal."

"The happiness of my friend concerns me, kitten." Schuldig frowned in perfect seriousness.

Aya almost snapped at Schuldig to butt out before he caught himself, remembering all the times he had refused overtures from the members of Weiss and the hurt he had caused them. Aya reminded himself that he had resolved to be more open.

"Thank you," He said instead and squeezed the telepath's shoulder. "It's something we have to work out between ourselves, but I appreciate your concern."

"My door and my arms are open to you at all times."

"You're incorrigible."

"You wouldn't have me any other way." Schuldig snickered and returned his attention to his gallon of coffee.

"I'm going to work out."

"You do that, Oh obsessive compulsive one, and I'll wait for sunshine to wake up."

"Behave, Schuldig. You know what Yohji's been through recently."

"Hey! I can be sensitive and gentle when needed," Schuldig bristled.

"Yes, but you're as subtle as a brick in the face," Aya retorted.

"Go sweat or something. It's my turn to make breakfast and I want pastries. You want to watch that girlish figure of yours."

Aya left his infuriating teammate to diving in his coffee bath and took his katana to the gym. He didn't hear Yohji slipping down the back stairs to the kitchen. Schuldig, having known he was there the whole time, turned his head in Yohji's direction.

"Quit lurking, Kudou, and come join me."

The blonde assassin cautiously eased into the room and took the cup Schuldig offered him.

"That was certainly entertaining. Aya has changed a lot, hasn't he?" Yohji stared into the darkness of his mug.

"For the better, I'd say," Schuldig said. "We befriended him, not subverted him, Kudou. Don't forget I can hear your thoughts." Schuldig smirked when Yohji jerked in surprise, sloshing his coffee.

"And Crawford is his 'friend'," Yohji said, sarcastically.

"Crawford is his lover, and like Aya said, that is between the two of them." Schuldig cocked his head at Yohji and pierced him with his bright, blue eyes. "He grieved for you, you know. He still has terrible nightmares about not being able to save you when the academy was destroyed."

"He did?" Yohji frowned, his thoughts derailed.

"Yes, he did, Kudou. Aya didn't know you had survived. Persia didn't let him know."

"Persia!" Yohji spit the name in disgust. He took a deep swallow of his coffee to wash away the bitterness.

"We can help you, Yohji. We're already getting closer to finding out who targeted Aya. You'll have your revenge, Kudou, and you'll have something to build on and live for when it's over if you want it. It will be up to you, Yohji. We made Aya the same offer and even he admits that he is better for it. He even smiles now and it's a lovely thing to see."

Yohji narrowed his eyes in speculation at Schuldig. His ingrained skills he used as a P. I. tingled. "You love him, don't you?"

"Feh, you admit the Mastermind is capable of deep feelings?" Schuldig averted his eyes and deflected the question.

Yohji shrugged and let it go.

"Any other questions before I whip up breakfast and offend both Crawford and Aya with sugar loaded coffee cake?"

Yohji lit a cigarette and smirked through the smoke. "Yeah, what's up with the bunny slippers?"

Schuldig plucked the cigarette from Yohji's lips and took a deep drag. "I never knew Weiss was so fashion conscious." He put the cigarette back between Yohji's lips and opened cabinets and the refrigerator to gather the ingredients for strudel, leaving Yohji to drink coffee and mull over their conversation.

************************************************************************ ***************************

As predicted, Aya sniffed in disdain at the hot pastry and choose fruit for his breakfast. Schuldig braved Crawford's wrath long enough to invade the sanctity of his office and leave a plate on the desk. After showering the other three men took Schuldig's bright, red sports car to the nearest mall. Yohji insisted on the shotgun seat so he could see everything.

The blonde and the redheaded telepath bonded over the shopping outlet. Aya trailed behind the two, amused and indulgent of his two companions. He personally had no interest in shopping but he was glad to see Schuldig making an effort to resurrect Yohji's personality. It disturbed Aya greatly to see the dark emptiness in Yohji's eyes.

Their first stop was a bed and bath store. Schuldig guided Yohji towards a huge cherry sleigh bed. Aya thought the bed overly ostentatious, but Schuldig shushed him, pronouncing the bed perfect.

"The head and foot boards provide excellent leverage." Aya and even Yohji blushed at the telepath's implications. Schuldig went on to extoll the beauty of the wood and the fantastic wardrobe and tables that completed the set.

Yohji threw up his hands in capitulation and made arrangements to have the bedroom set delivered to the house later that day. On a roll now, Schuldig dragged the other two from store to store, insisting that Yohji needed a complete new wardrobe to replace what he had left in Japan. Aya eventually begged off to be left in a bookstore while the blonde and the redhead went to Hot Topic to find Yohji some leathers for working and some club gear as Schuldig insisted that Yohji simply had to get out to enjoy the night life of New York. He scathingly revealed that Crawford and Aya only ventured to a club if it involved a job.

Yohji and Schuldig, flushed and laden with bags, returned to get Aya. After they dumped the bags in the car Schuldig insisted they try a German restaurant he had discovered.

"Not as good as the real thing," He said. "But a passable eatery with good beer on tap."

Yohji and Schuldig ordered steins of beer. Aya, not liking the taste of beer, was at a loss until he remembered his night out with Crawford and Schuldig. He had the satisfaction of watching Yohji's jaw drop when he order a 'Screaming Orgasm'. They had a slightly tipsy lunch then returned to the car for the trip to the house. Yohji kept turning around in his seat to regard Aya until the swordsman squirmed.

"So, Aya, how come you never let on that you were gay?" Yohji asked with a grin.

"I'm not gay!" Aya hissed. "What makes you say that?"

"Well," Yohji drawled. "Having sex with another man tends to be a dead giveaway."

"Just because I have a male lover does not make me gay!" Aya shouted, incensed. "This topic is not up for discussion, Yohji. Crawford is only the second lover I have ever had. I distinctly remember a time when you followed and bedded any attractive thing on two legs, male or female. You have no right to judge me!"

"Aya, Aya, cool down," Yohji soothed. "I'm not judging you. I'm just curious why you chose Crawford."

Schuldig was conspicuously silent, listening intently to see what Aya would reveal after having had a few drinks.

"Are you blind?!" Aya exploded. "You can't tell me that he doesn't look like pure sex dressed in Armani. And his kisses, Yohji. Damn. I could almost come from his kisses. In his arms I feel safe and wanted and desired. He wants me and I like it." Aya covered his eyes and leaned into the cushions of the back seat. Maybe that last drink hadn't been such a good idea. He seemed to have lost all control of his mouth. "I just hate it, hate it when he pulls rank on me and makes me feel stupid and incompetent. I'm not, you know. I'm a trained assassin."

"Of course not, kitten," Schuldig said from the front seat. "Maybe if you told Brad this instead of us you would feel better." He smiled with unconcealed glee at the thought of the ensuing fireworks. "We'll be home in five minutes."

Yohji eyed the telepath dubiously.

/Trust me, Yohji. They need to work this out before it implodes./ Schuldig sent straight to Yohji's mind.

Yohji sent back a burst of skepticism, but it was too late to intervene. They had reached the house and Crawford was waiting in the door that opened from the garage into the house. Aya left Yohji and Schuldig to handle their bags and marched right up to Crawford to get in his face. Crawford took in the flushed cheeks and light of battle in the glowing orchid eyes of his lover and turned a speculating eye on the remainder of his team.

"We have a job, but I foresaw the need to postpone it until tomorrow night."

"That's good," Aya slurred slightly. "You and I need to have a discussion, Brad." He emphasized Crawford's first name. He snagged Crawford's tie and used it like a leash to tug him up the back stairs to the second level. "But first I want you to fuck me." Aya loudly whispered, thinking he was being discreet.

Loud, nasal laughter and a deeper matching sound erupted from the first floor. Aya plastered himself to Crawford's body, heedless of the rapt audience listening in the kitchen. He nipped and sucked all the skin he could reach and ground himself suggestively against his lover's hard body.

"Unless you're into exhibitionism, Aya, I suggest we take this to my room," Crawford managed to gasp out between kisses.

Aya gave a pickled version of his usual glare and followed Crawford to the bedroom. "No," He stated, quite clearly. "You are mine. No one else gets to see."

Crawford chuckled at his lover's tipsy possessiveness and fisted his hands in crimson hair to take control of the kisses.

"I want you anyway, but you are a true delight with a few drinks in you, Fujimiya."

"Do I amuse you?" Purple eyes burned hot with wrath. The effect was ruined when they crossed briefly.

Crawford's lips twitched with the effort in keeping a straight face. Liquor or not, Aya saw the smile behind the mask. He stood on tiptoe to get nose to nose with Crawford.

"You," Aya said, "are a complete and utter bastard."

"And?" Crawford murmured the word against Aya's lips.

"Half the time I want to run my katana through your chest," Aya hissed through clenched teeth.

"You do?" Crawford turned the redhead's face to bite down on his ear lobe. A shiver passed through Aya's body. "The rest of the time?"

"I want to throw you face down on the bed and make you beg for me."

"That will never happen."

Aya reached behind Crawford to lock the bedroom door. He smiled in a way that made Crawford's blood run hot and fast in response to the unspoken challenge.

"You said you only saw possible futures, Brad." Aya unbuttoned Crawford's shirt to get to his chest. "Relax that control a little and don't look ahead. Let's just see what happens then. I refuse to let you bring your anal retentive attitude to bed."

"Your 'sweet talking' could use some work."

"You're a control freak." Aya retorted, sobering quickly. "Show me you can be spontaneous."

Crawford cupped Aya's face in his hands and let his mouth curve into a full, genuine smile. "This from the Abyssinian."

Aya pressed a kiss into Crawford's palm. "I've changed. So can you." He was unaware that his eyes conveyed his emotions. Need and heat and desire swirled openly in their purple depths.

"Brad," Aya whispered to his lover and reached for him with a kiss that contained all the feeling he didn't put into words.

Crawford's iron will faltered under the assault of the hot hands and mouth of the fey creature demanding his surrender.

"Bed. Now." Aya ordered and stripped his lover of both clothes and emotional armor in seconds.

Schuldig pulled Yohji into the kitchen and shoved a bowl and bottles of beer in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Yohji asked the telepath.

Schuldig placed a hand against Yohji's cheek to make it easier to establish a link to his mind before tossing a bag in the microwave and setting the timer. Yohji's curiosity and interest were tweaked by the high color in Schu's face and the anticipatory smirk on his face. Yohji admitted as privately as possible that Schuldig was a fascinating person, bright and lively, not quite the malicious killer he thought he remembered. Let's not forget pretty damned hot, his libido spoke up after months of grieving. Yohji fumbled the bowl, Schuldig's smirk deepened into a grin and the microwave beeped behind them.

"I'm making us some popcorn, Kudou."